JWST Duplication Checking#
As with HST, JWST observations that duplicate existing, planned, or approved observations will be allowed only if investigators provide a scientific justification in their proposal and that request is approved. Consult the JWST Duplicate Observations Policy for details. Broadly speaking, observations you are considering might duplicate observations in the current or prior cycles if your target is of the same astrophysical source, or there is significant spatial overlap of fields, and the following apply:
Similar imaging passband, or overlapping spectral range
Similar (spectral) resolution
Similar exposure depth
Observations with a different scientific instrument than one you are considering might still duplicate if the observing configuration and capabilities are similar (e.g., NIRCam and NIRISS imaging, or NIRCam and NIRSpec spectroscopy).
This notebook illustrates how to use the python package astroquery.mast to search the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) for potential duplicate observations. It is also possible to perform these searches with the MAST Portal, but often less efficiently.
Special Disclaimer#
Table of contents#
The following strategy, applied to each target or field, will identify potentially duplicative observations.
Search for common targets or fields. If no existing or planned observation coincides with your intended target, you are done.
If there is a spatial overlap, determine if the instrument(s) and observing configurations you plan to use are the same or similar to the existing observations. If there is no commonality, you are done.
If there is spatial overlap and common instruments/configuration, determine in detail the overlap in passband/spectral coverage, and exposure depth.
If there is a likely duplication for an intended target, do one of the following:
Include in your proposal a scientific case for the duplicating observation(s)
Alter your intended observation(s) in a way that does not duplicate
Choose a different target
Begin by importing some essential python packages: general utilities in astropy, and query services in astroquery.mast.
# Give the notebook cells more of the available width
from IPython.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:99% !important; }</style>"))
from astropy.table import Table, unique
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astroquery.mast import Mast
from astroquery.mast import Observations
Utility Routines#
The following utility routine will create URLs to the parent programs of matching observations.
APT_LINK = '(http://www.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/get-proposal-info?id={}&observatory=JWST)'
def get_program_URL(program_id):
Generate the URL for program status information, given a program ID.
return APT_LINK.format(program_id)
Queries by Target/Postion#
All of the queries below search for JWST observations, using a search radius larger than fields of view (FoV) of JWST apertures, to allow for the possibility that the FoV may be rotated when approved-but-unexecuted observations are actually scheduled. Your queries will typically be more efficient if you restrict your search to JWST data by including the parameter: obs_collection = "JWST"
The best approach is to use an independent source for the coordinates of your desired target, including existing JWST or HST images if any exist. Failing that, the Mast.resolve_object() method will return coordinates in the ICRS reference frame, which you can use to verify whether a target name resolves to the coordinates you intend. See the Appendix for details.
Search by Target Name#
This example shows how to query for a single target with a standard name, HD 104237 which is a T-Tauri star. We first resolve the name and verify that the coordinates are correct, using the Mast
class and the resolve_object()
# Resolve the coordinates if necessary
coords = Mast.resolve_object('HD 104237')
In this case the resolved coordinates agree with those in Simbad, so it is safe to execute a simple cone search (a search within a specified radius of a place on the sky) to find JWST existing or planned observations.
The astroquery.mast package provides the method Observations.query_criteria() to specify the parameters for the search; provide them as key=value
pairs. The full set of query parameters for this method may be found on CAOM Field Descriptions.
# If the coordinates are ok
obs = Observations.query_criteria(
objectname='HD 104237',
print('Number of matching observations: {}'.format(len(obs)))
Single Moving Target#
Moving targets, by definition, do not lend themselves to searches by position. This kind of search in MAST is limited to a modest set of solar system bodies with recognized names. Note the use of a wildcard character (*) to trigger a match, even when the target name includes other text.
obs = Observations.query_criteria(
print(f'Number of matching observations: {len(obs)}')
There are several JWST observations of Io, including some that are planned but have not executed as of the beginning of Cy-2 (i.e., calib_level = -1
). The details are in the returned table of results, the most essential of which can be viewed below.
out_cols = ['target_name', 'instrument_name', 'filters', 'calib_level', 't_exptime', 'proposal_id']
You may need to examine the specifics of the programs that obtained the observations to know whether your intended observations would duplicate. Here extend the results table with the unique Program Titles and URLs for the program status pages, which may offer clues:
obs['title'] = [x[:80] for x in obs['obs_title']]
unique(obs['proposal_id', 'title']).pprint(max_width=-1)
obs['proposal_URL'] = [get_program_URL(x) for x in obs['proposal_id']]
unique(obs['proposal_id', 'proposal_URL']).pprint(max_width=-1)
Checking a List of Targets#
It is often useful to search for individual targets with the MAST Portal because the results are easily visualized. But it is more efficient to search over a large number of targets using astroquery.mast.
Loading Targets from CSV#
For efficiency, make a CSV (comma-separated variable) list of your targets, one per row. The list can alternatively be read from a local file: just substitute the file name for targ_table
in the first argument of the Table.read()
method. The list can contain many fields, but at a minimum must contain the target name and the equitorial coordinates.
The first row of the file will be interpreted as a column name in the table. This is important.
targ_table = '''
target_name, RA, DEC, Radius, Description
Trappist-1, 23:06:29.3684948589, -05:02:29.037301866, 30s, Exoplanet host star
V* XX Cha, 11:11:39.559, -76:20:15.04, 30s, Variable star with debris disk
M 31, 00:42:44.330, +41:16:07.50, 12.0m, Andromeda Galaxy
M 57, 18:53:35.0967659112, +33:01:44.883287544, 2m, Planetary nebula
targets = Table.read(targ_table, format='ascii.csv')
Next, make new columns to hold the coordinates and ranges in units of degrees.
targets['ra_deg'] = [Angle(x+' hours').degree for x in targets['RA']]
targets['dec_deg'] = [Angle(x+' degree').degree for x in targets['DEC']]
targets['radius_deg'] = [Angle(x).degree for x in targets['Radius']]
targets['N_obs'] = 0 # field to hold the count of matched observations
It can save some effort to determine the number of JWST Observations that match each of your targets using the query_criteria_count()
method. Note that the coordinate parameters must be specified as lower and upper bounds of a range (i.e., a python list), so use the coord_ranges()
utility function.
# get the counts of each target
for t in targets:
t['N_obs'] = Observations.query_criteria_count(
coordinates=f"{t['ra_deg']} {t['dec_deg']}",
targets['target_name', 'N_obs']
Evaluating Potential Duplications#
To examine the matching Observations for the other targets in more detail, use the query_criteria()
method. Also, use a cone search (i.e., specify a coordinate pair and a radius), rather than an area search over a region in RA and Dec; see the Appendix for details. Note that a new column called “obs” is first added to the table to contain the results of the Observation search.
targets['obs'] = None
for t in targets:
t['obs'] = Observations.query_criteria(
coordinates=f"{t['ra_deg']} {t['dec_deg']}",
Targets with matching JWST Observations are examined in the following sub-sections.
Trappist-1 is a well known exo-planet host star. If the intended observations are timeseries spectroscopy, the search would naturally be limited to a small area of sky. There are a several unique JWST observations of this target, so it is important to examine the relevant details.
out_cols = ['target_name', 'instrument_name', 'filters', 't_exptime', 'proposal_id']
obs = targets[0]['obs']
You will need to examine the specifics of the programs that obtained the observations to know for certain which of the 7 known exoplanets was being observed, and therefore whether your intended observations would duplicate. Here are the unique Program Titles, which may offer clues:
obs['title'] = [x[:80] for x in obs['obs_title']]
unique(obs['proposal_id', 'title'])
The Program Status Pages offer the complete specifications for each existing program:
obs['proposal_URL'] = [get_program_URL(x) for x in obs['proposal_id']]
unique(obs['proposal_id', 'proposal_URL'])
V* XX Cha#
This pre-main-sequence star has a debris disk, and might be worth a coronagraphic observation. The search area is small (20 arcsec radius) to exclude nearby targets.
out_cols = ['target_name', 'instrument_name', 'filters', 't_exptime', 'calib_level', 'proposal_id']
obs = targets[1]['obs']
M 57#
The Ring Nebula (NGC 6720) is well observed, particularly with HST and, recently, with JWST. We searched a 4-arcmin region around the source to include potential spectral Observations in the nebular periphery. The following table shows the unique combinations of instrument configurations.
out_cols = ['target_name', 'instrument_name', 'filters', 't_exptime', 'proposal_id']
obs = targets[3]['obs']
To retain this target it would be necessary to obtain spectra in a different location, or to use a different instrument/configuration/data-taking mode (e.g., time-series of the central star). It may be helpful to see the footprints of these Observations in the MAST Portal, or to view the observation specifications in Program GO-1558.
Appendix: Caveats#
Source Name#
It is possible to search MAST for individual sources by name, in one of two ways: Object Name or by Target Name.
Object Name: MAST invokes an astrophysical name resolver (e.g., NED or Simbad) to look up source coordinates. Not all object names are recognized by resolvers. Also, different resolvers sometimes return substantially different coordinates; MAST will pick one of them (but not tell you which one). Sometimes the coordinates returned by the resolvers differ by substantial amounts, often because they refer to different sources.
A classic case is the bright star μ Eri from the Bayer Greek letter system, and the star MU Eri in the general catalog of variable stars. in MAST,
Searching for
* mu. eri
(or just plainmu eri
matches μ Eri (RA = 4:45:30.15, Dec = -3:15:16.777)Searching for
V* mu eri
matches MU Eri (RA = 2:48:10.566, Dec = -15:18:04.03)
Target Name: This search matches to target names specified by Investigators in observing proposals to refer to sources. These are not guaranteed to match standard names for astrophysical sources, and often do not.
The best approach is to use an independent source for the coordinates of your desired target. Failing that, the Mast.resolve_object() method will return coordinates in the ICRS reference frame, which you can use to verify whether a target name resolves to the coordinates you intend.
Cone Search vs Area Search#
MAST offers two basic kinds of spatial search:
cone: a region of sky defined by a pair of coordinates and a search radius (it is a “cone” in the sense that the area of the search expands as the source distance increases).
area: a region of sky bounded by ranges in each of the equitorial coordinates, RA and Dec.
These searches use different methods to identify overlaps with Observations in MAST. The cone search matches if any part of the observation aperture intersects any part of the cone. The area search matches only if the center of the observation aperture lies within the search region.
The best approach is to use a cone search centered on the coordinates of your desired target.
Additional Resources#
astropy documentation
astroquery documentation for querying MAST
Queryable fields in the MAST/CAOM database
The MAST Portal web interface
About this notebook#
This notebook was developed by Archive Sciences Branch staff. For support, please direct questions to the Archive HelpDesk at archive@stsci.edu, or through the JWST HelpDesk Portal.
Last update: 2024 Jan