ASDF Example#

Use case: Create ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) file from FITS file.
Data: CANDELS image of the COSMOS field.
Tools: asdf, gwcs, astrocut.
Cross-intrument: all instruments.
Documentation: This notebook is part of a STScI’s larger post-pipeline Data Analysis Tools Ecosystem.


JWST data files make use of the Advanced Scientific Data Format. The ASDF metadata are stored in a FITS extension. The JWST pipline software reads and writes these from the in-memory datamodels.

However, it is relatively straightforward to read and write a pure ASDF file, skipping FITS and datamodels entirely. This notebook illustrates some aspects of ASDF using a FITS file as a starting point.


  • astrocut for getting the data via the astrocut service at MAST

  • the fits library from astropy for reading in the FITS file

  • the astropy coordinates SkyCoord object for dealing with celestial coordinates

  • matplotlib for making plots

  • asdf and the AsdfFile object

  • the astropy Table object for a notebook-friendly view of the header

  • Items from the modeling, coordinates and wcs libraries for an example of converting world coordinate system information from FITS keywords to a gwcs data structure.

from astrocut import fits_cut
from import fits
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import asdf
from asdf import AsdfFile

# For example 4
from astropy.table import Table

# For example 6
from astropy.modeling import models
from astropy import coordinates as coord
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from gwcs.wcstools import wcs_from_fiducial
%matplotlib inline

Get the data#

We’ll grab a cutout from the CANDELS observations of COSMOS using astroquery.

url = ""
input_files = [url + "hlsp_candels_hst_acs_cos-tot-sect23_f606w_v1.0_drz.fits"]
center_coord = SkyCoord("150.0946 2.38681", unit='deg')
cutout_size = [100, 100]
cutout_file = fits_cut(input_files, center_coord, cutout_size, single_outfile=True)

Read in the FITS file, look at its structure and display the data#

cutout_hdulist =
Filename: ./cutout_150.094600_2.386810_100-x-100_astrocut.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      11   ()      
  1  CUTOUT        1 ImageHDU      2769   (100, 100)   float32   

Pull apart the FITS components, for convenience later on.

data = cutout_hdulist[1].data
header0 = cutout_hdulist[0].header
header1 = cutout_hdulist[1].header
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f1449e1ea10>
XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / Image extension                                
BITPIX  =                  -32 / array data type                                
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions                     
NAXIS1  =                  100                                                  
NAXIS2  =                  100                                                  
PCOUNT  =                    0 / number of parameters                           
GCOUNT  =                    1 / number of groups                               
OBJECT  = 'COS_2EPOCH_ACS_F606W_030MAS_V1.0_SECT23_DRZ[1/1]'                    
ORIGIN  = 'KPNO-IRAF'           /                                               
DATE    = '2012-12-31T17:40:43'                                                 
IRAFNAME= 'cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh'  /  NAME OF IRAF IMA
IRAF-MAX=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MAX                                     
IRAF-MIN=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MIN                                     
IRAF-BPX=                   32  /  DATA BITS/PIXEL                              
IRAFTYPE= 'REAL    '            /  PIXEL TYPE                                   
DATAMIN =                   0.                                                  
DATAMAX =                   0.                                                  
CRPIX1  =              -2552.5 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            
CRVAL1  =          150.1163213 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point      
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Right ascension, gnomonic projection           
CD1_1   =         -8.333333E-6                                                  
CD2_1   =                   0.                                                  
CRPIX2  =             -22248.5 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            
CRVAL2  =          2.200973097 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point      
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Declination, gnomonic projection               
CD1_2   =                   0.                                                  
CD2_2   =          8.333333E-6                                                  
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator        
DATE    = '2012-05-19T15:15:35'                                                 
FILETYPE= 'SCI      '          / type of data found in data file                
TELESCOP= 'HST'                / telescope used to acquire data                 
INSTRUME= 'ACS   '             / identifier for instrument used to acquire data 
EQUINOX =              2000.0  / [yr] Equinox of equatorial coordinates         
              / DATA DESCRIPTION KEYWORDS                                       
ROOTNAME= 'jboa28wmq                         ' / rootname of the observation set
IMAGETYP= 'EXT               ' / type of exposure identifier                    
PRIMESI = 'WFC3  '             / instrument designated as prime                 
              / TARGET INFORMATION                                              
TARGNAME= 'ANY                           ' / proposer's target name             
RA_TARG =   1.501554086126E+02 / right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)    
DEC_TARG=   2.270881608073E+00 / declination of the target (deg) (J2000)        
              / PROPOSAL INFORMATION                                            
PROPOSID=                12440 / PEP proposal identifier                        
LINENUM = '28.002         '    / proposal logsheet line number                  
PR_INV_L= 'Faber                         ' / last name of principal investigator
PR_INV_F= 'Sandra              ' / first name of principal investigator         
PR_INV_M= 'M.                  ' / middle name / initial of principal investigat
              / EXPOSURE INFORMATION                                            
SUNANGLE=           107.339531 / angle between sun and V1 axis                  
MOONANGL=            61.991249 / angle between moon and V1 axis                 
SUN_ALT =           -32.338875 / altitude of the sun above Earth's limb         
FGSLOCK = 'FINE              ' / commanded FGS lock (FINE,COARSE,GYROS,UNKNOWN) 
GYROMODE= 'T'                  / number of gyros scheduled, T=3+OBAD            
REFFRAME= 'ICRS    '           / guide star catalog version                     
MTFLAG  = ' '                  / moving target flag; T if it is a moving target 
DATE-OBS= '2011-12-11'         / ISO-8601 time of observation                   
TIME-OBS= '13:09:12'           / UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)     
EXPSTART=   5.590654805854E+04 / exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)     
EXPEND  =   5.590655125326E+04 / exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)       
EXPTIME =               36800. / exposure duration (seconds)--calculated        
EXPFLAG = 'NORMAL       '      / Exposure interruption indicator                
QUALCOM1= '                                                                    '
QUALCOM2= '                                                                    '
QUALCOM3= '                                                                    '
QUALITY = '                                                                    '
              / POINTING INFORMATION                                            
PA_V3   =           128.000000 / position angle of V3-axis of HST (deg)         
              / TARGET OFFSETS (POSTARGS)                                       
POSTARG1=             0.000000 / POSTARG in axis 1 direction                    
POSTARG2=             0.000000 / POSTARG in axis 2 direction                    
              / DIAGNOSTIC KEYWORDS                                             
OPUS_VER= 'OPUS 2011_1h      ' / OPUS software system version number            
CAL_VER = '5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)' / CALACS code version                           
PROCTIME=   5.590885636574E+04 / Pipeline processing time (MJD)                 
              / SCIENCE INSTRUMENT CONFIGURATION                                
OBSTYPE = 'IMAGING       '     / observation type - imaging or spectroscopic    
OBSMODE = 'ACCUM     '         / operating mode                                 
CTEIMAGE= 'NONE'               / type of Charge Transfer Image, if applicable   
SCLAMP  = 'NONE          '     / lamp status, NONE or name of lamp which is on  
NRPTEXP =                    1 / number of repeat exposures in set: default 1   
SUBARRAY=                    F / data from a subarray (T) or full frame (F)     
DETECTOR= 'WFC'                / detector in use: WFC, HRC, or SBC              
FILTER1 = 'F606W             ' / element selected from filter wheel 1           
FW1OFFST=                    0 / computed filter wheel offset                   
FILTER2 = 'CLEAR2L           ' / element selected from filter wheel 2           
FW1ERROR=                    F / filter wheel position error flag               
FW2OFFST=                -4320 / computed filter wheel offset                   
FW2ERROR=                    T / filter wheel position error flag               
FWSOFFST=                    0 / computed filter wheel offset                   
FWSERROR=                    F / filter wheel position error flag               
LRFWAVE =             0.000000 / proposed linear ramp filter wavelength         
APERTURE= 'WFC             '   / aperture name                                  
PROPAPER= 'WFC             '   / proposed aperture name                         
DIRIMAGE= 'NONE     '          / direct image for grism or prism exposure       
CTEDIR  = 'NONE    '           / CTE measurement direction: serial or parallel  
CRSPLIT =                    1 / number of cosmic ray split exposures           
              / CALIBRATION SWITCHES: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE                   
STATFLAG=                    F / Calculate statistics?                          
WRTERR  =                    T / write out error array extension                
DQICORR = 'COMPLETE'           / data quality initialization                    
ATODCORR= 'OMIT    '           / correct for A to D conversion errors           
BLEVCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / subtract bias level computed from overscan img 
BIASCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Subtract bias image                            
FLSHCORR= 'OMIT    '           / post flash correction                          
CRCORR  = 'OMIT    '           / combine observations to reject cosmic rays     
EXPSCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / process individual observations after cr-reject
SHADCORR= 'OMIT    '           / apply shutter shading correction               
DARKCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Subtract dark image                            
FLATCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / flat field data                                
PHOTCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / populate photometric header keywords           
RPTCORR = 'OMIT    '           / add individual repeat observations             
DRIZCORR= 'PERFORM '           / drizzle processing                             
              / CALIBRATION REFERENCE FILES                                     
BPIXTAB = 'jref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fits' / bad pixel table                           
CCDTAB  = 'jref$uc82140bj_ccd.fits' / CCD calibration parameters                
ATODTAB = 'jref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fits' / analog to digital correction file         
OSCNTAB = 'jref$lch1459bj_osc.fits' / CCD overscan table                        
BIASFILE= 'jref$vbh1844rj_bia.fits' / bias image file name                      
FLSHFILE= 'N/A                    ' / post flash correction file name           
CRREJTAB= 'jref$n4e12511j_crr.fits' / cosmic ray rejection parameters           
SHADFILE= 'jref$kcb17349j_shd.fits' / shutter shading correction file           
DARKFILE= 'jref$vbh18454j_drk.fits' / dark image file name                      
PFLTFILE= 'jref$qb12257sj_pfl.fits' / pixel to pixel flat field file name       
DFLTFILE= 'N/A                    ' / delta flat field file name                
LFLTFILE= 'N/A                    ' / low order flat                            
PHOTTAB = 'N/A                    ' / Photometric throughput table              
GRAPHTAB= 'mtab$v9n1603mm_tmg.fits' / the HST graph table                       
COMPTAB = 'mtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fits' / the HST components table                  
IDCTAB  = 'jref$v8q1444tj_idc.fits' / image distortion correction table         
DGEOFILE= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits' / Distortion correction image               
MDRIZTAB= 'jref$ub21537aj_mdz.fits' / MultiDrizzle parameter table              
CFLTFILE= 'N/A               ' / Coronagraphic spot image                       
SPOTTAB = 'N/A               ' / Coronagraphic spot offset table                
IMPHTTAB= 'jref$vbb18107j_imp.fits' / Image Photometry Table                    
              / COSMIC RAY REJECTION ALGORITHM PARAMETERS                       
MEANEXP =             0.000000 / reference exposure time for parameters         
SCALENSE=             0.000000 / multiplicative scale factor applied to noise   
INITGUES= '   '                / initial guess method (MIN or MED)              
SKYSUB  = '    '               / sky value subtracted (MODE or NONE)            
SKYSUM  =                  0.0 / sky level from the sum of all constituent image
CRSIGMAS= '               '    / statistical rejection criteria                 
CRRADIUS=             0.000000 / rejection propagation radius (pixels)          
CRTHRESH=             0.000000 / rejection propagation threshold                
BADINPDQ=                    0 / data quality flag bits to reject               
REJ_RATE=                  0.0 / rate at which pixels are affected by cosmic ray
CRMASK  =                    F / flag CR-rejected pixels in input files (T/F)   
MDRIZSKY=    32.08782958984375 / Sky value computed by MultiDrizzle             
              / OTFR KEYWORDS                                                   
T_SGSTAR= 'N/A               ' / OMS calculated guide star control              
              / PATTERN KEYWORDS                                                
PATTERN1= 'NONE                    ' / primary pattern type                     
P1_SHAPE= '                  ' / primary pattern shape                          
P1_PURPS= '          '         / primary pattern purpose                        
P1_NPTS =                    0 / number of points in primary pattern            
P1_PSPAC=             0.000000 / point spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)    
P1_LSPAC=             0.000000 / line spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)     
P1_ANGLE=             0.000000 / angle between sides of parallelogram patt (deg)
P1_FRAME= '         '          / coordinate frame of primary pattern            
P1_ORINT=             0.000000 / orientation of pattern to coordinate frame (deg
P1_CENTR= '   '                / center pattern relative to pointing (yes/no)   
PATTSTEP=                    0 / position number of this point in the pattern   
              / POST FLASH  PARAMETERS                                          
FLASHDUR=                  0.0 / Exposure time in seconds: 0.1 to 409.5         
FLASHCUR= 'OFF '               / Post flash current: OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH        
SHUTRPOS= 'A    '              / Shutter position: A or B                       
              / ENGINEERING PARAMETERS                                          
CCDAMP  = 'ABCD'               / CCD Amplifier Readout Configuration            
CCDGAIN =                  2.0 / commanded gain of CCD                          
CCDOFSTA=                    1 / commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier A      
CCDOFSTB=                    1 / commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier B      
CCDOFSTC=                    1 / commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier C      
CCDOFSTD=                    1 / commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier D      
              / CALIBRATED ENGINEERING PARAMETERS                               
ATODGNA =        2.0200000E+00 / calibrated gain for amplifier A                
ATODGNB =        1.8860000E+00 / calibrated gain for amplifier B                
ATODGNC =        2.0170000E+00 / calibrated gain for amplifier C                
ATODGND =        2.0109999E+00 / calibrated gain for amplifier D                
READNSEA=        4.5700002E+00 / calibrated read noise for amplifier A          
READNSEB=        3.9100001E+00 / calibrated read noise for amplifier B          
READNSEC=        4.2500000E+00 / calibrated read noise for amplifier C          
READNSED=        4.0400000E+00 / calibrated read noise for amplifier D          
BIASLEVA=        2.0885564E+03 / bias level for amplifier A                     
BIASLEVB=        2.1405024E+03 / bias level for amplifier B                     
BIASLEVC=        2.2087419E+03 / bias level for amplifier C                     
BIASLEVD=        2.2967388E+03 / bias level for amplifier D                     
              / ASSOCIATION KEYWORDS                                            
ASN_ID  = 'JBOA28010 '         / unique identifier assigned to association      
ASN_TAB = 'jboa28010_asn.fits     ' / name of the association table             
ASN_MTYP= 'EXP-DTH     '       / Role of the Member in the Association          
BSTRCORR= 'COMPLETE'                                                            
PCTEFILE= 'jref$pctefile_101109.fits'                                           
PCTETAB = 'jref$pctetab_pcte_20110913113559.fits'                               
PCTECORR= 'COMPLETE'                                                            
PCTEFRAC=    1.289367530158845                                                  
DATE    = '2012-04-10T16:39:27' / Date FITS file was generated                  
EXPNAME = 'jboa28wmq                ' / exposure identifier                     
BUNIT   = 'ELECTRONS'          / brightness units                               
              / WFC CCD CHIP IDENTIFICATION                                     
CCDCHIP =                    1 / CCD chip (1 or 2)                              
              / World Coordinate System and Related Parameters                  
WCSAXES =                    2 / Number of coordinate axes                      
LTV1    =        0.0000000E+00 / offset in X to subsection start                
LTV2    =        0.0000000E+00 / offset in Y to subsection start                
LTM1_1  =                  1.0 / reciprocal of sampling rate in X               
LTM2_2  =                  1.0 / reciprocal of sampling rate in Y               
ORIENTAT=   -54.67632556350016 / position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)   
RA_APER =   1.501554086126E+02 / RA of aperture reference position              
DEC_APER=   2.270881608073E+00 / Declination of aperture reference position     
PA_APER =             -54.4475 / Position Angle of reference aperture center (de
VAFACTOR=   1.000104465141E+00 / velocity aberration plate scale factor         
              / READOUT DEFINITION PARAMETERS                                   
CENTERA1=                 2073 / subarray axis1 center pt in unbinned dect. pix 
CENTERA2=                 1035 / subarray axis2 center pt in unbinned dect. pix 
SIZAXIS1=                 4096 / subarray axis1 size in unbinned detector pixels
SIZAXIS2=                 2048 / subarray axis2 size in unbinned detector pixels
BINAXIS1=                    1 / axis1 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels
BINAXIS2=                    1 / axis2 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels
              / PHOTOMETRY KEYWORDS                                             
PHOTMODE= 'ACS WFC1 F606W MJD#55906.5481' / observation con                     
PHOTFLAM=        7.8624958E-20 / inverse sensitivity, ergs/cm2/Ang/electron     
PHOTZPT =       -2.1100000E+01 / ST magnitude zero point                        
PHOTPLAM=        5.9211147E+03 / Pivot wavelength (Angstroms)                   
PHOTBW  =        6.7223627E+02 / RMS bandwidth of filter plus detector          
              / REPEATED EXPOSURES INFO                                         
NCOMBINE=                    1 / number of image sets combined during CR rejecti
              / DATA PACKET INFORMATION                                         
FILLCNT =                    1 / number of segments containing fill             
ERRCNT  =                    1 / number of segments containing errors           
PODPSFF =                    F / podps fill present (T/F)                       
STDCFFF =                    T / science telemetry fill data present (T=1/F=0)  
STDCFFP = '0x5569'             / science telemetry fill pattern (hex)           
              / ON-BOARD COMPRESSION INFORMATION                                
WFCMPRSD=                    F / was WFC data compressed? (T/F)                 
CBLKSIZ =                    0 / size of compression block in 2-byte words      
LOSTPIX =                    0 / #pixels lost due to buffer overflow            
COMPTYP = 'None    '           / compression type performed (Partial/Full/None) 
              / IMAGE STATISTICS AND DATA QUALITY FLAGS                         
NGOODPIX=              8097343 / number of good pixels                          
SDQFLAGS=                31743 / serious data quality flags                     
GOODMIN =       -3.1759687E+01 / minimum value of good pixels                   
GOODMAX =        8.5606719E+04 / maximum value of good pixels                   
GOODMEAN=        3.5944370E+01 / mean value of good pixels                      
SOFTERRS=                    0 / number of soft error pixels (DQF=1)            
SNRMIN  =       -3.4609985E+00 / minimum signal to noise of good pixels         
SNRMAX  =        2.3393831E+02 / maximum signal to noise of good pixels         
SNRMEAN =        5.9348207E+00 / mean value of signal to noise of good pixels   
MEANDARK=        1.2713139E+00 / average of the dark values subtracted          
MEANBLEV=        2.1145295E+03 / average of all bias levels subtracted          
MEANFLSH=             0.000000 / Mean number of counts in post flash exposure   
ONAXIS2 =                 2048 / Axis length                                    
ONAXIS1 =                 4096 / Axis length                                    
OORIENTA=   -54.64776336099293 / position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)   
OCTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN'           / the coordinate type for the first axis         
OCTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN'           / the coordinate type for the second axis        
WCSCDATE= '13:02:32 (10/04/2012)' / Time WCS keywords were copied.              
A_0_2   = 2.26194120304176E-06                                                  
B_0_2   = -9.7985788387639E-06                                                  
A_1_1   = -7.5302905463753E-06                                                  
B_1_1   = 6.42569986264533E-06                                                  
A_2_0   = 8.51886870532632E-06                                                  
B_2_0   = -2.9658922285423E-06                                                  
A_0_3   = 6.51050854317125E-11                                                  
B_0_3   = -4.1421499542394E-10                                                  
A_1_2   = -5.2539201413375E-10                                                  
B_1_2   = -3.0354276197375E-11                                                  
A_2_1   = -1.0714004130419E-10                                                  
B_2_1   = -4.4034927976003E-10                                                  
A_3_0   = -4.6936360210189E-10                                                  
B_3_0   = 9.00334210115821E-11                                                  
A_0_4   = 1.35191449346299E-13                                                  
B_0_4   = -1.5248974790417E-13                                                  
A_1_3   = -1.4269338401366E-14                                                  
B_1_3   = 2.75911271664302E-14                                                  
A_2_2   = 9.70199603291834E-14                                                  
B_2_2   = -1.0403607372429E-13                                                  
A_3_1   = 3.80059786170717E-14                                                  
B_3_1   = -3.8363933112663E-14                                                  
A_4_0   = 1.83627862287182E-14                                                  
B_4_0   = -1.6913942054528E-14                                                  
A_ORDER =                    4                                                  
B_ORDER =                    4                                                  
IDCSCALE=                 0.05                                                  
IDCV2REF=    261.1130981445312                                                  
IDCV3REF=     198.231201171875                                                  
IDCTHETA=                  0.0                                                  
OCX10   = 0.002270935984783606                                                  
OCX11   =  0.04922343821974121                                                  
OCY10   =   0.0485839959198564                                                  
OCY11   =  0.00213603403929032                                                  
TDDALPHA=   0.2802605508521792                                                  
TDDBETA = -0.09075351695072641                                                  
SKYVAL  =        32.5013968269                                                  
SKYRMS  =             7.873235                                                  
QUADOFFA=          0.190616225                                                  
QUADOFFB=         -0.660557125                                                  
QUADOFFC=          0.117621775                                                  
QUADOFFD=          0.352319125                                                  
NDRIZIM =                  100 / Drizzle, number of images drizzled onto this ou
D001VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D001GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D001DATA= 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D001DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D001OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D001OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D001OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D001MASK= 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D001WTSC=             583770.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D001KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D001PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D001COEF= 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D001XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D001YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D001LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D001EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D001INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D001OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D001FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D001INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D001INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D001OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D001OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D001SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D002VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D002GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D002DATA= 'cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D002DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D002OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D002OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D002OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D002MASK= 'cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D002WTSC=             3858213. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D002KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D002PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D002COEF= 'cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D002XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D002YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D002LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D002EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D002INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D002OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D002FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D002INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D002INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D002OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D002OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D002SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D003VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D003GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D003DATA= 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D003DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D003OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D003OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D003OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D003MASK= 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D003WTSC=             583802.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D003KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D003PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D003COEF= 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D003XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D003YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D003LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D003EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D003INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D003OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D003FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D003INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D003INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D003OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D003OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D003SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D004VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D004GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D004DATA= 'cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D004DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D004OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D004OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D004OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D004MASK= 'cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D004WTSC=             3858522. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D004KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D004PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D004COEF= 'cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D004XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D004YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D004LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D004EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D004INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D004OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D004FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D004INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D004INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D004OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D004OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D004SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D005VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D005GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D005DATA= 'cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D005DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D005OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D005OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D005OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D005MASK= 'cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D005WTSC=             583802.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D005KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D005PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D005COEF= 'cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D005XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D005YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D005LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D005EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D005INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D005OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D005FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D005INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D005INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D005OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D005OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D005SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D006VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D006GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D006DATA= 'cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D006DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D006OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D006OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D006OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D006MASK= 'cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D006WTSC=             3858522. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D006KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D006PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D006COEF= 'cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D006XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D006YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D006LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D006EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D006INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D006OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D006FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D006INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D006INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D006OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D006OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D006SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D007VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D007GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D007DATA= 'cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D007DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D007OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D007OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D007OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D007MASK= 'cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D007WTSC=             583801.9 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D007KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D007PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D007COEF= 'cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D007XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D007YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D007LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D007EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D007INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D007OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D007FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D007INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D007INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D007OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D007OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D007SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D008VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D008GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D008DATA= 'cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D008DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D008OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D008OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D008OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D008MASK= 'cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D008WTSC=             3858506. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D008KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D008PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D008COEF= 'cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D008XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D008YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D008LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D008EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D008INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D008OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D008FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D008INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D008INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D008OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D008OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D008SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D009VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D009GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D009DATA= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D009DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D009OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D009OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D009OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D009MASK= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D009WTSC=             583803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D009KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D009PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D009COEF= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D009XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D009YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D009LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D009EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D009INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D009OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D009FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D009INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D009INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D009OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D009OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D009SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D010VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D010GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D010DATA= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D010DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D010OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D010OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D010OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D010MASK= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D010WTSC=             583803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D010KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D010PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D010COEF= 'cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D010XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D010YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D010LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D010EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D010INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D010OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D010FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D010INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D010INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D010OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D010OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D010SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D011VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D011GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D011DATA= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D011DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D011OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D011OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D011OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D011MASK= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D011WTSC=             3858528. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D011KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D011PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D011COEF= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D011XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D011YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D011LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D011EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D011INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D011OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D011FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D011INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D011INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D011OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D011OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D011SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D012VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D012GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D012DATA= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D012DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D012OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D012OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D012OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D012MASK= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D012WTSC=             3858528. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D012KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D012PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D012COEF= 'cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D012XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D012YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D012LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D012EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D012INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D012OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D012FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D012INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D012INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D012OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D012OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D012SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D013VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D013GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D013DATA= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D013DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D013OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D013OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D013OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D013MASK= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D013WTSC=             583803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D013KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D013PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D013COEF= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D013XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D013YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D013LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D013EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D013INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D013OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D013FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D013INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D013INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D013OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D013OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D013SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D014VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D014GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D014DATA= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D014DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D014OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D014OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D014OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D014MASK= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D014WTSC=             583803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D014KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D014PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D014COEF= 'cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D014XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D014YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D014LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D014EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D014INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D014OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D014FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D014INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D014INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D014OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D014OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D014SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D015VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D015GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D015DATA= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D015DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D015OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D015OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D015OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D015MASK= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D015WTSC=             3858529. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D015KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D015PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D015COEF= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D015XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D015YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D015LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D015EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D015INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D015OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D015FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D015INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D015INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D015OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D015OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D015SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D016VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D016GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D016DATA= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D016DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D016OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D016OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D016OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D016MASK= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D016WTSC=             3858529. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D016KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D016PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D016COEF= 'cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D016XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D016YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D016LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D016EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D016INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D016OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D016FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D016INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D016INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D016OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D016OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D016SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D017VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D017GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D017DATA= 'cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D017DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D017OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D017OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D017OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D017MASK= 'cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D017WTSC=             583804.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D017KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D017PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D017COEF= 'cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D017XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D017YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D017LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D017EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D017INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D017OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D017FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D017INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D017INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D017OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D017OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D017SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D018VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D018GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D018DATA= 'cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D018DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D018OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D018OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D018OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D018MASK= 'cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D018WTSC=             3858532. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D018KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D018PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D018COEF= 'cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D018XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D018YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D018LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D018EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D018INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D018OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D018FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D018INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D018INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D018OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D018OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D018SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D019VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D019GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D019DATA= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D019DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D019OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D019OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D019OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D019MASK= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D019WTSC=             583796.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D019KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D019PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D019COEF= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D019XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D019YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D019LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D019EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D019INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D019OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D019FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D019INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D019INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D019OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D019OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D019SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D020VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D020GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D020DATA= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D020DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D020OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D020OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D020OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D020MASK= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D020WTSC=             583796.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D020KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D020PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D020COEF= 'cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D020XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D020YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D020LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D020EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D020INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D020OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D020FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D020INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D020INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D020OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D020OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D020SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D021VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D021GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D021DATA= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D021DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D021OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D021OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D021OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D021MASK= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D021WTSC=             3858427. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D021KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D021PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D021COEF= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D021XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D021YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D021LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D021EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D021INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D021OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D021FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D021INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D021INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D021OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D021OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D021SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D022VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D022GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D022DATA= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D022DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D022OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D022OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D022OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D022MASK= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D022WTSC=             3858427. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D022KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D022PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D022COEF= 'cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D022XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D022YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D022LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D022EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D022INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D022OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D022FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D022INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D022INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D022OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D022OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D022SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D023VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D023GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D023DATA= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D023DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D023OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D023OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D023OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D023MASK= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D023WTSC=             583805.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D023KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D023PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D023COEF= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D023XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D023YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D023LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D023EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D023INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D023OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D023FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D023INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D023INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D023OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D023OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D023SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D024VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D024GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D024DATA= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D024DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D024OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D024OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D024OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D024MASK= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D024WTSC=             583805.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D024KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D024PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D024COEF= 'cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D024XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D024YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D024LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D024EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D024INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D024OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D024FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D024INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D024INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D024OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D024OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D024SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D025VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D025GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D025DATA= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D025DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D025OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D025OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D025OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D025MASK= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D025WTSC=             3858539. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D025KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D025PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D025COEF= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D025XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D025YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D025LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D025EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D025INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D025OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D025FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D025INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D025INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D025OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D025OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D025SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D026VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D026GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D026DATA= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D026DEXP=                 707. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D026OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D026OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D026OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D026MASK= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D026WTSC=             3858539. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D026KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D026PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D026COEF= 'cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D026XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D026YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D026LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D026EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D026INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D026OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D026FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D026INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D026INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D026OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D026OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D026SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D027VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D027GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D027DATA= 'cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D027DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D027OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D027OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D027OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D027MASK= 'cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D027WTSC=             390803.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D027KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D027PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D027COEF= 'cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D027XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D027YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D027LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D027EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D027INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D027OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D027FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D027INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D027INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D027OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D027OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D027SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D028VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D028GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D028DATA= 'cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D028DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D028OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D028OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D028OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D028MASK= 'cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D028WTSC=             1278684. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D028KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D028PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D028COEF= 'cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D028XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D028YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D028LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D028EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D028INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D028OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D028FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D028INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D028INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D028OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D028OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D028SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D029VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D029GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D029DATA= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D029DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D029OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D029OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D029OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D029MASK= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D029WTSC=             390813.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D029KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D029PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D029COEF= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D029XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D029YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D029LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D029EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D029INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D029OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D029FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D029INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D029INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D029OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D029OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D029SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D030VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D030GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D030DATA= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D030DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D030OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D030OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D030OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D030MASK= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D030WTSC=             390813.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D030KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D030PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D030COEF= 'cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D030XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D030YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D030LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D030EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D030INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D030OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D030FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D030INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D030INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D030OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D030OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D030SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D031VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D031GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D031DATA= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D031DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D031OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D031OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D031OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D031MASK= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D031WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D031KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D031PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D031COEF= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D031XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D031YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D031LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D031EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D031INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D031OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D031FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D031INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D031INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D031OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D031OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D031SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D032VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D032GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D032DATA= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D032DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D032OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D032OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D032OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D032MASK= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D032WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D032KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D032PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D032COEF= 'cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D032XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D032YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D032LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D032EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D032INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D032OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D032FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D032INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D032INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D032OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D032OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D032SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D033VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D033GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D033DATA= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D033DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D033OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D033OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D033OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D033MASK= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D033WTSC=             390813.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D033KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D033PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D033COEF= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D033XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D033YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D033LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D033EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D033INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D033OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D033FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D033INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D033INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D033OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D033OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D033SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D034VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D034GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D034DATA= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D034DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D034OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D034OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D034OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D034MASK= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D034WTSC=             390813.7 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D034KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D034PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D034COEF= 'cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D034XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D034YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D034LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D034EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D034INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D034OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D034FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D034INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D034INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D034OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D034OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D034SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D035VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D035GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D035DATA= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D035DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D035OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D035OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D035OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D035MASK= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D035WTSC=             1278741. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D035KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D035PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D035COEF= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D035XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D035YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D035LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D035EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D035INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D035OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D035FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D035INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D035INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D035OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D035OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D035SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D036VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D036GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D036DATA= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D036DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D036OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D036OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D036OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D036MASK= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D036WTSC=             1278741. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D036KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D036PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D036COEF= 'cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D036XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D036YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D036LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D036EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D036INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D036OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D036FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D036INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D036INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D036OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D036OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D036SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D037VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D037GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D037DATA= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D037DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D037OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D037OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D037OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D037MASK= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D037WTSC=             390814.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D037KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D037PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D037COEF= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D037XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D037YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D037LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D037EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D037INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D037OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D037FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D037INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D037INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D037OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D037OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D037SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D038VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D038GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D038DATA= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D038DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D038OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D038OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D038OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D038MASK= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D038WTSC=             390814.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D038KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D038PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D038COEF= 'cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D038XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D038YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D038LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D038EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D038INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D038OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D038FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D038INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D038INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D038OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D038OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D038SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D039VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D039GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D039DATA= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D039DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D039OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D039OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D039OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D039MASK= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D039WTSC=             1278743. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D039KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D039PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D039COEF= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D039XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D039YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D039LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D039EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D039INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D039OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D039FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D039INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D039INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D039OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D039OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D039SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D040VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D040GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D040DATA= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D040DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D040OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D040OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D040OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D040MASK= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D040WTSC=             1278743. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D040KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D040PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D040COEF= 'cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D040XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D040YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D040LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D040EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D040INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D040OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D040FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D040INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D040INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D040OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D040OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D040SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D041VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D041GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D041DATA= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D041DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D041OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D041OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D041OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D041MASK= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D041WTSC=              390814. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D041KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D041PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D041COEF= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D041XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D041YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D041LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D041EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D041INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D041OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D041FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D041INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D041INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D041OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D041OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D041SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D042VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D042GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D042DATA= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D042DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D042OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D042OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D042OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D042MASK= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D042WTSC=              390814. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D042KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D042PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D042COEF= 'cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D042XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D042YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D042LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D042EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D042INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D042OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D042FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D042INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D042INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D042OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D042OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D042SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D043VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D043GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D043DATA= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D043DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D043OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D043OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D043OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D043MASK= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D043WTSC=             1278739. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D043KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D043PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D043COEF= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D043XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D043YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D043LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D043EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D043INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D043OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D043FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D043INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D043INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D043OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D043OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D043SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D044VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D044GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D044DATA= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D044DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D044OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D044OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D044OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D044MASK= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D044WTSC=             1278739. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D044KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D044PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D044COEF= 'cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D044XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D044YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D044LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D044EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D044INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D044OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D044FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D044INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D044INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D044OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D044OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D044SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D045VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D045GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D045DATA= 'cos01_49_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D045DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D045OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D045OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D045OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D045MASK= 'cos01_49_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D045WTSC=             390814.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D045KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D045PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D045COEF= 'cos01_49_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D045XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D045YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D045LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D045EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D045INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D045OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D045FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D045INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D045INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D045OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D045OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D045SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D046VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D046GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D046DATA= 'cos01_49_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D046DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D046OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D046OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D046OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D046MASK= 'cos01_49_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D046WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D046KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D046PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D046COEF= 'cos01_49_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D046XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D046YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D046LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D046EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D046INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D046OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D046FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D046INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D046INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D046OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D046OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D046SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D047VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D047GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D047DATA= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D047DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D047OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D047OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D047OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D047MASK= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D047WTSC=             390814.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D047KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D047PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D047COEF= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D047XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D047YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D047LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D047EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D047INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D047OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D047FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D047INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D047INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D047OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D047OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D047SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D048VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D048GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D048DATA= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D048DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D048OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D048OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D048OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D048MASK= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D048WTSC=             390814.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D048KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D048PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D048COEF= 'cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D048XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D048YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D048LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D048EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D048INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D048OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D048FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D048INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D048INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D048OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D048OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D048SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D049VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D049GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D049DATA= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D049DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D049OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D049OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D049OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D049MASK= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D049WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D049KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D049PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D049COEF= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D049XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D049YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D049LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D049EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D049INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D049OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D049FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D049INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D049INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D049OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D049OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D049SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D050VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D050GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D050DATA= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D050DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D050OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D050OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D050OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D050MASK= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D050WTSC=             1278740. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D050KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D050PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D050COEF= 'cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D050XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D050YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D050LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D050EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D050INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D050OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D050FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D050INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D050INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D050OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D050OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D050SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D051VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D051GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D051DATA= 'cos02_72_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D051DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D051OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D051OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D051OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D051MASK= 'cos02_72_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D051WTSC=             583572.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D051KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D051PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D051COEF= 'cos02_72_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D051XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D051YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D051LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D051EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D051INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D051OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D051FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D051INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D051INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D051OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D051OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D051SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D052VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D052GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D052DATA= 'cos02_72_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D052DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D052OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D052OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D052OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D052MASK= 'cos02_72_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D052WTSC=             1278505. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D052KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D052PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D052COEF= 'cos02_72_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D052XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D052YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D052LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D052EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D052INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D052OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D052FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D052INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D052INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D052OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D052OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D052SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D053VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D053GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D053DATA= 'cos02_73_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D053DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D053OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D053OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D053OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D053MASK= 'cos02_73_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D053WTSC=             583662.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D053KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D053PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D053COEF= 'cos02_73_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D053XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D053YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D053LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D053EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D053INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D053OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D053FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D053INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D053INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D053OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D053OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D053SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D054VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D054GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D054DATA= 'cos02_73_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D054DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D054OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D054OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D054OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D054MASK= 'cos02_73_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D054WTSC=             1278391. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D054KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D054PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D054COEF= 'cos02_73_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D054XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D054YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D054LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D054EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D054INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D054OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D054FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D054INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D054INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D054OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D054OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D054SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D055VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D055GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D055DATA= 'cos02_74_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D055DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D055OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D055OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D055OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D055MASK= 'cos02_74_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D055WTSC=             583683.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D055KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D055PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D055COEF= 'cos02_74_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D055XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D055YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D055LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D055EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D055INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D055OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D055FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D055INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D055INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D055OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D055OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D055SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D056VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D056GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D056DATA= 'cos02_74_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D056DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D056OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D056OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D056OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D056MASK= 'cos02_74_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D056WTSC=             1278462. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D056KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D056PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D056COEF= 'cos02_74_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D056XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D056YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D056LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D056EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D056INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D056OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D056FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D056INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D056INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D056OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D056OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D056SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D057VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D057GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D057DATA= 'cos02_76_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D057DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D057OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D057OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D057OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D057MASK= 'cos02_76_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D057WTSC=             583685.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D057KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D057PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D057COEF= 'cos02_76_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D057XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D057YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D057LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D057EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D057INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D057OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D057FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D057INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D057INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D057OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D057OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D057SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D058VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D058GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D058DATA= 'cos02_76_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D058DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D058OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D058OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D058OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D058MASK= 'cos02_76_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D058WTSC=             1278469. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D058KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D058PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D058COEF= 'cos02_76_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D058XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D058YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D058LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D058EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D058INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D058OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D058FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D058INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D058INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D058OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D058OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D058SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D059VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D059GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D059DATA= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D059DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D059OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D059OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D059OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D059MASK= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D059WTSC=             583685.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D059KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D059PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D059COEF= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D059XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D059YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D059LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D059EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D059INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D059OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D059FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D059INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D059INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D059OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D059OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D059SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D060VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D060GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D060DATA= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D060DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D060OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D060OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D060OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D060MASK= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D060WTSC=             583685.2 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D060KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D060PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D060COEF= 'cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D060XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D060YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D060LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D060EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D060INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D060OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D060FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D060INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D060INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D060OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D060OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D060SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D061VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D061GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D061DATA= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D061DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D061OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D061OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D061OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D061MASK= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D061WTSC=             1278466. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D061KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D061PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D061COEF= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D061XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D061YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D061LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D061EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D061INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D061OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D061FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D061INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D061INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D061OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D061OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D061SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D062VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D062GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D062DATA= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D062DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D062OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D062OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D062OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D062MASK= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D062WTSC=             1278466. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D062KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D062PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D062COEF= 'cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D062XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D062YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D062LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D062EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D062INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D062OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D062FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D062INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D062INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D062OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D062OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D062SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D063VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D063GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D063DATA= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D063DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D063OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D063OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D063OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D063MASK= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D063WTSC=             583685.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D063KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D063PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D063COEF= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D063XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D063YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D063LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D063EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D063INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D063OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D063FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D063INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D063INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D063OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D063OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D063SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D064VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D064GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D064DATA= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D064DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D064OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D064OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D064OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D064MASK= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D064WTSC=             583685.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D064KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D064PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D064COEF= 'cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D064XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D064YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D064LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D064EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D064INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D064OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D064FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D064INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D064INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D064OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D064OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D064SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D065VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D065GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D065DATA= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D065DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D065OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D065OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D065OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D065MASK= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D065WTSC=             1278466. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D065KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D065PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D065COEF= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D065XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D065YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D065LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D065EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D065INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D065OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D065FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D065INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D065INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D065OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D065OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D065SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D066VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D066GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D066DATA= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D066DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D066OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D066OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D066OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D066MASK= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D066WTSC=             1278466. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D066KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D066PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D066COEF= 'cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D066XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D066YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D066LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D066EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D066INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D066OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D066FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D066INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D066INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D066OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D066OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D066SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D067VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D067GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D067DATA= 'cos02_80_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D067DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D067OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D067OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D067OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D067MASK= 'cos02_80_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D067WTSC=             583685.9 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D067KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D067PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D067COEF= 'cos02_80_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D067XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D067YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D067LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D067EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D067INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D067OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D067FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D067INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D067INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D067OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D067OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D067SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D068VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D068GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D068DATA= 'cos02_80_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D068DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D068OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D068OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D068OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D068MASK= 'cos02_80_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D068WTSC=             1278468. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D068KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D068PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D068COEF= 'cos02_80_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D068XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D068YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D068LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D068EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D068INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D068OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D068FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D068INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D068INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D068OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D068OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D068SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D069VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D069GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D069DATA= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D069DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D069OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D069OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D069OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D069MASK= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D069WTSC=             583576.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D069KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D069PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D069COEF= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D069XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D069YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D069LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D069EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D069INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D069OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D069FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D069INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D069INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D069OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D069OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D069SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D070VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D070GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D070DATA= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D070DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D070OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D070OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D070OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D070MASK= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D070WTSC=             583576.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D070KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D070PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D070COEF= 'cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D070XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D070YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D070LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D070EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D070INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D070OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D070FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D070INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D070INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D070OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D070OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D070SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D071VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D071GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D071DATA= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D071DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D071OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D071OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D071OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D071MASK= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D071WTSC=             1278511. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D071KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D071PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D071COEF= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D071XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D071YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D071LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D071EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D071INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D071OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D071FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D071INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D071INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D071OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D071OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D071SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D072VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D072GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D072DATA= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D072DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D072OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D072OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D072OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D072MASK= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D072WTSC=             1278511. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D072KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D072PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D072COEF= 'cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D072XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D072YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D072LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D072EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D072INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D072OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D072FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D072INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D072INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D072OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D072OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D072SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D073VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D073GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D073DATA= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D073DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D073OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D073OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D073OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D073MASK= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D073WTSC=             583665.9 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D073KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D073PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D073COEF= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D073XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D073YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D073LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D073EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D073INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D073OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D073FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D073INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D073INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D073OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D073OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D073SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D074VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D074GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D074DATA= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D074DEXP=                 275. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D074OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D074OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D074OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D074MASK= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D074WTSC=             583665.9 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D074KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D074PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D074COEF= 'cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D074XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D074YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D074LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D074EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D074INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D074OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D074FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D074INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D074INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D074OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D074OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D074SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D075VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D075GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D075DATA= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D075DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D075OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D075OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D075OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D075MASK= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D075WTSC=             1278398. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D075KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D075PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D075COEF= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D075XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D075YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D075LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D075EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D075INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D075OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D075FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D075INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D075INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D075OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D075OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D075SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D076VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D076GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D076DATA= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D076DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D076OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D076OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D076OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D076MASK= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D076WTSC=             1278398. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D076KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D076PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D076COEF= 'cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D076XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D076YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D076LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D076EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D076INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D076OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D076FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D076INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D076INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D076OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D076OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D076SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D077VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D077GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D077DATA= 'cos02_84_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D077DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D077OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D077OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D077OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D077MASK= 'cos02_84_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D077WTSC=             390733.3 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D077KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D077PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D077COEF= 'cos02_84_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D077XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D077YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D077LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D077EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D077INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D077OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D077FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D077INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D077INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D077OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D077OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D077SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D078VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D078GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D078DATA= 'cos02_84_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D078DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D078OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D078OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D078OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D078MASK= 'cos02_84_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D078WTSC=             1278475. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D078KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D078PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D078COEF= 'cos02_84_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D078XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D078YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D078LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D078EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D078INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D078OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D078FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D078INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D078INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D078OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D078OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D078SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D079VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D079GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D079DATA= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D079DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D079OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D079OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D079OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D079MASK= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D079WTSC=             390734.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D079KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D079PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D079COEF= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D079XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D079YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D079LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D079EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D079INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D079OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D079FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D079INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D079INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D079OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D079OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D079SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D080VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D080GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D080DATA= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D080DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D080OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D080OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D080OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D080MASK= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D080WTSC=             390734.6 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D080KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D080PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D080COEF= 'cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D080XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D080YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D080LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D080EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D080INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D080OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D080FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D080INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D080INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D080OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D080OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D080SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D081VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D081GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D081DATA= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D081DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D081OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D081OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D081OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D081MASK= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D081WTSC=             1278483. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D081KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D081PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D081COEF= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D081XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D081YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D081LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D081EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D081INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D081OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D081FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D081INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D081INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D081OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D081OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D081SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D082VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D082GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D082DATA= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D082DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D082OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D082OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D082OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D082MASK= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D082WTSC=             1278483. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D082KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D082PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D082COEF= 'cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D082XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D082YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D082LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D082EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D082INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D082OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D082FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D082INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D082INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D082OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D082OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D082SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D083VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D083GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D083DATA= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D083DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D083OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D083OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D083OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D083MASK= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D083WTSC=             390660.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D083KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D083PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D083COEF= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D083XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D083YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D083LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D083EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D083INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D083OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D083FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D083INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D083INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D083OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D083OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D083SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D084VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D084GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D084DATA= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D084DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D084OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D084OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D084OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D084MASK= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D084WTSC=             390660.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D084KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D084PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D084COEF= 'cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D084XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D084YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D084LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D084EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D084INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D084OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D084FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D084INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D084INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D084OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D084OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D084SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D085VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D085GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D085DATA= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D085DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D085OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D085OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D085OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D085MASK= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D085WTSC=             1278516. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D085KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D085PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D085COEF= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D085XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D085YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D085LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D085EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D085INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D085OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D085FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D085INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D085INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D085OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D085OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D085SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D086VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D086GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D086DATA= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D086DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D086OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D086OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D086OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D086MASK= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D086WTSC=             1278516. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D086KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D086PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D086COEF= 'cos02_86_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D086XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D086YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D086LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D086EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D086INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D086OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D086FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D086INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D086INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D086OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D086OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D086SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D087VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D087GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D087DATA= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D087DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D087OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D087OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D087OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D087MASK= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D087WTSC=             390736.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D087KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D087PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D087COEF= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D087XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D087YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D087LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D087EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D087INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D087OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D087FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D087INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D087INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D087OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D087OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D087SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D088VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D088GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D088DATA= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D088DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D088OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D088OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D088OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D088MASK= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D088WTSC=             390736.4 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D088KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D088PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D088COEF= 'cos02_89_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D088XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D088YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D088LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D088EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D088INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D088OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D088FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D088INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D088INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D088OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D088OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D088SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D089VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D089GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D089DATA= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D089DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D089OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D089OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D089OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D089MASK= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D089WTSC=             1278490. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D089KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D089PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D089COEF= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D089XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D089YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D089LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D089EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D089INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D089OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D089FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D089INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D089INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D089OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D089OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D089SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D090VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D090GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D090DATA= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D090DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D090OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D090OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D090OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D090MASK= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D090WTSC=             1278490. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D090KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D090PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D090COEF= 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D090XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D090YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D090LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D090EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D090INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D090OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D090FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D090INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D090INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D090OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D090OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D090SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D091VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D091GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D091DATA= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D091DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D091OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D091OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D091OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D091MASK= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D091WTSC=             390736.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D091KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D091PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D091COEF= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D091XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D091YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D091LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D091EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D091INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D091OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D091FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D091INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D091INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D091OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D091OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D091SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D092VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D092GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D092DATA= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D092DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D092OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D092OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D092OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D092MASK= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D092WTSC=             390736.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D092KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D092PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D092COEF= 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D092XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D092YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D092LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D092EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D092INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D092OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D092FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D092INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D092INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D092OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D092OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D092SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D093VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D093GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D093DATA= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D093DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D093OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D093OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D093OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D093MASK= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D093WTSC=             1278487. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D093KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D093PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D093COEF= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D093XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D093YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D093LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D093EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D093INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D093OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D093FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D093INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D093INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D093OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D093OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D093SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D094VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D094GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D094DATA= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D094DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D094OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D094OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D094OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D094MASK= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D094WTSC=             1278487. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D094KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D094PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D094COEF= 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D094XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D094YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D094LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D094EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D094INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D094OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D094FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D094INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D094INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D094OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D094OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D094SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D095VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D095GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D095DATA= 'cos02_93_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D095DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D095OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D095OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D095OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D095MASK= 'cos02_93_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D095WTSC=              390736. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D095KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D095PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D095COEF= 'cos02_93_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D095XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D095YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D095LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D095EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D095INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D095OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D095FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D095INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D095INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D095OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D095OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D095SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D096VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D096GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D096DATA= 'cos02_93_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D096DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D096OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D096OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D096OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D096MASK= 'cos02_93_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D096WTSC=             1278483. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D096KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D096PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D096COEF= 'cos02_93_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D096XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D096YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D096LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D096EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D096INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D096OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D096FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D096INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D096INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D096OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D096OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D096SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D097VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D097GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D097DATA= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D097DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D097OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D097OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D097OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D097MASK= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D097WTSC=             390737.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D097KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D097PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D097COEF= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D097XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D097YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D097LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D097EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D097INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D097OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D097FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D097INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D097INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D097OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D097OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D097SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D098VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D098GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D098DATA= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D098DEXP=                 225. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D098OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D098OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D098OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D098MASK= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D098WTSC=             390737.1 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D098KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D098PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D098COEF= 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D098XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D098YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D098LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D098EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D098INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D098OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D098FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D098INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D098INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D098OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D098OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D098SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D099VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D099GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D099DATA= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D099DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D099OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D099OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D099OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D099MASK= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D099WTSC=             1278491. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D099KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D099PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D099COEF= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D099XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D099YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D099LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D099EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D099INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D099OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D099FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D099INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D099INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D099OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D099OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D099SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D100VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)' / Drizzle, task version       
D100GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information       
D100DATA= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input data image    
D100DEXP=                 407. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)         
D100OUDA= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh' / Drizzle,
D100OUWE= 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh' / Drizzle,
D100OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image                  
D100MASK= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits' / Drizzle, input weighting imag
D100WTSC=             1278491. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image      
D100KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel    
D100PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop                   
D100COEF= 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat' / Drizzle, coefficients file name  
D100XGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]' / Drizzle, X distortion image name    
D100YGIM= 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]' / Drizzle, Y distortion image name    
D100LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation 
D100EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image  
D100INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps  
D100OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps 
D100FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D100INXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)   
D100INYC=                1025. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)   
D100OUXC=                7001. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)  
D100OUYC=                7201. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)  
D100SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
PC1_1   =        -8.333333E-06 / Coordinate transformation matrix element       
PC2_2   =         8.333333E-06 / Coordinate transformation matrix element       
CDELT1  =                  1.0 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point  
CDELT2  =                  1.0 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point  
CUNIT1  = 'deg'                / Units of coordinate increment and value        
CUNIT2  = 'deg'                / Units of coordinate increment and value        
LONPOLE =                180.0 / [deg] Native longitude of celestial pole       
LATPOLE =          2.200973097 / [deg] Native latitude of celestial pole        
MJDREF  =                  0.0 / [d] MJD of fiducial time                       
MJD-OBS =              55906.0 / [d] MJD of observation                         
RADESYS = 'FK5'                / Equatorial coordinate system                   
O_EXT_NM=  / Original extension name.                                           
EXTNAME = 'CUTOUT  '                                                            
ORIG_FLE= 'hlsp_candels_hst_hst_candels-v1.0_acs_f606w_drz.fits' / Original imag
ORIG_EXT=                    0 / Extension in original file.                    
CHECKSUM= 'PUIePRHZPRHbPRHZ'   / HDU checksum updated 2025-01-10T19:28:17       
DATASUM = '3549639627'         / data unit checksum updated 2025-01-10T19:28:17 

Example 1: Store just the key-value pairs of the metadata in ASDF#

The basic asdf data structure is a dictionary. The astropy FITS header object acts like a python dictionary. We can copy it into a pure dictionary, which will be useful when we want to add the data.

tree1 = {**header1} 

One more line of code to turn it into asdf.

myfile = AsdfFile(tree1)

We won’t save this to a file yet. First, let’s inspect the tree.

{'XTENSION': 'IMAGE', 'BITPIX': -32, 'NAXIS': 2, 'NAXIS1': 100, 'NAXIS2': 100, 'PCOUNT': 0, 'GCOUNT': 1, 'OBJECT': 'COS_2EPOCH_ACS_F606W_030MAS_V1.0_SECT23_DRZ[1/1]', 'ORIGIN': 'KPNO-IRAF', 'DATE': '2012-12-31T17:40:43', 'IRAFNAME': 'cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'IRAF-MAX': 0.0, 'IRAF-MIN': 0.0, 'IRAF-BPX': 32, 'IRAFTYPE': 'REAL', 'DATAMIN': 0.0, 'DATAMAX': 0.0, 'CRPIX1': -2552.5, 'CRVAL1': 150.1163213, 'CTYPE1': 'RA---TAN', 'CD1_1': -8.333333e-06, 'CD2_1': 0.0, 'CRPIX2': -22248.5, 'CRVAL2': 2.200973097, 'CTYPE2': 'DEC--TAN', 'CD1_2': 0.0, 'CD2_2': 8.333333e-06, 'FILETYPE': 'SCI', '': 



















      / World Coordinate System and Related Parameters






, 'TELESCOP': 'HST', 'INSTRUME': 'ACS', 'EQUINOX': 2000.0, 'ROOTNAME': 'jboa28wmq', 'IMAGETYP': 'EXT', 'PRIMESI': 'WFC3', 'TARGNAME': 'ANY', 'RA_TARG': 150.1554086126, 'DEC_TARG': 2.270881608073, 'PROPOSID': 12440, 'LINENUM': '28.002', 'PR_INV_L': 'Faber', 'PR_INV_F': 'Sandra', 'PR_INV_M': 'M.', 'SUNANGLE': 107.339531, 'MOONANGL': 61.991249, 'SUN_ALT': -32.338875, 'FGSLOCK': 'FINE', 'GYROMODE': 'T', 'REFFRAME': 'ICRS', 'MTFLAG': '', 'DATE-OBS': '2011-12-11', 'TIME-OBS': '13:09:12', 'EXPSTART': 55906.54805854, 'EXPEND': 55906.55125326, 'EXPTIME': 36800.0, 'EXPFLAG': 'NORMAL', 'QUALCOM1': '', 'QUALCOM2': '', 'QUALCOM3': '', 'QUALITY': '', 'PA_V3': 128.0, 'POSTARG1': 0.0, 'POSTARG2': 0.0, 'OPUS_VER': 'OPUS 2011_1h', 'CAL_VER': '5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)', 'PROCTIME': 55908.85636574, 'OBSTYPE': 'IMAGING', 'OBSMODE': 'ACCUM', 'CTEIMAGE': 'NONE', 'SCLAMP': 'NONE', 'NRPTEXP': 1, 'SUBARRAY': False, 'DETECTOR': 'WFC', 'FILTER1': 'F606W', 'FW1OFFST': 0, 'FILTER2': 'CLEAR2L', 'FW1ERROR': False, 'FW2OFFST': -4320, 'FW2ERROR': True, 'FWSOFFST': 0, 'FWSERROR': False, 'LRFWAVE': 0.0, 'APERTURE': 'WFC', 'PROPAPER': 'WFC', 'DIRIMAGE': 'NONE', 'CTEDIR': 'NONE', 'CRSPLIT': 1, 'STATFLAG': False, 'WRTERR': True, 'DQICORR': 'COMPLETE', 'ATODCORR': 'OMIT', 'BLEVCORR': 'COMPLETE', 'BIASCORR': 'COMPLETE', 'FLSHCORR': 'OMIT', 'CRCORR': 'OMIT', 'EXPSCORR': 'COMPLETE', 'SHADCORR': 'OMIT', 'DARKCORR': 'COMPLETE', 'FLATCORR': 'COMPLETE', 'PHOTCORR': 'COMPLETE', 'RPTCORR': 'OMIT', 'DRIZCORR': 'PERFORM', 'BPIXTAB': 'jref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fits', 'CCDTAB': 'jref$uc82140bj_ccd.fits', 'ATODTAB': 'jref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fits', 'OSCNTAB': 'jref$lch1459bj_osc.fits', 'BIASFILE': 'jref$vbh1844rj_bia.fits', 'FLSHFILE': 'N/A', 'CRREJTAB': 'jref$n4e12511j_crr.fits', 'SHADFILE': 'jref$kcb17349j_shd.fits', 'DARKFILE': 'jref$vbh18454j_drk.fits', 'PFLTFILE': 'jref$qb12257sj_pfl.fits', 'DFLTFILE': 'N/A', 'LFLTFILE': 'N/A', 'PHOTTAB': 'N/A', 'GRAPHTAB': 'mtab$v9n1603mm_tmg.fits', 'COMPTAB': 'mtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fits', 'IDCTAB': 'jref$v8q1444tj_idc.fits', 'DGEOFILE': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits', 'MDRIZTAB': 'jref$ub21537aj_mdz.fits', 'CFLTFILE': 'N/A', 'SPOTTAB': 'N/A', 'IMPHTTAB': 'jref$vbb18107j_imp.fits', 'MEANEXP': 0.0, 'SCALENSE': 0.0, 'INITGUES': '', 'SKYSUB': '', 'SKYSUM': 0.0, 'CRSIGMAS': '', 'CRRADIUS': 0.0, 'CRTHRESH': 0.0, 'BADINPDQ': 0, 'REJ_RATE': 0.0, 'CRMASK': False, 'MDRIZSKY': 32.08782958984375, 'T_SGSTAR': 'N/A', 'PATTERN1': 'NONE', 'P1_SHAPE': '', 'P1_PURPS': '', 'P1_NPTS': 0, 'P1_PSPAC': 0.0, 'P1_LSPAC': 0.0, 'P1_ANGLE': 0.0, 'P1_FRAME': '', 'P1_ORINT': 0.0, 'P1_CENTR': '', 'PATTSTEP': 0, 'FLASHDUR': 0.0, 'FLASHCUR': 'OFF', 'FLASHSTA': 'NOT PERFORMED', 'SHUTRPOS': 'A', 'CCDAMP': 'ABCD', 'CCDGAIN': 2.0, 'CCDOFSTA': 1, 'CCDOFSTB': 1, 'CCDOFSTC': 1, 'CCDOFSTD': 1, 'ATODGNA': 2.02, 'ATODGNB': 1.886, 'ATODGNC': 2.017, 'ATODGND': 2.0109999, 'READNSEA': 4.5700002, 'READNSEB': 3.9100001, 'READNSEC': 4.25, 'READNSED': 4.04, 'BIASLEVA': 2088.5564, 'BIASLEVB': 2140.5024, 'BIASLEVC': 2208.7419, 'BIASLEVD': 2296.7388, 'ASN_ID': 'JBOA28010', 'ASN_TAB': 'jboa28010_asn.fits', 'ASN_MTYP': 'EXP-DTH', 'BSTRCORR': 'COMPLETE', 'PCTEFILE': 'jref$pctefile_101109.fits', 'PCTETAB': 'jref$pctetab_pcte_20110913113559.fits', 'PCTECORR': 'COMPLETE', 'PCTEFRAC': 1.289367530158845, 'EXPNAME': 'jboa28wmq', 'BUNIT': 'ELECTRONS', 'CCDCHIP': 1, 'WCSAXES': 2, 'LTV1': 0.0, 'LTV2': 0.0, 'LTM1_1': 1.0, 'LTM2_2': 1.0, 'ORIENTAT': -54.67632556350016, 'RA_APER': 150.1554086126, 'DEC_APER': 2.270881608073, 'PA_APER': -54.4475, 'VAFACTOR': 1.000104465141, 'CENTERA1': 2073, 'CENTERA2': 1035, 'SIZAXIS1': 4096, 'SIZAXIS2': 2048, 'BINAXIS1': 1, 'BINAXIS2': 1, 'PHOTMODE': 'ACS WFC1 F606W MJD#55906.5481', 'PHOTFLAM': 7.8624958e-20, 'PHOTZPT': -21.1, 'PHOTPLAM': 5921.1147, 'PHOTBW': 672.23627, 'NCOMBINE': 1, 'FILLCNT': 1, 'ERRCNT': 1, 'PODPSFF': False, 'STDCFFF': True, 'STDCFFP': '0x5569', 'WFCMPRSD': False, 'CBLKSIZ': 0, 'LOSTPIX': 0, 'COMPTYP': 'None', 'NGOODPIX': 8097343, 'SDQFLAGS': 31743, 'GOODMIN': -31.759687, 'GOODMAX': 85606.719, 'GOODMEAN': 35.94437, 'SOFTERRS': 0, 'SNRMIN': -3.4609985, 'SNRMAX': 233.93831, 'SNRMEAN': 5.9348207, 'MEANDARK': 1.2713139, 'MEANBLEV': 2114.5295, 'MEANFLSH': 0.0, 'ONAXIS2': 2048, 'ONAXIS1': 4096, 'OORIENTA': -54.64776336099293, 'OCTYPE1': 'RA---TAN', 'OCTYPE2': 'DEC--TAN', 'WCSCDATE': '13:02:32 (10/04/2012)', 'A_0_2': 2.26194120304176e-06, 'B_0_2': -9.7985788387639e-06, 'A_1_1': -7.5302905463753e-06, 'B_1_1': 6.42569986264533e-06, 'A_2_0': 8.51886870532632e-06, 'B_2_0': -2.9658922285423e-06, 'A_0_3': 6.51050854317125e-11, 'B_0_3': -4.1421499542394e-10, 'A_1_2': -5.2539201413375e-10, 'B_1_2': -3.0354276197375e-11, 'A_2_1': -1.0714004130419e-10, 'B_2_1': -4.4034927976003e-10, 'A_3_0': -4.6936360210189e-10, 'B_3_0': 9.00334210115821e-11, 'A_0_4': 1.35191449346299e-13, 'B_0_4': -1.5248974790417e-13, 'A_1_3': -1.4269338401366e-14, 'B_1_3': 2.75911271664302e-14, 'A_2_2': 9.70199603291834e-14, 'B_2_2': -1.0403607372429e-13, 'A_3_1': 3.80059786170717e-14, 'B_3_1': -3.8363933112663e-14, 'A_4_0': 1.83627862287182e-14, 'B_4_0': -1.6913942054528e-14, 'A_ORDER': 4, 'B_ORDER': 4, 'IDCSCALE': 0.05, 'IDCV2REF': 261.1130981445312, 'IDCV3REF': 198.231201171875, 'IDCTHETA': 0.0, 'OCX10': 0.002270935984783606, 'OCX11': 0.04922343821974121, 'OCY10': 0.0485839959198564, 'OCY11': 0.00213603403929032, 'TDDALPHA': 0.2802605508521792, 'TDDBETA': -0.0907535169507264, 'SKYVAL': 32.5013968269, 'SKYRMS': 7.873235, 'QUADOFFA': 0.190616225, 'QUADOFFB': -0.660557125, 'QUADOFFC': 0.117621775, 'QUADOFFD': 0.352319125, 'NDRIZIM': 100, 'D001VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D001GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D001DATA': 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'D001DEXP': 275.0, 'D001OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D001OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D001OUCO': '', 'D001MASK': 'cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'D001WTSC': 583770.1, 'D001KERN': 'square', 'D001PIXF': 0.8, 'D001COEF': 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'D002INXC': 2049.0, 'D002INYC': 1025.0, 'D002OUXC': 7001.0, 'D002OUYC': 7201.0, 'D002SECP': False, 'D003VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D003GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D003DATA': 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'D003DEXP': 275.0, 'D003OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D003OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D003OUCO': '', 'D003MASK': 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'D003WTSC': 583802.2, 'D003KERN': 'square', 'D003PIXF': 0.8, 'D003COEF': 'cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'D003XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'D003YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'D003LAM': 555.0, 'D003EXKY': 'exptime', 'D003INUN': 'counts', 'D003OUUN': 'cps', 'D003FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D003INXC': 2049.0, 'D003INYC': 1025.0, 'D003OUXC': 7001.0, 'D003OUYC': 7201.0, 'D003SECP': False, 'D004VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D004GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D004DATA': 'cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 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'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'D088LAM': 555.0, 'D088EXKY': 'exptime', 'D088INUN': 'counts', 'D088OUUN': 'cps', 'D088FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D088INXC': 2049.0, 'D088INYC': 1025.0, 'D088OUXC': 7001.0, 'D088OUYC': 7201.0, 'D088SECP': False, 'D089VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D089GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D089DATA': 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'D089DEXP': 407.0, 'D089OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D089OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D089OUCO': '', 'D089MASK': 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'D089WTSC': 1278490.0, 'D089KERN': 'square', 'D089PIXF': 0.8, 'D089COEF': 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'D089XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'D089YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'D089LAM': 555.0, 'D089EXKY': 'exptime', 'D089INUN': 'counts', 'D089OUUN': 'cps', 'D089FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D089INXC': 2049.0, 'D089INYC': 1025.0, 'D089OUXC': 7001.0, 'D089OUYC': 7201.0, 'D089SECP': False, 'D090VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D090GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D090DATA': 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'D090DEXP': 407.0, 'D090OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D090OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D090OUCO': '', 'D090MASK': 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'D090WTSC': 1278490.0, 'D090KERN': 'square', 'D090PIXF': 0.8, 'D090COEF': 'cos02_89_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'D090XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'D090YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'D090LAM': 555.0, 'D090EXKY': 'exptime', 'D090INUN': 'counts', 'D090OUUN': 'cps', 'D090FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D090INXC': 2049.0, 'D090INYC': 1025.0, 'D090OUXC': 7001.0, 'D090OUYC': 7201.0, 'D090SECP': False, 'D091VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D091GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D091DATA': 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'D091DEXP': 225.0, 'D091OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D091OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D091OUCO': '', 'D091MASK': 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'D091WTSC': 390736.1, 'D091KERN': 'square', 'D091PIXF': 0.8, 'D091COEF': 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'D091XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'D091YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'D091LAM': 555.0, 'D091EXKY': 'exptime', 'D091INUN': 'counts', 'D091OUUN': 'cps', 'D091FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D091INXC': 2049.0, 'D091INYC': 1025.0, 'D091OUXC': 7001.0, 'D091OUYC': 7201.0, 'D091SECP': False, 'D092VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D092GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D092DATA': 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'D092DEXP': 225.0, 'D092OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D092OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D092OUCO': '', 'D092MASK': 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'D092WTSC': 390736.1, 'D092KERN': 'square', 'D092PIXF': 0.8, 'D092COEF': 'cos02_90_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'D092XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'D092YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'D092LAM': 555.0, 'D092EXKY': 'exptime', 'D092INUN': 'counts', 'D092OUUN': 'cps', 'D092FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D092INXC': 2049.0, 'D092INYC': 1025.0, 'D092OUXC': 7001.0, 'D092OUYC': 7201.0, 'D092SECP': False, 'D093VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D093GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D093DATA': 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'D093DEXP': 407.0, 'D093OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D093OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D093OUCO': '', 'D093MASK': 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'D093WTSC': 1278487.0, 'D093KERN': 'square', 'D093PIXF': 0.8, 'D093COEF': 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'D093XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'D093YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'D093LAM': 555.0, 'D093EXKY': 'exptime', 'D093INUN': 'counts', 'D093OUUN': 'cps', 'D093FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D093INXC': 2049.0, 'D093INYC': 1025.0, 'D093OUXC': 7001.0, 'D093OUYC': 7201.0, 'D093SECP': False, 'D094VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D094GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D094DATA': 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'D094DEXP': 407.0, 'D094OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D094OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D094OUCO': '', 'D094MASK': 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'D094WTSC': 1278487.0, 'D094KERN': 'square', 'D094PIXF': 0.8, 'D094COEF': 'cos02_90_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'D094XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'D094YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'D094LAM': 555.0, 'D094EXKY': 'exptime', 'D094INUN': 'counts', 'D094OUUN': 'cps', 'D094FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D094INXC': 2049.0, 'D094INYC': 1025.0, 'D094OUXC': 7001.0, 'D094OUYC': 7201.0, 'D094SECP': False, 'D095VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D095GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D095DATA': 'cos02_93_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'D095DEXP': 225.0, 'D095OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D095OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D095OUCO': '', 'D095MASK': 'cos02_93_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'D095WTSC': 390736.0, 'D095KERN': 'square', 'D095PIXF': 0.8, 'D095COEF': 'cos02_93_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'D095XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'D095YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'D095LAM': 555.0, 'D095EXKY': 'exptime', 'D095INUN': 'counts', 'D095OUUN': 'cps', 'D095FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D095INXC': 2049.0, 'D095INYC': 1025.0, 'D095OUXC': 7001.0, 'D095OUYC': 7201.0, 'D095SECP': False, 'D096VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D096GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D096DATA': 'cos02_93_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'D096DEXP': 407.0, 'D096OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D096OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D096OUCO': '', 'D096MASK': 'cos02_93_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'D096WTSC': 1278483.0, 'D096KERN': 'square', 'D096PIXF': 0.8, 'D096COEF': 'cos02_93_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'D096XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'D096YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'D096LAM': 555.0, 'D096EXKY': 'exptime', 'D096INUN': 'counts', 'D096OUUN': 'cps', 'D096FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D096INXC': 2049.0, 'D096INYC': 1025.0, 'D096OUXC': 7001.0, 'D096OUYC': 7201.0, 'D096SECP': False, 'D097VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D097GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D097DATA': 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'D097DEXP': 225.0, 'D097OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D097OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D097OUCO': '', 'D097MASK': 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'D097WTSC': 390737.1, 'D097KERN': 'square', 'D097PIXF': 0.8, 'D097COEF': 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'D097XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'D097YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'D097LAM': 555.0, 'D097EXKY': 'exptime', 'D097INUN': 'counts', 'D097OUUN': 'cps', 'D097FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D097INXC': 2049.0, 'D097INYC': 1025.0, 'D097OUXC': 7001.0, 'D097OUYC': 7201.0, 'D097SECP': False, 'D098VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D098GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D098DATA': 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'D098DEXP': 225.0, 'D098OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D098OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D098OUCO': '', 'D098MASK': 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'D098WTSC': 390737.1, 'D098KERN': 'square', 'D098PIXF': 0.8, 'D098COEF': 'cos02_94_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'D098XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'D098YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'D098LAM': 555.0, 'D098EXKY': 'exptime', 'D098INUN': 'counts', 'D098OUUN': 'cps', 'D098FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D098INXC': 2049.0, 'D098INYC': 1025.0, 'D098OUXC': 7001.0, 'D098OUYC': 7201.0, 'D098SECP': False, 'D099VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D099GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D099DATA': 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'D099DEXP': 407.0, 'D099OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D099OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D099OUCO': '', 'D099MASK': 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'D099WTSC': 1278491.0, 'D099KERN': 'square', 'D099PIXF': 0.8, 'D099COEF': 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'D099XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'D099YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'D099LAM': 555.0, 'D099EXKY': 'exptime', 'D099INUN': 'counts', 'D099OUUN': 'cps', 'D099FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D099INXC': 2049.0, 'D099INYC': 1025.0, 'D099OUXC': 7001.0, 'D099OUYC': 7201.0, 'D099SECP': False, 'D100VER': 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'D100GEOM': 'Header WCS', 'D100DATA': 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'D100DEXP': 407.0, 'D100OUDA': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'D100OUWE': 'tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'D100OUCO': '', 'D100MASK': 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'D100WTSC': 1278491.0, 'D100KERN': 'square', 'D100PIXF': 0.8, 'D100COEF': 'cos02_94_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'D100XGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'D100YGIM': 'jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'D100LAM': 555.0, 'D100EXKY': 'exptime', 'D100INUN': 'counts', 'D100OUUN': 'cps', 'D100FVAL': 'INDEF', 'D100INXC': 2049.0, 'D100INYC': 1025.0, 'D100OUXC': 7001.0, 'D100OUYC': 7201.0, 'D100SECP': False, 'PC1_1': -8.333333e-06, 'PC2_2': 8.333333e-06, 'CDELT1': 1.0, 'CDELT2': 1.0, 'CUNIT1': 'deg', 'CUNIT2': 'deg', 'LONPOLE': 180.0, 'LATPOLE': 2.200973097, 'MJDREF': 0.0, 'MJD-OBS': 55906.0, 'RADESYS': 'FK5', 'O_EXT_NM': None, 'EXTNAME': 'CUTOUT', 'ORIG_FLE': 'hlsp_candels_hst_hst_candels-v1.0_acs_f606w_drz.fits', 'ORIG_EXT': 0, 'CHECKSUM': 'PUIePRHZPRHbPRHZ', 'DATASUM': '3549639627'}

Example 2: Save the FITS header annotations#

The fits header includes comments for many of the keywords. It’s a bit clunky, but we can save those by storing a tuple instead of just the value in the dictionary. While we’re at it, let’s toss some of the FITS keywords that aren’t useful.

toss_these = ['XTENSION', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2', 'CHECKSUM',
annotated_tree = {}
for card in
    if card[0] not in toss_these:
        annotated_tree[card[0]] = (card[1], card[2])
myfile = AsdfFile(annotated_tree)
{'OBJECT': ('COS_2EPOCH_ACS_F606W_030MAS_V1.0_SECT23_DRZ[1/1]', ''), 'ORIGIN': ('NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003', 'FITS file originator'), 'DATE': ('2012-04-10T16:39:27', 'Date FITS file was generated'), 'DATAMIN': (0.0, ''), 'DATAMAX': (0.0, ''), 'CRPIX1': (-2552.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'), 'CRVAL1': (150.1163213, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'), 'CTYPE1': ('RA---TAN', 'Right ascension, gnomonic projection'), 'CD1_1': (-8.333333e-06, ''), 'CD2_1': (0.0, ''), 'CRPIX2': (-22248.5, 'Pixel coordinate of reference point'), 'CRVAL2': (2.200973097, '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point'), 'CTYPE2': ('DEC--TAN', 'Declination, gnomonic projection'), 'CD1_2': (0.0, ''), 'CD2_2': (8.333333e-06, ''), '': ('', ''), 'TELESCOP': ('HST', 'telescope used to acquire data'), 'INSTRUME': ('ACS', 'identifier for instrument used to acquire data'), 'EQUINOX': (2000.0, '[yr] Equinox of equatorial coordinates'), 'ROOTNAME': ('jboa28wmq', 'rootname of the observation set'), 'IMAGETYP': ('EXT', 'type of exposure identifier'), 'PRIMESI': ('WFC3', 'instrument designated as prime'), 'TARGNAME': ('ANY', "proposer's target name"), 'RA_TARG': (150.1554086126, 'right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)'), 'DEC_TARG': (2.270881608073, 'declination of the target (deg) (J2000)'), 'PROPOSID': (12440, 'PEP proposal identifier'), 'LINENUM': ('28.002', 'proposal logsheet line number'), 'PR_INV_L': ('Faber', 'last name of principal investigator'), 'PR_INV_F': ('Sandra', 'first name of principal investigator'), 'PR_INV_M': ('M.', 'middle name / initial of principal investigat'), 'SUNANGLE': (107.339531, 'angle between sun and V1 axis'), 'MOONANGL': (61.991249, 'angle between moon and V1 axis'), 'SUN_ALT': (-32.338875, "altitude of the sun above Earth's limb"), 'FGSLOCK': ('FINE', 'commanded FGS lock (FINE,COARSE,GYROS,UNKNOWN)'), 'GYROMODE': ('T', 'number of gyros scheduled, T=3+OBAD'), 'REFFRAME': ('ICRS', 'guide star catalog version'), 'MTFLAG': ('', 'moving target flag; T if it is a moving target'), 'DATE-OBS': ('2011-12-11', 'ISO-8601 time of observation'), 'TIME-OBS': ('13:09:12', 'UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)'), 'EXPSTART': (55906.54805854, 'exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)'), 'EXPEND': (55906.55125326, 'exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)'), 'EXPTIME': (36800.0, 'exposure duration (seconds)--calculated'), 'EXPFLAG': ('NORMAL', 'Exposure interruption indicator'), 'QUALCOM1': ('', ''), 'QUALCOM2': ('', ''), 'QUALCOM3': ('', ''), 'QUALITY': ('', ''), 'PA_V3': (128.0, 'position angle of V3-axis of HST (deg)'), 'POSTARG1': (0.0, 'POSTARG in axis 1 direction'), 'POSTARG2': (0.0, 'POSTARG in axis 2 direction'), 'OPUS_VER': ('OPUS 2011_1h', 'OPUS software system version number'), 'CAL_VER': ('5.1.1 (27-Apr-2010)', 'CALACS code version'), 'PROCTIME': (55908.85636574, 'Pipeline processing time (MJD)'), 'OBSTYPE': ('IMAGING', 'observation type - imaging or spectroscopic'), 'OBSMODE': ('ACCUM', 'operating mode'), 'CTEIMAGE': ('NONE', 'type of Charge Transfer Image, if applicable'), 'SCLAMP': ('NONE', 'lamp status, NONE or name of lamp which is on'), 'NRPTEXP': (1, 'number of repeat exposures in set: default 1'), 'SUBARRAY': (False, 'data from a subarray (T) or full frame (F)'), 'DETECTOR': ('WFC', 'detector in use: WFC, HRC, or SBC'), 'FILTER1': ('F606W', 'element selected from filter wheel 1'), 'FW1OFFST': (0, 'computed filter wheel offset'), 'FILTER2': ('CLEAR2L', 'element selected from filter wheel 2'), 'FW1ERROR': (False, 'filter wheel position error flag'), 'FW2OFFST': (-4320, 'computed filter wheel offset'), 'FW2ERROR': (True, 'filter wheel position error flag'), 'FWSOFFST': (0, 'computed filter wheel offset'), 'FWSERROR': (False, 'filter wheel position error flag'), 'LRFWAVE': (0.0, 'proposed linear ramp filter wavelength'), 'APERTURE': ('WFC', 'aperture name'), 'PROPAPER': ('WFC', 'proposed aperture name'), 'DIRIMAGE': ('NONE', 'direct image for grism or prism exposure'), 'CTEDIR': ('NONE', 'CTE measurement direction: serial or parallel'), 'CRSPLIT': (1, 'number of cosmic ray split exposures'), 'STATFLAG': (False, 'Calculate statistics?'), 'WRTERR': (True, 'write out error array extension'), 'DQICORR': ('COMPLETE', 'data quality initialization'), 'ATODCORR': ('OMIT', 'correct for A to D conversion errors'), 'BLEVCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'subtract bias level computed from overscan img'), 'BIASCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'Subtract bias image'), 'FLSHCORR': ('OMIT', 'post flash correction'), 'CRCORR': ('OMIT', 'combine observations to reject cosmic rays'), 'EXPSCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'process individual observations after cr-reject'), 'SHADCORR': ('OMIT', 'apply shutter shading correction'), 'DARKCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'Subtract dark image'), 'FLATCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'flat field data'), 'PHOTCORR': ('COMPLETE', 'populate photometric header keywords'), 'RPTCORR': ('OMIT', 'add individual repeat observations'), 'DRIZCORR': ('PERFORM', 'drizzle processing'), 'BPIXTAB': ('jref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fits', 'bad pixel table'), 'CCDTAB': ('jref$uc82140bj_ccd.fits', 'CCD calibration parameters'), 'ATODTAB': ('jref$t3n1116mj_a2d.fits', 'analog to digital correction file'), 'OSCNTAB': ('jref$lch1459bj_osc.fits', 'CCD overscan table'), 'BIASFILE': ('jref$vbh1844rj_bia.fits', 'bias image file name'), 'FLSHFILE': ('N/A', 'post flash correction file name'), 'CRREJTAB': ('jref$n4e12511j_crr.fits', 'cosmic ray rejection parameters'), 'SHADFILE': ('jref$kcb17349j_shd.fits', 'shutter shading correction file'), 'DARKFILE': ('jref$vbh18454j_drk.fits', 'dark image file name'), 'PFLTFILE': ('jref$qb12257sj_pfl.fits', 'pixel to pixel flat field file name'), 'DFLTFILE': ('N/A', 'delta flat field file name'), 'LFLTFILE': ('N/A', 'low order flat'), 'PHOTTAB': ('N/A', 'Photometric throughput table'), 'GRAPHTAB': ('mtab$v9n1603mm_tmg.fits', 'the HST graph table'), 'COMPTAB': ('mtab$vb71653dm_tmc.fits', 'the HST components table'), 'IDCTAB': ('jref$v8q1444tj_idc.fits', 'image distortion correction table'), 'DGEOFILE': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits', 'Distortion correction image'), 'MDRIZTAB': ('jref$ub21537aj_mdz.fits', 'MultiDrizzle parameter table'), 'CFLTFILE': ('N/A', 'Coronagraphic spot image'), 'SPOTTAB': ('N/A', 'Coronagraphic spot offset table'), 'IMPHTTAB': ('jref$vbb18107j_imp.fits', 'Image Photometry Table'), 'MEANEXP': (0.0, 'reference exposure time for parameters'), 'SCALENSE': (0.0, 'multiplicative scale factor applied to noise'), 'INITGUES': ('', 'initial guess method (MIN or MED)'), 'SKYSUB': ('', 'sky value subtracted (MODE or NONE)'), 'SKYSUM': (0.0, 'sky level from the sum of all constituent image'), 'CRSIGMAS': ('', 'statistical rejection criteria'), 'CRRADIUS': (0.0, 'rejection propagation radius (pixels)'), 'CRTHRESH': (0.0, 'rejection propagation threshold'), 'BADINPDQ': (0, 'data quality flag bits to reject'), 'REJ_RATE': (0.0, 'rate at which pixels are affected by cosmic ray'), 'CRMASK': (False, 'flag CR-rejected pixels in input files (T/F)'), 'MDRIZSKY': (32.08782958984375, 'Sky value computed by MultiDrizzle'), 'T_SGSTAR': ('N/A', 'OMS calculated guide star control'), 'PATTERN1': ('NONE', 'primary pattern type'), 'P1_SHAPE': ('', 'primary pattern shape'), 'P1_PURPS': ('', 'primary pattern purpose'), 'P1_NPTS': (0, 'number of points in primary pattern'), 'P1_PSPAC': (0.0, 'point spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)'), 'P1_LSPAC': (0.0, 'line spacing for primary pattern (arc-sec)'), 'P1_ANGLE': (0.0, 'angle between sides of parallelogram patt (deg)'), 'P1_FRAME': ('', 'coordinate frame of primary pattern'), 'P1_ORINT': (0.0, 'orientation of pattern to coordinate frame (deg'), 'P1_CENTR': ('', 'center pattern relative to pointing (yes/no)'), 'PATTSTEP': (0, 'position number of this point in the pattern'), 'FLASHDUR': (0.0, 'Exposure time in seconds: 0.1 to 409.5'), 'FLASHCUR': ('OFF', 'Post flash current: OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH'), 'FLASHSTA': ('NOT PERFORMED', 'Status: SUCCESSFUL, ABORTED, NOT PERFORMED'), 'SHUTRPOS': ('A', 'Shutter position: A or B'), 'CCDAMP': ('ABCD', 'CCD Amplifier Readout Configuration'), 'CCDGAIN': (2.0, 'commanded gain of CCD'), 'CCDOFSTA': (1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier A'), 'CCDOFSTB': (1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier B'), 'CCDOFSTC': (1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier C'), 'CCDOFSTD': (1, 'commanded CCD bias offset for amplifier D'), 'ATODGNA': (2.02, 'calibrated gain for amplifier A'), 'ATODGNB': (1.886, 'calibrated gain for amplifier B'), 'ATODGNC': (2.017, 'calibrated gain for amplifier C'), 'ATODGND': (2.0109999, 'calibrated gain for amplifier D'), 'READNSEA': (4.5700002, 'calibrated read noise for amplifier A'), 'READNSEB': (3.9100001, 'calibrated read noise for amplifier B'), 'READNSEC': (4.25, 'calibrated read noise for amplifier C'), 'READNSED': (4.04, 'calibrated read noise for amplifier D'), 'BIASLEVA': (2088.5564, 'bias level for amplifier A'), 'BIASLEVB': (2140.5024, 'bias level for amplifier B'), 'BIASLEVC': (2208.7419, 'bias level for amplifier C'), 'BIASLEVD': (2296.7388, 'bias level for amplifier D'), 'ASN_ID': ('JBOA28010', 'unique identifier assigned to association'), 'ASN_TAB': ('jboa28010_asn.fits', 'name of the association table'), 'ASN_MTYP': ('EXP-DTH', 'Role of the Member in the Association'), 'BSTRCORR': ('COMPLETE', ''), 'PCTEFILE': ('jref$pctefile_101109.fits', ''), 'PCTETAB': ('jref$pctetab_pcte_20110913113559.fits', ''), 'PCTECORR': ('COMPLETE', ''), 'PCTEFRAC': (1.289367530158845, ''), 'EXPNAME': ('jboa28wmq', 'exposure identifier'), 'BUNIT': ('ELECTRONS', 'brightness units'), 'CCDCHIP': (1, 'CCD chip (1 or 2)'), 'WCSAXES': (2, 'Number of coordinate axes'), 'LTV1': (0.0, 'offset in X to subsection start'), 'LTV2': (0.0, 'offset in Y to subsection start'), 'LTM1_1': (1.0, 'reciprocal of sampling rate in X'), 'LTM2_2': (1.0, 'reciprocal of sampling rate in Y'), 'ORIENTAT': (-54.67632556350016, 'position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)'), 'RA_APER': (150.1554086126, 'RA of aperture reference position'), 'DEC_APER': (2.270881608073, 'Declination of aperture reference position'), 'PA_APER': (-54.4475, 'Position Angle of reference aperture center (de'), 'VAFACTOR': (1.000104465141, 'velocity aberration plate scale factor'), 'CENTERA1': (2073, 'subarray axis1 center pt in unbinned dect. pix'), 'CENTERA2': (1035, 'subarray axis2 center pt in unbinned dect. pix'), 'SIZAXIS1': (4096, 'subarray axis1 size in unbinned detector pixels'), 'SIZAXIS2': (2048, 'subarray axis2 size in unbinned detector pixels'), 'BINAXIS1': (1, 'axis1 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels'), 'BINAXIS2': (1, 'axis2 data bin size in unbinned detector pixels'), 'PHOTMODE': ('ACS WFC1 F606W MJD#55906.5481', 'observation con'), 'PHOTFLAM': (7.8624958e-20, 'inverse sensitivity, ergs/cm2/Ang/electron'), 'PHOTZPT': (-21.1, 'ST magnitude zero point'), 'PHOTPLAM': (5921.1147, 'Pivot wavelength (Angstroms)'), 'PHOTBW': (672.23627, 'RMS bandwidth of filter plus detector'), 'NCOMBINE': (1, 'number of image sets combined during CR rejecti'), 'FILLCNT': (1, 'number of segments containing fill'), 'ERRCNT': (1, 'number of segments containing errors'), 'PODPSFF': (False, 'podps fill present (T/F)'), 'STDCFFF': (True, 'science telemetry fill data present (T=1/F=0)'), 'STDCFFP': ('0x5569', 'science telemetry fill pattern (hex)'), 'WFCMPRSD': (False, 'was WFC data compressed? (T/F)'), 'CBLKSIZ': (0, 'size of compression block in 2-byte words'), 'LOSTPIX': (0, '#pixels lost due to buffer overflow'), 'COMPTYP': ('None', 'compression type performed (Partial/Full/None)'), 'NGOODPIX': (8097343, 'number of good pixels'), 'SDQFLAGS': (31743, 'serious data quality flags'), 'GOODMIN': (-31.759687, 'minimum value of good pixels'), 'GOODMAX': (85606.719, 'maximum value of good pixels'), 'GOODMEAN': (35.94437, 'mean value of good pixels'), 'SOFTERRS': (0, 'number of soft error pixels (DQF=1)'), 'SNRMIN': (-3.4609985, 'minimum signal to noise of good pixels'), 'SNRMAX': (233.93831, 'maximum signal to noise of good pixels'), 'SNRMEAN': (5.9348207, 'mean value of signal to noise of good pixels'), 'MEANDARK': (1.2713139, 'average of the dark values subtracted'), 'MEANBLEV': (2114.5295, 'average of all bias levels subtracted'), 'MEANFLSH': (0.0, 'Mean number of counts in post flash exposure'), 'ONAXIS2': (2048, 'Axis length'), 'ONAXIS1': (4096, 'Axis length'), 'OORIENTA': (-54.64776336099293, 'position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)'), 'OCTYPE1': ('RA---TAN', 'the coordinate type for the first axis'), 'OCTYPE2': ('DEC--TAN', 'the coordinate type for the second axis'), 'WCSCDATE': ('13:02:32 (10/04/2012)', 'Time WCS keywords were copied.'), 'A_0_2': (2.26194120304176e-06, ''), 'B_0_2': (-9.7985788387639e-06, ''), 'A_1_1': (-7.5302905463753e-06, ''), 'B_1_1': (6.42569986264533e-06, ''), 'A_2_0': (8.51886870532632e-06, ''), 'B_2_0': (-2.9658922285423e-06, ''), 'A_0_3': (6.51050854317125e-11, ''), 'B_0_3': (-4.1421499542394e-10, ''), 'A_1_2': (-5.2539201413375e-10, ''), 'B_1_2': (-3.0354276197375e-11, ''), 'A_2_1': (-1.0714004130419e-10, ''), 'B_2_1': (-4.4034927976003e-10, ''), 'A_3_0': (-4.6936360210189e-10, ''), 'B_3_0': (9.00334210115821e-11, ''), 'A_0_4': (1.35191449346299e-13, ''), 'B_0_4': (-1.5248974790417e-13, ''), 'A_1_3': (-1.4269338401366e-14, ''), 'B_1_3': (2.75911271664302e-14, ''), 'A_2_2': (9.70199603291834e-14, ''), 'B_2_2': (-1.0403607372429e-13, ''), 'A_3_1': (3.80059786170717e-14, ''), 'B_3_1': (-3.8363933112663e-14, ''), 'A_4_0': (1.83627862287182e-14, ''), 'B_4_0': (-1.6913942054528e-14, ''), 'A_ORDER': (4, ''), 'B_ORDER': (4, ''), 'IDCSCALE': (0.05, ''), 'IDCV2REF': (261.1130981445312, ''), 'IDCV3REF': (198.231201171875, ''), 'IDCTHETA': (0.0, ''), 'OCX10': (0.002270935984783606, ''), 'OCX11': (0.04922343821974121, ''), 'OCY10': (0.0485839959198564, ''), 'OCY11': (0.00213603403929032, ''), 'TDDALPHA': (0.2802605508521792, ''), 'TDDBETA': (-0.0907535169507264, ''), 'SKYVAL': (32.5013968269, ''), 'SKYRMS': (7.873235, ''), 'QUADOFFA': (0.190616225, ''), 'QUADOFFB': (-0.660557125, ''), 'QUADOFFC': (0.117621775, ''), 'QUADOFFD': (0.352319125, ''), 'NDRIZIM': (100, 'Drizzle, number of images drizzled onto this ou'), 'D001VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D001GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D001DATA': ('cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D001DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D001OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D001OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D001OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D001MASK': ('cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D001WTSC': (583770.1, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D001KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D001PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D001COEF': ('cos01_28_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D001XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D001YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D001LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D001EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D001INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D001OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D001FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D001INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D001INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D001OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D001OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D001SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D002VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D002GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D002DATA': ('cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D002DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D002OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D002OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D002OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D002MASK': ('cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D002WTSC': (3858213.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D002KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D002PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D002COEF': ('cos01_28_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D002XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D002YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D002LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D002EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D002INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D002OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D002FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D002INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D002INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D002OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D002OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D002SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D003VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D003GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D003DATA': ('cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D003DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D003OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D003OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D003OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D003MASK': ('cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D003WTSC': (583802.2, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D003KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D003PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D003COEF': ('cos01_29_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D003XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D003YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D003LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D003EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D003INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D003OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D003FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D003INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D003INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D003OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D003OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D003SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D004VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D004GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D004DATA': ('cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D004DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D004OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D004OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D004OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D004MASK': ('cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D004WTSC': (3858522.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D004KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D004PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D004COEF': ('cos01_29_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D004XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D004YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D004LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D004EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D004INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D004OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D004FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D004INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D004INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D004OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D004OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D004SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D005VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D005GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D005DATA': ('cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D005DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D005OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D005OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D005OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D005MASK': ('cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D005WTSC': (583802.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D005KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D005PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D005COEF': ('cos01_30_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D005XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D005YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D005LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D005EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D005INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D005OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D005FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D005INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D005INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D005OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D005OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D005SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D006VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D006GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D006DATA': ('cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D006DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D006OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D006OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D006OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D006MASK': ('cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D006WTSC': (3858522.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D006KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D006PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D006COEF': ('cos01_30_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D006XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D006YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D006LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D006EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D006INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D006OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D006FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D006INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D006INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D006OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D006OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D006SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D007VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D007GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D007DATA': ('cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D007DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D007OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D007OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D007OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D007MASK': ('cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D007WTSC': (583801.9, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D007KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D007PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D007COEF': ('cos01_32_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D007XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D007YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D007LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D007EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D007INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D007OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D007FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D007INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D007INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D007OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D007OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D007SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D008VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D008GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D008DATA': ('cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D008DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D008OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D008OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D008OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D008MASK': ('cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D008WTSC': (3858506.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D008KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D008PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D008COEF': ('cos01_32_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D008XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D008YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D008LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D008EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D008INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D008OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D008FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D008INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D008INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D008OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D008OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D008SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D009VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D009GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D009DATA': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D009DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D009OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D009OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D009OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D009MASK': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D009WTSC': (583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D009KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D009PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D009COEF': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D009XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D009YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D009LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D009EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D009INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D009OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D009FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D009INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D009INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D009OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D009OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D009SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D010VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D010GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D010DATA': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D010DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D010OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D010OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D010OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D010MASK': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D010WTSC': (583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D010KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D010PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D010COEF': ('cos01_33_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D010XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D010YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D010LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D010EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D010INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D010OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D010FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D010INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D010INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D010OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D010OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D010SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D011VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D011GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D011DATA': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D011DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D011OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D011OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D011OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D011MASK': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D011WTSC': (3858528.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D011KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D011PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D011COEF': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D011XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D011YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D011LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D011EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D011INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D011OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D011FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D011INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D011INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D011OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D011OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D011SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D012VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D012GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D012DATA': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D012DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D012OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D012OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D012OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D012MASK': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D012WTSC': (3858528.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D012KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D012PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D012COEF': ('cos01_33_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D012XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D012YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D012LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D012EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D012INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D012OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D012FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D012INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D012INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D012OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D012OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D012SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D013VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D013GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D013DATA': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D013DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D013OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D013OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D013OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D013MASK': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D013WTSC': (583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D013KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D013PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D013COEF': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D013XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D013YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D013LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D013EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D013INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D013OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D013FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D013INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D013INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D013OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D013OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D013SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D014VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D014GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D014DATA': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D014DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D014OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D014OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D014OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D014MASK': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D014WTSC': (583803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D014KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D014PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D014COEF': ('cos01_34_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D014XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D014YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D014LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D014EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D014INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D014OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D014FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D014INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D014INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D014OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D014OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D014SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D015VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D015GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D015DATA': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D015DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D015OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D015OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D015OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D015MASK': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D015WTSC': (3858529.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D015KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D015PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D015COEF': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D015XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D015YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D015LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D015EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D015INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D015OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D015FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D015INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D015INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D015OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D015OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D015SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D016VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D016GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D016DATA': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D016DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D016OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D016OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D016OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D016MASK': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D016WTSC': (3858529.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D016KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D016PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D016COEF': ('cos01_34_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D016XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D016YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D016LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D016EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D016INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D016OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D016FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D016INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D016INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D016OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D016OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D016SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D017VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D017GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D017DATA': ('cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D017DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D017OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D017OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D017OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D017MASK': ('cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D017WTSC': (583804.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D017KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D017PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D017COEF': ('cos01_36_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D017XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D017YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D017LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D017EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D017INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D017OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D017FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D017INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D017INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D017OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D017OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D017SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D018VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D018GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D018DATA': ('cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D018DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D018OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D018OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D018OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D018MASK': ('cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D018WTSC': (3858532.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D018KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D018PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D018COEF': ('cos01_36_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D018XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D018YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D018LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D018EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D018INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D018OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D018FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D018INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D018INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D018OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D018OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D018SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D019VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D019GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D019DATA': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D019DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D019OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D019OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D019OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D019MASK': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D019WTSC': (583796.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D019KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D019PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D019COEF': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D019XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D019YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D019LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D019EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D019INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D019OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D019FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D019INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D019INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D019OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D019OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D019SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D020VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D020GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D020DATA': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D020DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D020OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D020OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D020OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D020MASK': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D020WTSC': (583796.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D020KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D020PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D020COEF': ('cos01_37_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D020XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D020YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D020LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D020EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D020INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D020OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D020FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D020INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D020INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D020OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D020OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D020SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D021VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D021GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D021DATA': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D021DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D021OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D021OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D021OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D021MASK': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D021WTSC': (3858427.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D021KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D021PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D021COEF': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D021XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D021YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D021LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D021EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D021INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D021OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D021FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D021INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D021INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D021OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D021OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D021SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D022VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D022GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D022DATA': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D022DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D022OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D022OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D022OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D022MASK': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D022WTSC': (3858427.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D022KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D022PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D022COEF': ('cos01_37_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D022XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D022YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D022LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D022EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D022INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D022OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D022FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D022INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D022INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D022OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D022OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D022SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D023VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D023GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D023DATA': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D023DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D023OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D023OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D023OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D023MASK': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D023WTSC': (583805.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D023KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D023PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D023COEF': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D023XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D023YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D023LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D023EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D023INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D023OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D023FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D023INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D023INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D023OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D023OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D023SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D024VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D024GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D024DATA': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D024DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D024OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D024OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D024OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D024MASK': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D024WTSC': (583805.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D024KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D024PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D024COEF': ('cos01_38_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D024XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D024YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D024LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D024EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D024INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D024OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D024FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D024INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D024INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D024OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D024OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D024SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D025VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D025GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D025DATA': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D025DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D025OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D025OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D025OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D025MASK': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D025WTSC': (3858539.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D025KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D025PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D025COEF': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D025XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D025YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D025LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D025EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D025INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D025OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D025FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D025INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D025INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D025OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D025OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D025SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D026VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D026GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D026DATA': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D026DEXP': (707.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D026OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D026OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D026OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D026MASK': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D026WTSC': (3858539.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D026KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D026PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D026COEF': ('cos01_38_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D026XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D026YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D026LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D026EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D026INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D026OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D026FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D026INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D026INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D026OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D026OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D026SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D027VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D027GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D027DATA': ('cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D027DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D027OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D027OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D027OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D027MASK': ('cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D027WTSC': (390803.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D027KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D027PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D027COEF': ('cos01_40_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D027XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D027YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D027LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D027EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D027INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D027OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D027FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D027INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D027INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D027OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D027OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D027SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D028VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D028GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D028DATA': ('cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D028DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D028OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D028OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D028OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D028MASK': ('cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D028WTSC': (1278684.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D028KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D028PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D028COEF': ('cos01_40_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D028XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D028YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D028LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D028EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D028INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D028OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D028FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D028INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D028INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D028OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D028OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D028SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D029VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D029GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D029DATA': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D029DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D029OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D029OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D029OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D029MASK': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D029WTSC': (390813.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D029KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D029PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D029COEF': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D029XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D029YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D029LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D029EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D029INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D029OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D029FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D029INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D029INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D029OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D029OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D029SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D030VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D030GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D030DATA': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D030DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D030OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D030OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D030OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D030MASK': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D030WTSC': (390813.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D030KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D030PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D030COEF': ('cos01_41_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D030XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D030YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D030LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D030EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D030INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D030OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D030FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D030INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D030INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D030OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D030OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D030SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D031VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D031GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D031DATA': ('cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D031DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D031OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D031OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D031OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D031MASK': ('cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D031WTSC': (1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D031KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D031PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D031COEF': ('cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D031XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D031YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D031LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D031EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D031INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D031OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D031FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D031INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D031INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D031OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D031OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D031SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D032VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D032GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D032DATA': ('cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D032DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D032OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D032OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D032OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D032MASK': ('cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D032WTSC': (1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D032KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D032PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D032COEF': ('cos01_41_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D032XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D032YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D032LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D032EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D032INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D032OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D032FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D032INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D032INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D032OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D032OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D032SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D033VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D033GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D033DATA': ('cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D033DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D033OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D033OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D033OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D033MASK': ('cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D033WTSC': (390813.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D033KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D033PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D033COEF': ('cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D033XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D033YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D033LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D033EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D033INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D033OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D033FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D033INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D033INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D033OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D033OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D033SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D034VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D034GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D034DATA': ('cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D034DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D034OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D034OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D034OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D034MASK': ('cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D034WTSC': (390813.7, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D034KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D034PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D034COEF': ('cos01_42_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D034XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D034YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D034LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D034EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D034INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D034OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D034FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D034INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D034INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D034OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D034OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D034SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D035VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D035GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D035DATA': ('cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D035DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D035OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D035OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D035OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D035MASK': ('cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D035WTSC': (1278741.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D035KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D035PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D035COEF': ('cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D035XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D035YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D035LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D035EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D035INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D035OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D035FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D035INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D035INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D035OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D035OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D035SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D036VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D036GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D036DATA': ('cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D036DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D036OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D036OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D036OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D036MASK': ('cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D036WTSC': (1278741.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D036KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D036PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D036COEF': ('cos01_42_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D036XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D036YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D036LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D036EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D036INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D036OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D036FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D036INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D036INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D036OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D036OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D036SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D037VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D037GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D037DATA': ('cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D037DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D037OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D037OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D037OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D037MASK': ('cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D037WTSC': (390814.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D037KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D037PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D037COEF': ('cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D037XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D037YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D037LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D037EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D037INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D037OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D037FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D037INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D037INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D037OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D037OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D037SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D038VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D038GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D038DATA': ('cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D038DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D038OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D038OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D038OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D038MASK': ('cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D038WTSC': (390814.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D038KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D038PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D038COEF': ('cos01_45_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D038XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D038YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D038LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D038EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D038INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D038OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D038FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D038INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D038INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D038OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D038OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D038SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D039VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D039GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D039DATA': ('cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D039DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D039OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D039OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D039OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D039MASK': ('cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D039WTSC': (1278743.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D039KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D039PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D039COEF': ('cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D039XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D039YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D039LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D039EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D039INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D039OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D039FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D039INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D039INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D039OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D039OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D039SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D040VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D040GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D040DATA': ('cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D040DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D040OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D040OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D040OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D040MASK': ('cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D040WTSC': (1278743.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D040KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D040PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D040COEF': ('cos01_45_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D040XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D040YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D040LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D040EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D040INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D040OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D040FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D040INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D040INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D040OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D040OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D040SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D041VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D041GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D041DATA': ('cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D041DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D041OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D041OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D041OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D041MASK': ('cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D041WTSC': (390814.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D041KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D041PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D041COEF': ('cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D041XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D041YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D041LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D041EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D041INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D041OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D041FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D041INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D041INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D041OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D041OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D041SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D042VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D042GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D042DATA': ('cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D042DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D042OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D042OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D042OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D042MASK': ('cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D042WTSC': (390814.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D042KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D042PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D042COEF': ('cos01_46_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D042XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D042YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D042LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D042EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D042INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D042OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D042FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D042INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D042INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D042OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D042OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D042SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D043VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D043GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D043DATA': ('cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D043DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D043OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D043OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D043OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D043MASK': ('cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D043WTSC': (1278739.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D043KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D043PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D043COEF': ('cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D043XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D043YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D043LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D043EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D043INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D043OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D043FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D043INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D043INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D043OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D043OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D043SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D044VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D044GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D044DATA': ('cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D044DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D044OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D044OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D044OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D044MASK': ('cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D044WTSC': (1278739.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D044KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D044PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D044COEF': ('cos01_46_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D044XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D044YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D044LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D044EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D044INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D044OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D044FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D044INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D044INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D044OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D044OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D044SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D045VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D045GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D045DATA': ('cos01_49_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D045DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D045OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D045OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D045OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D045MASK': ('cos01_49_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D045WTSC': (390814.1, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D045KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D045PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D045COEF': ('cos01_49_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D045XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D045YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D045LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D045EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D045INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D045OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D045FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D045INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D045INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D045OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D045OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D045SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D046VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D046GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D046DATA': ('cos01_49_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D046DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D046OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D046OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D046OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D046MASK': ('cos01_49_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D046WTSC': (1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D046KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D046PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D046COEF': ('cos01_49_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D046XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D046YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D046LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D046EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D046INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D046OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D046FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D046INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D046INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D046OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D046OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D046SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D047VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D047GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D047DATA': ('cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D047DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D047OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D047OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D047OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D047MASK': ('cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D047WTSC': (390814.2, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D047KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D047PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D047COEF': ('cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D047XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D047YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D047LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D047EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D047INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D047OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D047FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D047INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D047INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D047OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D047OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D047SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D048VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D048GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D048DATA': ('cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D048DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D048OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D048OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D048OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D048MASK': ('cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D048WTSC': (390814.2, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D048KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D048PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D048COEF': ('cos01_50_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D048XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D048YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D048LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D048EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D048INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D048OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D048FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D048INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D048INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D048OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D048OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D048SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D049VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D049GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D049DATA': ('cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D049DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D049OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D049OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D049OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D049MASK': ('cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D049WTSC': (1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D049KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D049PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D049COEF': ('cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D049XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D049YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D049LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D049EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D049INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D049OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D049FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D049INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D049INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D049OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D049OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D049SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D050VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D050GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D050DATA': ('cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D050DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D050OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D050OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D050OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D050MASK': ('cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D050WTSC': (1278740.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D050KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D050PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D050COEF': ('cos01_50_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D050XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D050YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D050LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D050EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D050INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D050OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D050FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D050INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D050INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D050OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D050OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D050SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D051VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D051GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D051DATA': ('cos02_72_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D051DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D051OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D051OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D051OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D051MASK': ('cos02_72_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D051WTSC': (583572.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D051KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D051PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D051COEF': ('cos02_72_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D051XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D051YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D051LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D051EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D051INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D051OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D051FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D051INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D051INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D051OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D051OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D051SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D052VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D052GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D052DATA': ('cos02_72_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D052DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D052OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D052OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D052OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D052MASK': ('cos02_72_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D052WTSC': (1278505.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D052KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D052PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D052COEF': ('cos02_72_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D052XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D052YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D052LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D052EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D052INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D052OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D052FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D052INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D052INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D052OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D052OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D052SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D053VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D053GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D053DATA': ('cos02_73_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D053DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D053OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D053OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D053OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D053MASK': ('cos02_73_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D053WTSC': (583662.8, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D053KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D053PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D053COEF': ('cos02_73_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D053XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D053YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D053LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D053EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D053INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D053OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D053FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D053INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D053INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D053OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D053OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D053SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D054VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D054GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D054DATA': ('cos02_73_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D054DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D054OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D054OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D054OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D054MASK': ('cos02_73_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D054WTSC': (1278391.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D054KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D054PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D054COEF': ('cos02_73_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D054XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D054YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D054LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D054EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D054INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D054OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D054FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D054INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D054INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D054OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D054OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D054SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D055VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D055GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D055DATA': ('cos02_74_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D055DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D055OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D055OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D055OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D055MASK': ('cos02_74_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D055WTSC': (583683.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D055KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D055PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D055COEF': ('cos02_74_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D055XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D055YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D055LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D055EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D055INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D055OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D055FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D055INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D055INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D055OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D055OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D055SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D056VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D056GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D056DATA': ('cos02_74_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D056DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D056OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D056OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D056OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D056MASK': ('cos02_74_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D056WTSC': (1278462.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D056KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D056PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D056COEF': ('cos02_74_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D056XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D056YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D056LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D056EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D056INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D056OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D056FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D056INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D056INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D056OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D056OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D056SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D057VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D057GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D057DATA': ('cos02_76_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D057DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D057OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D057OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D057OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D057MASK': ('cos02_76_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D057WTSC': (583685.8, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D057KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D057PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D057COEF': ('cos02_76_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D057XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D057YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D057LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D057EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D057INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D057OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D057FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D057INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D057INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D057OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D057OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D057SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D058VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D058GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D058DATA': ('cos02_76_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D058DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D058OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D058OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D058OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D058MASK': ('cos02_76_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D058WTSC': (1278469.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D058KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D058PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D058COEF': ('cos02_76_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D058XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D058YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D058LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D058EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D058INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D058OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D058FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D058INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D058INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D058OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D058OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D058SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D059VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D059GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D059DATA': ('cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D059DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D059OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D059OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D059OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D059MASK': ('cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D059WTSC': (583685.2, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D059KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D059PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D059COEF': ('cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D059XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D059YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D059LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D059EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D059INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D059OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D059FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D059INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D059INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D059OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D059OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D059SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D060VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D060GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D060DATA': ('cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D060DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D060OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D060OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D060OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D060MASK': ('cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D060WTSC': (583685.2, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D060KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D060PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D060COEF': ('cos02_77_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D060XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D060YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D060LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D060EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D060INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D060OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D060FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D060INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D060INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D060OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D060OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D060SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D061VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D061GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D061DATA': ('cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D061DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D061OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D061OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D061OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D061MASK': ('cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D061WTSC': (1278466.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D061KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D061PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D061COEF': ('cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D061XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D061YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D061LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D061EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D061INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D061OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D061FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D061INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D061INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D061OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D061OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D061SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D062VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D062GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D062DATA': ('cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D062DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D062OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D062OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D062OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D062MASK': ('cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D062WTSC': (1278466.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D062KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D062PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D062COEF': ('cos02_77_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D062XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D062YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D062LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D062EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D062INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D062OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D062FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D062INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D062INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D062OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D062OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D062SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D063VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D063GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D063DATA': ('cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D063DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D063OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D063OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D063OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D063MASK': ('cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D063WTSC': (583685.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D063KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D063PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D063COEF': ('cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D063XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D063YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D063LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D063EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D063INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D063OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D063FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D063INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D063INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D063OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D063OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D063SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D064VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D064GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D064DATA': ('cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D064DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D064OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D064OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D064OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D064MASK': ('cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D064WTSC': (583685.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D064KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D064PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D064COEF': ('cos02_78_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D064XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D064YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D064LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D064EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D064INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D064OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D064FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D064INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D064INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D064OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D064OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D064SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D065VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D065GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D065DATA': ('cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D065DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D065OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D065OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D065OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D065MASK': ('cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D065WTSC': (1278466.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D065KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D065PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D065COEF': ('cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D065XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D065YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D065LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D065EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D065INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D065OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D065FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D065INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D065INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D065OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D065OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D065SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D066VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D066GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D066DATA': ('cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D066DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D066OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D066OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D066OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D066MASK': ('cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D066WTSC': (1278466.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D066KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D066PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D066COEF': ('cos02_78_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D066XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D066YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D066LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D066EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D066INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D066OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D066FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D066INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D066INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D066OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D066OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D066SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D067VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D067GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D067DATA': ('cos02_80_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D067DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D067OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D067OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D067OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D067MASK': ('cos02_80_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D067WTSC': (583685.9, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D067KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D067PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D067COEF': ('cos02_80_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D067XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D067YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D067LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D067EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D067INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D067OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D067FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D067INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D067INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D067OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D067OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D067SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D068VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D068GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D068DATA': ('cos02_80_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D068DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D068OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D068OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D068OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D068MASK': ('cos02_80_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D068WTSC': (1278468.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D068KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D068PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D068COEF': ('cos02_80_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D068XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D068YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D068LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D068EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D068INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D068OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D068FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D068INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D068INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D068OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D068OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D068SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D069VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D069GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D069DATA': ('cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D069DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D069OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D069OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D069OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D069MASK': ('cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D069WTSC': (583576.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D069KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D069PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D069COEF': ('cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D069XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D069YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D069LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D069EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D069INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D069OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D069FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D069INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D069INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D069OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D069OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D069SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D070VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D070GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D070DATA': ('cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D070DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D070OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D070OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D070OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D070MASK': ('cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D070WTSC': (583576.4, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D070KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D070PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D070COEF': ('cos02_81_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D070XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D070YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D070LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D070EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D070INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D070OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D070FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D070INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D070INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D070OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D070OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D070SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D071VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D071GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D071DATA': ('cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D071DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D071OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D071OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D071OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D071MASK': ('cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D071WTSC': (1278511.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D071KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D071PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D071COEF': ('cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D071XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D071YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D071LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D071EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D071INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D071OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D071FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D071INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D071INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D071OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D071OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D071SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D072VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D072GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D072DATA': ('cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D072DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D072OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D072OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D072OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D072MASK': ('cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D072WTSC': (1278511.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D072KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D072PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D072COEF': ('cos02_81_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D072XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D072YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D072LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D072EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D072INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D072OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D072FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D072INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D072INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D072OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D072OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D072SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D073VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D073GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D073DATA': ('cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D073DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D073OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D073OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D073OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D073MASK': ('cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D073WTSC': (583665.9, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D073KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D073PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D073COEF': ('cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D073XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D073YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D073LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D073EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D073INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D073OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D073FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D073INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D073INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D073OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D073OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D073SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D074VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D074GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D074DATA': ('cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D074DEXP': (275.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D074OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D074OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D074OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D074MASK': ('cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D074WTSC': (583665.9, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D074KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D074PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D074COEF': ('cos02_82_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D074XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D074YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D074LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D074EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D074INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D074OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D074FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D074INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D074INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D074OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D074OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D074SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D075VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D075GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D075DATA': ('cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D075DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D075OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D075OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D075OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D075MASK': ('cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D075WTSC': (1278398.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D075KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D075PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D075COEF': ('cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D075XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D075YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D075LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D075EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D075INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D075OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D075FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D075INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D075INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D075OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D075OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D075SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D076VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D076GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D076DATA': ('cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D076DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D076OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D076OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D076OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D076MASK': ('cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D076WTSC': (1278398.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D076KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D076PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D076COEF': ('cos02_82_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D076XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D076YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D076LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D076EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D076INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D076OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D076FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D076INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D076INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D076OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D076OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D076SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D077VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D077GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D077DATA': ('cos02_84_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D077DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D077OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D077OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D077OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D077MASK': ('cos02_84_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D077WTSC': (390733.3, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D077KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D077PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D077COEF': ('cos02_84_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D077XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D077YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D077LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D077EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D077INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D077OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D077FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D077INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D077INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D077OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D077OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D077SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D078VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D078GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D078DATA': ('cos02_84_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D078DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D078OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D078OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D078OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D078MASK': ('cos02_84_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D078WTSC': (1278475.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D078KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D078PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D078COEF': ('cos02_84_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D078XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D078YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D078LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D078EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D078INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D078OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D078FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D078INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D078INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D078OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D078OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D078SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D079VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D079GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D079DATA': ('cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D079DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D079OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D079OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D079OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D079MASK': ('cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D079WTSC': (390734.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D079KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D079PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D079COEF': ('cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D079XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D079YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D079LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D079EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D079INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D079OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D079FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D079INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D079INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D079OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D079OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D079SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D080VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D080GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D080DATA': ('cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D080DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D080OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D080OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D080OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D080MASK': ('cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D080WTSC': (390734.6, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D080KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D080PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D080COEF': ('cos02_85_f606w_1_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D080XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D080YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D080LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D080EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D080INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D080OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D080FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D080INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D080INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D080OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D080OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D080SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D081VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D081GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D081DATA': ('cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D081DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D081OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D081OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D081OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D081MASK': ('cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D081WTSC': (1278483.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D081KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D081PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D081COEF': ('cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D081XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D081YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D081LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D081EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D081INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D081OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D081FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D081INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D081INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D081OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D081OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D081SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D082VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D082GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D082DATA': ('cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D082DEXP': (407.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D082OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D082OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D082OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D082MASK': ('cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_wht2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D082WTSC': (1278483.0, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D082KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D082PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D082COEF': ('cos02_85_f606w_2_flt_coeffs1.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D082XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,2]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D082YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,2]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D082LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D082EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D082INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D082OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D082FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D082INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D082INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D082OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D082OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D082SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D083VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D083GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D083DATA': ('cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_sci1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D083DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D083OUDA': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_drz.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D083OUWE': ('tmpdir221/cos_2epoch_acs_f606w_030mas_v1.0_sect23_wht.hhh', 'Drizzle,'), 'D083OUCO': ('', 'Drizzle, output context image'), 'D083MASK': ('cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_wht1_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input weighting imag'), 'D083WTSC': (390660.8, 'Drizzle, weighting factor for input image'), 'D083KERN': ('square', 'Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel'), 'D083PIXF': (0.8, 'Drizzle, linear size of drop'), 'D083COEF': ('cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_coeffs2.dat', 'Drizzle, coefficients file name'), 'D083XGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DX,1]', 'Drizzle, X distortion image name'), 'D083YGIM': ('jref$qbu16424j_dxy.fits[DY,1]', 'Drizzle, Y distortion image name'), 'D083LAM': (555.0, 'Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation'), 'D083EXKY': ('exptime', 'Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image'), 'D083INUN': ('counts', 'Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps'), 'D083OUUN': ('cps', 'Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps'), 'D083FVAL': ('INDEF', 'Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe'), 'D083INXC': (2049.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)'), 'D083INYC': (1025.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)'), 'D083OUXC': (7001.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)'), 'D083OUYC': (7201.0, 'Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)'), 'D083SECP': (False, 'Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param'), 'D084VER': ('WDRIZZLE Version 3.4.2 (Jul 3rd 2006)', 'Drizzle, task version'), 'D084GEOM': ('Header WCS', 'Drizzle, source of geometric information'), 'D084DATA': ('cos02_86_f606w_1_flt_sci2_final.fits', 'Drizzle, input data image'), 'D084DEXP': (225.0, 'Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)'), 'D084OUDA': ('tmpdir221/