ASDF Example#

Use case: Create ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) file from FITS file.
Data: CANDELS image of the COSMOS field.
Tools: asdf, gwcs, astrocut.
Cross-intrument: all instruments.
Documentation: This notebook is part of a STScI’s larger post-pipeline Data Analysis Tools Ecosystem.


JWST data files make use of the Advanced Scientific Data Format. The ASDF metadata are stored in a FITS extension. The JWST pipline software reads and writes these from the in-memory datamodels.

However, it is relatively straightforward to read and write a pure ASDF file, skipping FITS and datamodels entirely. This notebook illustrates some aspects of ASDF using a FITS file as a starting point.


  • astrocut for getting the data via the astrocut service at MAST

  • the fits library from astropy for reading in the FITS file

  • the astropy coordinates SkyCoord object for dealing with celestial coordinates

  • matplotlib for making plots

  • asdf and the AsdfFile object

  • the astropy Table object for a notebook-friendly view of the header

  • Items from the modeling, coordinates and wcs libraries for an example of converting world coordinate system information from FITS keywords to a gwcs data structure.

from astrocut import fits_cut
from import fits
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import asdf
from asdf import AsdfFile

# For example 4
from astropy.table import Table

# For example 6
from astropy.modeling import models
from astropy import coordinates as coord
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from gwcs.wcstools import wcs_from_fiducial
%matplotlib inline

Get the data#

We’ll grab a cutout from the CANDELS observations of COSMOS using astroquery.

url = ""
input_files = [url + "hlsp_candels_hst_acs_cos-tot-sect23_f606w_v1.0_drz.fits"]
center_coord = SkyCoord("150.0946 2.38681", unit='deg')
cutout_size = [100, 100]
cutout_file = fits_cut(input_files, center_coord, cutout_size, single_outfile=True)

Read in the FITS file, look at its structure and display the data#

cutout_hdulist =
Filename: ./cutout_150.094600_2.386810_100-x-100_astrocut.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      11   ()      
  1  CUTOUT        1 ImageHDU      2769   (100, 100)   float32   

Pull apart the FITS components, for convenience later on.

data = cutout_hdulist[1].data
header0 = cutout_hdulist[0].header
header1 = cutout_hdulist[1].header
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fd598199ed0>
XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / Image extension                                
BITPIX  =                  -32 / array data type                                
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions                     
NAXIS1  =                  100                                                  
NAXIS2  =                  100                                                  
PCOUNT  =                    0 / number of parameters                           
GCOUNT  =                    1 / number of groups                               
OBJECT  = 'COS_2EPOCH_ACS_F606W_030MAS_V1.0_SECT23_DRZ[1/1]'                    
ORIGIN  = 'KPNO-IRAF'           /                                               
DATE    = '2012-12-31T17:40:43'                                                 
IRAFNAME= 'cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh'  /  NAME OF IRAF IMA
IRAF-MAX=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MAX                                     
IRAF-MIN=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MIN                                     
IRAF-BPX=                   32  /  DATA BITS/PIXEL                              
IRAFTYPE= 'REAL    '            /  PIXEL TYPE                                   
DATAMIN =                   0.                                                  
DATAMAX =                   0.                                                  
CRPIX1  =              -2552.5 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            
CRVAL1  =          150.1163213 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point      
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Right ascension, gnomonic projection           
CD1_1   =         -8.333333E-6                                                  
CD2_1   =                   0.                                                  
CRPIX2  =             -22248.5 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            
CRVAL2  =          2.200973097 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point      
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Declination, gnomonic projection               
CD1_2   =                   0.                                                  
CD2_2   =          8.333333E-6                                                  
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator        
DATE    = '2012-05-19T15:15:35'                                                 
FILETYPE= 'SCI      '          / type of data found in data file                
TELESCOP= 'HST'                / telescope used to acquire data                 
INSTRUME= 'ACS   '             / identifier for instrument used to acquire data 
EQUINOX =              2000.0  / [yr] Equinox of equatorial coordinates         
              / DATA DESCRIPTION KEYWORDS                                       
ROOTNAME= 'jboa28wmq                         ' / rootname of the observation set
IMAGETYP= 'EXT               ' / type of exposure identifier                    
PRIMESI = 'WFC3  '             / instrument designated as prime                 
              / TARGET INFORMATION                                              
TARGNAME= 'ANY                           ' / proposer's target name             
RA_TARG =   1.501554086126E+02 / right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)    
DEC_TARG=   2.270881608073E+00 / declination of the target (deg) (J2000)        
              / PROPOSAL INFORMATION                                            
PROPOSID=                12440 / PEP proposal identifier                        
LINENUM = '28.002         '    / proposal logsheet line number                  
PR_INV_L= 'Faber                         ' / last name of principal investigator
PR_INV_F= 'Sandra              ' / first name of principal investigator         
PR_INV_M= 'M.                  ' / middle name / initial of principal investigat
              / EXPOSURE INFORMATION                                            
SUNANGLE=           107.339531 / angle between sun and V1 axis                  
MOONANGL=            61.991249 / angle between moon and V1 axis                 
SUN_ALT =           -32.338875 / altitude of the sun above Earth's limb         
FGSLOCK = 'FINE              ' / commanded FGS lock (FINE,COARSE,GYROS,UNKNOWN) 
GYROMODE= 'T'                  / number of gyros scheduled, T=3+OBAD            
REFFRAME= 'ICRS    '           / guide star catalog version                     
MTFLAG  = ' '                  / moving target flag; T if it is a moving target 
DATE-OBS= '2011-12-11'         / ISO-8601 time of observation                   
TIME-OBS= '13:09:12'           / UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)     
EXPSTART=   5.590654805854E+04 / exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)     
EXPEND  =   5.590655125326E+04 / exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)       
EXPTIME =               36800. / exposure duration (seconds)--calculated        
EXPFLAG = 'NORMAL       '      / Exposure interruption indicator                
QUALCOM1= '                                                                    '
QUALCOM2= '                                                                    '
QUALCOM3= '                                                                    '
QUALITY = '                                                                    '
              / POINTING INFORMATION                                            
PA_V3   =           128.000000 / position angle of V3-axis of HST (deg)         
              / TARGET OFFSETS (POSTARGS)                                       
POSTARG1=             0.000000 / POSTARG in axis 1 direction                    
POSTARG2=             0.000000 / POSTARG in axis 2 direction                    
              / DIAGNOSTIC KEYWORDS                                             
OPUS_VER= 'OPUS 2011_1h      ' / OPUS software system version number            
CAL_VER = '5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)' / CALACS code version                           
PROCTIME=   5.590885636574E+04 / Pipeline processing time (MJD)                 
              / SCIENCE INSTRUMENT CONFIGURATION                                
OBSTYPE = 'IMAGING       '     / observation type - imaging or spectroscopic    
OBSMODE = 'ACCUM     '         / operating mode                                 
CTEIMAGE= 'NONE'               / type of Charge Transfer Image, if applicable   
SCLAMP  = 'NONE          '     / lamp status, NONE or name of lamp which is on  
NRPTEXP =                    1 / number of repeat exposures in set: default 1   
SUBARRAY=                    F / data from a subarray (T) or full frame (F)     
DETECTOR= 'WFC'                / detector in use: WFC, HRC, or SBC              
FILTER1 = 'F606W             ' / element selected from filter wheel 1           
FW1OFFST=                    0 / computed filter wheel offset                   
FILTER2 = 'CLEAR2L           ' / element selected from filter wheel 2           
FW1ERROR=                    F / filter wheel position error flag               
FW2OFFST=                -4320 / computed filter wheel offset                   
FW2ERROR=                    T / filter wheel position error flag               
FWSOFFST=                    0 / computed filter wheel offset                   
FWSERROR=                    F / filter wheel position error flag               
LRFWAVE =             0.000000 / proposed linear ramp filter wavelength         
APERTURE= 'WFC             '   / aperture name                                  
PROPAPER= 'WFC             '   / proposed aperture name                         
DIRIMAGE= 'NONE     '          / direct image for grism or prism exposure       
CTEDIR  = 'NONE    '           / CTE measurement direction: serial or parallel  
CRSPLIT =                    1 / number of cosmic ray split exposures           
              / CALIBRATION SWITCHES: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE                   
STATFLAG=                    F / Calculate statistics?                          
WRTERR  =                    T / write out error array extension                
DQICORR = 'COMPLETE'           / data quality initialization                    
ATODCORR= 'OMIT    '           / correct for A to D conversion errors           
BLEVCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / subtract bias level computed from overscan img 
BIASCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Subtract bias image                            
FLSHCORR= 'OMIT    '           / post flash correction                          
CRCORR  = 'OMIT    '           / combine observations to reject cosmic rays     
EXPSCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / process individual observations after cr-reject
SHADCORR= 'OMIT    '           / apply shutter shading correction               
DARKCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Subtract dark image                            
FLATCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / flat field data                                
PHOTCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / populate photometric header keywords           
RPTCORR = 'OMIT    '           / add individual repeat observations             
DRIZCORR= 'PERFORM '           / drizzle processing                             
              / CALIBRATION REFERENCE FILES                                     
BPIXTAB = 'jref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fits' / bad pixel table                           
CCDTAB  = 'jref$uc82140bj_ccd.fits' / CCD calibration parameters                
ATODTAB = 'jref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fits' / analog to digital correction file         
OSCNTAB = 'jref$lch1459bj_osc.fits' / CCD overscan table                        
BIASFILE= 'jref$vbh1844rj_bia.fits' / bias image file name                      
FLSHFILE= 'N/A                    ' / post flash correction file name           
CRREJTAB= 'jref$n4e12511j_crr.fits' / cosmic ray rejection parameters           
SHADFILE= 'jref$kcb17349j_shd.fits' / shutter shading correction file           
DARKFILE= 'jref$vbh18454j_drk.fits' / dark image file name                      
PFLTFILE= 'jref$qb12257sj_pfl.fits' / pixel to pixel flat field file name       
DFLTFILE= 'N/A                    ' / delta flat field file name                
LFLTFILE= 'N/A                    ' / low order flat                            
PHOTTAB = 'N/A                    ' / Photometric throughput table              
GRAPHTAB= 'mtab$v9n1603mm_tmg.fits' / the HST graph table                       
COMPTAB = 'mtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fits' / the HST components table                  
IDCTAB  = 'jref$v8q1444tj_idc.fits' / image distortion correction table         
DGEOFILE= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits' / Distortion correction image               
MDRIZTAB= 'jref$ub21537aj_mdz.fits' / MultiDrizzle parameter table              
CFLTFILE= 'N/A               ' / Coronagraphic spot image                       
SPOTTAB = 'N/A               ' / Coronagraphic spot offset table                
IMPHTTAB= 'jref$vbb18107j_imp.fits' / Image Photometry Table                    
              / COSMIC RAY REJECTION ALGORITHM PARAMETERS                       
MEANEXP =             0.000000 / reference exposure time for parameters         
SCALENSE=             0.000000 / multiplicative scale factor applied to noise   
INITGUES= '   '                / initial guess method (MIN or MED)              
SKYSUB  = '    '               / sky value subtracted (MODE or NONE)            
SKYSUM  =                  0.0 / sky level from the sum of all constituent image
CRSIGMAS= '               '    / statistical rejection criteria                 
CRRADIUS=             0.000000 / rejection propagation radius (pixels)          
CRTHRESH=             0.000000 / rejection propagation threshold                
BADINPDQ=                    0 / data quality flag bits to reject               
REJ_RATE=                  0.0 / rate at which pixels are affected by cosmic ray
CRMASK  =                    F / flag CR-rejected pixels in input files (T/F)   
MDRIZSKY=    32.08782958984375 / Sky value computed by MultiDrizzle             
              / OTFR KEYWORDS                                                   
T_SGSTAR= 'N/A               ' / OMS calculated guide star control              
              / PATTERN KEYWORDS                                                
PATTERN1= 'NONE                    ' / primary pattern type                     
P1_SHAPE= '                  ' / primary pattern shape                          
P1_PURPS= '          '         / primary pattern purpose                        
P1_NPTS =                    0 / number of points in primary pattern            
P1_PSPAC=             0.000000 / point spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)    
P1_LSPAC=             0.000000 / line spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)     
P1_ANGLE=             0.000000 / angle between sides of parallelogram patt (deg)
P1_FRAME= '         '          / coordinate frame of primary pattern            
P1_ORINT=             0.000000 / orientation of pattern to coordinate frame (deg
P1_CENTR= '   '                / center pattern relative to pointing (yes/no)   
PATTSTEP=                    0 / position number of this point in the pattern   
              / POST FLASH  PARAMETERS                                          
FLASHDUR=                  0.0 / Exposure time in seconds: 0.1 to 409.5         
FLASHCUR= 'OFF '               / Post flash current: OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH        
SHUTRPOS= 'A    '              / Shutter position: A or B                       
              / ENGINEERING PARAMETERS                                          
CCDAMP  = 'ABCD'               / CCD Amplifier Readout Configuration            
CCDGAIN =                  2.0 / commanded gain of CCD                          
CCDOFSTA=                    1 / commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier A      
CCDOFSTB=                    1 / commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier B      
CCDOFSTC=                    1 / commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier C      
CCDOFSTD=                    1 / commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier D      
              / CALIBRATED ENGINEERING PARAMETERS                               
ATODGNA =        2.0200000E+00 / calibrated gain for amplifier A                
ATODGNB =        1.8860000E+00 / calibrated gain for amplifier B                
ATODGNC =        2.0170000E+00 / calibrated gain for amplifier C                
ATODGND =        2.0109999E+00 / calibrated gain for amplifier D                
READNSEA=        4.5700002E+00 / calibrated read noise for amplifier A          
READNSEB=        3.9100001E+00 / calibrated read noise for amplifier B          
READNSEC=        4.2500000E+00 / calibrated read noise for amplifier C          
READNSED=        4.0400000E+00 / calibrated read noise for amplifier D          
BIASLEVA=        2.0885564E+03 / bias level for amplifier A                     
BIASLEVB=        2.1405024E+03 / bias level for amplifier B                     
BIASLEVC=        2.2087419E+03 / bias level for amplifier C                     
BIASLEVD=        2.2967388E+03 / bias level for amplifier D                     
              / ASSOCIATION KEYWORDS                                            
ASN_ID  = 'JBOA28010 '         / unique identifier assigned to association      
ASN_TAB = 'jboa28010_asn.fits     ' / name of the association table             
ASN_MTYP= 'EXP-DTH     '       / Role of the Member in the Association          
BSTRCORR= 'COMPLETE'                                                            
PCTEFILE= 'jref$pctefile_101109.fits'                                           
PCTETAB = 'jref$pctetab_pcte_20110913113559.fits'                               
PCTECORR= 'COMPLETE'                                                            
PCTEFRAC=    1.289367530158845                                                  
DATE    = '2012-04-10T16:39:27' / Date FITS file was generated                  
EXPNAME = 'jboa28wmq                ' / exposure identifier                     
BUNIT   = 'ELECTRONS'          / brightness units                               
              / WFC CCD CHIP IDENTIFICATION                                     
CCDCHIP =                    1 / CCD chip (1 or 2)                              
              / World Coordinate System and Related Parameters                  
WCSAXES =                    2 / Number of coordinate axes                      
LTV1    =        0.0000000E+00 / offset in X to subsection start                
LTV2    =        0.0000000E+00 / offset in Y to subsection start                
LTM1_1  =                  1.0 / reciprocal of sampling rate in X               
LTM2_2  =                  1.0 / reciprocal of sampling rate in Y               
ORIENTAT=   -54.67632556350016 / position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)   
RA_APER =   1.501554086126E+02 / RA of aperture reference position              
DEC_APER=   2.270881608073E+00 / Declination of aperture reference position     
PA_APER =             -54.4475 / Position Angle of reference aperture center (de
VAFACTOR=   1.000104465141E+00 / velocity aberration plate scale factor         
              / READOUT DEFINITION PARAMETERS                                   
CENTERA1=                 2073 / subarray axis1 center pt in unbinned dect. pix 
CENTERA2=                 1035 / subarray axis2 center pt in unbinned dect. pix 
SIZAXIS1=                 4096 / subarray axis1 size in unbinned detector pixels
SIZAXIS2=                 2048 / subarray axis2 size in unbinned detector pixels
BINAXIS1=                    1 / axis1 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels
BINAXIS2=                    1 / axis2 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels
              / PHOTOMETRY KEYWORDS                                             
PHOTMODE= 'ACS WFC1 F606W MJD#55906.5481' / observation con                     
PHOTFLAM=        7.8624958E-20 / inverse sensitivity, ergs/cm2/Ang/electron     
PHOTZPT =       -2.1100000E+01 / ST magnitude zero point                        
PHOTPLAM=        5.9211147E+03 / Pivot wavelength (Angstroms)                   
PHOTBW  =        6.7223627E+02 / RMS bandwidth of filter plus detector          
              / REPEATED EXPOSURES INFO                                         
NCOMBINE=                    1 / number of image sets combined during CR rejecti
              / DATA PACKET INFORMATION                                         
FILLCNT =                    1 / number of segments containing fill             
ERRCNT  =                    1 / number of segments containing errors           
PODPSFF =                    F / podps fill present (T/F)                       
STDCFFF =                    T / science telemetry fill data present (T=1/F=0)  
STDCFFP = '0x5569'             / science telemetry fill pattern (hex)           
              / ON-BOARD COMPRESSION INFORMATION                                
WFCMPRSD=                    F / was WFC data compressed? (T/F)                 
CBLKSIZ =                    0 / size of compression block in 2-byte words      
LOSTPIX =                    0 / #pixels lost due to buffer overflow            
COMPTYP = 'None    '           / compression type performed (Partial/Full/None) 
              / IMAGE STATISTICS AND DATA QUALITY FLAGS                         
NGOODPIX=              8097343 / number of good pixels                          
SDQFLAGS=                31743 / serious data quality flags                     
GOODMIN =       -3.1759687E+01 / minimum value of good pixels                   
GOODMAX =        8.5606719E+04 / maximum value of good pixels                   
GOODMEAN=        3.5944370E+01 / mean value of good pixels                      
SOFTERRS=                    0 / number of soft error pixels (DQF=1)            
SNRMIN  =       -3.4609985E+00 / minimum signal to noise of good pixels         
SNRMAX  =        2.3393831E+02 / maximum signal to noise of good pixels         
SNRMEAN =        5.9348207E+00 / mean value of signal to noise of good pixels   
MEANDARK=        1.2713139E+00 / average of the dark values subtracted          
MEANBLEV=        2.1145295E+03 / average of all bias levels subtracted          
MEANFLSH=             0.000000 / Mean number of counts in post flash exposure   
ONAXIS2 =                 2048 / Axis length                                    
ONAXIS1 =                 4096 / Axis length                                    
OORIENTA=   -54.64776336099293 / position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)   
OCTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN'           / the coordinate type for the first axis         
OCTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN'           / the coordinate type for the second axis        
WCSCDATE= '13:02:32 (10/04/2012)' / Time WCS keywords were copied.              
A_0_2   = 2.26194120304176E-06                                                  
B_0_2   = -9.7985788387639E-06                                                  
A_1_1   = -7.5302905463753E-06                                                  
B_1_1   = 6.42569986264533E-06                                                  
A_2_0   = 8.51886870532632E-06                                                  
B_2_0   = -2.9658922285423E-06                                                  
A_0_3   = 6.51050854317125E-11                                                  
B_0_3   = -4.1421499542394E-10                                                  
A_1_2   = -5.2539201413375E-10                                                  
B_1_2   = -3.0354276197375E-11                                                  
A_2_1   = -1.0714004130419E-10                                                  
B_2_1   = -4.4034927976003E-10                                                  
A_3_0   = -4.6936360210189E-10                                                  
B_3_0   = 9.00334210115821E-11                                                  
A_0_4   = 1.35191449346299E-13                                                  
B_0_4   = -1.5248974790417E-13                                                  
A_1_3   = -1.4269338401366E-14                                                  
B_1_3   = 2.75911271664302E-14                                                  
A_2_2   = 9.70199603291834E-14                                                  
B_2_2   = -1.0403607372429E-13                                                  
A_3_1   = 3.80059786170717E-14                                                  
B_3_1   = -3.8363933112663E-14                                                  
A_4_0   = 1.83627862287182E-14                                                  
B_4_0   = -1.6913942054528E-14                                                  
A_ORDER =                    4                                                  
B_ORDER =                    4                                                  
IDCSCALE=                 0.05                                                  
IDCV2REF=    261.1130981445312                                                  
IDCV3REF=     198.231201171875                                                  
IDCTHETA=                  0.0                                                  
OCX10   = 0.002270935984783606                                                  
OCX11   =  0.04922343821974121                                                  
OCY10   =   0.0485839959198564                                                  
OCY11   =  0.00213603403929032                                                  
TDDALPHA=   0.2802605508521792                                                  
TDDBETA = -0.09075351695072641                                                  
SKYVAL  =        32.5013968269                                                  
SKYRMS  =             7.873235                                                  
QUADOFFA=          0.190616225                                                  
QUADOFFB=         -0.660557125                                                  
QUADOFFC=          0.117621775                                                  
QUADOFFD=          0.352319125                                                  
NDRIZIM =                  100 / Drizzle, number of images drizzled onto this ou
D001VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D001GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D001DATA= 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D001DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D001OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D001OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D001OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D001MASK= 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D001WTSC=             583770.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D001KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D001PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D001COEF= 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D001XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D001YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D001LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D001EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D001INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D001OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D001FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D001INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D001INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D001OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D001OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D001SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D002VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D002GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D002DATA= 'cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D002DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D002OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D002OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D002OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D002MASK= 'cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D002WTSC=             3858213. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D002KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D002PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D002COEF= 'cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D002XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D002YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D002LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D002EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D002INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D002OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D002FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D002INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D002INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D002OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D002OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D002SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D003VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D003GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D003DATA= 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D003DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D003OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D003OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D003OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D003MASK= 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D003WTSC=             583802.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D003KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D003PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D003COEF= 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D003XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D003YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D003LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D003EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D003INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D003OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D003FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D003INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D003INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D003OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D003OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D003SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D004VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D004GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D004DATA= 'cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D004DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D004OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D004OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D004OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D004MASK= 'cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D004WTSC=             3858522. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D004KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D004PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D004COEF= 'cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D004XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D004YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D004LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D004EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D004INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D004OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D004FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D004INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D004INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D004OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D004OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D004SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D005VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D005GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D005DATA= 'cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D005DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D005OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D005OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D005OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D005MASK= 'cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D005WTSC=             583802.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D005KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D005PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D005COEF= 'cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D005XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D005YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D005LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D005EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D005INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D005OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D005FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D005INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D005INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D005OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D005OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D005SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D006VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D006GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D006DATA= 'cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D006DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D006OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D006OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D006OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D006MASK= 'cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D006WTSC=             3858522. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D006KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D006PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D006COEF= 'cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D006XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D006YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D006LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D006EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D006INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D006OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D006FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D006INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D006INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D006OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D006OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D006SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D007VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D007GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D007DATA= 'cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D007DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D007OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D007OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D007OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D007MASK= 'cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D007WTSC=             583801.9 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D007KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D007PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D007COEF= 'cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D007XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D007YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D007LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D007EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D007INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D007OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D007FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D007INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D007INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D007OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D007OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D007SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D008VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D008GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D008DATA= 'cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D008DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D008OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D008OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D008OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D008MASK= 'cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D008WTSC=             3858506. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D008KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D008PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D008COEF= 'cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D008XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D008YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D008LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D008EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D008INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D008OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D008FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D008INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D008INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D008OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D008OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D008SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D009VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D009GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D009DATA= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D009DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D009OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D009OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D009OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D009MASK= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D009WTSC=             583803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D009KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D009PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D009COEF= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D009XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D009YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D009LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D009EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D009INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D009OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D009FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D009INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D009INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D009OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D009OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D009SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D010VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D010GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D010DATA= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D010DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D010OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D010OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D010OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D010MASK= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D010WTSC=             583803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D010KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D010PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D010COEF= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D010XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D010YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D010LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D010EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D010INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D010OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D010FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D010INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D010INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D010OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D010OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D010SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D011VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D011GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D011DATA= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D011DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D011OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D011OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D011OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D011MASK= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D011WTSC=             3858528. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D011KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D011PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D011COEF= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D011XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D011YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D011LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D011EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D011INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D011OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D011FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D011INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D011INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D011OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D011OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D011SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D012VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D012GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D012DATA= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D012DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D012OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D012OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D012OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D012MASK= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D012WTSC=             3858528. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D012KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D012PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D012COEF= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D012XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D012YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D012LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D012EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D012INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D012OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D012FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D012INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D012INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D012OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D012OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D012SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D013VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D013GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D013DATA= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D013DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D013OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D013OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D013OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D013MASK= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D013WTSC=             583803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D013KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D013PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D013COEF= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D013XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D013YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D013LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D013EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D013INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D013OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D013FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D013INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D013INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D013OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D013OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D013SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D014VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D014GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D014DATA= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D014DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D014OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D014OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D014OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D014MASK= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D014WTSC=             583803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D014KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D014PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D014COEF= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D014XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D014YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D014LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D014EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D014INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D014OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D014FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D014INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D014INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D014OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D014OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D014SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D015VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D015GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D015DATA= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D015DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D015OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D015OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D015OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D015MASK= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D015WTSC=             3858529. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D015KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D015PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D015COEF= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D015XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D015YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D015LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D015EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D015INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D015OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D015FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D015INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D015INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D015OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D015OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D015SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D016VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D016GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D016DATA= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D016DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D016OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D016OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D016OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D016MASK= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D016WTSC=             3858529. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D016KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D016PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D016COEF= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D016XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D016YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D016LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D016EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D016INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D016OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D016FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D016INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D016INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D016OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D016OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D016SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D017VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D017GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D017DATA= 'cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D017DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D017OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D017OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D017OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D017MASK= 'cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D017WTSC=             583804.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D017KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D017PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D017COEF= 'cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D017XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D017YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D017LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D017EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D017INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D017OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D017FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D017INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D017INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D017OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D017OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D017SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D018VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D018GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D018DATA= 'cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D018DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D018OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D018OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D018OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D018MASK= 'cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D018WTSC=             3858532. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D018KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D018PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D018COEF= 'cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D018XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D018YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D018LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D018EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D018INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D018OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D018FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D018INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D018INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D018OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D018OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D018SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D019VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D019GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D019DATA= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D019DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D019OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D019OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D019OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D019MASK= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D019WTSC=             583796.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D019KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D019PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D019COEF= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D019XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D019YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D019LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D019EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D019INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D019OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D019FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D019INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D019INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D019OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D019OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D019SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D020VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D020GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D020DATA= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D020DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D020OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D020OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D020OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D020MASK= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D020WTSC=             583796.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D020KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D020PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D020COEF= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D020XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D020YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D020LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D020EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D020INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D020OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D020FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D020INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D020INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D020OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D020OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D020SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D021VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D021GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D021DATA= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D021DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D021OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D021OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D021OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D021MASK= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D021WTSC=             3858427. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D021KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D021PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D021COEF= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D021XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D021YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D021LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D021EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D021INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D021OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D021FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D021INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D021INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D021OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D021OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D021SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D022VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D022GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D022DATA= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D022DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D022OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D022OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D022OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D022MASK= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D022WTSC=             3858427. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D022KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D022PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D022COEF= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D022XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D022YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D022LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D022EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D022INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D022OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D022FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D022INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D022INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D022OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D022OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D022SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D023VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D023GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D023DATA= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D023DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D023OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D023OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D023OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D023MASK= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D023WTSC=             583805.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D023KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D023PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D023COEF= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D023XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D023YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D023LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D023EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D023INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D023OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D023FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D023INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D023INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D023OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D023OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D023SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D024VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D024GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D024DATA= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D024DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D024OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D024OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D024OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D024MASK= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D024WTSC=             583805.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D024KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D024PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D024COEF= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D024XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D024YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D024LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D024EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D024INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D024OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D024FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D024INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D024INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D024OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D024OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D024SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D025VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D025GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D025DATA= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D025DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D025OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D025OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D025OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D025MASK= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D025WTSC=             3858539. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D025KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D025PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D025COEF= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D025XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D025YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D025LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D025EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D025INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D025OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D025FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D025INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D025INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D025OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D025OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D025SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D026VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D026GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D026DATA= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D026DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D026OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D026OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D026OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D026MASK= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D026WTSC=             3858539. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D026KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D026PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D026COEF= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D026XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D026YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D026LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D026EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D026INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D026OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D026FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D026INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D026INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D026OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D026OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D026SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D027VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D027GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D027DATA= 'cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D027DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D027OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D027OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D027OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D027MASK= 'cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D027WTSC=             390803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D027KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D027PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D027COEF= 'cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D027XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D027YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D027LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D027EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D027INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D027OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D027FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D027INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D027INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D027OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D027OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D027SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D028VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D028GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D028DATA= 'cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D028DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D028OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D028OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D028OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D028MASK= 'cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D028WTSC=             1278684. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D028KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D028PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D028COEF= 'cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D028XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D028YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D028LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D028EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D028INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D028OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D028FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D028INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D028INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D028OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D028OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D028SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D029VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D029GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D029DATA= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D029DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D029OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D029OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D029OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D029MASK= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D029WTSC=             390813.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D029KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D029PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D029COEF= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D029XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D029YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D029LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D029EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D029INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D029OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D029FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D029INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D029INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D029OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D029OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D029SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D030VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D030GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D030DATA= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D030DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D030OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D030OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D030OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D030MASK= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D030WTSC=             390813.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D030KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D030PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D030COEF= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D030XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D030YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D030LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D030EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D030INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D030OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D030FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D030INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D030INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D030OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D030OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D030SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D031VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D031GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D031DATA= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D031DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D031OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D031OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D031OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D031MASK= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D031WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D031KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D031PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D031COEF= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D031XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D031YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D031LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D031EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D031INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D031OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D031FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D031INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D031INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D031OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D031OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D031SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D032VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D032GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D032DATA= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D032DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D032OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D032OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D032OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D032MASK= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D032WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D032KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D032PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D032COEF= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D032XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D032YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D032LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D032EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D032INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D032OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D032FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D032INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D032INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D032OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D032OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D032SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D033VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D033GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D033DATA= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D033DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D033OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D033OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D033OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D033MASK= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D033WTSC=             390813.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D033KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D033PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D033COEF= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D033XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D033YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D033LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D033EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D033INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D033OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D033FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D033INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D033INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D033OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D033OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D033SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D034VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D034GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D034DATA= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D034DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D034OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D034OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D034OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D034MASK= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D034WTSC=             390813.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D034KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D034PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D034COEF= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D034XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D034YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D034LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D034EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D034INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D034OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D034FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D034INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D034INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D034OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D034OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D034SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D035VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D035GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D035DATA= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D035DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D035OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D035OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D035OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D035MASK= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D035WTSC=             1278741. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D035KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D035PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D035COEF= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D035XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D035YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D035LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D035EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D035INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D035OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D035FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D035INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D035INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D035OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D035OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D035SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D036VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D036GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D036DATA= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D036DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D036OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D036OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D036OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D036MASK= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D036WTSC=             1278741. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D036KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D036PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D036COEF= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D036XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D036YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D036LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D036EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D036INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D036OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D036FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D036INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D036INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D036OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D036OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D036SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D037VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D037GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D037DATA= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D037DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D037OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D037OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D037OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D037MASK= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D037WTSC=             390814.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D037KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D037PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D037COEF= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D037XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D037YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D037LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D037EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D037INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D037OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D037FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D037INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D037INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D037OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D037OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D037SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D038VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D038GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D038DATA= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D038DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D038OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D038OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D038OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D038MASK= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D038WTSC=             390814.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D038KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D038PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D038COEF= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D038XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D038YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D038LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D038EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D038INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D038OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D038FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D038INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D038INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D038OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D038OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D038SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D039VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D039GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D039DATA= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D039DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D039OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D039OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D039OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D039MASK= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D039WTSC=             1278743. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D039KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D039PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D039COEF= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D039XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D039YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D039LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D039EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D039INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D039OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D039FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D039INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D039INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D039OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D039OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D039SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D040VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D040GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D040DATA= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D040DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D040OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D040OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D040OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D040MASK= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D040WTSC=             1278743. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D040KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D040PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D040COEF= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D040XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D040YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D040LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D040EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D040INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D040OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D040FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D040INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D040INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D040OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D040OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D040SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D041VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D041GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D041DATA= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D041DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D041OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D041OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D041OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D041MASK= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D041WTSC=              390814. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D041KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D041PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D041COEF= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D041XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D041YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D041LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D041EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D041INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D041OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D041FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D041INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D041INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D041OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D041OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D041SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D042VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D042GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D042DATA= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D042DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D042OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D042OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D042OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D042MASK= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D042WTSC=              390814. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D042KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D042PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D042COEF= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D042XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D042YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D042LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D042EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D042INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D042OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D042FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D042INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D042INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D042OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D042OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D042SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D043VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D043GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D043DATA= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D043DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D043OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D043OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D043OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D043MASK= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D043WTSC=             1278739. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D043KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D043PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D043COEF= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D043XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D043YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D043LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D043EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D043INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D043OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D043FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D043INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D043INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D043OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D043OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D043SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D044VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D044GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D044DATA= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D044DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D044OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D044OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D044OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D044MASK= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D044WTSC=             1278739. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D044KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D044PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D044COEF= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D044XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D044YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D044LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D044EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D044INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D044OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D044FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D044INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D044INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D044OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D044OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D044SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D045VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D045GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D045DATA= 'cos01_49_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D045DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D045OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D045OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D045OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D045MASK= 'cos01_49_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D045WTSC=             390814.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D045KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D045PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D045COEF= 'cos01_49_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D045XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D045YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D045LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D045EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D045INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D045OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D045FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D045INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D045INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D045OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D045OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D045SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D046VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D046GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D046DATA= 'cos01_49_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D046DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D046OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D046OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D046OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D046MASK= 'cos01_49_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D046WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D046KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D046PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D046COEF= 'cos01_49_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D046XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D046YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D046LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D046EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D046INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D046OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D046FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D046INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D046INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D046OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D046OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D046SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D047VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D047GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D047DATA= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D047DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D047OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D047OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D047OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D047MASK= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D047WTSC=             390814.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D047KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D047PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D047COEF= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D047XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D047YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D047LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D047EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D047INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D047OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D047FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D047INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D047INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D047OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D047OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D047SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D048VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D048GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D048DATA= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D048DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D048OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D048OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D048OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D048MASK= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D048WTSC=             390814.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D048KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D048PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D048COEF= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D048XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D048YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D048LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D048EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D048INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D048OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D048FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D048INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D048INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D048OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D048OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D048SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D049VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D049GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D049DATA= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D049DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D049OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D049OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D049OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D049MASK= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D049WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D049KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D049PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D049COEF= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D049XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D049YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D049LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D049EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D049INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D049OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D049FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D049INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D049INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D049OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D049OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D049SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D050VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D050GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D050DATA= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D050DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D050OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D050OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D050OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D050MASK= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D050WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D050KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D050PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D050COEF= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D050XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D050YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D050LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D050EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D050INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D050OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D050FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D050INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D050INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D050OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D050OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D050SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D051VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D051GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D051DATA= 'cos02_72_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D051DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D051OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D051OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D051OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D051MASK= 'cos02_72_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D051WTSC=             583572.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D051KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D051PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D051COEF= 'cos02_72_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D051XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D051YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D051LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D051EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D051INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D051OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D051FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D051INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D051INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D051OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D051OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D051SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D052VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D052GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D052DATA= 'cos02_72_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D052DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D052OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D052OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D052OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D052MASK= 'cos02_72_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D052WTSC=             1278505. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D052KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D052PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D052COEF= 'cos02_72_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D052XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D052YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D052LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D052EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D052INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D052OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D052FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D052INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D052INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D052OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D052OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D052SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D053VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D053GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D053DATA= 'cos02_73_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D053DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D053OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D053OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D053OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D053MASK= 'cos02_73_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D053WTSC=             583662.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D053KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D053PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D053COEF= 'cos02_73_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D053XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D053YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D053LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D053EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D053INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D053OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D053FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D053INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D053INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D053OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D053OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D053SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D054VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D054GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D054DATA= 'cos02_73_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D054DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D054OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D054OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D054OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D054MASK= 'cos02_73_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D054WTSC=             1278391. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D054KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D054PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D054COEF= 'cos02_73_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D054XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D054YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D054LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D054EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D054INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D054OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D054FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D054INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D054INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D054OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D054OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D054SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D055VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D055GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D055DATA= 'cos02_74_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D055DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D055OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D055OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D055OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D055MASK= 'cos02_74_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D055WTSC=             583683.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D055KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D055PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D055COEF= 'cos02_74_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D055XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D055YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D055LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D055EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D055INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D055OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D055FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D055INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D055INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D055OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D055OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D055SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D056VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D056GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D056DATA= 'cos02_74_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D056DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D056OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D056OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D056OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D056MASK= 'cos02_74_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D056WTSC=             1278462. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D056KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D056PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D056COEF= 'cos02_74_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D056XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D056YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D056LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D056EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D056INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D056OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D056FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D056INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D056INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D056OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D056OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D056SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D057VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D057GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D057DATA= 'cos02_76_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D057DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D057OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D057OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D057OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D057MASK= 'cos02_76_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D057WTSC=             583685.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D057KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D057PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D057COEF= 'cos02_76_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D057XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D057YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D057LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D057EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D057INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D057OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D057FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D057INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D057INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D057OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D057OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D057SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D058VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D058GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D058DATA= 'cos02_76_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D058DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D058OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D058OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D058OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D058MASK= 'cos02_76_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D058WTSC=             1278469. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D058KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D058PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D058COEF= 'cos02_76_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D058XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D058YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D058LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D058EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D058INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D058OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D058FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D058INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D058INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D058OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D058OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D058SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D059VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D059GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D059DATA= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D059DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D059OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D059OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D059OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D059MASK= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D059WTSC=             583685.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D059KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D059PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D059COEF= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D059XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D059YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D059LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D059EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D059INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D059OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D059FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D059INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D059INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D059OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D059OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D059SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D060VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D060GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D060DATA= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D060DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D060OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D060OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D060OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D060MASK= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D060WTSC=             583685.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D060KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D060PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D060COEF= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D060XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D060YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D060LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D060EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D060INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D060OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D060FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D060INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D060INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D060OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D060OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D060SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D061VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D061GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D061DATA= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D061DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D061OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D061OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D061OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D061MASK= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D061WTSC=             1278466. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D061KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D061PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D061COEF= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D061XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D061YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D061LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D061EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D061INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D061OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D061FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D061INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D061INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D061OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D061OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D061SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D062VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D062GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D062DATA= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D062DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D062OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D062OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D062OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D062MASK= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D062WTSC=             1278466. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D062KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D062PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D062COEF= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D062XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D062YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D062LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D062EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D062INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D062OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D062FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D062INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D062INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D062OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D062OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D062SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D063VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D063GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D063DATA= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D063DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D063OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D063OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D063OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D063MASK= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D063WTSC=             583685.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D063KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D063PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D063COEF= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D063XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D063YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D063LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D063EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D063INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D063OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D063FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D063INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D063INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D063OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D063OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D063SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D064VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D064GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D064DATA= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D064DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D064OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D064OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D064OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D064MASK= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D064WTSC=             583685.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D064KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D064PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D064COEF= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D064XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D064YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D064LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D064EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D064INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D064OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D064FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D064INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D064INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D064OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D064OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D064SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D065VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D065GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D065DATA= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D065DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D065OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D065OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D065OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D065MASK= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D065WTSC=             1278466. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D065KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D065PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D065COEF= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D065XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D065YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D065LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D065EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D065INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D065OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D065FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D065INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D065INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D065OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D065OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D065SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D066VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D066GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D066DATA= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D066DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D066OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D066OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D066OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D066MASK= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D066WTSC=             1278466. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D066KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D066PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D066COEF= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D066XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D066YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D066LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D066EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D066INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D066OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D066FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D066INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D066INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D066OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D066OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D066SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D067VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D067GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D067DATA= 'cos02_80_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D067DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D067OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D067OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D067OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D067MASK= 'cos02_80_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D067WTSC=             583685.9 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D067KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D067PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D067COEF= 'cos02_80_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D067XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D067YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D067LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D067EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D067INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D067OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D067FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D067INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D067INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D067OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D067OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D067SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D068VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D068GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D068DATA= 'cos02_80_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D068DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D068OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D068OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D068OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D068MASK= 'cos02_80_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D068WTSC=             1278468. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D068KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D068PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D068COEF= 'cos02_80_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D068XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D068YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D068LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D068EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D068INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D068OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D068FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D068INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D068INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D068OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D068OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D068SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D069VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D069GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D069DATA= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D069DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D069OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D069OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D069OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D069MASK= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D069WTSC=             583576.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D069KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D069PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D069COEF= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D069XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D069YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D069LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D069EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D069INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D069OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D069FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D069INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D069INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D069OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D069OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D069SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D070VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D070GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D070DATA= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D070DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D070OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D070OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D070OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D070MASK= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D070WTSC=             583576.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D070KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D070PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D070COEF= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D070XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D070YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D070LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D070EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D070INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D070OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D070FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D070INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D070INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D070OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D070OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D070SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D071VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D071GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D071DATA= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D071DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D071OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D071OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D071OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D071MASK= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D071WTSC=             1278511. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D071KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D071PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D071COEF= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D071XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D071YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D071LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D071EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D071INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D071OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D071FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D071INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D071INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D071OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D071OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D071SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D072VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D072GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D072DATA= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D072DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D072OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D072OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D072OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D072MASK= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D072WTSC=             1278511. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D072KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D072PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D072COEF= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D072XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D072YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D072LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D072EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D072INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D072OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D072FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D072INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D072INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D072OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D072OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D072SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D073VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D073GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D073DATA= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D073DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D073OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D073OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D073OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D073MASK= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D073WTSC=             583665.9 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D073KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D073PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D073COEF= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D073XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D073YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D073LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D073EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D073INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D073OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D073FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D073INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D073INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D073OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D073OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D073SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D074VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D074GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D074DATA= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D074DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D074OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D074OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D074OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D074MASK= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D074WTSC=             583665.9 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D074KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D074PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D074COEF= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D074XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D074YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D074LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D074EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D074INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D074OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D074FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D074INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D074INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D074OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D074OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D074SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D075VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D075GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D075DATA= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D075DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D075OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D075OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D075OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D075MASK= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D075WTSC=             1278398. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D075KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D075PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D075COEF= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D075XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D075YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D075LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D075EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D075INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D075OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D075FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D075INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D075INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D075OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D075OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D075SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D076VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D076GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D076DATA= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D076DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D076OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D076OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D076OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D076MASK= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D076WTSC=             1278398. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D076KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D076PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D076COEF= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D076XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D076YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D076LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D076EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D076INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D076OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D076FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D076INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D076INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D076OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D076OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D076SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D077VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D077GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D077DATA= 'cos02_84_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D077DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D077OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D077OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D077OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D077MASK= 'cos02_84_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D077WTSC=             390733.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D077KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D077PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D077COEF= 'cos02_84_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D077XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D077YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D077LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D077EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D077INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D077OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D077FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D077INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D077INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D077OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D077OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D077SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D078VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D078GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D078DATA= 'cos02_84_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D078DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D078OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D078OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D078OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D078MASK= 'cos02_84_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D078WTSC=             1278475. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D078KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D078PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D078COEF= 'cos02_84_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D078XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D078YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D078LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D078EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D078INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D078OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D078FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D078INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D078INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D078OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D078OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D078SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D079VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D079GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D079DATA= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D079DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D079OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D079OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D079OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D079MASK= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D079WTSC=             390734.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D079KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D079PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D079COEF= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D079XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D079YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D079LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D079EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D079INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D079OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D079FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D079INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D079INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D079OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D079OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D079SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D080VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D080GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D080DATA= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D080DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D080OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D080OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D080OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D080MASK= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D080WTSC=             390734.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D080KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D080PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D080COEF= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D080XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D080YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D080LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D080EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D080INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D080OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D080FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D080INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D080INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D080OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D080OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D080SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D081VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D081GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D081DATA= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D081DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D081OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D081OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D081OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D081MASK= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D081WTSC=             1278483. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D081KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D081PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D081COEF= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D081XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D081YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D081LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D081EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D081INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D081OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D081FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D081INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D081INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D081OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D081OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D081SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D082VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D082GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D082DATA= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D082DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D082OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D082OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D082OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D082MASK= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D082WTSC=             1278483. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D082KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D082PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D082COEF= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D082XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D082YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D082LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D082EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D082INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D082OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D082FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D082INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D082INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D082OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D082OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D082SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D083VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D083GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D083DATA= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D083DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D083OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D083OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D083OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D083MASK= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D083WTSC=             390660.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D083KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D083PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D083COEF= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D083XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D083YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D083LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D083EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D083INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D083OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D083FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D083INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D083INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D083OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D083OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D083SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D084VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D084GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D084DATA= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D084DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D084OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D084OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D084OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D084MASK= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D084WTSC=             390660.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D084KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D084PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D084COEF= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D084XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D084YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D084LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D084EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D084INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D084OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D084FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D084INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D084INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D084OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D084OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D084SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D085VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D085GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D085DATA= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D085DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D085OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D085OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D085OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D085MASK= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D085WTSC=             1278516. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D085KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D085PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D085COEF= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D085XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D085YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D085LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D085EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D085INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D085OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D085FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D085INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D085INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D085OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D085OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D085SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D086VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D086GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D086DATA= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D086DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D086OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D086OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D086OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D086MASK= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D086WTSC=             1278516. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D086KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D086PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D086COEF= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D086XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D086YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D086LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D086EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D086INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D086OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D086FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D086INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D086INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D086OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D086OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D086SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D087VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D087GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D087DATA= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D087DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D087OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D087OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D087OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D087MASK= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D087WTSC=             390736.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D087KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D087PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D087COEF= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D087XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D087YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D087LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D087EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D087INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D087OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D087FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D087INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D087INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D087OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D087OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D087SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D088VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D088GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D088DATA= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D088DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D088OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D088OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D088OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D088MASK= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D088WTSC=             390736.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D088KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D088PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D088COEF= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D088XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D088YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D088LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D088EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D088INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D088OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D088FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D088INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D088INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D088OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D088OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D088SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D089VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D089GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D089DATA= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D089DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D089OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D089OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D089OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D089MASK= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D089WTSC=             1278490. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D089KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D089PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D089COEF= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D089XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D089YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D089LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D089EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D089INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D089OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D089FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D089INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D089INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D089OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D089OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D089SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D090VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D090GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D090DATA= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D090DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D090OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D090OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D090OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D090MASK= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D090WTSC=             1278490. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D090KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D090PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D090COEF= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D090XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D090YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D090LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D090EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D090INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D090OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D090FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D090INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D090INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D090OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D090OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D090SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D091VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D091GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D091DATA= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D091DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D091OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D091OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D091OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D091MASK= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D091WTSC=             390736.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D091KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D091PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D091COEF= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D091XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D091YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D091LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D091EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D091INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D091OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D091FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D091INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D091INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D091OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D091OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D091SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D092VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D092GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D092DATA= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D092DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D092OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D092OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D092OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D092MASK= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D092WTSC=             390736.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D092KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D092PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D092COEF= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D092XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D092YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D092LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D092EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D092INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D092OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D092FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D092INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D092INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D092OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D092OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D092SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D093VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D093GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D093DATA= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D093DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D093OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D093OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D093OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D093MASK= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D093WTSC=             1278487. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D093KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D093PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D093COEF= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D093XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D093YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D093LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D093EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D093INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D093OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D093FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D093INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D093INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D093OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D093OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D093SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D094VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D094GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D094DATA= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D094DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D094OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D094OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D094OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D094MASK= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D094WTSC=             1278487. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D094KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D094PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D094COEF= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D094XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D094YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D094LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D094EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D094INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D094OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D094FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D094INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D094INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D094OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D094OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D094SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D095VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D095GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D095DATA= 'cos02_93_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D095DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D095OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D095OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D095OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D095MASK= 'cos02_93_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D095WTSC=              390736. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D095KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D095PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D095COEF= 'cos02_93_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D095XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D095YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D095LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D095EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D095INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D095OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D095FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D095INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D095INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D095OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D095OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D095SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D096VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D096GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D096DATA= 'cos02_93_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D096DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D096OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D096OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D096OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D096MASK= 'cos02_93_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D096WTSC=             1278483. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D096KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D096PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D096COEF= 'cos02_93_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D096XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D096YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D096LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D096EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D096INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D096OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D096FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D096INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D096INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D096OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D096OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D096SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D097VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D097GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D097DATA= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D097DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D097OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D097OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D097OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D097MASK= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D097WTSC=             390737.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D097KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D097PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D097COEF= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D097XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D097YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D097LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D097EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D097INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D097OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D097FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D097INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D097INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D097OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D097OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D097SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D098VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D098GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D098DATA= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D098DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D098OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D098OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D098OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D098MASK= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D098WTSC=             390737.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D098KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D098PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D098COEF= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D098XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D098YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D098LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D098EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D098INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D098OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D098FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D098INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D098INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D098OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D098OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D098SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D099VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D099GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D099DATA= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D099DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D099OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D099OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D099OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D099MASK= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D099WTSC=             1278491. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D099KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D099PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D099COEF= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D099XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D099YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D099LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D099EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D099INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D099OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D099FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D099INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D099INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D099OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D099OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D099SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D100VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D100GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D100DATA= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D100DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D100OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D100OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D100OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D100MASK= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D100WTSC=             1278491. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D100KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D100PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D100COEF= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D100XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D100YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D100LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D100EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D100INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D100OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D100FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D100INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D100INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D100OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D100OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D100SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
PC1_1   =        -8.333333E-06 / Coordinate transformation matrix element       
PC2_2   =         8.333333E-06 / Coordinate transformation matrix element       
CDELT1  =                  1.0 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point  
CDELT2  =                  1.0 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point  
CUNIT1  = 'deg'                / Units of coordinate increment and value        
CUNIT2  = 'deg'                / Units of coordinate increment and value        
LONPOLE =                180.0 / [deg] Native longitude of celestial pole       
LATPOLE =          2.200973097 / [deg] Native latitude of celestial pole        
MJDREF  =                  0.0 / [d] MJD of fiducial time                       
MJD-OBS =              55906.0 / [d] MJD of observation                         
RADESYS = 'FK5'                / Equatorial coordinate system                   
O_EXT_NM=  / Original extension name.                                           
EXTNAME = 'CUTOUT  '                                                            
ORIG_FLE= 'hlsp_candels_hst_hst_candels-v1.0_acs_f606w_drz.fits' / Original imag
ORIG_EXT=                    0 / Extension in original file.                    
CHECKSUM= 'OVJgQSGZOSGdOSGZ'   / HDU checksum updated 2024-07-10T20:07:48       
DATASUM = '3549639627'         / data unit checksum updated 2024-07-10T20:07:48 

Example 1: Store just the key-value pairs of the metadata in ASDF#

The basic asdf data structure is a dictionary. The astropy FITS header object acts like a python dictionary. We can copy it into a pure dictionary, which will be useful when we want to add the data.

tree1 = {**header1} 

One more line of code to turn it into asdf.

myfile = AsdfFile(tree1)

We won’t save this to a file yet. First, let’s inspect the tree.

 'BITPIX': -32,
 'NAXIS': 2,
 'NAXIS1': 100,
 'NAXIS2': 100,
 'PCOUNT': 0,
 'GCOUNT': 1,
 'OBJECT': 'COS_2EPOCH_ACS_F606W_030MAS_V1.0_SECT23_DRZ[1/1]',
 'DATE': '2012-12-31T17:40:43',
 'IRAFNAME': 'cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'IRAF-MAX': 0.0,
 'IRAF-MIN': 0.0,
 'IRAF-BPX': 32,
 'DATAMIN': 0.0,
 'DATAMAX': 0.0,
 'CRPIX1': -2552.5,
 'CRVAL1': 150.1163213,
 'CTYPE1': 'RA---TAN',
 'CD1_1': -8.333333e-06,
 'CD2_1': 0.0,
 'CRPIX2': -22248.5,
 'CRVAL2': 2.200973097,
 'CTYPE2': 'DEC--TAN',
 'CD1_2': 0.0,
 'CD2_2': 8.333333e-06,
       / World Coordinate System and Related Parameters
 'EQUINOX': 2000.0,
 'ROOTNAME': 'jboa28wmq',
 'RA_TARG': 150.1554086126,
 'DEC_TARG': 2.270881608073,
 'PROPOSID': 12440,
 'LINENUM': '28.002',
 'PR_INV_L': 'Faber',
 'PR_INV_F': 'Sandra',
 'PR_INV_M': 'M.',
 'SUNANGLE': 107.339531,
 'MOONANGL': 61.991249,
 'SUN_ALT': -32.338875,
 'MTFLAG': '',
 'DATE-OBS': '2011-12-11',
 'TIME-OBS': '13:09:12',
 'EXPSTART': 55906.54805854,
 'EXPEND': 55906.55125326,
 'EXPTIME': 36800.0,
 'QUALCOM1': '',
 'QUALCOM2': '',
 'QUALCOM3': '',
 'QUALITY': '',
 'PA_V3': 128.0,
 'POSTARG1': 0.0,
 'POSTARG2': 0.0,
 'OPUS_VER': 'OPUS 2011_1h',
 'CAL_VER': '5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)',
 'PROCTIME': 55908.85636574,
 'NRPTEXP': 1,
 'SUBARRAY': False,
 'FILTER1': 'F606W',
 'FW1OFFST': 0,
 'FW1ERROR': False,
 'FW2OFFST': -4320,
 'FW2ERROR': True,
 'FWSERROR': False,
 'LRFWAVE': 0.0,
 'CRSPLIT': 1,
 'STATFLAG': False,
 'WRTERR': True,
 'BPIXTAB': 'jref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fits',
 'CCDTAB': 'jref$uc82140bj_ccd.fits',
 'ATODTAB': 'jref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fits',
 'OSCNTAB': 'jref$lch1459bj_osc.fits',
 'BIASFILE': 'jref$vbh1844rj_bia.fits',
 'CRREJTAB': 'jref$n4e12511j_crr.fits',
 'SHADFILE': 'jref$kcb17349j_shd.fits',
 'DARKFILE': 'jref$vbh18454j_drk.fits',
 'PFLTFILE': 'jref$qb12257sj_pfl.fits',
 'PHOTTAB': 'N/A',
 'GRAPHTAB': 'mtab$v9n1603mm_tmg.fits',
 'COMPTAB': 'mtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fits',
 'IDCTAB': 'jref$v8q1444tj_idc.fits',
 'DGEOFILE': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits',
 'MDRIZTAB': 'jref$ub21537aj_mdz.fits',
 'SPOTTAB': 'N/A',
 'IMPHTTAB': 'jref$vbb18107j_imp.fits',
 'MEANEXP': 0.0,
 'SCALENSE': 0.0,
 'INITGUES': '',
 'SKYSUB': '',
 'SKYSUM': 0.0,
 'CRSIGMAS': '',
 'CRRADIUS': 0.0,
 'CRTHRESH': 0.0,
 'REJ_RATE': 0.0,
 'CRMASK': False,
 'MDRIZSKY': 32.08782958984375,
 'T_SGSTAR': 'N/A',
 'P1_SHAPE': '',
 'P1_PURPS': '',
 'P1_NPTS': 0,
 'P1_PSPAC': 0.0,
 'P1_LSPAC': 0.0,
 'P1_ANGLE': 0.0,
 'P1_FRAME': '',
 'P1_ORINT': 0.0,
 'P1_CENTR': '',
 'FLASHDUR': 0.0,
 'CCDGAIN': 2.0,
 'ATODGNA': 2.02,
 'ATODGNB': 1.886,
 'ATODGNC': 2.017,
 'ATODGND': 2.0109999,
 'READNSEA': 4.5700002,
 'READNSEB': 3.9100001,
 'READNSEC': 4.25,
 'READNSED': 4.04,
 'BIASLEVA': 2088.5564,
 'BIASLEVB': 2140.5024,
 'BIASLEVC': 2208.7419,
 'BIASLEVD': 2296.7388,
 'ASN_ID': 'JBOA28010',
 'ASN_TAB': 'jboa28010_asn.fits',
 'PCTEFILE': 'jref$pctefile_101109.fits',
 'PCTETAB': 'jref$pctetab_pcte_20110913113559.fits',
 'PCTEFRAC': 1.289367530158845,
 'EXPNAME': 'jboa28wmq',
 'CCDCHIP': 1,
 'WCSAXES': 2,
 'LTV1': 0.0,
 'LTV2': 0.0,
 'LTM1_1': 1.0,
 'LTM2_2': 1.0,
 'ORIENTAT': -54.67632556350016,
 'RA_APER': 150.1554086126,
 'DEC_APER': 2.270881608073,
 'PA_APER': -54.4475,
 'VAFACTOR': 1.000104465141,
 'CENTERA1': 2073,
 'CENTERA2': 1035,
 'SIZAXIS1': 4096,
 'SIZAXIS2': 2048,
 'BINAXIS1': 1,
 'BINAXIS2': 1,
 'PHOTMODE': 'ACS WFC1 F606W MJD#55906.5481',
 'PHOTFLAM': 7.8624958e-20,
 'PHOTZPT': -21.1,
 'PHOTPLAM': 5921.1147,
 'PHOTBW': 672.23627,
 'FILLCNT': 1,
 'ERRCNT': 1,
 'PODPSFF': False,
 'STDCFFF': True,
 'STDCFFP': '0x5569',
 'WFCMPRSD': False,
 'CBLKSIZ': 0,
 'LOSTPIX': 0,
 'COMPTYP': 'None',
 'NGOODPIX': 8097343,
 'SDQFLAGS': 31743,
 'GOODMIN': -31.759687,
 'GOODMAX': 85606.719,
 'GOODMEAN': 35.94437,
 'SNRMIN': -3.4609985,
 'SNRMAX': 233.93831,
 'SNRMEAN': 5.9348207,
 'MEANDARK': 1.2713139,
 'MEANBLEV': 2114.5295,
 'MEANFLSH': 0.0,
 'ONAXIS2': 2048,
 'ONAXIS1': 4096,
 'OORIENTA': -54.64776336099293,
 'OCTYPE1': 'RA---TAN',
 'WCSCDATE': '13:02:32 (10/04/2012)',
 'A_0_2': 2.26194120304176e-06,
 'B_0_2': -9.7985788387639e-06,
 'A_1_1': -7.5302905463753e-06,
 'B_1_1': 6.42569986264533e-06,
 'A_2_0': 8.51886870532632e-06,
 'B_2_0': -2.9658922285423e-06,
 'A_0_3': 6.51050854317125e-11,
 'B_0_3': -4.1421499542394e-10,
 'A_1_2': -5.2539201413375e-10,
 'B_1_2': -3.0354276197375e-11,
 'A_2_1': -1.0714004130419e-10,
 'B_2_1': -4.4034927976003e-10,
 'A_3_0': -4.6936360210189e-10,
 'B_3_0': 9.00334210115821e-11,
 'A_0_4': 1.35191449346299e-13,
 'B_0_4': -1.5248974790417e-13,
 'A_1_3': -1.4269338401366e-14,
 'B_1_3': 2.75911271664302e-14,
 'A_2_2': 9.70199603291834e-14,
 'B_2_2': -1.0403607372429e-13,
 'A_3_1': 3.80059786170717e-14,
 'B_3_1': -3.8363933112663e-14,
 'A_4_0': 1.83627862287182e-14,
 'B_4_0': -1.6913942054528e-14,
 'A_ORDER': 4,
 'B_ORDER': 4,
 'IDCSCALE': 0.05,
 'IDCV2REF': 261.1130981445312,
 'IDCV3REF': 198.231201171875,
 'IDCTHETA': 0.0,
 'OCX10': 0.002270935984783606,
 'OCX11': 0.04922343821974121,
 'OCY10': 0.0485839959198564,
 'OCY11': 0.00213603403929032,
 'TDDALPHA': 0.2802605508521792,
 'TDDBETA': -0.0907535169507264,
 'SKYVAL': 32.5013968269,
 'SKYRMS': 7.873235,
 'QUADOFFA': 0.190616225,
 'QUADOFFB': -0.660557125,
 'QUADOFFC': 0.117621775,
 'QUADOFFD': 0.352319125,
 'NDRIZIM': 100,
 'D001VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D001GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D001DATA': 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
 'D001DEXP': 275.0,
 'D001OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D001OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D001OUCO': '',
 'D001MASK': 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
 'D001WTSC': 583770.1,
 'D001KERN': 'square',
 'D001PIXF': 0.8,
 'D001COEF': 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
 'D001XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
 'D001YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
 'D001LAM': 555.0,
 'D001EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D001INUN': 'counts',
 'D001OUUN': 'cps',
 'D001FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D001INXC': 2049.0,
 'D001INYC': 1025.0,
 'D001OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D001OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D001SECP': False,
 'D002VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D002GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D002DATA': 'cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
 'D002DEXP': 707.0,
 'D002OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D002OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D002OUCO': '',
 'D002MASK': 'cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
 'D002WTSC': 3858213.0,
 'D002KERN': 'square',
 'D002PIXF': 0.8,
 'D002COEF': 'cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
 'D002XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
 'D002YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
 'D002LAM': 555.0,
 'D002EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D002INUN': 'counts',
 'D002OUUN': 'cps',
 'D002FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D002INXC': 2049.0,
 'D002INYC': 1025.0,
 'D002OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D002OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D002SECP': False,
 'D003VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D003GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D003DATA': 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
 'D003DEXP': 275.0,
 'D003OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D003OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D003OUCO': '',
 'D003MASK': 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
 'D003WTSC': 583802.2,
 'D003KERN': 'square',
 'D003PIXF': 0.8,
 'D003COEF': 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
 'D003XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
 'D003YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
 'D003LAM': 555.0,
 'D003EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D003INUN': 'counts',
 'D003OUUN': 'cps',
 'D003FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D003INXC': 2049.0,
 'D003INYC': 1025.0,
 'D003OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D003OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D003SECP': False,
 'D004VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D004GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D004DATA': 'cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
 'D004DEXP': 707.0,
 'D004OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D004OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D004OUCO': '',
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 'D022OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D022OUCO': '',
 'D022MASK': 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
 'D022WTSC': 3858427.0,
 'D022KERN': 'square',
 'D022PIXF': 0.8,
 'D022COEF': 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
 'D022XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
 'D022YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
 'D022LAM': 555.0,
 'D022EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D022INUN': 'counts',
 'D022OUUN': 'cps',
 'D022FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D022INXC': 2049.0,
 'D022INYC': 1025.0,
 'D022OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D022OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D022SECP': False,
 'D023VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D023GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D023DATA': 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
 'D023DEXP': 275.0,
 'D023OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D023OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D023OUCO': '',
 'D023MASK': 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
 'D023WTSC': 583805.7,
 'D023KERN': 'square',
 'D023PIXF': 0.8,
 'D023COEF': 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
 'D023XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
 'D023YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
 'D023LAM': 555.0,
 'D023EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D023INUN': 'counts',
 'D023OUUN': 'cps',
 'D023FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D023INXC': 2049.0,
 'D023INYC': 1025.0,
 'D023OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D023OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D023SECP': False,
 'D024VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D024GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D024DATA': 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
 'D024DEXP': 275.0,
 'D024OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D024OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D024OUCO': '',
 'D024MASK': 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
 'D024WTSC': 583805.7,
 'D024KERN': 'square',
 'D024PIXF': 0.8,
 'D024COEF': 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
 'D024XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
 'D024YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
 'D024LAM': 555.0,
 'D024EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D024INUN': 'counts',
 'D024OUUN': 'cps',
 'D024FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D024INXC': 2049.0,
 'D024INYC': 1025.0,
 'D024OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D024OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D024SECP': False,
 'D025VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D025GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D025DATA': 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
 'D025DEXP': 707.0,
 'D025OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D025OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D025OUCO': '',
 'D025MASK': 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
 'D025WTSC': 3858539.0,
 'D025KERN': 'square',
 'D025PIXF': 0.8,
 'D025COEF': 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
 'D025XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
 'D025YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
 'D025LAM': 555.0,
 'D025EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D025INUN': 'counts',
 'D025OUUN': 'cps',
 'D025FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D025INXC': 2049.0,
 'D025INYC': 1025.0,
 'D025OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D025OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D025SECP': False,
 'D026VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D026GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D026DATA': 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
 'D026DEXP': 707.0,
 'D026OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D026OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D026OUCO': '',
 'D026MASK': 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
 'D026WTSC': 3858539.0,
 'D026KERN': 'square',
 'D026PIXF': 0.8,
 'D026COEF': 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
 'D026XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
 'D026YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
 'D026LAM': 555.0,
 'D026EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D026INUN': 'counts',
 'D026OUUN': 'cps',
 'D026FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D026INXC': 2049.0,
 'D026INYC': 1025.0,
 'D026OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D026OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D026SECP': False,
 'D027VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D027GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D027DATA': 'cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
 'D027DEXP': 225.0,
 'D027OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D027OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D027OUCO': '',
 'D027MASK': 'cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
 'D027WTSC': 390803.6,
 'D027KERN': 'square',
 'D027PIXF': 0.8,
 'D027COEF': 'cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
 'D027XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
 'D027YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
 'D027LAM': 555.0,
 'D027EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D027INUN': 'counts',
 'D027OUUN': 'cps',
 'D027FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D027INXC': 2049.0,
 'D027INYC': 1025.0,
 'D027OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D027OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D027SECP': False,
 'D028VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D028GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D028DATA': 'cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
 'D028DEXP': 407.0,
 'D028OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D028OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D028OUCO': '',
 'D028MASK': 'cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
 'D028WTSC': 1278684.0,
 'D028KERN': 'square',
 'D028PIXF': 0.8,
 'D028COEF': 'cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
 'D028XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
 'D028YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
 'D028LAM': 555.0,
 'D028EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D028INUN': 'counts',
 'D028OUUN': 'cps',
 'D028FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D028INXC': 2049.0,
 'D028INYC': 1025.0,
 'D028OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D028OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D028SECP': False,
 'D029VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D029GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D029DATA': 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
 'D029DEXP': 225.0,
 'D029OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D029OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D029OUCO': '',
 'D029MASK': 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
 'D029WTSC': 390813.4,
 'D029KERN': 'square',
 'D029PIXF': 0.8,
 'D029COEF': 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
 'D029XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
 'D029YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
 'D029LAM': 555.0,
 'D029EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D029INUN': 'counts',
 'D029OUUN': 'cps',
 'D029FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D029INXC': 2049.0,
 'D029INYC': 1025.0,
 'D029OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D029OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D029SECP': False,
 'D030VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D030GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D030DATA': 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
 'D030DEXP': 225.0,
 'D030OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D030OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D030OUCO': '',
 'D030MASK': 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
 'D030WTSC': 390813.4,
 'D030KERN': 'square',
 'D030PIXF': 0.8,
 'D030COEF': 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
 'D030XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
 'D030YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
 'D030LAM': 555.0,
 'D030EXKY': 'exptime',
 'D030INUN': 'counts',
 'D030OUUN': 'cps',
 'D030FVAL': 'INDEF',
 'D030INXC': 2049.0,
 'D030INYC': 1025.0,
 'D030OUXC': 7001.0,
 'D030OUYC': 7201.0,
 'D030SECP': False,
 'D031VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)',
 'D031GEOM': 'Header WCS',
 'D031DATA': 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
 'D031DEXP': 407.0,
 'D031OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D031OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D031OUCO': '',
 'D031MASK': 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',

Example 2: Save the FITS header annotations#

The fits header includes comments for many of the keywords. It’s a bit clunky, but we can save those by storing a tuple instead of just the value in the dictionary. While we’re at it, let’s toss some of the FITS keywords that aren’t useful.

toss_these = ['XTENSION', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2', 'CHECKSUM',
annotated_tree = {}
for card in
    if card[0] not in toss_these:
        annotated_tree[card[0]] = (card[1], card[2])
myfile = AsdfFile(annotated_tree)
{'OBJECT': ('COS_2EPOCH_ACS_F606W_030MAS_V1.0_SECT23_DRZ[1/1]', ''),
 'ORIGIN': ('NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003', 'FITS file originator'),
 'DATE': ('2012-04-10T16:39:27', 'Date FITS file was generated'),
 'DATAMIN': (0.0, ''),
 'DATAMAX': (0.0, ''),
 'CRPIX1': (-2552.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'),
 'CRVAL1': (150.1163213, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'),
 'CTYPE1': ('RA---TAN', 'Right ascension, gnomonic projection'),
 'CD1_1': (-8.333333e-06, ''),
 'CD2_1': (0.0, ''),
 'CRPIX2': (-22248.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'),
 'CRVAL2': (2.200973097, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'),
 'CTYPE2': ('DEC--TAN', 'Declination, gnomonic projection'),
 'CD1_2': (0.0, ''),
 'CD2_2': (8.333333e-06, ''),
 '': ('', ''),
 'TELESCOP': ('HST', 'telescope used to acquire data'),
 'INSTRUME': ('ACS', 'identifier for instrument used to acquire data'),
 'EQUINOX': (2000.0, '[yr] Equinox of equatorial coordinates'),
 'ROOTNAME': ('jboa28wmq', 'rootname of the observation set'),
 'IMAGETYP': ('EXT', 'type of exposure identifier'),
 'PRIMESI': ('WFC3', 'instrument designated as prime'),
 'TARGNAME': ('ANY', "proposer's target name"),
 'RA_TARG': (150.1554086126, 'right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)'),
 'DEC_TARG': (2.270881608073, 'declination of the target (deg) (J2000)'),
 'PROPOSID': (12440, 'PEP proposal identifier'),
 'LINENUM': ('28.002', 'proposal logsheet line number'),
 'PR_INV_L': ('Faber', 'last name of principal investigator'),
 'PR_INV_F': ('Sandra', 'first name of principal investigator'),
 'PR_INV_M': ('M.', 'middle name / initial of principal investigat'),
 'SUNANGLE': (107.339531, 'angle between sun and V1 axis'),
 'MOONANGL': (61.991249, 'angle between moon and V1 axis'),
 'SUN_ALT': (-32.338875, "altitude of the sun above Earth's limb"),
 'GYROMODE': ('T', 'number of gyros scheduled, T=3+OBAD'),
 'REFFRAME': ('ICRS', 'guide star catalog version'),
 'MTFLAG': ('', 'moving target flag; T if it is a moving target'),
 'DATE-OBS': ('2011-12-11', 'ISO-8601 time of observation'),
 'TIME-OBS': ('13:09:12', 'UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)'),
 'EXPSTART': (55906.54805854, 'exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)'),
 'EXPEND': (55906.55125326, 'exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)'),
 'EXPTIME': (36800.0, 'exposure duration (seconds)--calculated'),
 'EXPFLAG': ('NORMAL', 'Exposure interruption indicator'),
 'QUALCOM1': ('', ''),
 'QUALCOM2': ('', ''),
 'QUALCOM3': ('', ''),
 'QUALITY': ('', ''),
 'PA_V3': (128.0, 'position angle of V3-axis of HST (deg)'),
 'POSTARG1': (0.0, 'POSTARG in axis 1 direction'),
 'POSTARG2': (0.0, 'POSTARG in axis 2 direction'),
 'OPUS_VER': ('OPUS 2011_1h', 'OPUS software system version number'),
 'CAL_VER': ('5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)', 'CALACS code version'),
 'PROCTIME': (55908.85636574, 'Pipeline processing time (MJD)'),
 'OBSTYPE': ('IMAGING', 'observation type - imaging or spectroscopic'),
 'OBSMODE': ('ACCUM', 'operating mode'),
 'CTEIMAGE': ('NONE', 'type of Charge Transfer Image, if applicable'),
 'SCLAMP': ('NONE', 'lamp status, NONE or name of lamp which is on'),
 'NRPTEXP': (1, 'number of repeat exposures in set: default 1'),
 'SUBARRAY': (False, 'data from a subarray (T) or full frame (F)'),
 'DETECTOR': ('WFC', 'detector in use: WFC, HRC, or SBC'),
 'FILTER1': ('F606W', 'element selected from filter wheel 1'),
 'FW1OFFST': (0, 'computed filter wheel offset'),
 'FILTER2': ('CLEAR2L', 'element selected from filter wheel 2'),
 'FW1ERROR': (False, 'filter wheel position error flag'),
 'FW2OFFST': (-4320, 'computed filter wheel offset'),
 'FW2ERROR': (True, 'filter wheel position error flag'),
 'FWSOFFST': (0, 'computed filter wheel offset'),
 'FWSERROR': (False, 'filter wheel position error flag'),
 'LRFWAVE': (0.0, 'proposed linear ramp filter wavelength'),
 'APERTURE': ('WFC', 'aperture name'),
 'PROPAPER': ('WFC', 'proposed aperture name'),
 'DIRIMAGE': ('NONE', 'direct image for grism or prism exposure'),
 'CTEDIR': ('NONE', 'CTE measurement direction: serial or parallel'),
 'CRSPLIT': (1, 'number of cosmic ray split exposures'),
 'STATFLAG': (False, 'Calculate statistics?'),
 'WRTERR': (True, 'write out error array extension'),
 'DQICORR': ('COMPLETE', 'data quality initialization'),
 'ATODCORR': ('OMIT', 'correct for A to D conversion errors'),
 'BLEVCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'subtract bias level computed from overscan img'),
 'BIASCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'Subtract bias image'),
 'FLSHCORR': ('OMIT', 'post flash correction'),
 'CRCORR': ('OMIT', 'combine observations to reject cosmic rays'),
 'EXPSCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'process individual observations after cr-reject'),
 'SHADCORR': ('OMIT', 'apply shutter shading correction'),
 'DARKCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'Subtract dark image'),
 'FLATCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'flat field data'),
 'PHOTCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'populate photometric header keywords'),
 'RPTCORR': ('OMIT', 'add individual repeat observations'),
 'DRIZCORR': ('PERFORM', 'drizzle processing'),
 'BPIXTAB': ('jref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fits', 'bad pixel table'),
 'CCDTAB': ('jref$uc82140bj_ccd.fits', 'CCD calibration parameters'),
 'ATODTAB': ('jref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fits', 'analog to digital correction file'),
 'OSCNTAB': ('jref$lch1459bj_osc.fits', 'CCD overscan table'),
 'BIASFILE': ('jref$vbh1844rj_bia.fits', 'bias image file name'),
 'FLSHFILE': ('N/A', 'post flash correction file name'),
 'CRREJTAB': ('jref$n4e12511j_crr.fits', 'cosmic ray rejection parameters'),
 'SHADFILE': ('jref$kcb17349j_shd.fits', 'shutter shading correction file'),
 'DARKFILE': ('jref$vbh18454j_drk.fits', 'dark image file name'),
 'PFLTFILE': ('jref$qb12257sj_pfl.fits',
  'pixel to pixel flat field file name'),
 'DFLTFILE': ('N/A', 'delta flat field file name'),
 'LFLTFILE': ('N/A', 'low order flat'),
 'PHOTTAB': ('N/A', 'Photometric throughput table'),
 'GRAPHTAB': ('mtab$v9n1603mm_tmg.fits', 'the HST graph table'),
 'COMPTAB': ('mtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fits', 'the HST components table'),
 'IDCTAB': ('jref$v8q1444tj_idc.fits', 'image distortion correction table'),
 'DGEOFILE': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits', 'Distortion correction image'),
 'MDRIZTAB': ('jref$ub21537aj_mdz.fits', 'MultiDrizzle parameter table'),
 'CFLTFILE': ('N/A', 'Coronagraphic spot image'),
 'SPOTTAB': ('N/A', 'Coronagraphic spot offset table'),
 'IMPHTTAB': ('jref$vbb18107j_imp.fits', 'Image Photometry Table'),
 'MEANEXP': (0.0, 'reference exposure time for parameters'),
 'SCALENSE': (0.0, 'multiplicative scale factor applied to noise'),
 'INITGUES': ('', 'initial guess method (MIN or MED)'),
 'SKYSUB': ('', 'sky value subtracted (MODE or NONE)'),
 'SKYSUM': (0.0, 'sky level from the sum of all constituent image'),
 'CRSIGMAS': ('', 'statistical rejection criteria'),
 'CRRADIUS': (0.0, 'rejection propagation radius (pixels)'),
 'CRTHRESH': (0.0, 'rejection propagation threshold'),
 'BADINPDQ': (0, 'data quality flag bits to reject'),
 'REJ_RATE': (0.0, 'rate at which pixels are affected by cosmic ray'),
 'CRMASK': (False, 'flag CR-rejected pixels in input files (T/F)'),
 'MDRIZSKY': (32.08782958984375, 'Sky value computed by MultiDrizzle'),
 'T_SGSTAR': ('N/A', 'OMS calculated guide star control'),
 'PATTERN1': ('NONE', 'primary pattern type'),
 'P1_SHAPE': ('', 'primary pattern shape'),
 'P1_PURPS': ('', 'primary pattern purpose'),
 'P1_NPTS': (0, 'number of points in primary pattern'),
 'P1_PSPAC': (0.0, 'point spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)'),
 'P1_LSPAC': (0.0, 'line spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)'),
 'P1_ANGLE': (0.0, 'angle between sides of parallelogram patt (deg)'),
 'P1_FRAME': ('', 'coordinate frame of primary pattern'),
 'P1_ORINT': (0.0, 'orientation of pattern to coordinate frame (deg'),
 'P1_CENTR': ('', 'center pattern relative to pointing (yes/no)'),
 'PATTSTEP': (0, 'position number of this point in the pattern'),
 'FLASHDUR': (0.0, 'Exposure time in seconds: 0.1 to 409.5'),
 'FLASHCUR': ('OFF', 'Post flash current: OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH'),
 'SHUTRPOS': ('A', 'Shutter position: A or B'),
 'CCDAMP': ('ABCD', 'CCD Amplifier Readout Configuration'),
 'CCDGAIN': (2.0, 'commanded gain of CCD'),
 'CCDOFSTA': (1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier A'),
 'CCDOFSTB': (1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier B'),
 'CCDOFSTC': (1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier C'),
 'CCDOFSTD': (1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier D'),
 'ATODGNA': (2.02, 'calibrated gain for amplifier A'),
 'ATODGNB': (1.886, 'calibrated gain for amplifier B'),
 'ATODGNC': (2.017, 'calibrated gain for amplifier C'),
 'ATODGND': (2.0109999, 'calibrated gain for amplifier D'),
 'READNSEA': (4.5700002, 'calibrated read noise for amplifier A'),
 'READNSEB': (3.9100001, 'calibrated read noise for amplifier B'),
 'READNSEC': (4.25, 'calibrated read noise for amplifier C'),
 'READNSED': (4.04, 'calibrated read noise for amplifier D'),
 'BIASLEVA': (2088.5564, 'bias level for amplifier A'),
 'BIASLEVB': (2140.5024, 'bias level for amplifier B'),
 'BIASLEVC': (2208.7419, 'bias level for amplifier C'),
 'BIASLEVD': (2296.7388, 'bias level for amplifier D'),
 'ASN_ID': ('JBOA28010', 'unique identifier assigned to association'),
 'ASN_TAB': ('jboa28010_asn.fits', 'name of the association table'),
 'ASN_MTYP': ('EXP-DTH', 'Role of the Member in the Association'),
 'PCTEFILE': ('jref$pctefile_101109.fits', ''),
 'PCTETAB': ('jref$pctetab_pcte_20110913113559.fits', ''),
 'PCTEFRAC': (1.289367530158845, ''),
 'EXPNAME': ('jboa28wmq', 'exposure identifier'),
 'BUNIT': ('ELECTRONS', 'brightness units'),
 'CCDCHIP': (1, 'CCD chip (1 or 2)'),
 'WCSAXES': (2, 'Number of coordinate axes'),
 'LTV1': (0.0, 'offset in X to subsection start'),
 'LTV2': (0.0, 'offset in Y to subsection start'),
 'LTM1_1': (1.0, 'reciprocal of sampling rate in X'),
 'LTM2_2': (1.0, 'reciprocal of sampling rate in Y'),
 'ORIENTAT': (-54.67632556350016,
  'position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)'),
 'RA_APER': (150.1554086126, 'RA of aperture reference position'),
 'DEC_APER': (2.270881608073, 'Declination of aperture reference position'),
 'PA_APER': (-54.4475, 'Position Angle of reference aperture center (de'),
 'VAFACTOR': (1.000104465141, 'velocity aberration plate scale factor'),
 'CENTERA1': (2073, 'subarray axis1 center pt in unbinned dect. pix'),
 'CENTERA2': (1035, 'subarray axis2 center pt in unbinned dect. pix'),
 'SIZAXIS1': (4096, 'subarray axis1 size in unbinned detector pixels'),
 'SIZAXIS2': (2048, 'subarray axis2 size in unbinned detector pixels'),
 'BINAXIS1': (1, 'axis1 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels'),
 'BINAXIS2': (1, 'axis2 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels'),
 'PHOTMODE': ('ACS WFC1 F606W MJD#55906.5481', 'observation con'),
 'PHOTFLAM': (7.8624958e-20, 'inverse sensitivity, ergs/cm2/Ang/electron'),
 'PHOTZPT': (-21.1, 'ST magnitude zero point'),
 'PHOTPLAM': (5921.1147, 'Pivot wavelength (Angstroms)'),
 'PHOTBW': (672.23627, 'RMS bandwidth of filter plus detector'),
 'NCOMBINE': (1, 'number of image sets combined during CR rejecti'),
 'FILLCNT': (1, 'number of segments containing fill'),
 'ERRCNT': (1, 'number of segments containing errors'),
 'PODPSFF': (False, 'podps fill present (T/F)'),
 'STDCFFF': (True, 'science telemetry fill data present (T=1/F=0)'),
 'STDCFFP': ('0x5569', 'science telemetry fill pattern (hex)'),
 'WFCMPRSD': (False, 'was WFC data compressed? (T/F)'),
 'CBLKSIZ': (0, 'size of compression block in 2-byte words'),
 'LOSTPIX': (0, '#pixels lost due to buffer overflow'),
 'COMPTYP': ('None', 'compression type performed (Partial/Full/None)'),
 'NGOODPIX': (8097343, 'number of good pixels'),
 'SDQFLAGS': (31743, 'serious data quality flags'),
 'GOODMIN': (-31.759687, 'minimum value of good pixels'),
 'GOODMAX': (85606.719, 'maximum value of good pixels'),
 'GOODMEAN': (35.94437, 'mean value of good pixels'),
 'SOFTERRS': (0, 'number of soft error pixels (DQF=1)'),
 'SNRMIN': (-3.4609985, 'minimum signal to noise of good pixels'),
 'SNRMAX': (233.93831, 'maximum signal to noise of good pixels'),
 'SNRMEAN': (5.9348207, 'mean value of signal to noise of good pixels'),
 'MEANDARK': (1.2713139, 'average of the dark values subtracted'),
 'MEANBLEV': (2114.5295, 'average of all bias levels subtracted'),
 'MEANFLSH': (0.0, 'Mean number of counts in post flash exposure'),
 'ONAXIS2': (2048, 'Axis length'),
 'ONAXIS1': (4096, 'Axis length'),
 'OORIENTA': (-54.64776336099293,
  'position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)'),
 'OCTYPE1': ('RA---TAN', 'the coordinate type for the first axis'),
 'OCTYPE2': ('DEC--TAN', 'the coordinate type for the second axis'),
 'WCSCDATE': ('13:02:32 (10/04/2012)', 'Time WCS keywords were copied.'),
 'A_0_2': (2.26194120304176e-06, ''),
 'B_0_2': (-9.7985788387639e-06, ''),
 'A_1_1': (-7.5302905463753e-06, ''),
 'B_1_1': (6.42569986264533e-06, ''),
 'A_2_0': (8.51886870532632e-06, ''),
 'B_2_0': (-2.9658922285423e-06, ''),
 'A_0_3': (6.51050854317125e-11, ''),
 'B_0_3': (-4.1421499542394e-10, ''),
 'A_1_2': (-5.2539201413375e-10, ''),
 'B_1_2': (-3.0354276197375e-11, ''),
 'A_2_1': (-1.0714004130419e-10, ''),
 'B_2_1': (-4.4034927976003e-10, ''),
 'A_3_0': (-4.6936360210189e-10, ''),
 'B_3_0': (9.00334210115821e-11, ''),
 'A_0_4': (1.35191449346299e-13, ''),
 'B_0_4': (-1.5248974790417e-13, ''),
 'A_1_3': (-1.4269338401366e-14, ''),
 'B_1_3': (2.75911271664302e-14, ''),
 'A_2_2': (9.70199603291834e-14, ''),
 'B_2_2': (-1.0403607372429e-13, ''),
 'A_3_1': (3.80059786170717e-14, ''),
 'B_3_1': (-3.8363933112663e-14, ''),
 'A_4_0': (1.83627862287182e-14, ''),
 'B_4_0': (-1.6913942054528e-14, ''),
 'A_ORDER': (4, ''),
 'B_ORDER': (4, ''),
 'IDCSCALE': (0.05, ''),
 'IDCV2REF': (261.1130981445312, ''),
 'IDCV3REF': (198.231201171875, ''),
 'IDCTHETA': (0.0, ''),
 'OCX10': (0.002270935984783606, ''),
 'OCX11': (0.04922343821974121, ''),
 'OCY10': (0.0485839959198564, ''),
 'OCY11': (0.00213603403929032, ''),
 'TDDALPHA': (0.2802605508521792, ''),
 'TDDBETA': (-0.0907535169507264, ''),
 'SKYVAL': (32.5013968269, ''),
 'SKYRMS': (7.873235, ''),
 'QUADOFFA': (0.190616225, ''),
 'QUADOFFB': (-0.660557125, ''),
 'QUADOFFC': (0.117621775, ''),
 'QUADOFFD': (0.352319125, ''),
 'NDRIZIM': (100, 'Drizzle, number of images drizzled onto this ou'),
 'D001VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D001GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D001DATA': ('cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D001DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D001OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D001OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D001OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D001MASK': ('cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D001WTSC': (583770.1, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D001KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D001PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D001COEF': ('cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D001XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D001YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D001LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D001EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D001INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D001OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D001FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D001INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D001INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D001OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D001OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D001SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D002VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D002GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D002DATA': ('cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D002DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D002OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D002OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D002OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D002MASK': ('cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D002WTSC': (3858213.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D002KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D002PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D002COEF': ('cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D002XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D002YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D002LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D002EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D002INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D002OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D002FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D002INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D002INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D002OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D002OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D002SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D003VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D003GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D003DATA': ('cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D003DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D003OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D003OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D003OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D003MASK': ('cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D003WTSC': (583802.2, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D003KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D003PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D003COEF': ('cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D003XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D003YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D003LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D003EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D003INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D003OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D003FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D003INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D003INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D003OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D003OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D003SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D004VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D004GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D004DATA': ('cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D004DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D004OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D004OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D004OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D004MASK': ('cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D004WTSC': (3858522.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D004KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D004PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D004COEF': ('cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D004XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D004YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D004LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D004EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D004INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D004OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D004FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D004INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D004INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D004OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D004OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D004SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D005VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D005GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D005DATA': ('cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D005DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D005OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D005OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D005OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D005MASK': ('cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D005WTSC': (583802.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D005KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D005PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D005COEF': ('cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D005XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D005YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D005LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D005EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D005INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D005OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D005FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D005INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D005INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D005OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D005OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D005SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D006VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D006GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D006DATA': ('cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D006DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D006OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D006OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D006OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D006MASK': ('cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D006WTSC': (3858522.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D006KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D006PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D006COEF': ('cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D006XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D006YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D006LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D006EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D006INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D006OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D006FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D006INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D006INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D006OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D006OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D006SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D007VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D007GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D007DATA': ('cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D007DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D007OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D007OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D007OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D007MASK': ('cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D007WTSC': (583801.9, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D007KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D007PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D007COEF': ('cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D007XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D007YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D007LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D007EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D007INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D007OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D007FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D007INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D007INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D007OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D007OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D007SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D008VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D008GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D008DATA': ('cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D008DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D008OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D008OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D008OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D008MASK': ('cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D008WTSC': (3858506.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D008KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D008PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D008COEF': ('cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D008XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D008YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D008LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D008EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D008INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D008OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D008FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D008INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D008INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D008OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D008OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D008SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D009VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D009GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D009DATA': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D009DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D009OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D009OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D009OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D009MASK': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D009WTSC': (583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D009KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D009PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D009COEF': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D009XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D009YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D009LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D009EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D009INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D009OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D009FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D009INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D009INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D009OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D009OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D009SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D010VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D010GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D010DATA': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D010DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D010OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D010OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D010OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D010MASK': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D010WTSC': (583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D010KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D010PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D010COEF': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D010XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D010YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D010LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D010EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D010INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D010OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D010FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D010INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D010INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D010OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D010OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D010SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D011VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D011GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D011DATA': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D011DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D011OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D011OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D011OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D011MASK': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D011WTSC': (3858528.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D011KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D011PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D011COEF': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D011XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D011YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D011LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D011EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D011INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D011OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D011FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D011INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D011INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D011OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D011OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D011SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D012VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D012GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D012DATA': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D012DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D012OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D012OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D012OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D012MASK': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D012WTSC': (3858528.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D012KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D012PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D012COEF': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D012XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D012YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D012LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D012EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D012INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D012OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D012FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D012INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D012INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D012OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D012OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D012SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D013VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D013GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D013DATA': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D013DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D013OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D013OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D013OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D013MASK': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D013WTSC': (583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D013KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D013PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D013COEF': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D013XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D013YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D013LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D013EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D013INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D013OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D013FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D013INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D013INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D013OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D013OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D013SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D014VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D014GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D014DATA': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D014DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D014OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D014OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D014OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D014MASK': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D014WTSC': (583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D014KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D014PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D014COEF': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D014XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D014YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D014LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D014EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D014INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D014OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D014FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D014INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D014INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D014OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D014OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D014SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D015VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D015GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D015DATA': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D015DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D015OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D015OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D015OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D015MASK': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D015WTSC': (3858529.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D015KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D015PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D015COEF': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D015XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D015YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D015LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D015EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D015INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D015OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D015FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D015INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D015INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D015OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D015OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D015SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D016VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D016GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D016DATA': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D016DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D016OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D016OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D016OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D016MASK': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D016WTSC': (3858529.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D016KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D016PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D016COEF': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D016XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D016YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D016LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D016EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D016INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D016OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D016FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D016INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D016INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D016OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D016OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D016SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D017VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D017GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D017DATA': ('cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D017DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D017OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D017OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D017OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D017MASK': ('cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D017WTSC': (583804.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D017KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D017PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D017COEF': ('cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D017XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D017YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D017LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D017EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D017INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D017OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D017FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D017INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D017INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D017OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D017OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D017SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D018VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D018GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D018DATA': ('cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D018DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D018OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D018OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D018OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D018MASK': ('cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D018WTSC': (3858532.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D018KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D018PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D018COEF': ('cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D018XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D018YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D018LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D018EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D018INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D018OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D018FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D018INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D018INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D018OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D018OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D018SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D019VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D019GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D019DATA': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D019DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D019OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D019OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D019OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D019MASK': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D019WTSC': (583796.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D019KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D019PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D019COEF': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D019XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D019YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D019LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D019EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D019INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D019OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D019FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D019INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D019INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D019OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D019OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D019SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D020VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D020GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D020DATA': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D020DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D020OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D020OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D020OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D020MASK': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D020WTSC': (583796.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D020KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D020PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D020COEF': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D020XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D020YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D020LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D020EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D020INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D020OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D020FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D020INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D020INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D020OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D020OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D020SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D021VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D021GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D021DATA': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D021DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D021OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D021OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D021OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D021MASK': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D021WTSC': (3858427.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D021KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D021PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D021COEF': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D021XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D021YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D021LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D021EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D021INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D021OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D021FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D021INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D021INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D021OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D021OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D021SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D022VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D022GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D022DATA': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D022DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D022OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D022OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D022OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D022MASK': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D022WTSC': (3858427.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D022KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D022PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D022COEF': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D022XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D022YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D022LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D022EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D022INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D022OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D022FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D022INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D022INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D022OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D022OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D022SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D023VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D023GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D023DATA': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D023DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D023OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D023OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D023OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D023MASK': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D023WTSC': (583805.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D023KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D023PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D023COEF': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D023XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D023YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D023LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D023EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D023INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D023OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D023FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D023INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D023INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D023OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D023OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D023SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D024VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D024GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D024DATA': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D024DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D024OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D024OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D024OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D024MASK': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D024WTSC': (583805.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D024KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D024PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D024COEF': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D024XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D024YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D024LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D024EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D024INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D024OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D024FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D024INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D024INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D024OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D024OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D024SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D025VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D025GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D025DATA': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D025DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D025OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D025OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D025OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D025MASK': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D025WTSC': (3858539.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D025KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D025PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D025COEF': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D025XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D025YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D025LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D025EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D025INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D025OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D025FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D025INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D025INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D025OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D025OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D025SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D026VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D026GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D026DATA': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D026DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D026OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D026OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D026OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D026MASK': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D026WTSC': (3858539.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D026KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D026PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D026COEF': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D026XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D026YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D026LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D026EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D026INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D026OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D026FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D026INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D026INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D026OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D026OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D026SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D027VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D027GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D027DATA': ('cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D027DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D027OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D027OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D027OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D027MASK': ('cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D027WTSC': (390803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D027KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D027PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D027COEF': ('cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D027XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D027YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D027LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D027EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D027INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D027OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D027FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D027INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D027INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D027OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D027OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D027SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D028VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D028GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D028DATA': ('cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D028DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D028OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D028OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D028OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D028MASK': ('cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D028WTSC': (1278684.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D028KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D028PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D028COEF': ('cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D028XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D028YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D028LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D028EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D028INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D028OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D028FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D028INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D028INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D028OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D028OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D028SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D029VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D029GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D029DATA': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D029DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D029OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D029OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D029OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D029MASK': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D029WTSC': (390813.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D029KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D029PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D029COEF': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D029XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D029YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D029LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D029EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D029INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D029OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D029FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D029INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D029INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D029OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D029OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D029SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D030VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D030GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D030DATA': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D030DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D030OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D030OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D030OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D030MASK': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D030WTSC': (390813.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D030KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D030PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D030COEF': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D030XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D030YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D030LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D030EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D030INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D030OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D030FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D030INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D030INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),
 'D030OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'),
 'D030OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'),
 'D030SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'),
 'D031VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'),
 'D031GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'),
 'D031DATA': ('cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'),
 'D031DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'),
 'D031OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D031OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D031OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'),
 'D031MASK': ('cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'),
 'D031WTSC': (1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'),
 'D031KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'),
 'D031PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'),
 'D031COEF': ('cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'),
 'D031XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'),
 'D031YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'),
 'D031LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'),
 'D031EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'),
 'D031INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'),
 'D031OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'),
 'D031FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'),
 'D031INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'),
 'D031INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'),

The value is now in the first element of each tuple. For example, to get just the value of CRVAL1, we could do something like the following.

# Update O_EXT_NM key since it was blank and causing crashing while saving below.

myfile.tree['O_EXT_NM'] = 'Original Name Filler'

Example 3: View the file as a searchable table#

For both FITS and ASDF, it can sometimes be painful to search through a long header. This example shows one way of putting the ASDF file into an Astropy table, and then using the show_in_notebook method to provide an interactive tabular view. You can then search by keyword or sort by column (by clicking on the headers).

In this example, we pull apart two-element tuples into values and comments. For the other data structures, we just put them into the comment column.

def tree_to_table(tree):
    keys = list(tree.keys())
    values, other = ([] for i in range(2))
    for k in keys:
            values += [tree[k][0]]
            other += [tree[k][1]]
        except Exception as e:
            values += [None]
            other += [tree[k]]
            print("An error occured ", e)
    return Table([keys, values, other], names=['key', 'value', 'comment or data structure'])
t = tree_to_table(myfile.tree)
WARNING: AstropyDeprecationWarning: show_in_notebook() is deprecated as of 6.1 and to create
         interactive tables it is recommended to use dedicated tools like:
         - [warnings]
Table length=2673
idxkeyvaluecomment or data structure
1ORIGINNOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003FITS file originator
2DATE2012-04-10T16:39:27Date FITS file was generated
5CRPIX1-2552.5Pixel coordinate of reference point
6CRVAL1150.1163213[deg] Coordinate value at reference point
7CTYPE1RA---TANRight ascension, gnomonic projection
10CRPIX2-22248.5Pixel coordinate of reference point
11CRVAL22.200973097[deg] Coordinate value at reference point
12CTYPE2DEC--TANDeclination, gnomonic projection
16TELESCOPHSTtelescope used to acquire data
17INSTRUMEACSidentifier for instrument used to acquire data
18EQUINOX2000.0[yr] Equinox of equatorial coordinates
19ROOTNAMEjboa28wmqrootname of the observation set
20IMAGETYPEXTtype of exposure identifier
21PRIMESIWFC3instrument designated as prime
22TARGNAMEANYproposer's target name
23RA_TARG150.1554086126right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)
24DEC_TARG2.270881608073declination of the target (deg) (J2000)
25PROPOSID12440PEP proposal identifier
26LINENUM28.002proposal logsheet line number
27PR_INV_LFaberlast name of principal investigator
28PR_INV_FSandrafirst name of principal investigator
29PR_INV_MM.middle name / initial of principal investigat
30SUNANGLE107.339531angle between sun and V1 axis
31MOONANGL61.991249angle between moon and V1 axis
32SUN_ALT-32.338875altitude of the sun above Earth's limb
34GYROMODETnumber of gyros scheduled, T=3+OBAD
35REFFRAMEICRSguide star catalog version
36MTFLAGmoving target flag; T if it is a moving target
37DATE-OBS2011-12-11ISO-8601 time of observation
38TIME-OBS13:09:12UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)
39EXPSTART55906.54805854exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)
40EXPEND55906.55125326exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)
41EXPTIME36800.0exposure duration (seconds)--calculated
42EXPFLAGNORMALExposure interruption indicator
47PA_V3128.0position angle of V3-axis of HST (deg)
48POSTARG10.0POSTARG in axis 1 direction
49POSTARG20.0POSTARG in axis 2 direction
50OPUS_VEROPUS 2011_1hOPUS software system version number
51CAL_VER5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)CALACS code version
52PROCTIME55908.85636574Pipeline processing time (MJD)
53OBSTYPEIMAGINGobservation type - imaging or spectroscopic
54OBSMODEACCUMoperating mode
55CTEIMAGENONEtype of Charge Transfer Image, if applicable
56SCLAMPNONElamp status, NONE or name of lamp which is on
57NRPTEXP1number of repeat exposures in set: default 1
58SUBARRAYFalsedata from a subarray (T) or full frame (F)
59DETECTORWFCdetector in use: WFC, HRC, or SBC
60FILTER1F606Welement selected from filter wheel 1
61FW1OFFST0computed filter wheel offset
62FILTER2CLEAR2Lelement selected from filter wheel 2
63FW1ERRORFalsefilter wheel position error flag
64FW2OFFST-4320computed filter wheel offset
65FW2ERRORTruefilter wheel position error flag
66FWSOFFST0computed filter wheel offset
67FWSERRORFalsefilter wheel position error flag
68LRFWAVE0.0proposed linear ramp filter wavelength
69APERTUREWFCaperture name
70PROPAPERWFCproposed aperture name
71DIRIMAGENONEdirect image for grism or prism exposure
72CTEDIRNONECTE measurement direction: serial or parallel
73CRSPLIT1number of cosmic ray split exposures
74STATFLAGFalseCalculate statistics?
75WRTERRTruewrite out error array extension
76DQICORRCOMPLETEdata quality initialization
77ATODCORROMITcorrect for A to D conversion errors
78BLEVCORRCOMPLETEsubtract bias level computed from overscan img
79BIASCORRCOMPLETESubtract bias image
80FLSHCORROMITpost flash correction
81CRCORROMITcombine observations to reject cosmic rays
82EXPSCORRCOMPLETEprocess individual observations after cr-reject
83SHADCORROMITapply shutter shading correction
84DARKCORRCOMPLETESubtract dark image
85FLATCORRCOMPLETEflat field data
86PHOTCORRCOMPLETEpopulate photometric header keywords
87RPTCORROMITadd individual repeat observations
88DRIZCORRPERFORMdrizzle processing
89BPIXTABjref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fitsbad pixel table
90CCDTABjref$uc82140bj_ccd.fitsCCD calibration parameters
91ATODTABjref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fitsanalog to digital correction file
92OSCNTABjref$lch1459bj_osc.fitsCCD overscan table
93BIASFILEjref$vbh1844rj_bia.fitsbias image file name
94FLSHFILEN/Apost flash correction file name
95CRREJTABjref$n4e12511j_crr.fitscosmic ray rejection parameters
96SHADFILEjref$kcb17349j_shd.fitsshutter shading correction file
97DARKFILEjref$vbh18454j_drk.fitsdark image file name
98PFLTFILEjref$qb12257sj_pfl.fitspixel to pixel flat field file name
99DFLTFILEN/Adelta flat field file name
100LFLTFILEN/Alow order flat
101PHOTTABN/APhotometric throughput table
102GRAPHTABmtab$v9n1603mm_tmg.fitsthe HST graph table
103COMPTABmtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fitsthe HST components table
104IDCTABjref$v8q1444tj_idc.fitsimage distortion correction table
105DGEOFILEjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fitsDistortion correction image
106MDRIZTABjref$ub21537aj_mdz.fitsMultiDrizzle parameter table
107CFLTFILEN/ACoronagraphic spot image
108SPOTTABN/ACoronagraphic spot offset table
109IMPHTTABjref$vbb18107j_imp.fitsImage Photometry Table
110MEANEXP0.0reference exposure time for parameters
111SCALENSE0.0multiplicative scale factor applied to noise
112INITGUESinitial guess method (MIN or MED)
113SKYSUBsky value subtracted (MODE or NONE)
114SKYSUM0.0sky level from the sum of all constituent image
115CRSIGMASstatistical rejection criteria
116CRRADIUS0.0rejection propagation radius (pixels)
117CRTHRESH0.0rejection propagation threshold
118BADINPDQ0data quality flag bits to reject
119REJ_RATE0.0rate at which pixels are affected by cosmic ray
120CRMASKFalseflag CR-rejected pixels in input files (T/F)
121MDRIZSKY32.08782958984375Sky value computed by MultiDrizzle
122T_SGSTARN/AOMS calculated guide star control
123PATTERN1NONEprimary pattern type
124P1_SHAPEprimary pattern shape
125P1_PURPSprimary pattern purpose
126P1_NPTS0number of points in primary pattern
127P1_PSPAC0.0point spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)
128P1_LSPAC0.0line spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)
129P1_ANGLE0.0angle between sides of parallelogram patt (deg)
130P1_FRAMEcoordinate frame of primary pattern
131P1_ORINT0.0orientation of pattern to coordinate frame (deg
132P1_CENTRcenter pattern relative to pointing (yes/no)
133PATTSTEP0position number of this point in the pattern
134FLASHDUR0.0Exposure time in seconds: 0.1 to 409.5
135FLASHCUROFFPost flash current: OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH
137SHUTRPOSAShutter position: A or B
138CCDAMPABCDCCD Amplifier Readout Configuration
139CCDGAIN2.0commanded gain of CCD
140CCDOFSTA1commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier A
141CCDOFSTB1commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier B
142CCDOFSTC1commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier C
143CCDOFSTD1commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier D
144ATODGNA2.02calibrated gain for amplifier A
145ATODGNB1.886calibrated gain for amplifier B
146ATODGNC2.017calibrated gain for amplifier C
147ATODGND2.0109999calibrated gain for amplifier D
148READNSEA4.5700002calibrated read noise for amplifier A
149READNSEB3.9100001calibrated read noise for amplifier B
150READNSEC4.25calibrated read noise for amplifier C
151READNSED4.04calibrated read noise for amplifier D
152BIASLEVA2088.5564bias level for amplifier A
153BIASLEVB2140.5024bias level for amplifier B
154BIASLEVC2208.7419bias level for amplifier C
155BIASLEVD2296.7388bias level for amplifier D
156ASN_IDJBOA28010unique identifier assigned to association
157ASN_TABjboa28010_asn.fitsname of the association table
158ASN_MTYPEXP-DTHRole of the Member in the Association
164EXPNAMEjboa28wmqexposure identifier
165BUNITELECTRONSbrightness units
166CCDCHIP1CCD chip (1 or 2)
167WCSAXES2Number of coordinate axes
168LTV10.0offset in X to subsection start
169LTV20.0offset in Y to subsection start
170LTM1_11.0reciprocal of sampling rate in X
171LTM2_21.0reciprocal of sampling rate in Y
172ORIENTAT-54.67632556350016position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)
173RA_APER150.1554086126RA of aperture reference position
174DEC_APER2.270881608073Declination of aperture reference position
175PA_APER-54.4475Position Angle of reference aperture center (de
176VAFACTOR1.000104465141velocity aberration plate scale factor
177CENTERA12073subarray axis1 center pt in unbinned dect. pix
178CENTERA21035subarray axis2 center pt in unbinned dect. pix
179SIZAXIS14096subarray axis1 size in unbinned detector pixels
180SIZAXIS22048subarray axis2 size in unbinned detector pixels
181BINAXIS11axis1 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels
182BINAXIS21axis2 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels
183PHOTMODEACS WFC1 F606W MJD#55906.5481observation con
184PHOTFLAM7.8624958e-20inverse sensitivity, ergs/cm2/Ang/electron
185PHOTZPT-21.1ST magnitude zero point
186PHOTPLAM5921.1147Pivot wavelength (Angstroms)
187PHOTBW672.23627RMS bandwidth of filter plus detector
188NCOMBINE1number of image sets combined during CR rejecti
189FILLCNT1number of segments containing fill
190ERRCNT1number of segments containing errors
191PODPSFFFalsepodps fill present (T/F)
192STDCFFFTruescience telemetry fill data present (T=1/F=0)
193STDCFFP0x5569science telemetry fill pattern (hex)
194WFCMPRSDFalsewas WFC data compressed? (T/F)
195CBLKSIZ0size of compression block in 2-byte words
196LOSTPIX0#pixels lost due to buffer overflow
197COMPTYPNonecompression type performed (Partial/Full/None)
198NGOODPIX8097343number of good pixels
199SDQFLAGS31743serious data quality flags
200GOODMIN-31.759687minimum value of good pixels
201GOODMAX85606.719maximum value of good pixels
202GOODMEAN35.94437mean value of good pixels
203SOFTERRS0number of soft error pixels (DQF=1)
204SNRMIN-3.4609985minimum signal to noise of good pixels
205SNRMAX233.93831maximum signal to noise of good pixels
206SNRMEAN5.9348207mean value of signal to noise of good pixels
207MEANDARK1.2713139average of the dark values subtracted
208MEANBLEV2114.5295average of all bias levels subtracted
209MEANFLSH0.0Mean number of counts in post flash exposure
210ONAXIS22048Axis length
211ONAXIS14096Axis length
212OORIENTA-54.64776336099293position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)
213OCTYPE1RA---TANthe coordinate type for the first axis
214OCTYPE2DEC--TANthe coordinate type for the second axis
215WCSCDATE13:02:32 (10/04/2012)Time WCS keywords were copied.
258NDRIZIM100Drizzle, number of images drizzled onto this ou
259D001VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
260D001GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
261D001DATAcos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
262D001DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
265D001OUCODrizzle, output context image
266D001MASKcos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
267D001WTSC583770.1Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
268D001KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
269D001PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
270D001COEFcos01_28_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
271D001XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
272D001YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
273D001LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
274D001EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
275D001INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
276D001OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
277D001FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
278D001INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
279D001INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
280D001OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
281D001OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
282D001SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
283D002VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
284D002GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
285D002DATAcos01_28_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
286D002DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
289D002OUCODrizzle, output context image
290D002MASKcos01_28_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
291D002WTSC3858213.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
292D002KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
293D002PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
294D002COEFcos01_28_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
295D002XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
296D002YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
297D002LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
298D002EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
299D002INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
300D002OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
301D002FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
302D002INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
303D002INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
304D002OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
305D002OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
306D002SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
307D003VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
308D003GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
309D003DATAcos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
310D003DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
313D003OUCODrizzle, output context image
314D003MASKcos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
315D003WTSC583802.2Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
316D003KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
317D003PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
318D003COEFcos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
319D003XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
320D003YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
321D003LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
322D003EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
323D003INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
324D003OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
325D003FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
326D003INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
327D003INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
328D003OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
329D003OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
330D003SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
331D004VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
332D004GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
333D004DATAcos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
334D004DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
337D004OUCODrizzle, output context image
338D004MASKcos01_29_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
339D004WTSC3858522.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
340D004KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
341D004PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
342D004COEFcos01_29_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
343D004XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
344D004YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
345D004LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
346D004EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
347D004INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
348D004OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
349D004FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
350D004INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
351D004INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
352D004OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
353D004OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
354D004SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
355D005VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
356D005GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
357D005DATAcos01_30_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
358D005DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
361D005OUCODrizzle, output context image
362D005MASKcos01_30_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
363D005WTSC583802.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
364D005KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
365D005PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
366D005COEFcos01_30_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
367D005XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
368D005YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
369D005LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
370D005EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
371D005INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
372D005OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
373D005FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
374D005INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
375D005INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
376D005OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
377D005OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
378D005SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
379D006VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
380D006GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
381D006DATAcos01_30_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
382D006DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
385D006OUCODrizzle, output context image
386D006MASKcos01_30_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
387D006WTSC3858522.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
388D006KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
389D006PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
390D006COEFcos01_30_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
391D006XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
392D006YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
393D006LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
394D006EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
395D006INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
396D006OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
397D006FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
398D006INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
399D006INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
400D006OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
401D006OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
402D006SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
403D007VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
404D007GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
405D007DATAcos01_32_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
406D007DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
409D007OUCODrizzle, output context image
410D007MASKcos01_32_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
411D007WTSC583801.9Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
412D007KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
413D007PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
414D007COEFcos01_32_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
415D007XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
416D007YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
417D007LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
418D007EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
419D007INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
420D007OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
421D007FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
422D007INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
423D007INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
424D007OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
425D007OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
426D007SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
427D008VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
428D008GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
429D008DATAcos01_32_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
430D008DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
433D008OUCODrizzle, output context image
434D008MASKcos01_32_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
435D008WTSC3858506.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
436D008KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
437D008PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
438D008COEFcos01_32_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
439D008XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
440D008YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
441D008LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
442D008EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
443D008INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
444D008OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
445D008FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
446D008INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
447D008INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
448D008OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
449D008OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
450D008SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
451D009VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
452D009GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
453D009DATAcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
454D009DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
457D009OUCODrizzle, output context image
458D009MASKcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
459D009WTSC583803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
460D009KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
461D009PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
462D009COEFcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
463D009XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
464D009YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
465D009LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
466D009EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
467D009INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
468D009OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
469D009FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
470D009INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
471D009INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
472D009OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
473D009OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
474D009SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
475D010VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
476D010GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
477D010DATAcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
478D010DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
481D010OUCODrizzle, output context image
482D010MASKcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
483D010WTSC583803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
484D010KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
485D010PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
486D010COEFcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
487D010XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
488D010YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
489D010LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
490D010EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
491D010INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
492D010OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
493D010FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
494D010INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
495D010INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
496D010OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
497D010OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
498D010SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
499D011VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
500D011GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
501D011DATAcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
502D011DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
505D011OUCODrizzle, output context image
506D011MASKcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
507D011WTSC3858528.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
508D011KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
509D011PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
510D011COEFcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
511D011XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
512D011YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
513D011LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
514D011EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
515D011INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
516D011OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
517D011FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
518D011INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
519D011INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
520D011OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
521D011OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
522D011SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
523D012VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
524D012GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
525D012DATAcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
526D012DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
529D012OUCODrizzle, output context image
530D012MASKcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
531D012WTSC3858528.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
532D012KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
533D012PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
534D012COEFcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
535D012XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
536D012YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
537D012LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
538D012EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
539D012INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
540D012OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
541D012FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
542D012INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
543D012INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
544D012OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
545D012OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
546D012SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
547D013VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
548D013GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
549D013DATAcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
550D013DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
553D013OUCODrizzle, output context image
554D013MASKcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
555D013WTSC583803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
556D013KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
557D013PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
558D013COEFcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
559D013XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
560D013YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
561D013LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
562D013EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
563D013INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
564D013OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
565D013FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
566D013INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
567D013INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
568D013OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
569D013OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
570D013SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
571D014VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
572D014GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
573D014DATAcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
574D014DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
577D014OUCODrizzle, output context image
578D014MASKcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
579D014WTSC583803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
580D014KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
581D014PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
582D014COEFcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
583D014XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
584D014YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
585D014LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
586D014EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
587D014INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
588D014OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
589D014FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
590D014INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
591D014INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
592D014OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
593D014OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
594D014SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
595D015VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
596D015GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
597D015DATAcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
598D015DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
601D015OUCODrizzle, output context image
602D015MASKcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
603D015WTSC3858529.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
604D015KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
605D015PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
606D015COEFcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
607D015XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
608D015YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
609D015LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
610D015EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
611D015INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
612D015OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
613D015FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
614D015INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
615D015INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
616D015OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
617D015OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
618D015SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
619D016VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
620D016GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
621D016DATAcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
622D016DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
625D016OUCODrizzle, output context image
626D016MASKcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
627D016WTSC3858529.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
628D016KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
629D016PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
630D016COEFcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
631D016XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
632D016YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
633D016LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
634D016EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
635D016INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
636D016OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
637D016FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
638D016INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
639D016INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
640D016OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
641D016OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
642D016SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
643D017VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
644D017GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
645D017DATAcos01_36_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
646D017DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
649D017OUCODrizzle, output context image
650D017MASKcos01_36_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
651D017WTSC583804.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
652D017KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
653D017PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
654D017COEFcos01_36_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
655D017XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
656D017YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
657D017LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
658D017EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
659D017INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
660D017OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
661D017FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
662D017INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
663D017INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
664D017OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
665D017OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
666D017SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
667D018VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
668D018GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
669D018DATAcos01_36_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
670D018DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
673D018OUCODrizzle, output context image
674D018MASKcos01_36_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
675D018WTSC3858532.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
676D018KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
677D018PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
678D018COEFcos01_36_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
679D018XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
680D018YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
681D018LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
682D018EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
683D018INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
684D018OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
685D018FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
686D018INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
687D018INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
688D018OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
689D018OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
690D018SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
691D019VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
692D019GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
693D019DATAcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
694D019DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
697D019OUCODrizzle, output context image
698D019MASKcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
699D019WTSC583796.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
700D019KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
701D019PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
702D019COEFcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
703D019XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
704D019YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
705D019LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
706D019EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
707D019INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
708D019OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
709D019FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
710D019INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
711D019INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
712D019OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
713D019OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
714D019SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
715D020VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
716D020GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
717D020DATAcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
718D020DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
721D020OUCODrizzle, output context image
722D020MASKcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
723D020WTSC583796.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
724D020KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
725D020PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
726D020COEFcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
727D020XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
728D020YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
729D020LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
730D020EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
731D020INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
732D020OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
733D020FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
734D020INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
735D020INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
736D020OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
737D020OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
738D020SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
739D021VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
740D021GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
741D021DATAcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
742D021DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
745D021OUCODrizzle, output context image
746D021MASKcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
747D021WTSC3858427.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
748D021KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
749D021PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
750D021COEFcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
751D021XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
752D021YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
753D021LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
754D021EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
755D021INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
756D021OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
757D021FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
758D021INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
759D021INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
760D021OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
761D021OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
762D021SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
763D022VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
764D022GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
765D022DATAcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
766D022DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
769D022OUCODrizzle, output context image
770D022MASKcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
771D022WTSC3858427.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
772D022KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
773D022PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
774D022COEFcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
775D022XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
776D022YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
777D022LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
778D022EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
779D022INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
780D022OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
781D022FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
782D022INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
783D022INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
784D022OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
785D022OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
786D022SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
787D023VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
788D023GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
789D023DATAcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
790D023DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
793D023OUCODrizzle, output context image
794D023MASKcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
795D023WTSC583805.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
796D023KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
797D023PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
798D023COEFcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
799D023XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
800D023YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
801D023LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
802D023EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
803D023INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
804D023OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
805D023FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
806D023INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
807D023INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
808D023OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
809D023OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
810D023SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
811D024VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
812D024GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
813D024DATAcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
814D024DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
817D024OUCODrizzle, output context image
818D024MASKcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
819D024WTSC583805.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
820D024KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
821D024PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
822D024COEFcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
823D024XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
824D024YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
825D024LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
826D024EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
827D024INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
828D024OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
829D024FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
830D024INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
831D024INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
832D024OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
833D024OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
834D024SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
835D025VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
836D025GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
837D025DATAcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
838D025DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
841D025OUCODrizzle, output context image
842D025MASKcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
843D025WTSC3858539.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
844D025KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
845D025PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
846D025COEFcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
847D025XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
848D025YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
849D025LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
850D025EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
851D025INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
852D025OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
853D025FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
854D025INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
855D025INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
856D025OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
857D025OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
858D025SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
859D026VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
860D026GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
861D026DATAcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
862D026DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
865D026OUCODrizzle, output context image
866D026MASKcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
867D026WTSC3858539.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
868D026KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
869D026PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
870D026COEFcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
871D026XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
872D026YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
873D026LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
874D026EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
875D026INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
876D026OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
877D026FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
878D026INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
879D026INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
880D026OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
881D026OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
882D026SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
883D027VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
884D027GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
885D027DATAcos01_40_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
886D027DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
889D027OUCODrizzle, output context image
890D027MASKcos01_40_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
891D027WTSC390803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
892D027KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
893D027PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
894D027COEFcos01_40_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
895D027XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
896D027YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
897D027LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
898D027EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
899D027INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
900D027OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
901D027FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
902D027INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
903D027INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
904D027OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
905D027OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
906D027SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
907D028VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
908D028GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
909D028DATAcos01_40_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
910D028DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
913D028OUCODrizzle, output context image
914D028MASKcos01_40_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
915D028WTSC1278684.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
916D028KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
917D028PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
918D028COEFcos01_40_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
919D028XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
920D028YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
921D028LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
922D028EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
923D028INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
924D028OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
925D028FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
926D028INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
927D028INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
928D028OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
929D028OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
930D028SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
931D029VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
932D029GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
933D029DATAcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
934D029DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
937D029OUCODrizzle, output context image
938D029MASKcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
939D029WTSC390813.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
940D029KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
941D029PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
942D029COEFcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
943D029XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
944D029YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
945D029LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
946D029EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
947D029INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
948D029OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
949D029FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
950D029INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
951D029INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
952D029OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
953D029OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
954D029SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
955D030VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
956D030GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
957D030DATAcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
958D030DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
961D030OUCODrizzle, output context image
962D030MASKcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
963D030WTSC390813.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
964D030KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
965D030PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
966D030COEFcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
967D030XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
968D030YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
969D030LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
970D030EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
971D030INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
972D030OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
973D030FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
974D030INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
975D030INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
976D030OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
977D030OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
978D030SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
979D031VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
980D031GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
981D031DATAcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
982D031DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
985D031OUCODrizzle, output context image
986D031MASKcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
987D031WTSC1278740.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
988D031KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
989D031PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
990D031COEFcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
991D031XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
992D031YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
993D031LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
994D031EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
995D031INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
996D031OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
997D031FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
998D031INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
999D031INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1000D031OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1001D031OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1002D031SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1003D032VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1004D032GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1005D032DATAcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1006D032DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1009D032OUCODrizzle, output context image
1010D032MASKcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1011D032WTSC1278740.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1012D032KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1013D032PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1014D032COEFcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1015D032XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1016D032YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1017D032LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1018D032EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1019D032INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1020D032OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1021D032FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1022D032INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1023D032INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1024D032OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1025D032OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1026D032SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1027D033VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1028D033GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1029D033DATAcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1030D033DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1033D033OUCODrizzle, output context image
1034D033MASKcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1035D033WTSC390813.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1036D033KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1037D033PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1038D033COEFcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1039D033XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1040D033YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1041D033LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1042D033EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1043D033INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1044D033OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1045D033FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1046D033INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1047D033INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1048D033OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1049D033OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1050D033SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1051D034VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1052D034GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1053D034DATAcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1054D034DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1057D034OUCODrizzle, output context image
1058D034MASKcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1059D034WTSC390813.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1060D034KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1061D034PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1062D034COEFcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1063D034XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1064D034YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1065D034LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1066D034EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1067D034INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1068D034OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1069D034FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1070D034INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1071D034INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1072D034OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1073D034OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1074D034SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1075D035VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1076D035GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1077D035DATAcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1078D035DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1081D035OUCODrizzle, output context image
1082D035MASKcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1083D035WTSC1278741.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1084D035KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1085D035PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1086D035COEFcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1087D035XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1088D035YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1089D035LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1090D035EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1091D035INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1092D035OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1093D035FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1094D035INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1095D035INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1096D035OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1097D035OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1098D035SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1099D036VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1100D036GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1101D036DATAcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1102D036DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1105D036OUCODrizzle, output context image
1106D036MASKcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1107D036WTSC1278741.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1108D036KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1109D036PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1110D036COEFcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1111D036XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1112D036YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1113D036LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1114D036EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1115D036INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1116D036OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1117D036FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1118D036INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1119D036INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1120D036OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1121D036OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1122D036SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1123D037VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1124D037GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1125D037DATAcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1126D037DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1129D037OUCODrizzle, output context image
1130D037MASKcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1131D037WTSC390814.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1132D037KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1133D037PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1134D037COEFcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1135D037XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1136D037YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1137D037LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1138D037EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1139D037INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1140D037OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1141D037FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1142D037INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1143D037INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1144D037OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1145D037OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1146D037SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1147D038VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1148D038GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1149D038DATAcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1150D038DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1153D038OUCODrizzle, output context image
1154D038MASKcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1155D038WTSC390814.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1156D038KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1157D038PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1158D038COEFcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1159D038XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1160D038YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1161D038LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1162D038EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1163D038INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1164D038OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1165D038FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1166D038INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1167D038INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1168D038OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1169D038OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1170D038SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1171D039VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1172D039GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1173D039DATAcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1174D039DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1177D039OUCODrizzle, output context image
1178D039MASKcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1179D039WTSC1278743.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1180D039KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1181D039PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1182D039COEFcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1183D039XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1184D039YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1185D039LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1186D039EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1187D039INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1188D039OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1189D039FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1190D039INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1191D039INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1192D039OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1193D039OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1194D039SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1195D040VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1196D040GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1197D040DATAcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1198D040DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1201D040OUCODrizzle, output context image
1202D040MASKcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1203D040WTSC1278743.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1204D040KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1205D040PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1206D040COEFcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1207D040XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1208D040YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1209D040LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1210D040EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1211D040INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1212D040OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1213D040FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1214D040INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1215D040INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1216D040OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1217D040OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1218D040SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1219D041VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1220D041GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1221D041DATAcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1222D041DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1225D041OUCODrizzle, output context image
1226D041MASKcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1227D041WTSC390814.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1228D041KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1229D041PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1230D041COEFcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1231D041XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1232D041YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1233D041LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1234D041EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1235D041INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1236D041OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1237D041FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1238D041INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1239D041INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1240D041OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1241D041OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1242D041SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1243D042VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1244D042GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1245D042DATAcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1246D042DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1249D042OUCODrizzle, output context image
1250D042MASKcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1251D042WTSC390814.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1252D042KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1253D042PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1254D042COEFcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1255D042XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1256D042YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1257D042LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1258D042EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1259D042INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1260D042OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1261D042FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1262D042INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1263D042INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1264D042OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1265D042OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1266D042SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1267D043VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1268D043GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1269D043DATAcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1270D043DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1273D043OUCODrizzle, output context image
1274D043MASKcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1275D043WTSC1278739.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1276D043KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1277D043PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1278D043COEFcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1279D043XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1280D043YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1281D043LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1282D043EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1283D043INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1284D043OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1285D043FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1286D043INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1287D043INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1288D043OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1289D043OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1290D043SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1291D044VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1292D044GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1293D044DATAcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1294D044DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1297D044OUCODrizzle, output context image
1298D044MASKcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1299D044WTSC1278739.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1300D044KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1301D044PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1302D044COEFcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1303D044XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1304D044YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1305D044LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1306D044EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1307D044INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1308D044OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1309D044FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1310D044INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1311D044INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1312D044OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1313D044OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1314D044SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1315D045VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1316D045GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1317D045DATAcos01_49_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1318D045DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1321D045OUCODrizzle, output context image
1322D045MASKcos01_49_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1323D045WTSC390814.1Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1324D045KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1325D045PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1326D045COEFcos01_49_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1327D045XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1328D045YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1329D045LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1330D045EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1331D045INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1332D045OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1333D045FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1334D045INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1335D045INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1336D045OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1337D045OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1338D045SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1339D046VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1340D046GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1341D046DATAcos01_49_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1342D046DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1345D046OUCODrizzle, output context image
1346D046MASKcos01_49_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1347D046WTSC1278740.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1348D046KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1349D046PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1350D046COEFcos01_49_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1351D046XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1352D046YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1353D046LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1354D046EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1355D046INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1356D046OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1357D046FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1358D046INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1359D046INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1360D046OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1361D046OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1362D046SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1363D047VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1364D047GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1365D047DATAcos01_50_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1366D047DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1369D047OUCODrizzle, output context image
1370D047MASKcos01_50_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1371D047WTSC390814.2Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1372D047KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1373D047PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1374D047COEFcos01_50_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1375D047XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1376D047YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1377D047LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1378D047EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1379D047INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1380D047OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1381D047FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1382D047INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1383D047INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1384D047OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1385D047OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1386D047SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1387D048VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1388D048GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1389D048DATAcos01_50_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1390D048DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1393D048OUCODrizzle, output context image
1394D048MASKcos01_50_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1395D048WTSC390814.2Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1396D048KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1397D048PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1398D048COEFcos01_50_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1399D048XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1400D048YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1401D048LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1402D048EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1403D048INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1404D048OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1405D048FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1406D048INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1407D048INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1408D048OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1409D048OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1410D048SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1411D049VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1412D049GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1413D049DATAcos01_50_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1414D049DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1417D049OUCODrizzle, output context image
1418D049MASKcos01_50_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1419D049WTSC1278740.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1420D049KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1421D049PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1422D049COEFcos01_50_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1423D049XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1424D049YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1425D049LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1426D049EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1427D049INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1428D049OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1429D049FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1430D049INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1431D049INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1432D049OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1433D049OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1434D049SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1435D050VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1436D050GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1437D050DATAcos01_50_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1438D050DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1441D050OUCODrizzle, output context image
1442D050MASKcos01_50_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1443D050WTSC1278740.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1444D050KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1445D050PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1446D050COEFcos01_50_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1447D050XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1448D050YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1449D050LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1450D050EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1451D050INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1452D050OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1453D050FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1454D050INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1455D050INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1456D050OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1457D050OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1458D050SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1459D051VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1460D051GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1461D051DATAcos02_72_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1462D051DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1465D051OUCODrizzle, output context image
1466D051MASKcos02_72_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1467D051WTSC583572.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1468D051KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1469D051PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1470D051COEFcos02_72_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1471D051XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1472D051YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1473D051LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1474D051EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1475D051INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1476D051OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1477D051FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1478D051INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1479D051INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1480D051OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1481D051OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1482D051SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1483D052VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1484D052GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1485D052DATAcos02_72_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1486D052DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1489D052OUCODrizzle, output context image
1490D052MASKcos02_72_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1491D052WTSC1278505.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1492D052KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1493D052PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1494D052COEFcos02_72_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1495D052XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1496D052YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1497D052LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1498D052EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1499D052INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1500D052OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1501D052FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1502D052INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1503D052INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1504D052OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1505D052OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1506D052SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1507D053VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1508D053GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1509D053DATAcos02_73_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1510D053DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1513D053OUCODrizzle, output context image
1514D053MASKcos02_73_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1515D053WTSC583662.8Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1516D053KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1517D053PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1518D053COEFcos02_73_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1519D053XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1520D053YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1521D053LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1522D053EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1523D053INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1524D053OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1525D053FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1526D053INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1527D053INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1528D053OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1529D053OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1530D053SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1531D054VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1532D054GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1533D054DATAcos02_73_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1534D054DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1537D054OUCODrizzle, output context image
1538D054MASKcos02_73_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1539D054WTSC1278391.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1540D054KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1541D054PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1542D054COEFcos02_73_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1543D054XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1544D054YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1545D054LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1546D054EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1547D054INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1548D054OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1549D054FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1550D054INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1551D054INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1552D054OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1553D054OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1554D054SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1555D055VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1556D055GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1557D055DATAcos02_74_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1558D055DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1561D055OUCODrizzle, output context image
1562D055MASKcos02_74_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1563D055WTSC583683.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1564D055KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1565D055PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1566D055COEFcos02_74_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1567D055XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1568D055YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1569D055LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1570D055EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1571D055INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1572D055OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1573D055FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1574D055INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1575D055INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1576D055OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1577D055OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1578D055SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1579D056VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1580D056GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1581D056DATAcos02_74_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1582D056DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1585D056OUCODrizzle, output context image
1586D056MASKcos02_74_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1587D056WTSC1278462.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1588D056KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1589D056PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1590D056COEFcos02_74_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1591D056XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1592D056YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1593D056LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1594D056EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1595D056INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1596D056OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1597D056FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1598D056INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1599D056INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1600D056OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1601D056OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1602D056SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1603D057VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1604D057GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1605D057DATAcos02_76_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1606D057DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1609D057OUCODrizzle, output context image
1610D057MASKcos02_76_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1611D057WTSC583685.8Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1612D057KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1613D057PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1614D057COEFcos02_76_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1615D057XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1616D057YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1617D057LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1618D057EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1619D057INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1620D057OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1621D057FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1622D057INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1623D057INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1624D057OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1625D057OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1626D057SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1627D058VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1628D058GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1629D058DATAcos02_76_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1630D058DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1633D058OUCODrizzle, output context image
1634D058MASKcos02_76_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1635D058WTSC1278469.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1636D058KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1637D058PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1638D058COEFcos02_76_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1639D058XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1640D058YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1641D058LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1642D058EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1643D058INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1644D058OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1645D058FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1646D058INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1647D058INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1648D058OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1649D058OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1650D058SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1651D059VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1652D059GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1653D059DATAcos02_77_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1654D059DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1657D059OUCODrizzle, output context image
1658D059MASKcos02_77_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1659D059WTSC583685.2Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1660D059KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1661D059PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1662D059COEFcos02_77_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1663D059XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1664D059YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1665D059LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1666D059EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1667D059INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1668D059OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1669D059FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1670D059INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1671D059INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1672D059OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1673D059OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1674D059SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1675D060VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1676D060GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1677D060DATAcos02_77_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1678D060DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1681D060OUCODrizzle, output context image
1682D060MASKcos02_77_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1683D060WTSC583685.2Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1684D060KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1685D060PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1686D060COEFcos02_77_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1687D060XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1688D060YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1689D060LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1690D060EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1691D060INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1692D060OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1693D060FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1694D060INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1695D060INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1696D060OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1697D060OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1698D060SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1699D061VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1700D061GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1701D061DATAcos02_77_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1702D061DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1705D061OUCODrizzle, output context image
1706D061MASKcos02_77_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1707D061WTSC1278466.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1708D061KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1709D061PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1710D061COEFcos02_77_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1711D061XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1712D061YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1713D061LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1714D061EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1715D061INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1716D061OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1717D061FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1718D061INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1719D061INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1720D061OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1721D061OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1722D061SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1723D062VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1724D062GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1725D062DATAcos02_77_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1726D062DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1729D062OUCODrizzle, output context image
1730D062MASKcos02_77_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1731D062WTSC1278466.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1732D062KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1733D062PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1734D062COEFcos02_77_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1735D062XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1736D062YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1737D062LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1738D062EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1739D062INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1740D062OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1741D062FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1742D062INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1743D062INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1744D062OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1745D062OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1746D062SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1747D063VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1748D063GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1749D063DATAcos02_78_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1750D063DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1753D063OUCODrizzle, output context image
1754D063MASKcos02_78_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1755D063WTSC583685.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1756D063KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1757D063PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1758D063COEFcos02_78_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1759D063XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1760D063YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1761D063LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1762D063EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1763D063INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1764D063OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1765D063FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1766D063INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1767D063INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1768D063OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1769D063OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1770D063SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1771D064VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1772D064GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1773D064DATAcos02_78_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1774D064DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1777D064OUCODrizzle, output context image
1778D064MASKcos02_78_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1779D064WTSC583685.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1780D064KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1781D064PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1782D064COEFcos02_78_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1783D064XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1784D064YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1785D064LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1786D064EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1787D064INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1788D064OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1789D064FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1790D064INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1791D064INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1792D064OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1793D064OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1794D064SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1795D065VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1796D065GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1797D065DATAcos02_78_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1798D065DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1801D065OUCODrizzle, output context image
1802D065MASKcos02_78_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1803D065WTSC1278466.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1804D065KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1805D065PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1806D065COEFcos02_78_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1807D065XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1808D065YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1809D065LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1810D065EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1811D065INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1812D065OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1813D065FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1814D065INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1815D065INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1816D065OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1817D065OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1818D065SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1819D066VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1820D066GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1821D066DATAcos02_78_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1822D066DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1825D066OUCODrizzle, output context image
1826D066MASKcos02_78_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1827D066WTSC1278466.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1828D066KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1829D066PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1830D066COEFcos02_78_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1831D066XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1832D066YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1833D066LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1834D066EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1835D066INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1836D066OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1837D066FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1838D066INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1839D066INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1840D066OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1841D066OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1842D066SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1843D067VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1844D067GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1845D067DATAcos02_80_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1846D067DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1849D067OUCODrizzle, output context image
1850D067MASKcos02_80_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1851D067WTSC583685.9Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1852D067KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1853D067PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1854D067COEFcos02_80_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1855D067XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1856D067YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1857D067LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1858D067EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1859D067INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1860D067OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1861D067FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1862D067INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1863D067INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1864D067OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1865D067OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1866D067SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1867D068VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1868D068GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1869D068DATAcos02_80_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1870D068DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1873D068OUCODrizzle, output context image
1874D068MASKcos02_80_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1875D068WTSC1278468.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1876D068KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1877D068PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1878D068COEFcos02_80_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1879D068XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1880D068YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1881D068LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1882D068EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1883D068INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1884D068OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1885D068FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1886D068INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1887D068INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1888D068OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1889D068OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1890D068SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1891D069VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1892D069GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1893D069DATAcos02_81_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1894D069DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1897D069OUCODrizzle, output context image
1898D069MASKcos02_81_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1899D069WTSC583576.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1900D069KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1901D069PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1902D069COEFcos02_81_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1903D069XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1904D069YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1905D069LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1906D069EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1907D069INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1908D069OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1909D069FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1910D069INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1911D069INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1912D069OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1913D069OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1914D069SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1915D070VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1916D070GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1917D070DATAcos02_81_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1918D070DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1921D070OUCODrizzle, output context image
1922D070MASKcos02_81_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1923D070WTSC583576.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1924D070KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1925D070PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1926D070COEFcos02_81_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1927D070XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1928D070YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1929D070LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1930D070EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1931D070INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1932D070OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1933D070FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1934D070INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1935D070INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1936D070OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1937D070OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1938D070SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1939D071VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1940D071GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1941D071DATAcos02_81_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1942D071DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1945D071OUCODrizzle, output context image
1946D071MASKcos02_81_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1947D071WTSC1278511.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1948D071KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1949D071PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1950D071COEFcos02_81_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1951D071XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1952D071YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1953D071LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1954D071EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1955D071INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1956D071OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1957D071FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1958D071INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1959D071INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1960D071OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1961D071OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1962D071SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1963D072VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1964D072GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1965D072DATAcos02_81_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1966D072DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1969D072OUCODrizzle, output context image
1970D072MASKcos02_81_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1971D072WTSC1278511.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1972D072KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1973D072PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1974D072COEFcos02_81_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1975D072XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1976D072YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1977D072LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1978D072EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1979D072INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1980D072OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1981D072FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1982D072INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1983D072INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1984D072OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1985D072OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1986D072SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1987D073VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1988D073GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1989D073DATAcos02_82_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1990D073DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1993D073OUCODrizzle, output context image
1994D073MASKcos02_82_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1995D073WTSC583665.9Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1996D073KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1997D073PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1998D073COEFcos02_82_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1999D073XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2000D073YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2001D073LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2002D073EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2003D073INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2004D073OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2005D073FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2006D073INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2007D073INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2008D073OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2009D073OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2010D073SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2011D074VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2012D074GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2013D074DATAcos02_82_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2014D074DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2017D074OUCODrizzle, output context image
2018D074MASKcos02_82_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2019D074WTSC583665.9Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2020D074KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2021D074PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2022D074COEFcos02_82_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2023D074XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2024D074YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2025D074LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2026D074EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2027D074INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2028D074OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2029D074FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2030D074INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2031D074INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2032D074OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2033D074OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2034D074SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2035D075VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2036D075GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2037D075DATAcos02_82_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2038D075DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2041D075OUCODrizzle, output context image
2042D075MASKcos02_82_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2043D075WTSC1278398.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2044D075KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2045D075PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2046D075COEFcos02_82_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2047D075XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2048D075YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2049D075LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2050D075EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2051D075INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2052D075OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2053D075FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2054D075INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2055D075INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2056D075OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2057D075OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2058D075SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2059D076VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2060D076GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2061D076DATAcos02_82_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2062D076DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2065D076OUCODrizzle, output context image
2066D076MASKcos02_82_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2067D076WTSC1278398.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2068D076KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2069D076PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2070D076COEFcos02_82_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2071D076XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2072D076YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2073D076LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2074D076EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2075D076INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2076D076OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2077D076FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2078D076INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2079D076INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2080D076OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2081D076OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2082D076SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2083D077VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2084D077GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2085D077DATAcos02_84_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2086D077DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2089D077OUCODrizzle, output context image
2090D077MASKcos02_84_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2091D077WTSC390733.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2092D077KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2093D077PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2094D077COEFcos02_84_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2095D077XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2096D077YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2097D077LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2098D077EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2099D077INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2100D077OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2101D077FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2102D077INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2103D077INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2104D077OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2105D077OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2106D077SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2107D078VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2108D078GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2109D078DATAcos02_84_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2110D078DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2113D078OUCODrizzle, output context image
2114D078MASKcos02_84_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2115D078WTSC1278475.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2116D078KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2117D078PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2118D078COEFcos02_84_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2119D078XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2120D078YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2121D078LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2122D078EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2123D078INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2124D078OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2125D078FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2126D078INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2127D078INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2128D078OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2129D078OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2130D078SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2131D079VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2132D079GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2133D079DATAcos02_85_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2134D079DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2137D079OUCODrizzle, output context image
2138D079MASKcos02_85_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2139D079WTSC390734.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2140D079KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2141D079PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2142D079COEFcos02_85_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2143D079XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2144D079YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2145D079LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2146D079EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2147D079INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2148D079OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2149D079FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2150D079INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2151D079INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2152D079OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2153D079OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2154D079SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2155D080VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2156D080GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2157D080DATAcos02_85_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2158D080DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2161D080OUCODrizzle, output context image
2162D080MASKcos02_85_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2163D080WTSC390734.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2164D080KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2165D080PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2166D080COEFcos02_85_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2167D080XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2168D080YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2169D080LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2170D080EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2171D080INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2172D080OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2173D080FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2174D080INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2175D080INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2176D080OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2177D080OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2178D080SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2179D081VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2180D081GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2181D081DATAcos02_85_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2182D081DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2185D081OUCODrizzle, output context image
2186D081MASKcos02_85_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2187D081WTSC1278483.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2188D081KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2189D081PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2190D081COEFcos02_85_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2191D081XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2192D081YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2193D081LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2194D081EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2195D081INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2196D081OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2197D081FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2198D081INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2199D081INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2200D081OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2201D081OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2202D081SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2203D082VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2204D082GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2205D082DATAcos02_85_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2206D082DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2209D082OUCODrizzle, output context image
2210D082MASKcos02_85_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2211D082WTSC1278483.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2212D082KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2213D082PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2214D082COEFcos02_85_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2215D082XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2216D082YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2217D082LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2218D082EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2219D082INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2220D082OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2221D082FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2222D082INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2223D082INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2224D082OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2225D082OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2226D082SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2227D083VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2228D083GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2229D083DATAcos02_86_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2230D083DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2233D083OUCODrizzle, output context image
2234D083MASKcos02_86_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2235D083WTSC390660.8Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2236D083KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2237D083PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2238D083COEFcos02_86_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2239D083XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2240D083YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2241D083LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2242D083EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2243D083INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2244D083OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2245D083FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2246D083INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2247D083INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2248D083OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2249D083OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2250D083SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2251D084VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2252D084GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2253D084DATAcos02_86_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2254D084DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2257D084OUCODrizzle, output context image
2258D084MASKcos02_86_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2259D084WTSC390660.8Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2260D084KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2261D084PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2262D084COEFcos02_86_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2263D084XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2264D084YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2265D084LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2266D084EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2267D084INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2268D084OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2269D084FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2270D084INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2271D084INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2272D084OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2273D084OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2274D084SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2275D085VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2276D085GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2277D085DATAcos02_86_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2278D085DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2281D085OUCODrizzle, output context image
2282D085MASKcos02_86_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2283D085WTSC1278516.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2284D085KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2285D085PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2286D085COEFcos02_86_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2287D085XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2288D085YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2289D085LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2290D085EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2291D085INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2292D085OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2293D085FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2294D085INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2295D085INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2296D085OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2297D085OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2298D085SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2299D086VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2300D086GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2301D086DATAcos02_86_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2302D086DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2305D086OUCODrizzle, output context image
2306D086MASKcos02_86_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2307D086WTSC1278516.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2308D086KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2309D086PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2310D086COEFcos02_86_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2311D086XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2312D086YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2313D086LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2314D086EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2315D086INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2316D086OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2317D086FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2318D086INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2319D086INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2320D086OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2321D086OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2322D086SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2323D087VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2324D087GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2325D087DATAcos02_89_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2326D087DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2329D087OUCODrizzle, output context image
2330D087MASKcos02_89_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2331D087WTSC390736.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2332D087KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2333D087PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2334D087COEFcos02_89_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2335D087XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2336D087YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2337D087LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2338D087EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2339D087INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2340D087OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2341D087FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2342D087INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2343D087INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2344D087OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2345D087OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2346D087SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2347D088VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2348D088GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2349D088DATAcos02_89_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2350D088DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2353D088OUCODrizzle, output context image
2354D088MASKcos02_89_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2355D088WTSC390736.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2356D088KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2357D088PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2358D088COEFcos02_89_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2359D088XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2360D088YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2361D088LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2362D088EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2363D088INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2364D088OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2365D088FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2366D088INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2367D088INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2368D088OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2369D088OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2370D088SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2371D089VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2372D089GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2373D089DATAcos02_89_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2374D089DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2377D089OUCODrizzle, output context image
2378D089MASKcos02_89_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2379D089WTSC1278490.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2380D089KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2381D089PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2382D089COEFcos02_89_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2383D089XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2384D089YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2385D089LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2386D089EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2387D089INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2388D089OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2389D089FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2390D089INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2391D089INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2392D089OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2393D089OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2394D089SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2395D090VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2396D090GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2397D090DATAcos02_89_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2398D090DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2401D090OUCODrizzle, output context image
2402D090MASKcos02_89_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2403D090WTSC1278490.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2404D090KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2405D090PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2406D090COEFcos02_89_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2407D090XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2408D090YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2409D090LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2410D090EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2411D090INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2412D090OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2413D090FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2414D090INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2415D090INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2416D090OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2417D090OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2418D090SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2419D091VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2420D091GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2421D091DATAcos02_90_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2422D091DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2425D091OUCODrizzle, output context image
2426D091MASKcos02_90_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2427D091WTSC390736.1Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2428D091KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2429D091PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2430D091COEFcos02_90_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2431D091XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2432D091YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2433D091LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2434D091EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2435D091INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2436D091OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2437D091FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2438D091INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2439D091INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2440D091OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2441D091OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2442D091SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2443D092VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2444D092GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2445D092DATAcos02_90_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2446D092DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2449D092OUCODrizzle, output context image
2450D092MASKcos02_90_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2451D092WTSC390736.1Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2452D092KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2453D092PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2454D092COEFcos02_90_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2455D092XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2456D092YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2457D092LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2458D092EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2459D092INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2460D092OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2461D092FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2462D092INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2463D092INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2464D092OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2465D092OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2466D092SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2467D093VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2468D093GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2469D093DATAcos02_90_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2470D093DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2473D093OUCODrizzle, output context image
2474D093MASKcos02_90_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2475D093WTSC1278487.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2476D093KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2477D093PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2478D093COEFcos02_90_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2479D093XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2480D093YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2481D093LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2482D093EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2483D093INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2484D093OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2485D093FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2486D093INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2487D093INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2488D093OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2489D093OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2490D093SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2491D094VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2492D094GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2493D094DATAcos02_90_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2494D094DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2497D094OUCODrizzle, output context image
2498D094MASKcos02_90_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2499D094WTSC1278487.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2500D094KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2501D094PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2502D094COEFcos02_90_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2503D094XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2504D094YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2505D094LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2506D094EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2507D094INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2508D094OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2509D094FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2510D094INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2511D094INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2512D094OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2513D094OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2514D094SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2515D095VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2516D095GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2517D095DATAcos02_93_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2518D095DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2521D095OUCODrizzle, output context image
2522D095MASKcos02_93_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2523D095WTSC390736.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2524D095KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2525D095PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2526D095COEFcos02_93_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2527D095XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2528D095YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2529D095LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2530D095EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2531D095INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2532D095OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2533D095FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2534D095INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2535D095INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2536D095OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2537D095OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2538D095SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2539D096VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2540D096GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2541D096DATAcos02_93_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2542D096DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2545D096OUCODrizzle, output context image
2546D096MASKcos02_93_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2547D096WTSC1278483.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2548D096KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2549D096PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2550D096COEFcos02_93_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2551D096XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2552D096YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2553D096LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2554D096EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2555D096INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2556D096OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2557D096FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2558D096INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2559D096INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2560D096OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2561D096OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2562D096SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2563D097VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2564D097GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2565D097DATAcos02_94_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2566D097DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2569D097OUCODrizzle, output context image
2570D097MASKcos02_94_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2571D097WTSC390737.1Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2572D097KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2573D097PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2574D097COEFcos02_94_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2575D097XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2576D097YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2577D097LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2578D097EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2579D097INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2580D097OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2581D097FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2582D097INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2583D097INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2584D097OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2585D097OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2586D097SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2587D098VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2588D098GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2589D098DATAcos02_94_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2590D098DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2593D098OUCODrizzle, output context image
2594D098MASKcos02_94_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2595D098WTSC390737.1Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2596D098KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2597D098PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2598D098COEFcos02_94_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2599D098XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2600D098YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2601D098LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2602D098EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2603D098INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2604D098OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2605D098FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2606D098INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2607D098INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2608D098OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2609D098OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2610D098SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2611D099VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2612D099GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2613D099DATAcos02_94_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2614D099DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2617D099OUCODrizzle, output context image
2618D099MASKcos02_94_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2619D099WTSC1278491.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2620D099KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2621D099PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2622D099COEFcos02_94_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2623D099XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2624D099YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2625D099LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2626D099EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2627D099INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2628D099OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2629D099FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2630D099INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2631D099INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2632D099OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2633D099OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2634D099SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2635D100VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
2636D100GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
2637D100DATAcos02_94_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
2638D100DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
2641D100OUCODrizzle, output context image
2642D100MASKcos02_94_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
2643D100WTSC1278491.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
2644D100KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
2645D100PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
2646D100COEFcos02_94_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
2647D100XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
2648D100YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
2649D100LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
2650D100EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
2651D100INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
2652D100OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
2653D100FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
2654D100INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
2655D100INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
2656D100OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
2657D100OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
2658D100SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
2659PC1_1-8.333333e-06Coordinate transformation matrix element
2660PC2_28.333333e-06Coordinate transformation matrix element
2661CDELT11.0[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point
2662CDELT21.0[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point
2663CUNIT1degUnits of coordinate increment and value
2664CUNIT2degUnits of coordinate increment and value
2665LONPOLE180.0[deg] Native longitude of celestial pole
2666LATPOLE2.200973097[deg] Native latitude of celestial pole
2667MJDREF0.0[d] MJD of fiducial time
2668MJD-OBS55906.0[d] MJD of observation
2669RADESYSFK5Equatorial coordinate system
2671ORIG_FLEhlsp_candels_hst_hst_candels-v1.0_acs_f606w_drz.fitsOriginal imag
2672ORIG_EXT0Extension in original file.

Example 4: Add the data and write to a file#

So that’s the header. Now we just need to add the data to the dictionary. We can use any descriptive key we like. Maybe we should call it data.

myfile['data'] = data # Equivalent to myfile.tree['data'] = data
array([[-6.6392368e-04, -7.4554735e-04,  4.8087438e-04, ...,
         5.0681373e-03,  3.0521965e-03,  1.8753707e-03],
       [-2.0862564e-03, -1.8097271e-03,  2.6454803e-05, ...,
         3.0450651e-03, -9.7416568e-04,  2.4262909e-04],
       [-1.3179937e-03, -3.5285766e-03, -1.8192229e-03, ...,
         3.1758491e-03,  1.6773099e-04,  2.3124062e-03],
       [-1.9475160e-03, -3.0709282e-03,  9.3518662e-05, ...,
         1.3050702e-03, -3.7302810e-03,  9.8174601e-04],
       [-1.1018811e-03,  5.1750882e-05,  2.0913549e-03, ...,
         1.2541392e-03,  1.9218342e-03,  8.1874104e-03],
       [ 6.1663929e-03,  6.2804343e-03,  5.8753230e-03, ...,
         1.7368054e-03, -2.3874418e-04,  3.9537032e-03]], dtype='>f4')
root (AsdfObject)
├─OBJECT (tuple) ...
├─ORIGIN (tuple) ...
├─DATE (tuple) ...
├─DATAMIN (tuple) ...
├─DATAMAX (tuple) ...
├─CRPIX1 (tuple) ...
├─CRVAL1 (tuple) ...
├─CTYPE1 (tuple) ...
├─CD1_1 (tuple) ...
├─CD2_1 (tuple) ...
├─CRPIX2 (tuple) ...
├─CRVAL2 (tuple) ...
├─CTYPE2 (tuple) ...
├─CD1_2 (tuple) ...
├─CD2_2 (tuple) ...
├─ (tuple) ...
├─TELESCOP (tuple) ...
├─INSTRUME (tuple) ...
├─EQUINOX (tuple) ...
├─ROOTNAME (tuple) ...
├─IMAGETYP (tuple) ...
└─2653 not shown
Some nodes not shown.

Read the asdf file from disk and look at the tree and the data

ff ='myfile.asdf')
{'asdf_library': {'author': 'The ASDF Developers',
  'homepage': '',
  'name': 'asdf',
  'version': '3.2.0'},
 'history': {'extensions': [{'extension_class': 'asdf.extension._manifest.ManifestExtension',
    'extension_uri': 'asdf://',
    'software': {'name': 'asdf', 'version': '3.2.0'}}]},
 '': ['', ''],
 'APERTURE': ['WFC', 'aperture name'],
 'ASN_ID': ['JBOA28010', 'unique identifier assigned to association'],
 'ASN_MTYP': ['EXP-DTH', 'Role of the Member in the Association'],
 'ASN_TAB': ['jboa28010_asn.fits', 'name of the association table'],
 'ATODCORR': ['OMIT', 'correct for A to D conversion errors'],
 'ATODGNA': [2.02, 'calibrated gain for amplifier A'],
 'ATODGNB': [1.886, 'calibrated gain for amplifier B'],
 'ATODGNC': [2.017, 'calibrated gain for amplifier C'],
 'ATODGND': [2.0109999, 'calibrated gain for amplifier D'],
 'ATODTAB': ['jref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fits', 'analog to digital correction file'],
 'A_0_2': [2.26194120304176e-06, ''],
 'A_0_3': [6.51050854317125e-11, ''],
 'A_0_4': [1.35191449346299e-13, ''],
 'A_1_1': [-7.5302905463753e-06, ''],
 'A_1_2': [-5.2539201413375e-10, ''],
 'A_1_3': [-1.4269338401366e-14, ''],
 'A_2_0': [8.51886870532632e-06, ''],
 'A_2_1': [-1.0714004130419e-10, ''],
 'A_2_2': [9.70199603291834e-14, ''],
 'A_3_0': [-4.6936360210189e-10, ''],
 'A_3_1': [3.80059786170717e-14, ''],
 'A_4_0': [1.83627862287182e-14, ''],
 'A_ORDER': [4, ''],
 'BADINPDQ': [0, 'data quality flag bits to reject'],
 'BIASCORR': ['COMPLETE', 'Subtract bias image'],
 'BIASFILE': ['jref$vbh1844rj_bia.fits', 'bias image file name'],
 'BIASLEVA': [2088.5564, 'bias level for amplifier A'],
 'BIASLEVB': [2140.5024, 'bias level for amplifier B'],
 'BIASLEVC': [2208.7419, 'bias level for amplifier C'],
 'BIASLEVD': [2296.7388, 'bias level for amplifier D'],
 'BINAXIS1': [1, 'axis1 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels'],
 'BINAXIS2': [1, 'axis2 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels'],
 'BLEVCORR': ['COMPLETE', 'subtract bias level computed from overscan img'],
 'BPIXTAB': ['jref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fits', 'bad pixel table'],
 'BUNIT': ['ELECTRONS', 'brightness units'],
 'B_0_2': [-9.7985788387639e-06, ''],
 'B_0_3': [-4.1421499542394e-10, ''],
 'B_0_4': [-1.5248974790417e-13, ''],
 'B_1_1': [6.42569986264533e-06, ''],
 'B_1_2': [-3.0354276197375e-11, ''],
 'B_1_3': [2.75911271664302e-14, ''],
 'B_2_0': [-2.9658922285423e-06, ''],
 'B_2_1': [-4.4034927976003e-10, ''],
 'B_2_2': [-1.0403607372429e-13, ''],
 'B_3_0': [9.00334210115821e-11, ''],
 'B_3_1': [-3.8363933112663e-14, ''],
 'B_4_0': [-1.6913942054528e-14, ''],
 'B_ORDER': [4, ''],
 'CAL_VER': ['5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)', 'CALACS code version'],
 'CBLKSIZ': [0, 'size of compression block in 2-byte words'],
 'CCDAMP': ['ABCD', 'CCD Amplifier Readout Configuration'],
 'CCDCHIP': [1, 'CCD chip (1 or 2)'],
 'CCDGAIN': [2.0, 'commanded gain of CCD'],
 'CCDOFSTA': [1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier A'],
 'CCDOFSTB': [1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier B'],
 'CCDOFSTC': [1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier C'],
 'CCDOFSTD': [1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier D'],
 'CCDTAB': ['jref$uc82140bj_ccd.fits', 'CCD calibration parameters'],
 'CD1_1': [-8.333333e-06, ''],
 'CD1_2': [0.0, ''],
 'CD2_1': [0.0, ''],
 'CD2_2': [8.333333e-06, ''],
 'CDELT1': [1.0, '[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point'],
 'CDELT2': [1.0, '[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point'],
 'CENTERA1': [2073, 'subarray axis1 center pt in unbinned dect. pix'],
 'CENTERA2': [1035, 'subarray axis2 center pt in unbinned dect. pix'],
 'CFLTFILE': ['N/A', 'Coronagraphic spot image'],
 'COMPTAB': ['mtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fits', 'the HST components table'],
 'COMPTYP': ['None', 'compression type performed (Partial/Full/None)'],
 'CRCORR': ['OMIT', 'combine observations to reject cosmic rays'],
 'CRMASK': [False, 'flag CR-rejected pixels in input files (T/F)'],
 'CRPIX1': [-2552.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'],
 'CRPIX2': [-22248.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'],
 'CRRADIUS': [0.0, 'rejection propagation radius (pixels)'],
 'CRREJTAB': ['jref$n4e12511j_crr.fits', 'cosmic ray rejection parameters'],
 'CRSIGMAS': ['', 'statistical rejection criteria'],
 'CRSPLIT': [1, 'number of cosmic ray split exposures'],
 'CRTHRESH': [0.0, 'rejection propagation threshold'],
 'CRVAL1': [150.1163213, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'],
 'CRVAL2': [2.200973097, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'],
 'CTEDIR': ['NONE', 'CTE measurement direction: serial or parallel'],
 'CTEIMAGE': ['NONE', 'type of Charge Transfer Image, if applicable'],
 'CTYPE1': ['RA---TAN', 'Right ascension, gnomonic projection'],
 'CTYPE2': ['DEC--TAN', 'Declination, gnomonic projection'],
 'CUNIT1': ['deg', 'Units of coordinate increment and value'],
 'CUNIT2': ['deg', 'Units of coordinate increment and value'],
 'D001COEF': ['cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D001DATA': ['cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D001DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D001EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D001FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D001GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D001INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D001INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D001INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D001KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D001LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D001MASK': ['cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D001OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D001OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D001OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D001OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D001OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D001OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D001PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D001SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D001VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D001WTSC': [583770.1, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D001XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D001YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D002COEF': ['cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D002DATA': ['cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D002DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D002EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D002FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D002GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D002INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D002INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D002INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D002KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D002LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D002MASK': ['cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D002OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D002OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D002OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D002OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D002OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D002OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D002PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D002SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D002VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D002WTSC': [3858213.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D002XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D002YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D003COEF': ['cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D003DATA': ['cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D003DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D003EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D003FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D003GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D003INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D003INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D003INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D003KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D003LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D003MASK': ['cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D003OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D003OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D003OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D003OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D003OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D003OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D003PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D003SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D003VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D003WTSC': [583802.2, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D003XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D003YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D004COEF': ['cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D004DATA': ['cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D004DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D004EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D004FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D004GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D004INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D004INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D004INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D004KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D004LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D004MASK': ['cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D004OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D004OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D004OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D004OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D004OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D004OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D004PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D004SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D004VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D004WTSC': [3858522.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D004XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D004YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D005COEF': ['cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D005DATA': ['cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D005DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D005EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D005FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D005GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D005INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D005INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D005INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D005KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D005LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D005MASK': ['cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D005OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D005OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D005OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D005OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D005OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D005OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D005PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D005SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D005VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D005WTSC': [583802.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D005XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D005YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D006COEF': ['cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D006DATA': ['cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D006DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D006EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D006FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D006GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D006INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D006INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D006INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D006KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D006LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D006MASK': ['cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D006OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D006OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D006OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D006OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D006OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D006OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D006PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D006SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D006VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D006WTSC': [3858522.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D006XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D006YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D007COEF': ['cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D007DATA': ['cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D007DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D007EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D007FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D007GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D007INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D007INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D007INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D007KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D007LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D007MASK': ['cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D007OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D007OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D007OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D007OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D007OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D007OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D007PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D007SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D007VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D007WTSC': [583801.9, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D007XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D007YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D008COEF': ['cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D008DATA': ['cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D008DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D008EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D008FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D008GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D008INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D008INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D008INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D008KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D008LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D008MASK': ['cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D008OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D008OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D008OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D008OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D008OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D008OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D008PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D008SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D008VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D008WTSC': [3858506.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D008XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D008YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D009COEF': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D009DATA': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D009DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D009EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D009FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D009GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D009INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D009INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D009INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D009KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D009LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D009MASK': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D009OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D009OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D009OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D009OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D009OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D009OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D009PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D009SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D009VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D009WTSC': [583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D009XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D009YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D010COEF': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D010DATA': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D010DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D010EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D010FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D010GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D010INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D010INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D010INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D010KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D010LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D010MASK': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D010OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D010OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D010OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D010OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D010OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D010OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D010PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D010SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D010VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D010WTSC': [583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D010XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D010YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D011COEF': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D011DATA': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D011DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D011EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D011FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D011GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D011INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D011INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D011INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D011KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D011LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D011MASK': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D011OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D011OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D011OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D011OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D011OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D011OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D011PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D011SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D011VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D011WTSC': [3858528.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D011XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D011YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D012COEF': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D012DATA': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D012DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D012EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D012FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D012GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D012INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D012INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D012INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D012KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D012LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D012MASK': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D012OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D012OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D012OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D012OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D012OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D012OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D012PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D012SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D012VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D012WTSC': [3858528.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D012XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D012YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D013COEF': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D013DATA': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D013DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D013EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D013FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D013GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D013INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D013INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D013INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D013KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D013LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D013MASK': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D013OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D013OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D013OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D013OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D013OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D013OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D013PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D013SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D013VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D013WTSC': [583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D013XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D013YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D014COEF': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D014DATA': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D014DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D014EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D014FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D014GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D014INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D014INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D014INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D014KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D014LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D014MASK': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D014OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D014OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D014OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D014OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D014OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D014OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D014PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D014SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D014VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D014WTSC': [583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D014XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D014YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D015COEF': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D015DATA': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D015DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D015EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D015FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D015GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D015INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D015INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D015INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D015KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D015LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D015MASK': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D015OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D015OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D015OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D015OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D015OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D015OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D015PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D015SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D015VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D015WTSC': [3858529.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D015XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D015YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D016COEF': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D016DATA': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D016DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D016EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D016FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D016GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D016INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D016INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D016INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D016KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D016LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D016MASK': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D016OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D016OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D016OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D016OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D016OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D016OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D016PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D016SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D016VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D016WTSC': [3858529.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D016XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D016YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D017COEF': ['cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D017DATA': ['cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D017DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D017EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D017FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D017GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D017INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D017INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D017INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D017KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D017LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D017MASK': ['cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D017OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D017OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D017OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D017OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D017OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D017OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D017PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D017SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D017VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D017WTSC': [583804.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D017XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D017YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D018COEF': ['cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D018DATA': ['cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D018DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D018EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D018FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D018GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D018INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D018INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D018INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D018KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D018LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D018MASK': ['cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D018OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D018OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D018OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D018OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D018OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D018OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D018PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D018SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D018VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D018WTSC': [3858532.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D018XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D018YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D019COEF': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D019DATA': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D019DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D019EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D019FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D019GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D019INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D019INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D019INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D019KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D019LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D019MASK': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D019OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D019OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D019OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D019OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D019OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D019OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D019PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D019SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D019VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D019WTSC': [583796.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D019XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D019YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D020COEF': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D020DATA': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D020DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D020EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D020FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D020GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D020INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D020INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D020INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D020KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D020LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D020MASK': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D020OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D020OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D020OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D020OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D020OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D020OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D020PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D020SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D020VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D020WTSC': [583796.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D020XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D020YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D021COEF': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D021DATA': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D021DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D021EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D021FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D021GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D021INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D021INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D021INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D021KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D021LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D021MASK': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D021OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D021OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D021OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D021OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D021OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D021OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D021PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D021SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D021VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D021WTSC': [3858427.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D021XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D021YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D022COEF': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D022DATA': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D022DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D022EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D022FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D022GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D022INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D022INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D022INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D022KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D022LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D022MASK': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D022OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D022OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D022OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D022OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D022OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D022OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D022PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D022SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D022VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D022WTSC': [3858427.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D022XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D022YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D023COEF': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D023DATA': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D023DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D023EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D023FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D023GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D023INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D023INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D023INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D023KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D023LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D023MASK': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D023OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D023OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D023OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D023OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D023OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D023OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D023PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D023SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D023VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D023WTSC': [583805.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D023XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D023YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D024COEF': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D024DATA': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D024DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D024EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D024FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D024GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D024INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D024INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D024INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D024KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D024LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D024MASK': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D024OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D024OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D024OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D024OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D024OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D024OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D024PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D024SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D024VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D024WTSC': [583805.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D024XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D024YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D025COEF': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D025DATA': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D025DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D025EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D025FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D025GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D025INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D025INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D025INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D025KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D025LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D025MASK': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D025OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D025OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D025OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D025OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D025OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D025OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D025PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D025SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D025VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D025WTSC': [3858539.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D025XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D025YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D026COEF': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D026DATA': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D026DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D026EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D026FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D026GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D026INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D026INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D026INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D026KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D026LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D026MASK': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D026OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D026OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D026OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D026OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D026OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D026OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D026PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D026SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D026VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D026WTSC': [3858539.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D026XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D026YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D027COEF': ['cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D027DATA': ['cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D027DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D027EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D027FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D027GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D027INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D027INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D027INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D027KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D027LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D027MASK': ['cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D027OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D027OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D027OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D027OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D027OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D027OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D027PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D027SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D027VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D027WTSC': [390803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D027XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D027YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D028COEF': ['cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D028DATA': ['cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D028DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D028EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D028FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D028GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D028INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D028INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D028INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D028KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D028LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D028MASK': ['cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D028OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D028OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D028OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D028OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D028OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D028OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D028PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D028SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D028VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D028WTSC': [1278684.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D028XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D028YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D029COEF': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D029DATA': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D029DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D029EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D029FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D029GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D029INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D029INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D029INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D029KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D029LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D029MASK': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D029OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D029OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D029OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D029OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D029OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D029OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D029PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D029SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D029VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D029WTSC': [390813.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D029XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D029YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D030COEF': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D030DATA': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D030DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D030EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D030FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D030GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D030INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D030INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D030INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D030KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D030LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D030MASK': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D030OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D030OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D030OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D030OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D030OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D030OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D030PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D030SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D030VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D030WTSC': [390813.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D030XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D030YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D031COEF': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D031DATA': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D031DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D031EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D031FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D031GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D031INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D031INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D031INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D031KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D031LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D031MASK': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D031OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D031OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D031OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D031OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D031OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D031OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D031PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D031SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D031VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D031WTSC': [1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D031XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D031YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D032COEF': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D032DATA': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D032DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D032EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D032FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D032GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D032INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D032INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D032INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D032KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D032LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D032MASK': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D032OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D032OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D032OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D032OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D032OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D032OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D032PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D032SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D032VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D032WTSC': [1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D032XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D032YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D033COEF': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D033DATA': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D033DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D033EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D033FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D033GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D033INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D033INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D033INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D033KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D033LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D033MASK': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D033OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D033OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D033OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D033OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D033OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D033OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D033PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D033SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D033VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D033WTSC': [390813.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D033XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D033YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D034COEF': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D034DATA': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D034DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D034EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D034FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D034GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D034INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D034INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D034INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D034KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D034LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D034MASK': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D034OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D034OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D034OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D034OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D034OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D034OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D034PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D034SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D034VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D034WTSC': [390813.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D034XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D034YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D035COEF': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D035DATA': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D035DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D035EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D035FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D035GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D035INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D035INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D035INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D035KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D035LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D035MASK': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D035OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D035OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D035OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D035OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D035OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D035OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D035PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D035SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D035VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D035WTSC': [1278741.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D035XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D035YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D036COEF': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D036DATA': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D036DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D036EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D036FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D036GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D036INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D036INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D036INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D036KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D036LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D036MASK': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D036OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D036OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D036OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D036OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D036OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D036OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D036PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D036SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D036VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D036WTSC': [1278741.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D036XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D036YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D037COEF': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D037DATA': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D037DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D037EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D037FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D037GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D037INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D037INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D037INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D037KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D037LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D037MASK': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D037OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D037OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D037OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D037OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D037OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D037OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D037PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D037SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D037VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D037WTSC': [390814.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D037XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D037YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D038COEF': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D038DATA': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D038DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D038EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D038FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D038GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D038INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D038INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D038INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D038KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D038LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D038MASK': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D038OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D038OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D038OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D038OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D038OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D038OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D038PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D038SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D038VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D038WTSC': [390814.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fd580cd4710>

Example 5: Storing multiple extensions#

The perspicacious reader will have noticed that the previous examples only dealt with extension 1 of the FITS file, leaving the primary header out of the ASDF file. There is no prescribed way to arrange the multiple extensions of a FITS file into an ASDF file. One option would be to create a separate dictionary for each extension and then make a dictionary of these, e.g.:

    ext1, ext2 = dict(**header0), dict(**header1)
    tree = {'ext1':ext1, 'ext2':ext2}

In this case, that would be a bit silly, because the only information of potential value in the ASDF file might be the ORIGIN, DATE, PROC_VER, RA_OBJ and DEC_OBJ. However, looking at the extension, there is an ORIGIN there that will conflict with the ORIGIN. (Somewhat amusingly, they have different meanings, according to the comments.)

SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard                      
BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type                                
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of array dimensions                     
EXTEND  =                    T                                                  
ORIGIN  = 'STScI/MAST'         / institution responsible for creating this file 
DATE    = '2024-07-10'         / file creation date                             
PROCVER = '0.11.0  '           / software version                               
RA_OBJ  =             150.0946 / [deg] right ascension                          
DEC_OBJ =              2.38681 / [deg] declination                              
CHECKSUM= 'Xj5BYi5BXi5BXi5B'   / HDU checksum updated 2024-07-10T20:07:48       
DATASUM = '0       '           / data unit checksum updated 2024-07-10T20:07:48 

One solution to the naming conflict might be to stuff this extra information into its own namespace, as a sub-item of the original dictionary.

keywords = ['ORIGIN', 'DATE', 'PROCVER', 'RA_OBJ', 'DEC_OBJ']
primary_header = {}
for card in
    if card[0] in keywords:
        primary_header[card[0]] = (card[1], card[2])
ff.tree['primary_header'] = primary_header
{'asdf_library': {'author': 'The ASDF Developers',
  'homepage': '',
  'name': 'asdf',
  'version': '3.2.0'},
 'history': {'extensions': [{'extension_class': 'asdf.extension._manifest.ManifestExtension',
    'extension_uri': 'asdf://',
    'software': {'name': 'asdf', 'version': '3.2.0'}}]},
 '': ['', ''],
 'APERTURE': ['WFC', 'aperture name'],
 'ASN_ID': ['JBOA28010', 'unique identifier assigned to association'],
 'ASN_MTYP': ['EXP-DTH', 'Role of the Member in the Association'],
 'ASN_TAB': ['jboa28010_asn.fits', 'name of the association table'],
 'ATODCORR': ['OMIT', 'correct for A to D conversion errors'],
 'ATODGNA': [2.02, 'calibrated gain for amplifier A'],
 'ATODGNB': [1.886, 'calibrated gain for amplifier B'],
 'ATODGNC': [2.017, 'calibrated gain for amplifier C'],
 'ATODGND': [2.0109999, 'calibrated gain for amplifier D'],
 'ATODTAB': ['jref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fits', 'analog to digital correction file'],
 'A_0_2': [2.26194120304176e-06, ''],
 'A_0_3': [6.51050854317125e-11, ''],
 'A_0_4': [1.35191449346299e-13, ''],
 'A_1_1': [-7.5302905463753e-06, ''],
 'A_1_2': [-5.2539201413375e-10, ''],
 'A_1_3': [-1.4269338401366e-14, ''],
 'A_2_0': [8.51886870532632e-06, ''],
 'A_2_1': [-1.0714004130419e-10, ''],
 'A_2_2': [9.70199603291834e-14, ''],
 'A_3_0': [-4.6936360210189e-10, ''],
 'A_3_1': [3.80059786170717e-14, ''],
 'A_4_0': [1.83627862287182e-14, ''],
 'A_ORDER': [4, ''],
 'BADINPDQ': [0, 'data quality flag bits to reject'],
 'BIASCORR': ['COMPLETE', 'Subtract bias image'],
 'BIASFILE': ['jref$vbh1844rj_bia.fits', 'bias image file name'],
 'BIASLEVA': [2088.5564, 'bias level for amplifier A'],
 'BIASLEVB': [2140.5024, 'bias level for amplifier B'],
 'BIASLEVC': [2208.7419, 'bias level for amplifier C'],
 'BIASLEVD': [2296.7388, 'bias level for amplifier D'],
 'BINAXIS1': [1, 'axis1 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels'],
 'BINAXIS2': [1, 'axis2 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels'],
 'BLEVCORR': ['COMPLETE', 'subtract bias level computed from overscan img'],
 'BPIXTAB': ['jref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fits', 'bad pixel table'],
 'BUNIT': ['ELECTRONS', 'brightness units'],
 'B_0_2': [-9.7985788387639e-06, ''],
 'B_0_3': [-4.1421499542394e-10, ''],
 'B_0_4': [-1.5248974790417e-13, ''],
 'B_1_1': [6.42569986264533e-06, ''],
 'B_1_2': [-3.0354276197375e-11, ''],
 'B_1_3': [2.75911271664302e-14, ''],
 'B_2_0': [-2.9658922285423e-06, ''],
 'B_2_1': [-4.4034927976003e-10, ''],
 'B_2_2': [-1.0403607372429e-13, ''],
 'B_3_0': [9.00334210115821e-11, ''],
 'B_3_1': [-3.8363933112663e-14, ''],
 'B_4_0': [-1.6913942054528e-14, ''],
 'B_ORDER': [4, ''],
 'CAL_VER': ['5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)', 'CALACS code version'],
 'CBLKSIZ': [0, 'size of compression block in 2-byte words'],
 'CCDAMP': ['ABCD', 'CCD Amplifier Readout Configuration'],
 'CCDCHIP': [1, 'CCD chip (1 or 2)'],
 'CCDGAIN': [2.0, 'commanded gain of CCD'],
 'CCDOFSTA': [1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier A'],
 'CCDOFSTB': [1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier B'],
 'CCDOFSTC': [1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier C'],
 'CCDOFSTD': [1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier D'],
 'CCDTAB': ['jref$uc82140bj_ccd.fits', 'CCD calibration parameters'],
 'CD1_1': [-8.333333e-06, ''],
 'CD1_2': [0.0, ''],
 'CD2_1': [0.0, ''],
 'CD2_2': [8.333333e-06, ''],
 'CDELT1': [1.0, '[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point'],
 'CDELT2': [1.0, '[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point'],
 'CENTERA1': [2073, 'subarray axis1 center pt in unbinned dect. pix'],
 'CENTERA2': [1035, 'subarray axis2 center pt in unbinned dect. pix'],
 'CFLTFILE': ['N/A', 'Coronagraphic spot image'],
 'COMPTAB': ['mtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fits', 'the HST components table'],
 'COMPTYP': ['None', 'compression type performed (Partial/Full/None)'],
 'CRCORR': ['OMIT', 'combine observations to reject cosmic rays'],
 'CRMASK': [False, 'flag CR-rejected pixels in input files (T/F)'],
 'CRPIX1': [-2552.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'],
 'CRPIX2': [-22248.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'],
 'CRRADIUS': [0.0, 'rejection propagation radius (pixels)'],
 'CRREJTAB': ['jref$n4e12511j_crr.fits', 'cosmic ray rejection parameters'],
 'CRSIGMAS': ['', 'statistical rejection criteria'],
 'CRSPLIT': [1, 'number of cosmic ray split exposures'],
 'CRTHRESH': [0.0, 'rejection propagation threshold'],
 'CRVAL1': [150.1163213, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'],
 'CRVAL2': [2.200973097, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'],
 'CTEDIR': ['NONE', 'CTE measurement direction: serial or parallel'],
 'CTEIMAGE': ['NONE', 'type of Charge Transfer Image, if applicable'],
 'CTYPE1': ['RA---TAN', 'Right ascension, gnomonic projection'],
 'CTYPE2': ['DEC--TAN', 'Declination, gnomonic projection'],
 'CUNIT1': ['deg', 'Units of coordinate increment and value'],
 'CUNIT2': ['deg', 'Units of coordinate increment and value'],
 'D001COEF': ['cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D001DATA': ['cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D001DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D001EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D001FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D001GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D001INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D001INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D001INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D001KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D001LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D001MASK': ['cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D001OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D001OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D001OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D001OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D001OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D001OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D001PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D001SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D001VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D001WTSC': [583770.1, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D001XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D001YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D002COEF': ['cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D002DATA': ['cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D002DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D002EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D002FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D002GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D002INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D002INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D002INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D002KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D002LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D002MASK': ['cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D002OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D002OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D002OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D002OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D002OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D002OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D002PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D002SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D002VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D002WTSC': [3858213.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D002XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D002YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D003COEF': ['cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D003DATA': ['cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D003DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D003EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D003FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D003GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D003INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D003INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D003INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D003KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D003LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D003MASK': ['cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D003OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D003OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D003OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D003OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D003OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D003OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D003PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D003SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D003VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D003WTSC': [583802.2, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D003XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D003YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D004COEF': ['cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D004DATA': ['cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D004DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D004EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D004FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D004GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D004INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D004INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D004INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D004KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D004LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D004MASK': ['cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D004OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D004OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D004OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D004OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D004OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D004OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D004PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D004SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D004VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D004WTSC': [3858522.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D004XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D004YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D005COEF': ['cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D005DATA': ['cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D005DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D005EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D005FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D005GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D005INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D005INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D005INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D005KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D005LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D005MASK': ['cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D005OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D005OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D005OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D005OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D005OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D005OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D005PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D005SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D005VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D005WTSC': [583802.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D005XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D005YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D006COEF': ['cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D006DATA': ['cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D006DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D006EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D006FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D006GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D006INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D006INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D006INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D006KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D006LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D006MASK': ['cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D006OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D006OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D006OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D006OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D006OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D006OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D006PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D006SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D006VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D006WTSC': [3858522.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D006XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D006YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D007COEF': ['cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D007DATA': ['cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D007DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D007EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D007FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D007GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D007INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D007INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D007INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D007KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D007LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D007MASK': ['cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D007OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D007OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D007OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D007OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D007OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D007OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D007PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D007SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D007VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D007WTSC': [583801.9, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D007XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D007YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D008COEF': ['cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D008DATA': ['cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D008DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D008EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D008FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D008GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D008INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D008INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D008INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D008KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D008LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D008MASK': ['cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D008OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D008OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D008OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D008OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D008OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D008OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D008PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D008SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D008VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D008WTSC': [3858506.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D008XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D008YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D009COEF': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D009DATA': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D009DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D009EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D009FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D009GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D009INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D009INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D009INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D009KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D009LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D009MASK': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D009OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D009OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D009OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D009OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D009OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D009OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D009PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D009SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D009VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D009WTSC': [583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D009XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D009YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D010COEF': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D010DATA': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D010DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D010EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D010FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D010GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D010INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D010INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D010INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D010KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D010LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D010MASK': ['cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D010OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D010OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D010OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D010OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D010OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D010OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D010PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D010SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D010VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D010WTSC': [583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D010XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D010YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D011COEF': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D011DATA': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D011DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D011EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D011FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D011GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D011INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D011INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D011INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D011KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D011LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D011MASK': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D011OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D011OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D011OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D011OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D011OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D011OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D011PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D011SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D011VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D011WTSC': [3858528.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D011XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D011YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D012COEF': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D012DATA': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D012DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D012EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D012FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D012GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D012INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D012INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D012INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D012KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D012LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D012MASK': ['cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D012OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D012OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D012OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D012OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D012OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D012OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D012PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D012SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D012VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D012WTSC': [3858528.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D012XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D012YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D013COEF': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D013DATA': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D013DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D013EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D013FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D013GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D013INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D013INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D013INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D013KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D013LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D013MASK': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D013OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D013OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D013OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D013OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D013OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D013OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D013PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D013SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D013VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D013WTSC': [583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D013XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D013YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D014COEF': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D014DATA': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D014DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D014EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D014FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D014GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D014INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D014INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D014INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D014KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D014LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D014MASK': ['cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D014OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D014OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D014OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D014OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D014OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D014OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D014PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D014SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D014VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D014WTSC': [583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D014XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D014YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D015COEF': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D015DATA': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D015DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D015EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D015FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D015GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D015INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D015INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D015INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D015KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D015LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D015MASK': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D015OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D015OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D015OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D015OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D015OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D015OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D015PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D015SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D015VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D015WTSC': [3858529.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D015XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D015YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D016COEF': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D016DATA': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D016DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D016EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D016FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D016GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D016INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D016INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D016INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D016KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D016LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D016MASK': ['cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D016OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D016OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D016OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D016OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D016OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D016OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D016PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D016SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D016VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D016WTSC': [3858529.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D016XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D016YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D017COEF': ['cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D017DATA': ['cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D017DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D017EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D017FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D017GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D017INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D017INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D017INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D017KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D017LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D017MASK': ['cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D017OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D017OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D017OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D017OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D017OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D017OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D017PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D017SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D017VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D017WTSC': [583804.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D017XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D017YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D018COEF': ['cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D018DATA': ['cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D018DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D018EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D018FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D018GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D018INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D018INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D018INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D018KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D018LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D018MASK': ['cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D018OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D018OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D018OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D018OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D018OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D018OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D018PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D018SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D018VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D018WTSC': [3858532.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D018XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D018YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D019COEF': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D019DATA': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D019DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D019EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D019FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D019GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D019INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D019INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D019INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D019KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D019LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D019MASK': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D019OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D019OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D019OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D019OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D019OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D019OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D019PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D019SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D019VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D019WTSC': [583796.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D019XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D019YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D020COEF': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D020DATA': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D020DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D020EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D020FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D020GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D020INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D020INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D020INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D020KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D020LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D020MASK': ['cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D020OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D020OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D020OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D020OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D020OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D020OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D020PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D020SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D020VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D020WTSC': [583796.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D020XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D020YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D021COEF': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D021DATA': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D021DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D021EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D021FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D021GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D021INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D021INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D021INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D021KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D021LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D021MASK': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D021OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D021OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D021OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D021OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D021OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D021OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D021PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D021SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D021VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D021WTSC': [3858427.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D021XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D021YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D022COEF': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D022DATA': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D022DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D022EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D022FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D022GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D022INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D022INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D022INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D022KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D022LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D022MASK': ['cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D022OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D022OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D022OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D022OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D022OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D022OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D022PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D022SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D022VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D022WTSC': [3858427.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D022XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D022YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D023COEF': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D023DATA': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D023DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D023EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D023FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D023GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D023INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D023INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D023INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D023KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D023LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D023MASK': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D023OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D023OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D023OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D023OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D023OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D023OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D023PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D023SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D023VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D023WTSC': [583805.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D023XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D023YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D024COEF': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D024DATA': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D024DEXP': [275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D024EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D024FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D024GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D024INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D024INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D024INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D024KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D024LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D024MASK': ['cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D024OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D024OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D024OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D024OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D024OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D024OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D024PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D024SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D024VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D024WTSC': [583805.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D024XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D024YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D025COEF': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D025DATA': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D025DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D025EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D025FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D025GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D025INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D025INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D025INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D025KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D025LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D025MASK': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D025OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D025OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D025OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D025OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D025OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D025OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D025PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D025SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D025VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D025WTSC': [3858539.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D025XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D025YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D026COEF': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D026DATA': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D026DEXP': [707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D026EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D026FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D026GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D026INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D026INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D026INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D026KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D026LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D026MASK': ['cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D026OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D026OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D026OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D026OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D026OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D026OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D026PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D026SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D026VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D026WTSC': [3858539.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D026XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D026YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D027COEF': ['cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D027DATA': ['cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D027DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D027EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D027FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D027GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D027INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D027INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D027INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D027KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D027LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D027MASK': ['cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D027OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D027OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D027OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D027OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D027OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D027OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D027PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D027SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D027VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D027WTSC': [390803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D027XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D027YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D028COEF': ['cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D028DATA': ['cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D028DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D028EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D028FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D028GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D028INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D028INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D028INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D028KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D028LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D028MASK': ['cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D028OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D028OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D028OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D028OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D028OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D028OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D028PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D028SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D028VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D028WTSC': [1278684.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D028XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D028YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D029COEF': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D029DATA': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D029DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D029EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D029FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D029GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D029INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D029INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D029INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D029KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D029LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D029MASK': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D029OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D029OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D029OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D029OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D029OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D029OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D029PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D029SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D029VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D029WTSC': [390813.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D029XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D029YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D030COEF': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D030DATA': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D030DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D030EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D030FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D030GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D030INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D030INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D030INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D030KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D030LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D030MASK': ['cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D030OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D030OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D030OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D030OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D030OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D030OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D030PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D030SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D030VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D030WTSC': [390813.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D030XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D030YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D031COEF': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D031DATA': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D031DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D031EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D031FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D031GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D031INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D031INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D031INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D031KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D031LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D031MASK': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D031OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D031OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D031OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D031OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D031OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D031OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D031PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D031SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D031VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D031WTSC': [1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D031XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D031YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D032COEF': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D032DATA': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D032DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D032EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D032FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D032GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D032INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D032INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D032INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D032KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D032LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D032MASK': ['cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D032OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D032OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D032OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D032OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D032OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D032OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D032PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D032SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D032VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D032WTSC': [1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D032XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D032YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D033COEF': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D033DATA': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D033DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D033EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D033FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D033GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D033INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D033INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D033INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D033KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D033LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D033MASK': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D033OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D033OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D033OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D033OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D033OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D033OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D033PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D033SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D033VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D033WTSC': [390813.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D033XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D033YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D034COEF': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D034DATA': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D034DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D034EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D034FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D034GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D034INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D034INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D034INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D034KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D034LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D034MASK': ['cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D034OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D034OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D034OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D034OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D034OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D034OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D034PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D034SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D034VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D034WTSC': [390813.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D034XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D034YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D035COEF': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D035DATA': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D035DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D035EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D035FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D035GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D035INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D035INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D035INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D035KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D035LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D035MASK': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D035OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D035OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D035OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D035OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D035OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D035OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D035PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D035SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D035VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D035WTSC': [1278741.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D035XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D035YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D036COEF': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D036DATA': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D036DEXP': [407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D036EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D036FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D036GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D036INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D036INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D036INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D036KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D036LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D036MASK': ['cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D036OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D036OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D036OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D036OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D036OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D036OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D036PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D036SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D036VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D036WTSC': [1278741.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D036XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D036YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D037COEF': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D037DATA': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D037DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D037EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D037FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D037GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D037INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D037INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D037INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D037KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D037LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D037MASK': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D037OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D037OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D037OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D037OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D037OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D037OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D037PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D037SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D037VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D037WTSC': [390814.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],
 'D037XGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]',
  'Drizzle, X distortion image name'],
 'D037YGIM': ['jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]',
  'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'],
 'D038COEF': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat',
  'Drizzle, coefficients file name'],
 'D038DATA': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input data image'],
 'D038DEXP': [225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'],
 'D038EXKY': ['exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'],
 'D038FVAL': ['INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'],
 'D038GEOM': ['Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'],
 'D038INUN': ['counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'],
 'D038INXC': [2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'],
 'D038INYC': [1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'],
 'D038KERN': ['square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'],
 'D038LAM': [555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'],
 'D038MASK': ['cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits',
  'Drizzle, input weighting imag'],
 'D038OUCO': ['', 'Drizzle, output context image'],
 'D038OUDA': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh',
 'D038OUUN': ['cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'],
 'D038OUWE': ['tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh',
 'D038OUXC': [7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'],
 'D038OUYC': [7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'],
 'D038PIXF': [0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'],
 'D038SECP': [False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'],
 'D038VER': ['WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'],
 'D038WTSC': [390814.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'],

Example 6: Converting from FITS WCS keywords to a gwcs object#

This is a bit complicated, and not particularly advantageous for this example.

The generalized world-coordinate system, gwcs package is built to support complex mappings between detector coordinates and coordinates. In this case it’s overkill. But it does illustrate saving a complex data object to an asdf file. The gwcs package extends asdf to specify the wcs object. In doing so, it makes extensive use of the transforms that are defined in the asdf standard.

This example follows the instructions in the gwcs documentation. There is no rotation in this example, so we can follow the example that makes use of convenience function wcs_from_fiducial.

Down the road there should be some convenience methods for converting common FITS WCSs and dealing gracefully with the (unfortunately quite common) inconsistencies.

For convenience, let’s use and astropy wcs object to grab the world-coordinate system information. This particular example reveals a problem that is quite common in FITS files: redundant and potentially inconsistent WCS information. In this case, the file is using both the PC matrix approach and the CD matrix approach. We’ll take the PC matrix as “truth”.

fitswcs = WCS(header1)
                Inconsistent SIP distortion information is present in the FITS header and the WCS object:
                SIP coefficients were detected, but CTYPE is missing a "-SIP" suffix.
                astropy.wcs is using the SIP distortion coefficients,
                therefore the coordinates calculated here might be incorrect.

                If you do not want to apply the SIP distortion coefficients,
                please remove the SIP coefficients from the FITS header or the
                WCS object.  As an example, if the image is already distortion-corrected
                (e.g., drizzled) then distortion components should not apply and the SIP
                coefficients should be removed.

                While the SIP distortion coefficients are being applied here, if that was indeed the intent,
                for consistency please append "-SIP" to the CTYPE in the FITS header or the WCS object.

WCS Keywords

Number of WCS axes: 2
CRVAL : np.float64(150.1163213) np.float64(2.200973097) 
CRPIX : np.float64(-2552.5) np.float64(-22248.5) 
PC1_1 PC1_2  : np.float64(-8.333333e-06) np.float64(0.0) 
PC2_1 PC2_2  : np.float64(0.0) np.float64(8.333333e-06) 
CDELT : np.float64(1.0) np.float64(1.0) 
NAXIS : 100  100
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/wcs/ RuntimeWarning: cdelt will be ignored since cd is present

Grab some values from the wcs for improved readability of cells further down

crval1, crval2 = fitswcs.wcs.crval
cunit1, cunit2 = [u.Unit(cu) for cu in fitswcs.wcs.cunit]
pcmatrix = fitswcs.wcs.pc
cunit1, cunit2
(Unit("deg"), Unit("deg"))

To create a WCS from a pointing on the sky, as a minimum pass a sky coordinate and a projection to the function.

fiducial = coord.SkyCoord(crval1*cunit1, crval2*cunit2, frame='icrs')
tan = models.Pix2Sky_TAN()

Create a pipeline for the coordinate transformations. In this case apply a shift and then a rescaling. The function wcs_from_fiducial prepends these onto the sky projection.

trans = models.Shift(-crval1) & models.Shift(-crval2) |\
        models.Scale(-pcmatrix[0, 0]) & models.Scale(pcmatrix[1, 1])
wcsobj = wcs_from_fiducial(fiducial, projection=tan, transform=trans)
<WCS(output_frame=CelestialFrame, input_frame=None, forward_transform=Model: CompoundModel
Inputs: ('x0', 'x1')
Outputs: ('alpha_C', 'delta_C')
Model set size: 1
Expression: [0] & [1] | [2] & [3] | [4] | [5]
    [0]: <Shift(offset=-150.1163213)>

    [1]: <Shift(offset=-2.2009731)>

    [2]: <Scale(factor=0.00000833)>

    [3]: <Scale(factor=0.00000833)>

    [4]: <Pix2Sky_Gnomonic()>

    [5]: <RotateNative2Celestial(lon=150.1163213 deg, lat=2.2009731 deg, lon_pole=180. deg)>
      offset_0     offset_1     factor_2   ...    lon_5       lat_5    lon_pole_5
                                           ...     deg         deg        deg    
    ------------ ------------ ------------ ... ----------- ----------- ----------
    -150.1163213 -2.200973097 8.333333e-06 ... 150.1163213 2.200973097      180.0)>

Get rid of the now obsolete FITS WCS keywords from the ASDF header. It’s blissfully short, and one could argue devoid of almost anything useful.

fits_wcs_keywords = [
    'CRPIX1', 'CRVAL1', 'CTYPE1', 'CD1_1', 'CD2_1', 'CRPIX2', 'CRVAL2', 
    'CTYPE2', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_2', 'WCSAXES', 'PC1_1', 'PC2_2', 'CDELT1', 
[ff.tree.pop(old_kw, None) for old_kw in fits_wcs_keywords]
[[-2552.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'],
 [150.1163213, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'],
 ['RA---TAN', 'Right ascension, gnomonic projection'],
 [-8.333333e-06, ''],
 [0.0, ''],
 [-22248.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'],
 [2.200973097, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'],
 ['DEC--TAN', 'Declination, gnomonic projection'],
 [0.0, ''],
 [8.333333e-06, ''],
 [2, 'Number of coordinate axes'],
 [-8.333333e-06, 'Coordinate transformation matrix element'],
 [8.333333e-06, 'Coordinate transformation matrix element'],
 [1.0, '[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point'],
 [1.0, '[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point'],
 ['deg', 'Units of coordinate increment and value'],
 ['deg', 'Units of coordinate increment and value'],
 [180.0, '[deg] Native longitude of celestial pole'],
 [2.200973097, '[deg] Native latitude of celestial pole'],
 ['FK5', 'Equatorial coordinate system']]

Add the wcs object to the tree. The gwcs package takes care of the machinery for serializing this object to ASDF.

ff.tree['wcs'] = wcsobj
t = tree_to_table(ff.tree)
An error occured  0
An error occured  0
An error occured  0
An error occured  'WCS' object is not subscriptable
WARNING: AstropyDeprecationWarning: show_in_notebook() is deprecated as of 6.1 and to create
         interactive tables it is recommended to use dedicated tools like:
         - [warnings]
Table length=2658
idxkeyvaluecomment or data structure
0asdf_libraryNone{'author': 'The ASDF Developers', 'homepage': '', 'name': 'asdf', 'version': '3.2.0'}
1historyNone{'extensions': [{'extension_class': 'asdf.extension._manifest.ManifestExtension', 'extension_uri': 'asdf://', 'software': {'name': 'asdf', 'version': '3.2.0'}}]}
3APERTUREWFCaperture name
4ASN_IDJBOA28010unique identifier assigned to association
5ASN_MTYPEXP-DTHRole of the Member in the Association
6ASN_TABjboa28010_asn.fitsname of the association table
7ATODCORROMITcorrect for A to D conversion errors
8ATODGNA2.02calibrated gain for amplifier A
9ATODGNB1.886calibrated gain for amplifier B
10ATODGNC2.017calibrated gain for amplifier C
11ATODGND2.0109999calibrated gain for amplifier D
12ATODTABjref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fitsanalog to digital correction file
26BADINPDQ0data quality flag bits to reject
27BIASCORRCOMPLETESubtract bias image
28BIASFILEjref$vbh1844rj_bia.fitsbias image file name
29BIASLEVA2088.5564bias level for amplifier A
30BIASLEVB2140.5024bias level for amplifier B
31BIASLEVC2208.7419bias level for amplifier C
32BIASLEVD2296.7388bias level for amplifier D
33BINAXIS11axis1 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels
34BINAXIS21axis2 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels
35BLEVCORRCOMPLETEsubtract bias level computed from overscan img
36BPIXTABjref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fitsbad pixel table
38BUNITELECTRONSbrightness units
52CAL_VER5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)CALACS code version
53CBLKSIZ0size of compression block in 2-byte words
54CCDAMPABCDCCD Amplifier Readout Configuration
55CCDCHIP1CCD chip (1 or 2)
56CCDGAIN2.0commanded gain of CCD
57CCDOFSTA1commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier A
58CCDOFSTB1commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier B
59CCDOFSTC1commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier C
60CCDOFSTD1commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier D
61CCDTABjref$uc82140bj_ccd.fitsCCD calibration parameters
62CENTERA12073subarray axis1 center pt in unbinned dect. pix
63CENTERA21035subarray axis2 center pt in unbinned dect. pix
64CFLTFILEN/ACoronagraphic spot image
65COMPTABmtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fitsthe HST components table
66COMPTYPNonecompression type performed (Partial/Full/None)
67CRCORROMITcombine observations to reject cosmic rays
68CRMASKFalseflag CR-rejected pixels in input files (T/F)
69CRRADIUS0.0rejection propagation radius (pixels)
70CRREJTABjref$n4e12511j_crr.fitscosmic ray rejection parameters
71CRSIGMASstatistical rejection criteria
72CRSPLIT1number of cosmic ray split exposures
73CRTHRESH0.0rejection propagation threshold
74CTEDIRNONECTE measurement direction: serial or parallel
75CTEIMAGENONEtype of Charge Transfer Image, if applicable
76D001COEFcos01_28_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
77D001DATAcos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
78D001DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
79D001EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
80D001FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
81D001GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
82D001INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
83D001INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
84D001INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
85D001KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
86D001LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
87D001MASKcos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
88D001OUCODrizzle, output context image
90D001OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
92D001OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
93D001OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
94D001PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
95D001SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
96D001VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
97D001WTSC583770.1Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
98D001XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
99D001YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
100D002COEFcos01_28_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
101D002DATAcos01_28_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
102D002DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
103D002EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
104D002FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
105D002GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
106D002INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
107D002INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
108D002INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
109D002KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
110D002LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
111D002MASKcos01_28_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
112D002OUCODrizzle, output context image
114D002OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
116D002OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
117D002OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
118D002PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
119D002SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
120D002VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
121D002WTSC3858213.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
122D002XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
123D002YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
124D003COEFcos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
125D003DATAcos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
126D003DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
127D003EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
128D003FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
129D003GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
130D003INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
131D003INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
132D003INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
133D003KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
134D003LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
135D003MASKcos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
136D003OUCODrizzle, output context image
138D003OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
140D003OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
141D003OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
142D003PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
143D003SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
144D003VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
145D003WTSC583802.2Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
146D003XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
147D003YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
148D004COEFcos01_29_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
149D004DATAcos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
150D004DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
151D004EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
152D004FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
153D004GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
154D004INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
155D004INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
156D004INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
157D004KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
158D004LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
159D004MASKcos01_29_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
160D004OUCODrizzle, output context image
162D004OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
164D004OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
165D004OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
166D004PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
167D004SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
168D004VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
169D004WTSC3858522.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
170D004XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
171D004YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
172D005COEFcos01_30_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
173D005DATAcos01_30_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
174D005DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
175D005EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
176D005FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
177D005GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
178D005INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
179D005INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
180D005INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
181D005KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
182D005LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
183D005MASKcos01_30_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
184D005OUCODrizzle, output context image
186D005OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
188D005OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
189D005OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
190D005PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
191D005SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
192D005VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
193D005WTSC583802.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
194D005XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
195D005YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
196D006COEFcos01_30_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
197D006DATAcos01_30_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
198D006DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
199D006EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
200D006FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
201D006GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
202D006INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
203D006INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
204D006INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
205D006KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
206D006LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
207D006MASKcos01_30_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
208D006OUCODrizzle, output context image
210D006OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
212D006OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
213D006OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
214D006PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
215D006SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
216D006VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
217D006WTSC3858522.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
218D006XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
219D006YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
220D007COEFcos01_32_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
221D007DATAcos01_32_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
222D007DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
223D007EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
224D007FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
225D007GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
226D007INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
227D007INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
228D007INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
229D007KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
230D007LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
231D007MASKcos01_32_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
232D007OUCODrizzle, output context image
234D007OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
236D007OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
237D007OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
238D007PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
239D007SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
240D007VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
241D007WTSC583801.9Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
242D007XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
243D007YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
244D008COEFcos01_32_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
245D008DATAcos01_32_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
246D008DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
247D008EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
248D008FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
249D008GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
250D008INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
251D008INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
252D008INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
253D008KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
254D008LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
255D008MASKcos01_32_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
256D008OUCODrizzle, output context image
258D008OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
260D008OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
261D008OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
262D008PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
263D008SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
264D008VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
265D008WTSC3858506.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
266D008XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
267D008YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
268D009COEFcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
269D009DATAcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
270D009DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
271D009EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
272D009FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
273D009GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
274D009INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
275D009INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
276D009INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
277D009KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
278D009LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
279D009MASKcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
280D009OUCODrizzle, output context image
282D009OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
284D009OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
285D009OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
286D009PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
287D009SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
288D009VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
289D009WTSC583803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
290D009XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
291D009YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
292D010COEFcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
293D010DATAcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
294D010DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
295D010EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
296D010FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
297D010GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
298D010INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
299D010INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
300D010INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
301D010KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
302D010LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
303D010MASKcos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
304D010OUCODrizzle, output context image
306D010OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
308D010OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
309D010OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
310D010PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
311D010SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
312D010VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
313D010WTSC583803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
314D010XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
315D010YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
316D011COEFcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
317D011DATAcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
318D011DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
319D011EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
320D011FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
321D011GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
322D011INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
323D011INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
324D011INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
325D011KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
326D011LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
327D011MASKcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
328D011OUCODrizzle, output context image
330D011OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
332D011OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
333D011OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
334D011PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
335D011SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
336D011VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
337D011WTSC3858528.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
338D011XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
339D011YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
340D012COEFcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
341D012DATAcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
342D012DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
343D012EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
344D012FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
345D012GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
346D012INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
347D012INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
348D012INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
349D012KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
350D012LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
351D012MASKcos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
352D012OUCODrizzle, output context image
354D012OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
356D012OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
357D012OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
358D012PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
359D012SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
360D012VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
361D012WTSC3858528.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
362D012XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
363D012YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
364D013COEFcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
365D013DATAcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
366D013DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
367D013EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
368D013FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
369D013GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
370D013INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
371D013INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
372D013INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
373D013KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
374D013LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
375D013MASKcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
376D013OUCODrizzle, output context image
378D013OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
380D013OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
381D013OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
382D013PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
383D013SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
384D013VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
385D013WTSC583803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
386D013XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
387D013YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
388D014COEFcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
389D014DATAcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
390D014DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
391D014EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
392D014FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
393D014GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
394D014INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
395D014INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
396D014INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
397D014KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
398D014LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
399D014MASKcos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
400D014OUCODrizzle, output context image
402D014OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
404D014OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
405D014OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
406D014PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
407D014SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
408D014VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
409D014WTSC583803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
410D014XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
411D014YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
412D015COEFcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
413D015DATAcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
414D015DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
415D015EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
416D015FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
417D015GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
418D015INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
419D015INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
420D015INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
421D015KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
422D015LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
423D015MASKcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
424D015OUCODrizzle, output context image
426D015OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
428D015OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
429D015OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
430D015PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
431D015SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
432D015VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
433D015WTSC3858529.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
434D015XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
435D015YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
436D016COEFcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
437D016DATAcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
438D016DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
439D016EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
440D016FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
441D016GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
442D016INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
443D016INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
444D016INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
445D016KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
446D016LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
447D016MASKcos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
448D016OUCODrizzle, output context image
450D016OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
452D016OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
453D016OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
454D016PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
455D016SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
456D016VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
457D016WTSC3858529.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
458D016XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
459D016YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
460D017COEFcos01_36_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
461D017DATAcos01_36_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
462D017DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
463D017EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
464D017FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
465D017GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
466D017INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
467D017INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
468D017INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
469D017KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
470D017LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
471D017MASKcos01_36_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
472D017OUCODrizzle, output context image
474D017OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
476D017OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
477D017OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
478D017PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
479D017SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
480D017VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
481D017WTSC583804.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
482D017XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
483D017YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
484D018COEFcos01_36_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
485D018DATAcos01_36_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
486D018DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
487D018EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
488D018FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
489D018GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
490D018INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
491D018INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
492D018INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
493D018KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
494D018LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
495D018MASKcos01_36_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
496D018OUCODrizzle, output context image
498D018OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
500D018OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
501D018OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
502D018PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
503D018SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
504D018VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
505D018WTSC3858532.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
506D018XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
507D018YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
508D019COEFcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
509D019DATAcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
510D019DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
511D019EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
512D019FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
513D019GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
514D019INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
515D019INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
516D019INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
517D019KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
518D019LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
519D019MASKcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
520D019OUCODrizzle, output context image
522D019OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
524D019OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
525D019OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
526D019PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
527D019SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
528D019VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
529D019WTSC583796.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
530D019XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
531D019YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
532D020COEFcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
533D020DATAcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
534D020DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
535D020EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
536D020FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
537D020GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
538D020INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
539D020INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
540D020INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
541D020KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
542D020LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
543D020MASKcos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
544D020OUCODrizzle, output context image
546D020OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
548D020OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
549D020OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
550D020PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
551D020SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
552D020VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
553D020WTSC583796.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
554D020XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
555D020YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
556D021COEFcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
557D021DATAcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
558D021DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
559D021EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
560D021FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
561D021GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
562D021INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
563D021INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
564D021INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
565D021KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
566D021LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
567D021MASKcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
568D021OUCODrizzle, output context image
570D021OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
572D021OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
573D021OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
574D021PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
575D021SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
576D021VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
577D021WTSC3858427.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
578D021XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
579D021YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
580D022COEFcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
581D022DATAcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
582D022DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
583D022EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
584D022FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
585D022GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
586D022INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
587D022INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
588D022INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
589D022KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
590D022LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
591D022MASKcos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
592D022OUCODrizzle, output context image
594D022OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
596D022OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
597D022OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
598D022PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
599D022SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
600D022VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
601D022WTSC3858427.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
602D022XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
603D022YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
604D023COEFcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
605D023DATAcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
606D023DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
607D023EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
608D023FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
609D023GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
610D023INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
611D023INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
612D023INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
613D023KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
614D023LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
615D023MASKcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
616D023OUCODrizzle, output context image
618D023OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
620D023OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
621D023OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
622D023PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
623D023SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
624D023VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
625D023WTSC583805.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
626D023XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
627D023YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
628D024COEFcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
629D024DATAcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
630D024DEXP275.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
631D024EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
632D024FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
633D024GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
634D024INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
635D024INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
636D024INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
637D024KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
638D024LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
639D024MASKcos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
640D024OUCODrizzle, output context image
642D024OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
644D024OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
645D024OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
646D024PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
647D024SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
648D024VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
649D024WTSC583805.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
650D024XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
651D024YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
652D025COEFcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
653D025DATAcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
654D025DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
655D025EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
656D025FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
657D025GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
658D025INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
659D025INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
660D025INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
661D025KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
662D025LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
663D025MASKcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
664D025OUCODrizzle, output context image
666D025OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
668D025OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
669D025OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
670D025PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
671D025SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
672D025VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
673D025WTSC3858539.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
674D025XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
675D025YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
676D026COEFcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
677D026DATAcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
678D026DEXP707.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
679D026EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
680D026FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
681D026GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
682D026INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
683D026INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
684D026INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
685D026KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
686D026LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
687D026MASKcos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
688D026OUCODrizzle, output context image
690D026OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
692D026OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
693D026OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
694D026PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
695D026SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
696D026VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
697D026WTSC3858539.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
698D026XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
699D026YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
700D027COEFcos01_40_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
701D027DATAcos01_40_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
702D027DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
703D027EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
704D027FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
705D027GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
706D027INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
707D027INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
708D027INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
709D027KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
710D027LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
711D027MASKcos01_40_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
712D027OUCODrizzle, output context image
714D027OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
716D027OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
717D027OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
718D027PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
719D027SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
720D027VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
721D027WTSC390803.6Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
722D027XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
723D027YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
724D028COEFcos01_40_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
725D028DATAcos01_40_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
726D028DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
727D028EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
728D028FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
729D028GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
730D028INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
731D028INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
732D028INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
733D028KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
734D028LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
735D028MASKcos01_40_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
736D028OUCODrizzle, output context image
738D028OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
740D028OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
741D028OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
742D028PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
743D028SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
744D028VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
745D028WTSC1278684.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
746D028XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
747D028YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
748D029COEFcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
749D029DATAcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
750D029DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
751D029EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
752D029FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
753D029GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
754D029INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
755D029INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
756D029INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
757D029KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
758D029LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
759D029MASKcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
760D029OUCODrizzle, output context image
762D029OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
764D029OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
765D029OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
766D029PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
767D029SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
768D029VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
769D029WTSC390813.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
770D029XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
771D029YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
772D030COEFcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
773D030DATAcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
774D030DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
775D030EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
776D030FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
777D030GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
778D030INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
779D030INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
780D030INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
781D030KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
782D030LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
783D030MASKcos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
784D030OUCODrizzle, output context image
786D030OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
788D030OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
789D030OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
790D030PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
791D030SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
792D030VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
793D030WTSC390813.4Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
794D030XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
795D030YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
796D031COEFcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
797D031DATAcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
798D031DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
799D031EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
800D031FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
801D031GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
802D031INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
803D031INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
804D031INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
805D031KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
806D031LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
807D031MASKcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
808D031OUCODrizzle, output context image
810D031OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
812D031OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
813D031OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
814D031PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
815D031SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
816D031VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
817D031WTSC1278740.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
818D031XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
819D031YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
820D032COEFcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
821D032DATAcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
822D032DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
823D032EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
824D032FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
825D032GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
826D032INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
827D032INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
828D032INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
829D032KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
830D032LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
831D032MASKcos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
832D032OUCODrizzle, output context image
834D032OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
836D032OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
837D032OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
838D032PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
839D032SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
840D032VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
841D032WTSC1278740.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
842D032XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
843D032YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
844D033COEFcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
845D033DATAcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
846D033DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
847D033EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
848D033FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
849D033GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
850D033INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
851D033INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
852D033INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
853D033KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
854D033LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
855D033MASKcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
856D033OUCODrizzle, output context image
858D033OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
860D033OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
861D033OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
862D033PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
863D033SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
864D033VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
865D033WTSC390813.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
866D033XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
867D033YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
868D034COEFcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
869D034DATAcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
870D034DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
871D034EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
872D034FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
873D034GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
874D034INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
875D034INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
876D034INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
877D034KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
878D034LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
879D034MASKcos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
880D034OUCODrizzle, output context image
882D034OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
884D034OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
885D034OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
886D034PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
887D034SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
888D034VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
889D034WTSC390813.7Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
890D034XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
891D034YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
892D035COEFcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
893D035DATAcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
894D035DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
895D035EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
896D035FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
897D035GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
898D035INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
899D035INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
900D035INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
901D035KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
902D035LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
903D035MASKcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
904D035OUCODrizzle, output context image
906D035OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
908D035OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
909D035OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
910D035PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
911D035SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
912D035VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
913D035WTSC1278741.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
914D035XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
915D035YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
916D036COEFcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
917D036DATAcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
918D036DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
919D036EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
920D036FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
921D036GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
922D036INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
923D036INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
924D036INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
925D036KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
926D036LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
927D036MASKcos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
928D036OUCODrizzle, output context image
930D036OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
932D036OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
933D036OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
934D036PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
935D036SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
936D036VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
937D036WTSC1278741.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
938D036XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
939D036YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
940D037COEFcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
941D037DATAcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
942D037DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
943D037EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
944D037FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
945D037GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
946D037INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
947D037INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
948D037INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
949D037KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
950D037LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
951D037MASKcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
952D037OUCODrizzle, output context image
954D037OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
956D037OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
957D037OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
958D037PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
959D037SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
960D037VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
961D037WTSC390814.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
962D037XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
963D037YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
964D038COEFcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
965D038DATAcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
966D038DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
967D038EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
968D038FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
969D038GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
970D038INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
971D038INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
972D038INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
973D038KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
974D038LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
975D038MASKcos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
976D038OUCODrizzle, output context image
978D038OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
980D038OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
981D038OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
982D038PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
983D038SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
984D038VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
985D038WTSC390814.3Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
986D038XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
987D038YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
988D039COEFcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
989D039DATAcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
990D039DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
991D039EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
992D039FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
993D039GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
994D039INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
995D039INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
996D039INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
997D039KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
998D039LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
999D039MASKcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1000D039OUCODrizzle, output context image
1002D039OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1004D039OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1005D039OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1006D039PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1007D039SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1008D039VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1009D039WTSC1278743.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1010D039XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1011D039YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1012D040COEFcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1013D040DATAcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1014D040DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1015D040EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1016D040FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1017D040GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1018D040INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1019D040INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1020D040INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1021D040KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1022D040LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1023D040MASKcos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1024D040OUCODrizzle, output context image
1026D040OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1028D040OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1029D040OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1030D040PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1031D040SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1032D040VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1033D040WTSC1278743.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1034D040XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1035D040YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1036D041COEFcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1037D041DATAcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1038D041DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1039D041EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1040D041FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1041D041GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1042D041INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1043D041INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1044D041INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1045D041KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1046D041LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1047D041MASKcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1048D041OUCODrizzle, output context image
1050D041OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1052D041OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1053D041OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1054D041PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1055D041SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1056D041VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1057D041WTSC390814.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1058D041XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1059D041YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1060D042COEFcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1061D042DATAcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1062D042DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1063D042EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1064D042FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1065D042GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1066D042INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1067D042INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1068D042INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1069D042KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1070D042LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1071D042MASKcos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1072D042OUCODrizzle, output context image
1074D042OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1076D042OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1077D042OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1078D042PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1079D042SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1080D042VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1081D042WTSC390814.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1082D042XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1083D042YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1084D043COEFcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1085D043DATAcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1086D043DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1087D043EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1088D043FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1089D043GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1090D043INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1091D043INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1092D043INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1093D043KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1094D043LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1095D043MASKcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1096D043OUCODrizzle, output context image
1098D043OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1100D043OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1101D043OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1102D043PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1103D043SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1104D043VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1105D043WTSC1278739.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1106D043XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1107D043YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1108D044COEFcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1109D044DATAcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1110D044DEXP407.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1111D044EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1112D044FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1113D044GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1114D044INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
1115D044INXC2049.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
1116D044INYC1025.0Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
1117D044KERNsquareDrizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
1118D044LAM555.0Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
1119D044MASKcos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fitsDrizzle, input weighting imag
1120D044OUCODrizzle, output context image
1122D044OUUNcpsDrizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
1124D044OUXC7001.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
1125D044OUYC7201.0Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
1126D044PIXF0.8Drizzle, linear size of drop
1127D044SECPFalseDrizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
1128D044VERWDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)Drizzle, task version
1129D044WTSC1278739.0Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
1130D044XGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]Drizzle, X distortion image name
1131D044YGIMjref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]Drizzle, Y distortion image name
1132D045COEFcos01_49_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.datDrizzle, coefficients file name
1133D045DATAcos01_49_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fitsDrizzle, input data image
1134D045DEXP225.0Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
1135D045EXKYexptimeDrizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
1136D045FVALINDEFDrizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
1137D045GEOMHeader WCSDrizzle, source of geometric information
1138D045INUNcountsDrizzle, units of input image - counts or cps