Welcome to the MAST Notebook Repository!#
This is a collection of Jupyter Notebooks, written in Python, that demonstrate methods of acccessing and analyzing data from the the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes.
Mission Acronyms#
Acronyms are defined here to eliminate any ambiguity or confusion. More details on the mission, catalog, or service are available in the corresponding links.
Mission, Catalog, or Service |
Description |
Hubble Source Catalog, a collection intended to maximize the scientific productivity of the Hubble Telescope by creating a list of visit-based sources. |
The International Ultraviolet Explorer, active from 1978 until 1996, produced over 100,000 UV spectra, which have been archived in MAST. |
James Webb Space Telescope, an infrared telescope launched in 2021. |
The original Kepler mission, which searched for exoplanets from 2009-2013. |
The extended Kepler mission, following its second reaction wheel failure in 2013. |
Community Contributed Missions are smaller in scope; at present this includes only FIMS-SPEAR, but will soon contain cubesat and balloon missions. |
Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System, a wide-field imaging survey based in Hawaii. |
Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, launched in 2018 to look for planets in orbit around nearby stars. |