James Webb Space Telescope Data Analysis Tool Notebooks
The jdat_notebooks repository contains notebooks illustrating workflows for post-pipeline analysis of JWST data. Some of the notebooks also illustrate generic analysis workflows that are applicable to data from other observatories as well. This repository and the notebooks are one component of STScI's larger Data Analysis Tools Ecosystem.
The following table summarizes the notebooks currently available. Most links will take you to rendered versions of the notebooks, which require no special tools beyond your web browser. To download and execute the notebooks, clone this repository to your local computer. Most of the notebooks
rely on packages that can be installed using pip. The version
dependencies are listed in the environment.yaml and in the requirements file in each notebook folder.
JWST Science Analysis Notebooks
Use case: create ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) file from FITS file.
Data: CANDELS image of the COSMOS field.
Tools: asdf, gwcs, astrocut.
Cross-instrument: all instruments.
Background Estimation
Use case: estimate the sky background in complex scenes.
Data: images with pathological background pattern created in the notebook.
Tools: photutils
Cross-instrument: all instruments.
Use case: reproduce the workflow of the IRAF task XCORFIT to measure redshift.
Data: LEGA-C spectra and galaxy template spectra; optical rest-frame.
Tools: specutils.
Cross-instrument: all instruments.
Querying MAST
Use case: How to submit a NIRSpec MAST Query using python.
Tools: mast, astroquery.
Cross-instrument: all instruments.
Specviz GUI
Use case: How to inspect and export spectra in Specviz GUI.
Data: NIRISS simulation generated with the code MIRAGE.
Tools: specutils, jdaviz.
Cross-instrument: all instruments.
IFU Cube Fitting
Use case: continuum and emission-line modeling of galaxy IFU spectra.
Data: Spitzer IRS on Messier 58.
Tools: specutils, custom functions.
Cross-instrument: MIRI, NIRSpec.
Multiband Extended Aperture Photometry
Use case: measure extended galaxy photometry in a field.
Data: Simulated NIRCam images from JADES GTO extragalactic blank field.
Tools: photutils.
Crowded Field Aperture Photometry
Use case: Crowded field imaging with Aperture-fitting photometry.
Data: Simulated NIRCam images of LMC astrometric calibration field.
Tools: jwst pipeline, photutils.
PSF Photometry
Use case: Crowded field imaging with PSF-fitting photometry.
Data: Simulated NIRCam images of LMC astrometric calibration field.
Tools: webbpsf, photutils.
PSF Matching Photometry
Use case: Crowded field imaging with PSF-fitting photometry.
Data: Simulated NIRCam images of LMC astrometric calibration field.
Use case: Extract spatial-spectral features from IFU cube.
Data: KMOS datacube of point sources in the LMC.
Tools: specutils, spectral_cube, photutils.
IFU Cube 2
Use case: Photutils to automatically detect point sources and extract photometry
Data: ALMA 13CO data cubes.
Tools: specutils, spectral_cube, photutils.
If you uncover any issues or bugs, you can open a GitHub ticket. For faster responses, however, we encourage you to submit a JWST Help Desk Ticket: jwsthelp.stsci.edu
Contributions are welcome from both the scientist and developer community. If you wish to contribute fixes or clarifications to existing notebooks, feel free to do so directly to this repository. If you wish to contribute new notebooks or major reworks of existing notebooks, we refer you to jdat_notebooks. For details on how to provide such contributions, see the contributing instructions.
The notebooks attempt to utilize a number of software packages supported by STScI, including Astropy, glue, ginga, photutils, specutils, astroimtools, imexam, jdaviz, asdf, gwcs, and synphot. Note jdaviz is STScI's JWST Data Analysis Visualization Tool, designed to be used with spectra, IFU cubes, and multi-object spectroscopy (MOS).