Using DS9 Regions to Include and Exclude Sources in HST Image Alignment with TWEAKREG

Note: The notebook in this repository 'Initializtion.ipynb' goes over many of the basic concepts such as the setup of the environment/package installation and should be read first if you are new to HST images, DrizzlePac, or Astroquery.


DS9 is a popular image visualization program used in astronomy. It is now a standard package in the AstroConda channel. DS9 regions are interactive, user generated shapes which mark areas of interest. Here is documentation about DS9 regions. For users with no experience with DS9, many resources exist online. One example is this AstroBites page which summarizes the most common DS9 features.

In this example we show how TweakReg can include and exclude sources identified by DS9 regions during image alignment. The use of "excluded" regions prevents spurious detections and ignores parts of the input images that might trouble a proper identification of sources for alignment. "Included" regions is particularly useful for images that have few good sources that can be used for image alignment and need all other sources not contained within these regions to be ignored.

This notebook is based on a prior example available from the DrizzlePac webpage. Please direct inquires about this notebook, DrizzlePac, or any other issues with HST images to the HST help desk.

In [1]:
# import all packages
import glob
import os
import shutil

from astropy.table import Table
from import fits
from astroquery.mast import Observations
from drizzlepac import tweakreg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from photutils import CircularAperture
import regions
from regions import read_ds9

# set plotting details for notebooks
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20,20)
The following task in the stsci.skypac package can be run with TEAL:

ModuleNotFoundErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'
 Coordinate transformation and image resampling library NOT found!

 Please check the installation of this package to insure C code was built successfully.

ImportErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
/opt/conda/envs/notebooks_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/drizzlepac/ in <module>
     22 try:
---> 23     from . import cdriz
     24 except ImportError:

ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ImportErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-24d194577a94> in <module>
      7 from import fits
      8 from astroquery.mast import Observations
----> 9 from drizzlepac import tweakreg
     10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     11 from photutils import CircularAperture

/opt/conda/envs/notebooks_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/drizzlepac/ in <module>
     19 from .version import *
---> 21 from . import ablot
     22 from . import adrizzle
     23 from . import astrodrizzle

/opt/conda/envs/notebooks_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/drizzlepac/ in <module>
     26     print('\n Coordinate transformation and image resampling library NOT found!')
     27     print('\n Please check the installation of this package to insure C code was built successfully.')
---> 28     raise ImportError
     30 from .version import *


1. Download the data

This example uses observations of 'MACSJ1149.5+2223-HFFPAR' (proposal ID 13504, files jcdua3f4q_flc.fits and jcdua3f8q_flc.fits). We provide code below to retrieve the ACS/WFC calibrated FLC files.

Data are downloaded using the astroquery API to access the MAST archive. The astroquery.mast documentation has more examples for how to find and download data from MAST.

It is unusual to download individual files instead of all the related files in an association, but it can be done. First, we need to find the IDs for these two specific FLC files.

Note: astroquery uses both obs_id and obsID. Be careful not to confuse them.

In [ ]:
# Retrieve the observation information.
obs_table = Observations.query_criteria(obs_id=['JCDUA3010','JCDUA3020'])

# Find obsID for specific FLC images.
product_list_by_association = Observations.get_product_list(obs_table['obsid'])
product_list_by_association['obsID', 'productFilename'][18:28]

Based on this table, the obsID values for jcdua3f4q_flc.fits and jcdua3f8q_flc.fits are 2003170978 and 2003170979. We use this information to download these two FITS files.

In [ ]:
# Download jcdua3f4q_flc.fits and jcdua3f8q_flc.fits from MAST. 
dataProductsByID = Observations.get_product_list(['2003170978','2003170979'])
dataProductsByID = Observations.filter_products(dataProductsByID, 
download_table = Observations.download_products(dataProductsByID)

If the cell above produces an error, try running it again. Connection issues can cause errors on the first try.

In [ ]:
# Move the files from the mastDownload directory to the current working directory.
fits_files = glob.glob('mastDownload/HST/*/jcdua3f[48]q_flc.fits') 
for file in fits_files:
    os.rename(file, os.path.basename(file))
# Delete the mastDownload directory and all subdirectories it contains.

2. Use TweakReg to create source catalogs

Run TweakReg on one of the FLC files downloaded into this directory, jcdua3f4q_flc.fits. By limiting the input list to one file TweakReg makes the source catalog for this image, but performs no matching or aligning. Using a slightly larger conv_width of 4.5 pixels (versus the default of 3.5 for ACS/WFC) means TweakReg will be able to utilize small compact objects for alignment.

Note: This notebook is only concerned with the source detection capabilities of TweakReg, and so to prevent any changes being saved to the images, the updatehdr parameter is set to False.

In [ ]:

This creates four output files:

  • jcdua3f4q_flc_sci1_xy_catalog.coo contains the X and Y positions, flux, and IDs for all detected sources in the SCI1 extention
  • jcdua3f4q_flc_sci2_xy_catalog.coo contains the X and Y positions, flux, and IDs for all detected sources in the SCI2 extention
  • jcdua3f4q_flc_sky_catalog.coo has the RA and DEC of all the sources from both extensions
  • tweakreg.log is the log file output from TweakReg

Read in the the SCI1 catalog file.

In [ ]:
# Read in the SCI1 catalog file
coords_tab ='jcdua3f4q_flc_sci1_xy_catalog.coo', 
                        format='ascii.no_header', names=['X','Y','Flux', 'ID'])

# Output the first five rows to display the table format

Now read in the FITS image. This step will be used for demonstrative plots and is not necessary to run TweakReg.

In [ ]:
hdulist ='jcdua3f4q_flc.fits')

Then use photutils to generate apertures in order to display the source catalog positions detected by TweakReg on the FITS image. A fair number of spurious detections are found, but these are generally cosmic-rays which fall in random positions across the detector and will therefore not make it through into the matched catalogs (frame to frame).

Note: This step may take a few seconds to run due to the large number of apertures plotted.

In [ ]:
# Make the apertures with photutils. 
# One pixel offset corrects for differences between (0,0) and (1,1) origin systems. 
apertures = CircularAperture([coords_tab['X']-1., 

# Plot a region of the image with pyplot
plt.imshow(hdulist[1].data, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=400)

# Overplot the apertures onto the image
apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1)

3. DS9 Regions in TweakReg

TweakReg allows the following DS9 regions: circle, ellipse, polygon, and box. All other regions are ignored. All region files must comply with the DS9 region file format and all regions must be provided in image coordinates.

This demonstration uses one of each type of shape possible. In the region file, they look like this (in image coordinates):


Next the DS9 regions are read in and parsed with the astropy regions package and then added to the plot to show how they look on the image.

In [ ]:
# Read in and parse the DS9 region file with the regions package
ds9_regions_file = 'jcdua3f4q_sci1_exclude.reg'
regions = read_ds9(ds9_regions_file, errors='ignore')

# Plot previous figure with DS9 region shapes
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
          vmin=0, vmax=400)
apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.)
for regs in range(4):
    regions[regs].plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='red', lw=2, fill=False)

You can see the polygon outlining a galaxy, including the extended tidal stream. The other shapes are placed randomly as demonstration.

This figure will be remade several times with different TweakReg outputs, so a function has been defined below to automatically read in the TweakReg source catalog and reproduce this figure.

In [ ]:
# Define a function to remake this figure after subsequent TweakReg runs.
def read_tweak_cat_and_plot():
    This function reads in the TweakReg coordinate catalog for
    SCI1 of image JCDUA3F4Q, creates apertures for all the sources
    detected, then plots the apertures on the FITS image along
    with the DS9 region files defined previously in the notebook.'''

    # Read in the SCI1 catalog file with the exclusions
    coords_tab ='jcdua3f4q_flc_sci1_xy_catalog.coo', 
                            names=['X','Y','Flux', 'ID'])
    # Define apertures for TweakReg identified sources
    apertures = CircularAperture([coords_tab['X']-1., 
    # Plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.imshow(hdulist[1].data, cmap='Greys', 
              origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=400)
    apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.)
    for regs in range(4):
        regions[regs].plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='red', lw=2, fill=False)

4. Exclusion regions

TweakReg identifies the DS9 region files from a plain text file provided to the exclusions parameter. This text file must give the filename of the images and the name of the DS9 region files that should be applied to the SCI1 and SCI2 extensions, respectively. The format is important, and for our example would look like:

jcdua3f4q_flc.fits jcdua3f4q_sci1_exclude.reg None
jcdua3f8q_flc.fits None None

'None' serves the function of an empty placeholder. Since the exclusions are applied only to SCI1, the syntax can be simplified to the following.

jcdua3f4q_flc.fits jcdua3f4q_sci1_exclude.reg

NOTE: If an image needs DS9 regions applied to the SCI2 extension only, then 'None' must be written after the filename and before the SCI2 region.

The git repo for this notebook contains a file exclusions.txt to use as input to TweakReg.

To exclude the sources within a DS9 region shape, a minus sign (-) is put before the shape. This time, all four shapes will be exluded from source detection. The corresponding DS9 region jcdua3f4q_sci1_exclude.reg therefore has the syntax:

# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1
global color=yellow dashlist=8 3 width=2 font="helvetica 10 normal roman" 
select=1 highlite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1

Now TweakReg is run again, this time with the DS9 regions provided by the exclusions parameter.

In [ ]:
# tweakreg run with DS9 regions excluded from source detection
In [ ]:

As expected, sources within the defined DS9 exlusion regions are no longer in the TweakReg source catalog.

5. Inclusion Regions

Now we will look at inclusions, where only sources inside the DS9 regions are detected by TweakReg. The exclusions parameter name doesn't change, but in this example we give it inclusions.txt now instead.

jcdua3f4q_flc.fits jcdua3f4q_sci1_include.reg

From the information from the last section, the file syntax indicates that jcdua3f4q_sci1_include.reg is applied to the SCI1 extention of jcdua3f4q_flc.fits, and no DS9 regions are given for the SCI2 extention, or for the second image jcdua3f8q_flc.fits.

Looking at jcdua3f4q_sci1_include.reg, it shows the same shapes as before, but the minus signs (-) at the beginning of the lines are removed.

# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1
global color=yellow dashlist=8 3 width=2 font="helvetica 10 normal roman" 
select=1 highlite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1

There is no symbol associated with inclusion regions. If there is no symbol before the shape, then it is treated as an inclusion region. If there is a minus sign (-), then it is treated as an exclusion region.

In [ ]:
# tweakreg run with source detection only inside the DS9 regions 
In [ ]:

This shows that only sources in the DS9 regions are included in the TweakReg source catalog. Note that only 63 objects were found by TweakReg for SCI1, compared to 10294 found in the original catalog. The number of objects for SCI2 is unchanged.

6. Combining Exclusion and Inclusion Regions

The inclusion and exclusion regions can be used at the same time. For this example, the inclusions_no_box.txt file is fed to the exclusions parameter in TweakReg.

jcdua3f4q_flc.fits jcdua3f4q_sci1_include_no_box.reg

jcdua3f4q_sci1_include_no_box.reg has only a minus sign (-) on the last line.

# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1
global color=yellow dashlist=8 3 width=2 font="helvetica 10 normal roman" 
select=1 highlite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1

This means that all the shapes will be treated as inclusion regions except for the box, which will be excluded from the source detection.

In [ ]:
# tweakreg run with a mix of included/excluded DS9 regions
In [ ]:

This shows the sources detected within the inclusion regions except for those excluded from the box.

NOTE: The order of the DS9 regions is important!

TweakReg applies the DS9 region requirements in the order in which they appear in the DS9 region file. To demonstrate this, the excluded box shape is moved to the beginning of the region list, so that it is the first processed instead of the last. This is seen by inputing inclusions_no_box_first.txt which specifies the region file jcdua3f4q_sci1_include_no_box_first.reg:

# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1
global color=yellow dashlist=8 3 width=2 font="helvetica 10 normal roman" 
select=1 highlite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1
In [ ]:
# tweakreg run with excluded box first to show order of operations
In [ ]:

Now the circle is given precedence because it is the last region shape processed, and therefore the section of overlap with the box is not removed as it was in the previous figure.

Due to this behavior, remember to be careful with the order in the DS9 region file when combining inclusion and exclusion requirements.

About this Notebook

Author: S. Hoffmann, STScI ACS Team  
Updated: December 14, 2018