Creating New Monitors

A new monitor is created by defining a DataModel and Monitor through building off of the BaseDataModel and BaseMonitor classes.

Defining a New Data Model

To define a DataModel, construct a new class that inherits BaseDataModel, and implement the get_new_data method:

    primary_key = 'col1'  # if the database is in use, it may be helpful to define a primary key

    def get_new_data(self):
        return {
            'col1': [1, 2, 3],
            'col2': [4, 5, 6]

In this simple example, get_new_data simply returns a dictionary that represents column-oriented data. However, get_new_data can return any data structure that is compatible with generating a pandas DataFrame.

The user should be careful that whatever data structure they choose to use actually results in the correct representation upon conversion to a DataFrame. For more on the pandas DataFrame check out their documentation.

And that’s it!

If database support is being utilized, data can be ingested into the database with the ingest method.

On the first call of ingest, the database defined in the configuration file will be created along with a table that corresponds to MyNewModel (and in fact will have the same name as that class).

Once data is ingested into the database, the DataModel defines an interface to that data with the model attribute. model is a peewee.Model object that is dynamically defined by introspecting the MyNewModel’s database table. This object can be used to query the table.

Defining a New Monitor

Once a DataModel is defined, a new Monitor can also be defined. Like the DataModel, a new monitor is defined by constructing a class that inherits BaseMonitor.

BaseMonitor has some basic functionality included at the start that users can take advantage of for simple monitors, however, at minimum, the get_data and track methods must be implemented and the monitor must have a DataModel assigned to it. If the results database is not defined in the configuration file, the store_results must also be implemented.

get_data should be where the monitor accesses the data from the data model and performs any filtering required for analysis. The results of get data are stored in the data attribute.

track defines what the monitor is quantitatively “monitoring,” and can return anything that the user wants. The results of this method are stored in the results attribute which can be utilized elsewhere in the monitor (such areas like plot, set_notifications, or store_results).

For example, to create a basic, bare-bones monitor that produces a line plot that represents the data defined in MyNewModel the following could be done:

# Note: In this case, it's implied that the results database is configured
class MyMonitor(BaseMonitor):
    data_model = MyNewModel

    plottype = 'line'
    x = 'col1'
    y = 'col2'

    def get_data(self):
        return self.model.new_data

    def track(self):
        """Measure the mean of the first column"""
        return  # Remember that data is a pandas DataFrame!

This basic monitor will produce a simple plotly line graph when the monitor method is called.

In this casse, the monitor will store the results in the corresponding database table. For for more complex results that users wish to store, a format_results method will need to be implemented (see Storing and accessing results).

To execute the monitor, create an instance of MyMonitor and execute the monitor method:

monitor = MyMonitor()