Thorlabs Cube Motors

This service connects to Thorlabs TDC001 and Thorlabs KDC101 controllers in order to operate a motor.

This service uses bits of the official vendor Python library:
The service also requires the installation of the Thorlabs Kinesis software:
Then, to use Thorlabs cube motors with Kinesis, you need to set the THORLABS_KINESIS_DLL_PATH environment variable.

Successfully tested with the following devices:

  • Thorlabs TDC001

  • Thorlabs KDC101

Successfully tested with the motor stages:

  • MTS25-Z8

  • MTS50-Z8

  • Z825B


  service_type: thorlabs_cube_motor_kinesis
  simulated_service_type: thorlabs_cube_motor_kinesis_sim
  interface: thorlabs_cube_motor_kinesis

  cube_model: TDC001
  serial_number: 12345678
  stage_model: MTS50-Z8
  unit: mm
  min_position: 0.00
  max_position: 50.0

  positions:  # named positions resolved by the proxy.
    nominal: arbitrary_2
    arbitrary_1: 10
    arbitrary_2: 25




home(): This will home the motor and block until the motor has finished homing.


command: the current command sent to the motor. current_position: the current (commanded) position of the motor.