Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)

Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)#

What is SDSS?#

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is an international collaboration producing wide-field imaging and high-resolution spectroscopic surveys since 1998. The SDSS Legacy Archive at MAST is the collection of science-ready SDSS data which is hosted at MAST. This includes images, spectra, catalogs and Value Added Catalogs (VACs) from all public SDSS data releases through SDSS-V.

For Further Reading#

The SDSS Legacy Archive at MAST User Manual website contains summary information, data product overviews, descriptions of MAST tools, and tutorials on how to interact with SDSS data at MAST.

For more general information relating to SDSS, the documentation is available at

Notebooks in this Chapter#



MaNGA HST Tutorial

Tutorial for how to search and download MaNGA data at MAST using astroquery.mast. Combines H-alpha emission maps from MaNGA and images from HST to make galaxy maps for for interacting galaxy pair Mrk-848B.


Tutorial for how to search and download APOGEE data at MAST using astroquery.mast. Combines infrared spectra from APOGEE and corresponding lightcurves from TESS to characterize different types of variable stars.

More SDSS notebooks will be coming soon!