This Notebook is designed to walk the user (you) through: Altering the extraction box used to extract your spectrum from a COS `TIME-TAG` exposure file.
- 1.1. Understanding the XTRACTAB and examining a 2D spectrum
- 1.2. Defining some useful functions
- 1.3. Examining the extraction boxes
2. Editing the extraction boxes
- 2.1. Defining an editing function
- 2.2. Making the edits
- 2.3. Confirming the changes
3. Running the CalCOS Pipeline with the new XTRACTAB
- 3.1. Editing the XTRACTAB header value
- 3.2. Running the pipeline
The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) is an ultraviolet spectrograph on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) with capabilities in the near ultraviolet (NUV) and far ultraviolet (FUV).
This tutorial aims to prepare you to work with the COS data of your choice by walking you through altering the extraction box sizes in the XTRACTAB/_1dx
file to make sure you are extracting the cleanest possible signal from your source and background. We will demonstrate this in both the NUV and FUV.
Note that some COS modes which use the FUV detector can be better extracted using the TWOZONE method, which is not directly discussed in this Notebook. All COS/NUV modes use the BOXCAR method discussed in this Notebook.
to handle arrays and fits
and astropy.table Table
for accessing FITS filesglob
, os
, and shutil
for working with system filesastroquery.mast Observations
for finding and downloading data from the MAST archivematplotlib.pyplot
for plottingmatplotlib.image
for reading in imagescalcos
to run the CalCOS pipeline for COS data reductionscipy.interpolate interp1d
for interpolating datasets to the same samplingpathlib Path
for managing system pathsNew versions of CalCOS
are currently incompatible with astroconda. To create a Python environment capable of running all the data analyses in these COS Notebooks, please see Section 1 of our Notebook tutorial on setting up an environment.
We'll also filter out two unhelpful warnings about a deprecation and dividing by zero which do not affect our data processing.
# Import for: array manipulation
import numpy as np
# Import for: reading fits files
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits
# Import for: downloading the data
from astroquery.mast import Observations
# Import for: plotting
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Import for: showing images from within Python
from matplotlib import image as mpimg
# Import for: dealing with system files
import glob, os, shutil
# Import for: running the CalCOS pipeline
import calcos
# Import for: comparing the old and new CalCOS values
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
#Import for: working with system paths
from pathlib import Path
# We will also suppress a warning that won't affect our data processing:
np.seterr(divide = 'ignore')
np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=np.VisibleDeprecationWarning)
# These will be important directories for the Notebook
datadir = Path('./data/')
outputdir = Path('./output/')
plotsdir = Path('./output/plots/')
# Make the directories if they don't exist
datadir.mkdir(exist_ok=True), outputdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True), plotsdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
We choose the exposures with the association obs_id: LE4B04010
and download all the _rawtag
data. This dataset happens to be COS/NUV data taken with the G185M grating, observing the star: LS IV -13 30.
For more information on downloading COS data, see our notebook tutorial on downloading COS data.
Note, we're working with the _rawtags
because they are smaller files and quicker to download than the _corrtag
files. However, this workflow translates very well to using _corrtag
files, as you likely will want to do when working with your actual data. If you wish to use the default corrections converting from raw to corrected TIME-TAG
data, you may instead download and work with CORRTAG
files directly.
pl = Observations.get_product_list(Observations.query_criteria(obs_id='LE4B04010'))
masked_pl = pl[np.isin(pl['productSubGroupDescription'],['RAWTAG', 'ASN', 'X1DSUM'])] # You could put 'CORRTAG' here
# Now download:
We gather a list of all the _rawtag
files we have downloaded, as well as the _asnfile
and _x1dsum
rawtags = glob.glob('./mastDownload/HST/**/*_rawtag.fits',
asnfile = glob.glob('./mastDownload/HST/**/*_asn.fits',
old_x1dsum = glob.glob('./mastDownload/HST/**/*_x1dsum.fits',
The raw data from the COS instrument is a series of events, each corresponding to a photon interacting with the detector at a specific X, Y point, (and at a specific time if in TIME-TAG
mode). We generally wish to translate this to a 1-dimensional spectrum (*Flux or Intensity on the y axis vs. Wavelength on the x axis*). To do this, we can first make a 2-dimensional spectrum, by plotting all the X,Y points of the spectrum onto a 2D image of the detector. The different spectra (i.e. of the NUV of FUV target, the wavelength calibration source) then appear of stripes of high count density on this image. We can then simply draw extraction boxes around these stripes, and integrate to collapse the data onto the wavelenth axis.
The XTRACTAB is a fits file which contains a series of parallelogram "boxes" to be used for different COS modes.
These are the boxes which we collapse to create a 1-dimensional spectrum. For each combination of COS lifetime position, grating, cenwave, etc., the extraction box is specified by giving the slope and y-intercept of a line, and the height of the parallelogram which should be centered on the line. Similar boxes are specified for background regions. For more information on the XTRACTAB, see the COS Data Handbook.
For many reasons, we may wish to use an extraction box different from the one specified by the default XTRACTAB, and instead set the boxes manually.
We need to see where the NUV stripes fall in order to determine where we should place the extraction boxes. First, let's plot this as a 2D image of the raw counts. To begin, we select and plot the raw counts data from the 0th rawtag file:
# Read the data from the first rawtag
rawtag = rawtags[0],1)
# Plot the raw counts:
plt.scatter(rtd['RAWX'],rtd['RAWY'], s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c='C0')
# Plot lines roughly centered on the 3 NUV stripes:
for i, (line,label) in enumerate(zip([187,285,422],['NUVA', 'NUVB', 'NUVC'])):
plt.axhline(line, color='myr'[i], linewidth=3, alpha=0.8, linestyle='dotted', label=label)
plt.xlabel('Dispersion axis Pixel', size=20)
plt.ylabel('Cross-dispersion axis Pixel', size=20)
plt.title("Fig 1.1\n2D spectrum of all raw (unfiltered) counts", size=25)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
The dense stripes in the lower half of Fig 1.1 (highlighted by the dotted lines) are the actual science data raw counts, while the patched stripes towards the top of the plot are the wavelength calibration counts. For a diagram of a NUV 2D spectrum, see COS Data Handbook Figure 1.10.
Now we'll need to see where the original XTRACTAB
places its extraction boxes:
Find the name of the XTRACTAB
used by this first _rawtag
orig_xtractab = fits.getheader(rawtag)['XTRACTAB']
If you have an existing lref
directory with a cache of reference files:
Give the system the lref
system variable, which points to the reference file directory, uncomment the cell below (beginning with "#### YES lref:
"), and comment out the following code cell (beginning with "#### NO lref:
#### YES lref:
# lref = '/path/to/your/lref/'
# %env lref /path/to/your/lref/
# orig_xtractab = lref + orig_xtractab.split('$')[1] # This is the full path
If you don't have an existing lref
directory with a cache of reference files:
If you do not have a local copy of the reference files, (i.e. an lref directory,) you may, for the purposes of this Notebook, download just the XTRACTAB
using the cell below:
#### NO lref:
%env CRDS_PATH ./data
%env lref ./data/references/hst/cos/
lref = './data/references/hst/cos/'
! crds sync --files=w5g1439sl_1dx.fits
orig_xtractab = lref + orig_xtractab.split('$')[1] # This is the full path
We'll define a few functions to:
First, we'll write a function to read in the relavent extraction boxes from an XTRACTAB:
def readxtractab(xtractab, grat, cw, aper):
Reads in an XTRACTAB row of a particular COS mode and\
returns extraction box sizes and locations.
xtractab (str) : path to xtractab file.
raw (bool) : default False, meaning that the data is assumed to be corrtag.
grat (string) : grating of relavent row (i.e. "G185M")
cw (int or numerical) : cenwave of relavent row (i.e. (1786))
aper (str) : aperture of relavent row (i.e. "PSA")
y locations of bottoms/tops of extraction boxes
if NUV: stripe NUVA/B/C, and 2 background boxes
elif FUV: FUVA/B, and 2 background boxes for each FUVA/B.
with as f:
xtrdata = f[1].data # Read the fits data
isFUV = fits.getheader(xtractab)['DETECTOR'] == 'FUV'
if not isFUV: # Then NUV data:
sel_nuva = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'NUVA') & # Find NUVA
(xtrdata['aperture'] == aper) & # of the right row
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
sel_nuvb = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'NUVB') & # Now NUVB
(xtrdata['aperture'] == aper) &
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
sel_nuvc = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'NUVC') & # Now NUVC
(xtrdata['aperture'] == aper) &
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
hgta = xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_nuva][0] # Find heights
hgtb = xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_nuvb][0] # of spec extract boxes
hgtc = xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_nuvc][0]
bspeca = xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_nuva][0] # y-intercept (b) of spec
bspecb = xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_nuvb][0] # boxes
bspecc = xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_nuvc][0]
boundsa = [bspeca - hgta/2, bspeca + hgta/2] # Determine y bounds of boxes
boundsb = [bspecb - hgtb/2, bspecb + hgtb/2]
boundsc = [bspecc - hgtc/2, bspecc + hgtc/2]
bkg1a = xtrdata['B_BKG1'][sel_nuva] # Do the same for the bkg extract boxes
bkg2a = xtrdata['B_BKG2'][sel_nuva]
bhgta = xtrdata['BHEIGHT'][sel_nuva]
bkg1boundsa = [bkg1a - bhgta/2, bkg1a + bhgta/2]
bkg2boundsa = [bkg2a - bhgta/2, bkg2a + bhgta/2]
# The background locations are by default the same for all stripes
return boundsa, boundsb, boundsc, bkg1boundsa, bkg2boundsa
elif isFUV: # Then FUV data:
sel_fuva = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'FUVA') & # Find NUVA
(xtrdata['aperture'] == aper) & # of the right row
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
sel_fuvb = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'FUVB') & # Now NUVB
(xtrdata['aperture'] == aper) &
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
hgta = xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_fuva][0] # Find heights
hgtb = xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_fuvb][0] # of spec extract boxes
bspeca = xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_fuva][0] # y-intercept (b) of spec
bspecb = xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_fuvb][0] # boxes
boundsa = [bspeca - hgta/2, bspeca + hgta/2] # determine y bounds of boxes
boundsb = [bspecb - hgtb/2, bspecb + hgtb/2]
bkg1a = xtrdata['B_BKG1'][sel_fuva] # Do the same for the bkg extract boxes
bkg2a = xtrdata['B_BKG2'][sel_fuva]
bhgt1a = xtrdata['B_HGT1'][sel_fuva]
bhgt2a = xtrdata['B_HGT2'][sel_fuva]
bkg1boundsa = [bkg1a - bhgt1a/2, bkg1a + bhgt1a/2]
bkg2boundsa = [bkg2a - bhgt2a/2, bkg2a + bhgt2a/2]
bkg1b = xtrdata['B_BKG1'][sel_fuvb] # Do the same for the bkg extract boxes
bkg2b = xtrdata['B_BKG2'][sel_fuvb]
bhgt1b = xtrdata['B_HGT1'][sel_fuvb]
bhgt2b = xtrdata['B_HGT2'][sel_fuvb]
bkg1boundsb = [bkg1b - bhgt1b/2, bkg1b + bhgt1b/2]
bkg2boundsb = [bkg2b - bhgt2b/2, bkg2b + bhgt2b/2]
return boundsa, boundsb, bkg1boundsa, bkg2boundsa, bkg1boundsb, bkg2boundsb
# We'll note the returned values correspond to these extraction boxes
box_names = ['NUVA','NUVB','NUVC','BKG-1','BKG-2']
box_names_fuv = ['FUVA','FUVB','BKG-1A','BKG-2A','BKG-1B','BKG-2B']
We'll now need two functions in order to plot.
The first function: makeims()
is a helper function for the second: collapsey()
The second function: collapsey()
takes a list of either _rawtag
or _corrtag
exposure files, as well as an XTRACTAB
file, and creates a summary plot, with the 2D spectrum collapsed onto the y-axis.
def makeims(xarr, yarr):
Helper function for collapsey(): converts list of counts to image.
new_img = np.zeros((1024, 1024))
xbin = np.asarray(np.floor((xarr + 0.5)), dtype=int)
ybin = np.asarray(np.floor((yarr + 0.5)), dtype=int)
# Add a count for each x,y pair
for x, y in zip(xbin, ybin):
new_img[y, x] += 1
except IndexError:
return new_img
Define the "collapse on y axis" function
# collapsey() assumes corrtag, but will work with rawtag if raw=True
def collapsey(tagfiles, xtractab, raw=False, save=True, savename=False, display=True, fignum=False):
Takes a corrtag (default) or rawtag and makes a plot of the 2D spectrum collapsed to the y axis\
i.e. summed over rows of pixels along the dispersion direction\
then it overplots the extraction regions from a provided xtractab.
The behavior is the same for CORRTAG/RAWTAG, only the data columns differ.
tagfiles (list of str) : list of rawtag or corrtag file paths.
xtractab (str) : path to xtractab.
raw (bool) : default False, meaning that the data is assumed to be corrtag.
save (bool) : Do you want to save the image of the plot? Default True
savename (str if specified) : name to save file as in plotsdir, if save == True.
display (bool) : Display the image? Default True.
fignum (str if specified) : Figure number to include in figtitle. Dafault is False.
yprof (numpy array of floats) : the 2D spectrum collapsed onto the y axis.
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
for numfile, myfile in enumerate(tagfiles): # go through all the tag files
with as f: # Read data from file
data = f[1].data
h0 = f[0].header
fppos = h0['FPPOS'] # Find important header keys to determine row
rootname = h0['ROOTNAME']
target = h0['TARGNAME']
grating = h0['OPT_ELEM']
cenwave = h0['CENWAVE']
if not raw: # Select corrected or raw time-tag points x and y locations
xcorr = data['XCORR']
ycorr = data['YCORR']
elif raw:
rawx = data['RAWX']
rawy = data['RAWY']
if raw: # call helper function on time tag data
nuvim = makeims(rawx, rawy)
nuvim = makeims(xcorr, ycorr)
yprof = np.sum(nuvim, axis=1) # collapse onto the y axis
# Make the main y-axis spectrum plot
yaxis = np.arange(0, 1024)
plt.plot(yprof, yaxis, label=f'{rootname} fppos={fppos}')
if numfile == 0: # Add in the plot formatting (just once - on the 0th file)
if raw:
plt.ylabel('RAWY Pixel', size=18)
plt.ylabel('YCORR Pixel', size=18)
plt.xlabel('Counts summed along X', size=18)
fig_title = f"Target: {target} spectrum;" +"\n"+f"XTRACTAB: {os.path.basename(xtractab)}"
if fignum:
fig_title = f"Fig {fignum}" + "\n" + fig_title
plt.title(fig_title, fontsize=23)
psaboundsa, psaboundsb, psaboundsc, psabkg1, psabkg2 = readxtractab(xtractab, grating, cenwave, 'PSA')
wcaboundsa, wcaboundsb, wcaboundsc, wcabkg1, wcabkg2 = readxtractab(xtractab, grating, cenwave, 'WCA')
span = plt.axhspan(psaboundsa[0], psaboundsa[1], color='lightgray', label='PSA regions', alpha=0.7)
plt.axhspan(psaboundsb[0], psaboundsb[1], color='lightgray', alpha=0.7)
plt.axhspan(psaboundsc[0], psaboundsc[1], color='lightgray', alpha=0.7)
span = plt.axhspan(psabkg1[0], psabkg1[1], color='lightblue', label='Background regions' , alpha=0.7)
plt.axhspan(psabkg2[0], psabkg2[1], color='lightblue', alpha=0.7)
span = plt.axhspan(wcaboundsa[0], wcaboundsa[1], color='lightgreen', label='WCA regions', alpha=0.7)
plt.axhspan(wcaboundsb[0], wcaboundsb[1], color='lightgreen', alpha=0.7)
plt.axhspan(wcaboundsc[0], wcaboundsc[1], color='lightgreen', alpha=0.7)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
### Saving the figure:
if save: # Do we want to save the image at all?
if not savename: # Save in the default manner
plt.savefig(str(plotsdir / f"{target}_regions.png"), dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
elif savename: # Save with input savename
plt.savefig(str(plotsdir / f"{savename}.png"), dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
if display:
return yprof
Now let's make a plot showing where these original XTRACTAB
boxes fall on the raw count image:
It's important to note that each extraction box also has a slope associated with it. This slope is generally very small, and we will not plot the boxes with their slopes while determining the box centers and heights. However, for the purposes of actual extractions, these slopes should be incorporated to determine final extraction bounds.
read_bounds = readxtractab(orig_xtractab, # bounds of all boxes...
grat='G185M', cw=1786, aper='PSA') # ...for these conditions
plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) # Set up figure
plt.scatter(rtd['RAWX'],rtd['RAWY'], # image of the raw counts
s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c= 'C0')
for i, (box, bname) in enumerate(zip(read_bounds, box_names)): # Add all boxes
plt.axhspan(box[0],box[1], color='cmykr'[i], alpha=0.3 , label=bname)
plt.legend(loc='upper right') # Add plot formatting
plt.xlabel('Dispersion axis Pixel', size=20)
plt.ylabel('Cross-dispersion axis Pixel', size=20)
plt.suptitle("Fig 1.2\n2D spectrum of all raw (unfiltered) counts\n"+\
"with original extraction boxes", size=25)
plt.savefig(str(plotsdir / '2D_spec_orig_boxes.png'), dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
# Run the function to plot the original boxes over the y-axis spectrum
flat_yspec = collapsey(tagfiles=rawtags, xtractab=orig_xtractab, raw=True,
save=True, savename="orig_xtractab_col_y", fignum="1.3")
Now that we know how to show the location of the extraction boxes, we can begin actually editing the XTRACTAB file.
We'll define another function to edit the existing XTRACTAB and save to a new file:
def edit_xtractab(xtractab, gratlist, cwlist, h_dict, b_dict, new_filename):
Function to actually edit the XTRACTAB itself\
Change the height and y-intercepts of the extraction boxes,\
and save to new XTRACTAB (1dx) file.
xtractab (str) : path to the XTRACTAB to edit
gratlist (list of str) : all the gratings whose rows you would like to edit
cwlist (list of str) : all the cenwave whose rows you would like to edit
h_dict (dict of numerical) : heights of NUV A,B,C extraction boxes. Should be ODD!
b_dict (dict) : dict of the y-intercepts - i.e. box center locations
new_filename : filename/local path to new XTRACTAB file to create
f =
xtrdata = f[1].data
isFUV = fits.getheader(xtractab)['DETECTOR'] == 'FUV'
for height in h_dict: # Print warning if even height is specified
if h_dict[height] % 2 == 0:
print("WARNING " + f"Height of {height} is currently even ({h_dict[height]}), but " +
"should be ODD. Allowed change, but unadvised.")
for grat in gratlist:
for cw in cwlist:
if not isFUV: # Then NUV data:
sel_nuva = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'NUVA') &
(xtrdata['aperture'] == 'PSA') &
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
sel_nuvb = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'NUVB') &
(xtrdata['aperture'] == 'PSA') &
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
sel_nuvc = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'NUVC') &
(xtrdata['aperture'] == 'PSA') &
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
# Change the background region locations:
xtrdata['B_BKG1'][sel_nuva] = b_dict['bbkg1']
xtrdata['B_BKG2'][sel_nuva] = b_dict['bbkg2']
xtrdata['B_BKG1'][sel_nuvb] = b_dict['bbkg1']
xtrdata['B_BKG2'][sel_nuvb] = b_dict['bbkg2']
xtrdata['B_BKG1'][sel_nuvc] = b_dict['bbkg1']
xtrdata['B_BKG2'][sel_nuvc] = b_dict['bbkg2']
# Change the extraction heights
xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_nuva] = h_dict['h_a']
xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_nuvb] = h_dict['h_b']
xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_nuvc] = h_dict['h_c']
# Change the B_SPEC
xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_nuva] = b_dict['bspa']
xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_nuvb] = b_dict['bspb']
xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_nuvc] = b_dict['bspc']
elif isFUV: # Then FUV data:
sel_fuva = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'FUVA') &
(xtrdata['aperture'] == 'PSA') &
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
sel_fuvb = np.where((xtrdata['segment'] == 'FUVB') &
(xtrdata['aperture'] == 'PSA') &
(xtrdata['opt_elem'] == grat) &
(xtrdata['cenwave'] == cw))
# Change the background region locations:
xtrdata['B_BKG1'][sel_fuva] = b_dict['bbkg1a']
xtrdata['B_BKG2'][sel_fuva] = b_dict['bbkg2a']
xtrdata['B_BKG1'][sel_fuvb] = b_dict['bbkg1b']
xtrdata['B_BKG2'][sel_fuvb] = b_dict['bbkg2b']
# Change the extraction heights
xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_fuva] = h_dict['h_a']
xtrdata['HEIGHT'][sel_fuvb] = h_dict['h_b']
# Change the B_SPEC
xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_fuva] = b_dict['bspa']
xtrdata['B_SPEC'][sel_fuvb] = b_dict['bspb']
# save and close the file
f.writeto(new_filename, overwrite=True)
Now we'll edit the XTRACTAB file to have different sizes and locations of the extraction boxes using edit_xtractab()
For the purposes of this example, we'll arbitrarily set our y-intercepts and heights, just trying to roughly cover the NUV stripes, and show the different heights we can set the boxes to. Note that this function does not stop us from setting the boxes to overlap - but, dependent on your data, this may be a bad idea.
The scope of this Notebook is merely to explain how to alter the extraction boxes, not to determine the best box locations for any given dataset. While we cannot give specific rules to fit every single dataset, the general rules suggest you:
First we'll set up the values to which we'll edit the box parameters, and then run the function on the original XTRACTAB to change our G185M extraction boxes in the rows for cenwaves 1786 and 1817:
# These will be the values we set the box params to - fairly arbitrarily chosen values in this case:
intercept_dict = {"bbkg1":900., "bbkg2":60., # centers of the background extract regions
'bspa':195., 'bspb':285., 'bspc':415.} # centers of NUV stripe extract regions
hgt_dict = {'h_a':41, 'h_b':51, 'h_c':61}
# Now edit using the edit_xtractab() function
# We'll change G185M grating for cenwaves 1786, 1817:
edit_xtractab(xtractab=orig_xtractab, gratlist=['G185M'], cwlist=[1786,1817], # data and rows to edit
h_dict=hgt_dict, # new (arbitrary) heights to set boxes to
b_dict=intercept_dict, new_filename='./edit_1dx.fits') # new (somewhat arbitrary) y-intercepts (y axis locations) for boxes
Now we plot the old and new extraction boxes side-by-side to compare:
# Set up the plot
fig, (ax0,ax1) = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(14,8), sharey=True)
# add raw count images
ax0.scatter(rtd['RAWX'],rtd['RAWY'], s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c= 'C0')
ax1.scatter(rtd['RAWX'],rtd['RAWY'], s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c= 'C0')
# First plot the boxes from the original XTRACTAB
read_bounds = readxtractab(orig_xtractab, grat='G185M', cw=1786, aper='PSA')
for i, box in enumerate(read_bounds): #plot each box
ax0.axhspan(box[0],box[1], color='cmykr'[i], alpha=0.3 , label=box_names[i]+'_new')
# Now with the newly edited XTRACTAB
plt.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] = 3 # Make the hatch more visible
read_bounds = readxtractab('./edit_1dx.fits', grat='G185M', cw=1786, aper='PSA')
for i, box in enumerate(read_bounds):
ax1.axhspan(box[0],box[1], color='cmykr'[i], alpha=0.3 , hatch='x', label=box_names[i]+'_old')
# Now some plot formatting
ax0.legend(loc='upper right')
ax1.legend(loc='upper right')
fig.text(0.42,-.01,'Dispersion axis Pixel', size=20)
ax0.set_ylabel('Cross-dispersion axis Pixel', size=20)
plt.suptitle("Fig 2.1\n2D spectrum of all raw (unfiltered) counts\n"+\
"with original ($left$) and new ($right$) extraction boxes", size=25)
plt.savefig(str(plotsdir / '2D_spec_both_box_sets.png'), dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
We'll also make a plot of the new boxes over the spectrum collapsed onto the y-axis, and we'll plot it side-by-side with Fig 1.3, which shows the original extraction boxes:
# Run the function to plot the original boxes over the y-axis spectrum
flat_yspec = collapsey(tagfiles=rawtags, xtractab='./edit_1dx.fits', raw=True,
save=True, display=False, savename="edit_xtractab_col_y", fignum="2.2")
# Now plot both together
fig, (ax0,ax1) = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize =(25,18))
More detailed information on changing header parameters can be found in our walkthrough Notebook on CalCOS
Here, we just need to tell the pipeline to use our newly edited XTRACTAB. We do this by editing one of the header key values in all of the affected files.
for rawtag in rawtags:
os.rename(rawtag, datadir / os.path.basename(rawtag))
except FileNotFoundError:
print ('No files')
os.rename(asnfile, datadir / os.path.basename(asnfile))
except FileNotFoundError:
print ('No files')
rawtags = glob.glob(str(datadir / '*rawtag*'))
asnfile = glob.glob(str(datadir / '*asn*'))[0]
for rawtag in rawtags:
print("changing XTRACTAB for ", os.path.basename(rawtag))
print("\tOriginally: ", fits.getheader(rawtag)['XTRACTAB'])
fits.setval(filename=rawtag, keyword='XTRACTAB', value= './edit_1dx.fits' )
print("\tNow set to: ", fits.getheader(rawtag)['XTRACTAB'])
We will also largely gloss over the details of running the pipeline, CalCOS
, in this Notebook. Once again, much more detailed information on running the CalCOS
pipeline can be found in our walkthrough Notebook on using CalCOS
If you don't have an lref
directory with all your COS reference files, the following cells will fail to run and you should see our tutorial on Setting up an environment to work with COS data.
# Set up environment var to find all other ref files
# Your lref will likely be different, and you will need to edit this path:
%env lref /grp/hst/cdbs/lref/
%%capture cap --no-stderr
# Above ^ capture the output and save it in the next cell
# This line actually runs the pipeline:
calcos.calcos(asnfile, verbosity=1, outdir=str(outputdir / "calcos_run1"))
with open(str(outputdir/'output_calcos_1.txt'), 'w') as f: # This file now contains the output of the last cell
We'll finish up by plotting the new and original x1dsum
spectra as extracted with the new and original extraction boxes:
Note that we can ignore the UnitsWarning.
# Set up figure:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 7))
gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=5, ncols=3) # Using gridspec to control panel sizes and locations
for i in range(3):
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:4,i])
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[4:5,i])
new_wvln, new_flux ='./output/calcos_run1/le4b04010_x1dsum.fits')[i]['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX']
old_wvln, old_flux, seg =[i]['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX', 'SEGMENT']
# Interpolate the new wvln onto the old wvln's sampling:
new_flux_interp = interp1d(x=new_wvln, y=new_flux, fill_value="extrapolate")(old_wvln)
# Print max difference to user:
print(f"Stripe {seg} differs by up to: \
{100 * max(new_flux - old_flux)/np.mean(abs(old_flux)):.3f}%")
# Plotting - upper panel
ax0.plot(new_wvln,new_flux, linewidth=.5, label='$New$ extracted spectrum')
ax0.plot(old_wvln,old_flux, linewidth=.5, label='$Original$ extracted spectrum')
# Plotting - lower panel
ax1.plot(new_wvln,old_flux - new_flux_interp, linewidth=.5, label='Residual')
# Some formatting:
ax0.set_title(f"Segment {seg}", fontsize=20)
ax0.legend(loc='lower center')
ax1.legend(loc='lower center')
if i == 0: # Add axis labels to the plot
ax0.set_ylabel("Flux\n[$erg\ \AA^{-1}\ cm^{-2}\ s^{-1}$]", fontsize=20)
if i == 1:
plt.xlabel("Wavelength", fontsize=20)
plt.suptitle("Fig 3.1\nComparing the old and new extracted spectra for each segment", fontsize=25)
plt.savefig(str(plotsdir / "comp_extracted.png"), dpi=200)
Let's go through doing all of the above with an FUV dataset and corresponding FUV XTRACTAB.
First download the FUV data; we'll select an FUV/G160M/C1533 dataset from the same proposal as the NUV dataset.
pl = Observations.get_product_list(Observations.query_criteria(proposal_id=15869, obs_id='LE4B01040'))
masked_pl = pl[np.isin(pl['productSubGroupDescription'],['RAWTAG_A','RAWTAG_B', 'ASN', 'X1DSUM'])]
# Now download:
We gather a list of all the _rawtag
files we have downloaded, as well as the _asnfile
and _x1dsum
rawtags_a = glob.glob('./mastDownload/HST/le4b01*/**/*_rawtag_a.fits',
rawtags_b = glob.glob('./mastDownload/HST/le4b01*/**/*_rawtag_b.fits',
rawtags_ab = rawtags_a + rawtags_b
asnfile = glob.glob('./mastDownload/HST/le4b01040/**/*_asn.fits',
old_x1dsum = glob.glob('./mastDownload/HST/le4b01040/**/*_x1dsum.fits',
Move the files and index them again:
fdatadir = Path('./fuv_data/') # Aggregate all this FUV data, except the calibrated x1dsum
[os.rename(rta, fdatadir / os.path.basename(rta)) for rta in rawtags_a]
[os.rename(rtb, fdatadir / os.path.basename(rtb)) for rtb in rawtags_b]
os.rename(asnfile, fdatadir / os.path.basename(asnfile))
# re-find all the data now that it's moved
rawtags_a = glob.glob(str(fdatadir/'*_rawtag_a.fits'),
rawtags_b = glob.glob(str(fdatadir/'*_rawtag_b.fits'),
rawtags_ab = rawtags_a + rawtags_b
asnfile = glob.glob(str(fdatadir/'*_asn.fits'),
We need to see where the FUV spectra fall in order to determine where we should place the extraction boxes.
We'll first plot this as a 2D image of the raw counts.
We select and plot the raw counts data from the 0th rawtag_a
and rawtag_b
# Find the data from the first rawtag_a/b file
rtda =[0],1)
rtdb =[0],1)
fig, (ax0,ax1) = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(16,8))
ax0.scatter(rtdb['RAWX'],rtdb['RAWY'], s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c= 'C0')
ax1.scatter(rtda['RAWX'],rtda['RAWY'], s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c= 'C0')
ax0.set_title("Segment FUVB", fontsize=20)
ax1.set_title("Segment FUVA", fontsize=20)
ax0.set_xlabel('Dispersion axis Pixel',size=20)
ax1.set_xlabel('Dispersion axis Pixel',size=20)
ax0.set_ylabel('Cross-dispersion axis Pixel', size=20)
plt.suptitle("Fig 4.1\n2D spectrum of all raw (unfiltered) counts", size=25)
plt.savefig(str(plotsdir / 'fuv_2Dspectrum.png'), dpi=200)
We now need to download the correct XTRACTAB.
The next cell tells you what this XTRACTAB should be, and you download it in the cell that follows. Make sure these filenames match, as the reference files may have changed since this tutorial was created.
correct_fuv_1dx = fits.getheader(rawtags_a[0])['XTRACTAB'].split("$")[1]
print("Make sure the next line is set to download: ", correct_fuv_1dx)
! crds sync --files=2bj2256il_1dx.fits
Now we can plot the original fuv boxes:
fuv_xtractab = f'./data/references/hst/cos/{correct_fuv_1dx}'
read_bounds = readxtractab(fuv_xtractab, grat='G160M', cw=1533, aper='PSA')
fig, (ax0,ax1) =plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(10,8), sharex=True) # Set up figure
ax1.scatter(rtda['RAWX'],rtda['RAWY'], # image of the raw counts
s=0.1, alpha=0.1, c='C0') # Rawtag A
ax0.scatter(rtdb['RAWX'],rtdb['RAWY'], # image of the raw counts
s=0.1, alpha=0.1, c='C0') # Rawtag B
for i, (box, bname) in enumerate(zip(read_bounds, box_names_fuv)): # add all the boxes
if 'A' not in bname: # FUVA in ax1 (right), FUVB in ax0 (left)
ax0.axhspan(box[0],box[1], color='cmkyky'[i], hatch='/\+x+x'[i], alpha=0.3 , label=bname)
ax1.axhspan(box[0],box[1], color='cmkyky'[i], hatch='/\+x+x'[i], alpha=0.3 , label=bname)
# Add plot formatting
ax0.legend(loc='upper right')
ax1.legend(loc='upper right')
ax1.set_xlabel('Dispersion axis Pixel', size=20)
fig.text(-0.01,0.2,'Cross-dispersion axis Pixel', size=20, rotation='vertical')
plt.suptitle("Fig 4.2\n2D spectrum of all raw (unfiltered) counts\n"+\
"with original extraction boxes in the FUV", size=25)
# Save it
plt.savefig(str(plotsdir / '2D_spec_orig_boxes_fuv.png'), dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
Here we make the edits to the FUV XTRACTAB:
## These will be the values we set the box params to:
intercept_dict_fuv = {"bbkg1a":550., "bbkg2a":340.,# centers of the background extract regions
"bbkg1b":350., "bbkg2b":665.,
'bspa':415., 'bspb':469.} # centers of NUV stripe extract regions
hgt_dict_fuv = {'h_a':51, 'h_b':41}
#Now edit using the edit_xtractab() function
edit_xtractab(xtractab=fuv_xtractab, gratlist=['G160M'], cwlist=[1533], # data and rows to edit
h_dict=hgt_dict_fuv, # new heights to set boxes to
b_dict=intercept_dict_fuv, new_filename='./edit_fuv_1dx.fits') # new y-intercepts (y axis locations) for boxes
We'll create a plot showing the old and new extraction boxes side-by-side:
read_bounds = readxtractab(fuv_xtractab, grat='G160M', cw=1533, aper='PSA') # original boxes
read_bounds_fuv_edit = readxtractab('./edit_fuv_1dx.fits', grat='G160M', cw=1533, aper='PSA') # edited boxes
# Orig New/Edited
fig, ((ax0,ax1), (ax2,ax3)) = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(20,10), sharex=True, sharey=True) # Set up figure
# The original
ax2.scatter(rtda['RAWX'],rtda['RAWY'], # image of the raw counts
s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c= 'C0') # Rawtag A
ax0.scatter(rtdb['RAWX'],rtdb['RAWY'], # image of the raw counts
s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c= 'C0') # Rawtag B
ax3.scatter(rtda['RAWX'],rtda['RAWY'], # image of the raw counts
s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c= 'C0') # Rawtag A
ax1.scatter(rtdb['RAWX'],rtdb['RAWY'], # image of the raw counts
s= 0.1, alpha=0.1, c= 'C0') # Rawtag B
for i, (oldbox, newbox, bname) in enumerate(zip(read_bounds, read_bounds_fuv_edit, box_names_fuv)): # add all the boxes
if 'A' not in bname: # FUVA in ax0,1 (top left/right)
ax0.axhspan(oldbox[0],oldbox[1], color='cmkyky'[i], hatch='/\+x+x'[i], alpha=0.3 , label=bname)
ax1.axhspan(newbox[0],newbox[1], color='cmkyky'[i], hatch='/\+x+x'[i], alpha=0.3 , label=bname)
else: # FUVB in ax2,3 (bottom left/right)
ax2.axhspan(oldbox[0],oldbox[1], color='cmkyky'[i], hatch='/\+x+x'[i], alpha=0.3 , label=bname)
ax3.axhspan(newbox[0],newbox[1], color='cmkyky'[i], hatch='/\+x+x'[i], alpha=0.3 , label=bname)
# Add plot formatting
ax0.legend(loc='upper right')
ax1.legend(loc='upper right')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
ax3.legend(loc='upper right')
ax0.set_title("Original extraction boxes", fontsize=20)
ax1.set_title("Edited extraction boxes", fontsize=20)
fig.text(-0.01,0.2,'Cross-dispersion axis Pixel', size=20, rotation='vertical')
fig.text(0.45, -0.01,'Dispersion axis Pixel', size=20)
plt.suptitle("Fig 4.3\n2D spectrum of all raw (unfiltered) counts\n"+\
"with original and edited extraction boxes in the FUV", size=25)
# Save it
plt.savefig(str(plotsdir / '2D_spec_origedit_boxes_fuv.png'), dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
Before we could run CalCOS on this file with the new XTRACTAB, (or any BOXCAR extraction file, for that matter,) you must change the relevant calibration switches in the file's primary fits header to...
We must set the switches as follows in the Table:
Header Keyword | Possible Values | Value to set in order to apply this XTRACTAB | What does it tell CalCOS to do? |
XTRCTALG | BOXCAR/TWOZONE | BOXCAR | Which extraction method to apply |
TRCECORR | PERFORM/OMIT | OMIT | Whether to perform or omit the trace correction |
ALGNCORR | PERFORM/OMIT | OMIT | Whether to perform or omit the align correction |
XTRACTAB | Local path to any valid XTRACTAB file | ./edit_fuv_1dx.fits | Where to find a local copy of the XTRACTAB to use |
We set the switches below:
fuv_keys_dict = { # Dict we'll use to set the values of the header calib switches
verbose = False # change this to True, if you want to see the changes.
for rawtag in rawtags_ab: #loop through the rawtag files (fuva and fuvb).
print("changing header switches for ", os.path.basename(rawtag))
for fuv_key, fuv_val in fuv_keys_dict.items():
if verbose:
print("\tOriginally: ",fuv_key,'=', fits.getheader(rawtag)[fuv_key])
fits.setval(filename=rawtag, keyword=fuv_key, value=fuv_val)
if verbose:
print("\t Now: ",fuv_key,'=', fits.getheader(rawtag)[fuv_key])
You may now run CalCOS
using this new FUV XTRACTAB.
%%capture cap --no-stderr
# Above, capture the output and save it in the next cell
# This line actually runs the pipeline:
calcos.calcos(asnfile, verbosity=1, outdir=str(outputdir / "calcos_fuv_run1"))
with open(str(outputdir/'output_calcos_fuv_1.txt'), 'w') as f: # This file now contains the output of the last cell
Now let's compare the FUV spectra extracted with the original and new XTRACTABs:
Note again, that we can ignore the UnitsWarning.
# Set up figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 7))
gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=5, ncols=2) # Using gridspec to let us control panel sizes and locations
for i,j in zip([0,1],[1,0]): # use i,j to plot FUVA on the right, not the left, by inverting subplot index
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:4,j])
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[4:5,j])
new_wvln, new_flux ='./output/calcos_fuv_run1/le4b01040_x1dsum.fits')[i]['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX']
old_wvln, old_flux, seg =[i]['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX', 'SEGMENT']
# Interpolate the new wvln onto the old wvln's sampling:
new_flux_interp = interp1d(x=new_wvln, y=new_flux, fill_value="extrapolate")(old_wvln)
# Print max difference:
print(f"Stripe {seg} differs by up to: \
{max(new_flux - old_flux)/np.mean(abs(old_flux)):.3f}%")
# Plotting - upper panel
alpha=1, linewidth=.5, c='C1',
label='$New$ extracted spectrum')
ax0.plot(old_wvln, old_flux, linewidth=1, c='C0',
linestyle='dotted', alpha=0.75,
label='$Original$ extracted spectrum')
# Plotting - lower panel
ax1.plot(new_wvln,old_flux - new_flux_interp, linewidth=.5, label='Residual')
# Some formatting:
ax0.set_title(f"Segment {seg}", fontsize=20)
ax0.legend(loc='lower center')
ax1.legend(loc='lower center')
if i == 0: # Add axis labels to the plot
ax0.set_ylabel("Flux\n[$erg\ \AA^{-1}\ cm^{-2}\ s^{-1}$]", fontsize=20)
if i == 1:
plt.xlabel("Wavelength", fontsize=20)
plt.suptitle("Fig 4.4\nComparing the old and new extracted spectra for each segment in the FUV", fontsize=25)
plt.savefig(str(plotsdir / "comp_fuv_extracted.png"), dpi=200)
file is and how it affects your calibration of COS spectraXTRACTAB
to tailor how CalCOS
extracts the spectrum of the source and backgroundXTRACTAB
and reprocessing the data with the altered extraction boxes in both the FUV and NUVAuthor: Nat Kerman
Contributors: Elaine Mae Frazer
Updated On: 2021-07-08
This tutorial was generated to be in compliance with the STScI style guides and would like to cite the Jupyter guide in particular.
If you use astropy
, matplotlib
, astroquery
, or numpy
for published research, please cite the
authors. Follow these links for more information about citations: