Hamamatsu Camera

This service controls a Hamamatsu camera. It is a wrapper around the DCAM SDK, which is distributed on the manufacturer website together with their Python API dcam: https://www.hamamatsu.com/eu/en/product/cameras/software/driver-software.html

The service requires the definition of an environment variable CATKIT_DCAM_SDK_PATH that points to the python directory within the DCAM SDK installation.

The service has been successfully tested with the following camera models: - Hamamatsu ORCA-Quest C15550-20UP


  service_type: hamamatsu_camera
  simulated_service_type: camera_sim
  requires_safety: false

  camera_id: 0
  camera_mode: 'ultraquiet'
  pixel_format: Mono16
  binning: 1

  offset_x: 0
  offset_y: 0
  width: 400
  height: 400
  sensor_width: 4096
  sensor_height: 2304
  exposure_time: 8294.4
  gain: 0


exposure_time: Exposure time of the camera in microseconds.

gain: Gain of the camera.

brightness: Brightness of the camera.

width: The width of the camera frames.

height: The height of the camera frames.

offset_x: The x offset of the camera frames on the sensor.

offset_y: The y offset of the camera frames on the sensor.

sensor_width: The width of the sensor.

sensor_height: The height of the sensor.


start_acquisition(): This starts the acquisition of images from the camera.

end_acquisition(): This ends the acquisition of images from the camera.


temperature: The temperature (in Celsius) as measured by the camera.

images: The images acquired by the camera.

is_acquiring: Whether the camera is currently acquiring images.