Advanced Monitor Options

In Creating New Monitors we outlined how to create a very simple monitor that produces a simple plot. In this section we will dive into options available for creating a more complex Monitor.


There are no further options for creating DataModels, and so the previous section should be referenced for the creation of new DataModels.

Running the monitoring steps manually

If there is a need to run the monitoring steps manually, BaseMonitor includes the following methods that can be called independently:

  • initialize_data: retrieve data defined by the data model set the data attribute, create hover text.
  • run_analysis: execute the track method, find outliers if defined, set notifications.
  • plot: create the plotly figure (creates the html output)
  • write_figure: save the plotly figure to an html file.
  • notify: send notifications


If the monitoring steps are run individually, they must be executed in logical order. For example, initialize_data must be executed first, followed by run_analysis if the intent is to only execute the analysis portion of the monitor.


The monitorframe frame work provides support for email notifications upon execution of a monitor.

There are two steps for activating email notifications:

  1. Define notification_settings in the new monitor class required keys:

    • active: turn the notifications on or off
    • username: user that’s used for sending the messages
    • recipients: additional users that should be notified of results
  2. Define the message that the monitor should send in set_notification

For example:

class MyMonitor(BaseMonitor):
    data_model = MyNewModel
    notification_settings = dict(
        recipients=['', '']  # recipients can also be a single string if there's only one

    plottype = 'line'
    x = 'col1'
    y = 'col2'

    def track(self):
        """Measure the mean of the first column"""
        return  # Remember that data is a pandas DataFrame!

    def set_notification(self):
        return f'The mean of col1 is {self.results}!'  # The return value of track is stored in the results attribute!


set_notification should return a string.


monitorframe provides support for and an interface to two SQLite databases through the peewee ORM with one of these databases is for storing monitor data, while the other is used for storing monitoring analysis results. Each of these databases are created automatically when configured, and tables for those databases are also automatically created when the ingestion methods are called (ingest for a DataModel and store_results for a Monitor).

The configuration of these databases is discussed in Overview.

DataModel Database

The main difference between the DataModel database and the Monitor results database is that while the Monitor results database is pre-defined (although broadly), the DataModel database is not. The table is constructed based on the input data, which means that each DataModel can have completely different sets of columns.

This type of implementation does have a drawback though: due to the dynamic nature of how tables are defined, it’s possible to have unintended consequences in how the data is ingested. In particular, it’s possible to have duplicate entries.

To protect against this issue, it’s recommended that DataModels are defined with a primary_key attribute. This will prevent duplicate entries from being added to the database (an example of this is included in the Creating New Monitors section).

Once the DataModel’s database and table exist, the DataModel’s model attribute can be utilized. The model attribute is a peewee.Model object that represents the DataModel’s table and can be used to query the data stored there.

Users can take advantage of the DataModel’s model attribute when implementing a Monitor’s get_data method.

For examples of querying and filtering, see peewee’s Querying section.

Monitor Results Database

Each Monitor that is defined will automatically create a database table based on the name of the monitor if the store_results method is called (with the default method):

class, MyMonitor -> results database table name, "MyMonitor"
The results table is defined with two columns:
  1. Datetime
  2. Result

The Datetime column corresponds to the date and time that the monitor was executed. Each monitor that is derived from BaseMonitor will have a date attribute that is set when an instance of the monitor is created. date is a python datetime object, and will be stored in the “isoformat”

The Result column is a JSON field. A JSON field is used to standardize the tables for each monitor while allowing for flexibility in what exactly each monitor stores in the table. The only caveat to this is that whatever results that users desire to store, must be compatible with python’s json encoder and decoder which performs the following translations:

JSON Python
object dict
array list
string str
number (int) int
number (real) float
true True
false False
null None

This means that whatever is intended to be stored should be composed of those Python data structures. There is some support for this with pandas. Both Series and DataFrame objects have a to_json method for automatically translating those data structures to JSON friendly structures.

For more information on pandas’ to_json method, see this, and for more on Python’s JSON encoder and decoder, see their documentation.

The data database columns are defined based on the data recovered by the get_new_data method.

Storing and accessing results

BaseMonitor does provide a “default” attempt at storing the results, but for more complicated results (or just for more custom storage), a format_results method must be implemented.

Building off of the previous MyMonitor example:

def format_results(self):
    # Create a custom result with json-friendly python data structures
    results = {
        'my result 1':  # store the whole column if you want!
        'my result mean': self.results  # MyMonitor's track method returns the mean of col1

    return results

The new entry will be created on execution, and if format_results has been implemented, that resulting object will be used.

To query the Monitor’s table for a specific result, results_table and the table’s column definitions (which are used in querying) are available as attributes:

monitor = MyMonitor()
query_results = monitor.results_table  # Returns all results as a peewee ModelSelect object

# Further querying
more_specific = query_results.where(monitor.datetime_col == '2019-04-23T14:07:03.500365')

# Format rows as a list of dictionaries


If a Monitor has been defined, but has not been executed (specifically the store_results method), the database table for that monitor will not exist yet. In this case, the results_table property will be None.

For information on how to perform queries, see peewee’s documentation.

Customizing Plotting

BaseMonitor provides some basic plotting functionality that produces ploty interactive plots. There are some additional options that can be set for controlling this basic plotting

Setting a specific output file name or destination

By default, the resulting figure of a monitor derived from BaseMonitor will be given a name that is a combination of the monitor’s class name and the date that the monitor instance was created, and will be placed in the current working directory.

To change the path of the output file, assign output to a directory:

class MyMonitor(BaseMonitor)
    data_model = MyNewModel
    output = '/new/path/to/file/'  # For setting the path, but not the filename

To change the name of the file, assign output to a full path:

class MyMonitor(BaseMonitor)
    data_model = MyNewModel
    output = '/new/path/to/file/new_file_name.html'  # For setting the path, but not the filename

Adding a third dimension to the output

The basic plotting functionality of BaseMonitor restricts the dimensionality to 3 dimensions at the maximum (it is basic after all).

The third dimension is a color dimension supports either an array of the same shape as x and y. To specify a color dimension to the data, simply set the z attribute. The third dimension can also be used to create an image plot.

Adding additional information to the hover labels

If additional information should be displayed on hover for each data point, that information should be included the data retrieved by the data model.

For example, if in the simple line plot created in Creating New Monitors needed to also include a “name” for each data point, get_data would need to be modified like so:

class MyNewModel(BaseDataModel):
    def get_new_data(self):
        reuturn {
            'col1': [1, 2, 3],
            'col2': [4, 5, 6],
            'names': ['first', 'second', 'third']

In the definition of the monitor, the new “names” column would need to be identified as a label:

class MyMonitor(BaseMonitor):
    data_model = MyNewModel
    labels = ['names']  # List of column names in data that should be used in hover labels

    plottype = 'line'
    x = 'col1'
    y = 'col2'

    def track(self):
        """Measure the mean of the first column"""
        return  # Remember that data is a pandas DataFrame!

This will add each “name” to the corresponding point in the hover labels in the plotly figure.

More complex plotting

For more complex plotting, plot should be overridden with whatever is needed, but plotly is still required.

When a new instance of a monitor is created, a plotly figure is created automatically.


If subplots are needed, the subplots and subplots_layout attributes need to be defined in the monitor class. This is because the plotly figure object is different for subplots.

To set the monitor to use a subplots figure:

class MyMonitor(BaseMonitor):
    data_model = MyNewModel
    subplots = True
    subplot_layout = (2, 2)  # 2x2 grid of plots

The plot method should add whatever traces (plotly’s term) and layouts necessary to that monitor figure attribute:

def plot(self):

    ...  # Lot's of complicated plotting stuff that results in a "plot" trace object and a new layout object


If users want to integrate existing matplotlib plots without have to rewrite the entire plot, plotly’s mpl_to_plotly function can be used:

import as tls

new_plotly = tls.mpl_to_plotly(existing_mpl_figure)

This figure could then be assigned to the figure attribute on the monitor:

def plot(self):
    self.figure = new_plotly

Once plotting is all done, the figure can be written to an html file (with the default or specified path and/or name) with the write_figure method:


Finding Outliers

If part of the monitor is to locate outliers, then the find_outliers method must be implemented. This method should return a mask array that can be used with the data attribute of the Monitor if the user intends to use the basic plotting functionality, but otherwise can return whatever is needed.

Outliers will be accessible via the outliers attribute of the monitor. When using the basic plotting functionality, outliers will automatically be plotted in red, but for more advanced plotting that requires that the plot method be overridden, the user will have to determine how to visualize any outliers.

For example, if we add a find_outliers implementation to MyMonitor:

def find_outliers(self):
    return > 1  # Returns a pandas Series mask

After the analysis has been run, you can access the outlying data with:

monitor = MyMonitor()

outliers =[monitor.outliers]