PySIAF Observation Footprint Viewer#

Learning Goals#

  • Know the requirements for generating a telescope footprint

  • Create a plot of a footprint in the telescope’s reference frame

  • Create a plot of a footprint on the sky


This Notebook is a replacement for a web-based footprint viewer, and is designed as a “quick look” tool. Scientists intending to propose for Observations should use the Astronomer’s Proposal Tool (APT).

Note that since PySIAF covers only HST, JWST, and Roman, footprints for other telescopes cannot be generated using this Notebook.


  • ipyaladin plots the footprints on to a survey background

  • numpy is not listed in the import cell, but is necessary to run the selectSIAF script

  • selectSIAF is a script that uses SIAF to generate the telescope aperture names. Curious readers may wish to explore this file.

  • SIAF will translate the telescope pointing into corresponding sky footprints

  • time adds a pause to give Aladin time to load

from astroquery.mast import Mast
from ipyaladin import Aladin
from selectSIAF import defineApertures, getVertices, computeStcsFootprint

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pysiaf
import time

Select a Telescope, Instrument, and Aperture#

In order to display a fooprint, we must first select three criteria:

  1. Telescope. This must be a telescope with data in pysiaf; at present, this is HST, JWST, and Roman.

  2. Instrument. The instrument used for the observation. The valid acronyms are listed in code comments in the cell below.

  3. Aperture. For a full list of valid apertures, see the instrument documentation:

Example: Roman WFI#

In the code cell below, we’ll set some variables to hold these three selections. In this example, we’re going to plot all 18 apertures from the Roman Space Telescope’s Wide Field Instrument.

For completeness, examples for HST and JWST are available but commented out.

# define telescope, instrument, and aperture

selectedTelescope = 'roman'
selectedInstrument = 'WFI'      #Allowed options ALL, WFI, CGI
selectedAperture = 'ALL'        #Allowed options ALL or individual apertures listed in instrument documentation

# selectedTelescope = 'hst'
# selectedInstrument = 'ALL'     #Allowed options ALL, ACS, COS, FGS, NICMOS, STIS, WFC3
# selectedAperture = 'ALL'       #Allowed options ALL or individual apertures listed in instrument documentation

# selectedTelescope = 'jwst'
# selectedInstrument = 'ALL'     #Allowed options ALL, FGS, MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRSPEC, NIRISS
# selectedAperture = 'ALL'       #Allowed options ALL or individual apertures listed in instrument documentation

Configure Apertures, Telescope Coordinate System#

To simplify this Notebook, the defineApertures function from selectSIAF is essentially a lookup table, translating user-friendly instrument names into the correct corresponding apertures.

This same function also generates the correct V2Ref and V3Ref offset angles. These V2/V3 values answer the question “what angles are there between this instrument and the line-of-sight of the telescope?”. This is quite useful since, barring a catastrophic event, the instruments do not change their alignment relative to the line-of-sight.

# Set up aperture list and reference coordinates
apertureList, V2Ref, V3Ref = defineApertures(selectedTelescope, selectedInstrument, selectedAperture)

Optional: Plot Footprint in Telescope Frame#

Although not necessary to generate the final image, it is possible to plot the telescope apertures. We’ll be plotting in a coordinate system that uses the telescope’s pointing direction as (0,0); because of this, we don’t need information about the celestial target or roll angle.

Note: labels are useful for Roman WFI, but may be cluttered for other missions. You can toggle them off by setting label=False below.

# OPTIONAL : set up plot of apertures (only works for QUAD, RECT, PICK aperture shapes)

# Set up the figure
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

# iterate through apertures, then plot
for aperture in apertureList:
    # circles are not properly plotted, skip
    if aperture.AperShape!='CIRC':
        # set labels=False to remove them

# Add guide lines for boresight (V2, V3) = (0, 0)
plt.axvline(color='k', linestyle=":")
plt.axhline(color='k', linestyle=":")

# Display the plot 

Specifying a Target#

For convenience, we can use the resolve_object function from the MAST module of astroquery to get our coordinates. This isn’t necessary if you already know the exact coordinates; however, you should note that the additional formatting steps below are necessary for PySIAF and Aladin to understand your query.

# Resolve the target name to coordinates
coords = Mast.resolve_object("M101")
<SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
    (210.802429, 54.34875)>

Using MAST to resolve our target returns a skycoord object. We need two different formats to satisfy pysiaf and Aladin. pysiaf requires separate ra/dec objects, while Aladin is looking for a string containing both.

Fortunately, skycoord objects are flexible enough to handle both of these requirements with straightforward calls:

# get the values for SIAF
targetRa = coords.ra
targetDec = coords.dec

coords_str = coords.to_string()

# print out these values to check their conversions
print(f"RA:     {targetRa}\nDEC:    {targetDec}\nString: {coords_str}")
RA:     210.802429 deg
DEC:    54.34875 deg
String: 210.802 54.3488

There’s rounding in our RA/Dec as a result of our to_string() call. As we’ll see later on, we only need this string to point the Aladin viewer at the right section of the sky; a little bit of rounding won’t affect our view much.

Telescope Position Angle#

The last variable we need to set before using pysiaf is the telescope position angle. From the docstring of the attitude_matrix function:

Position angle of V3 axis at nu2,nu3 measured from North to East (default unit is degree)

In plain English, this is the telescope roll angle; with the telescope fixed on the target, it rotates around its V1 (line-of-sight) axis. Modifying this value will cause the footprints to “roll” around the target.

# can be any value between 0 and 360
telescopePositionAngle = 0

Generate The Attitude Matrix#

At this point, we’ve generated footprints in the telescope’s field of view. Now, we need to translate this into a view on the sky, in RA/Dec coordinates. This is handled by the attitude_matrix function, which is doing some matrix multiplication behind the scenes.

# Set telescope pointing matrix: "attitude matrix"
attmat = pysiaf.utils.rotations.attitude_matrix(V2Ref, V3Ref, targetRa, targetDec, telescopePositionAngle)

Calculate Sky Regions#

The final step is to convert to the IVOA Space-Time Coordinate Metadata Linear String Implementation (STS-C). Do not fear this verbose name; it’s a method of standardizing footprints in string formats. The specifics depend on the particular shape used. For the curious, the computeStcsFootprint function from selectSIAF is what calcuates these strings in this Notebook.

Since Aladin knows how to parse this format, it will be able to plot it on a sky background of our choice. It is not particularly human readable, but we’ll print it out anyway.

# Loop through aperture list  (only works for QUAD, RECT, CIRC aperture shapes)
# Transform to sky coordinates, build footprints for passing to Aladin
for apertureSiaf in apertureList:
    xVertices, yVertices = getVertices(apertureSiaf)
    # Skip PICK which do not have vertices
    if (xVertices is not None and yVertices is not None):
        skyRa, skyDec = apertureSiaf.idl_to_sky(xVertices, yVertices)
        apertureSregion = computeStcsFootprint(apertureSiaf, skyRa, skyDec)
POLYGON ICRS 210.83611985 54.33128130 210.65317562 54.39264077 210.54552436 54.28382095 210.72855928 54.22325349 POLYGON ICRS 211.05072223 54.25819775 210.87237008 54.31853478 210.76486297 54.21068717 210.94350685 54.15129373 POLYGON ICRS 211.24158252 54.19262585 211.06815350 54.25175159 210.96096136 54.14495304 211.13485997 54.08690550 POLYGON ICRS 210.68074382 54.22718974 210.49702273 54.28787302 210.38969434 54.17966469 210.57318542 54.11982216 POLYGON ICRS 210.89577811 54.15413874 210.71626733 54.21367993 210.60869595 54.10650848 210.78819725 54.04796207 POLYGON ICRS 211.08624525 54.08900017 210.91132941 54.14723080 210.80375288 54.04116784 210.97886100 53.98405158 POLYGON ICRS 210.46906894 54.14198627 210.28418989 54.20221869 210.17805932 54.09489689 210.36234379 54.03549847 POLYGON ICRS 210.68550000 54.06878215 210.50418382 54.12784112 210.39736159 54.02156548 210.57830544 53.96349864 POLYGON ICRS 210.87378208 54.00349455 210.69645028 54.06121944 210.58925428 53.95605712 210.76641343 53.89944091 POLYGON ICRS 210.95200626 54.44860507 210.76945339 54.51071823 210.66210332 54.40168389 210.84502418 54.34026467 POLYGON ICRS 211.16671093 54.37520418 210.98894642 54.43648604 210.88206544 54.32830482 211.06037612 54.26788155 POLYGON ICRS 211.35752835 54.30921677 211.18485369 54.36944444 211.07857915 54.26220998 211.25195790 54.20298264 POLYGON ICRS 211.02810428 54.57910112 210.84544465 54.64192692 210.73882446 54.53312016 210.92209700 54.47085028 POLYGON ICRS 211.24381372 54.50547064 211.06596809 54.56772380 210.96010797 54.45960998 211.13872922 54.39809161 POLYGON ICRS 211.43456012 54.43947021 211.26178129 54.50089602 211.15679431 54.39359231 211.33045072 54.33304257 POLYGON ICRS 211.04706464 54.72845668 210.86349280 54.79182324 210.75779274 54.68376145 210.94217310 54.62075705 POLYGON ICRS 211.26485655 54.65451492 211.08583395 54.71765941 210.98115060 54.61007755 211.16111466 54.54747365 POLYGON ICRS 211.45576383 54.58999831 211.28155207 54.65262883 211.17794496 54.54565907 211.35319342 54.48371078 

Initialize Aladin#

Let’s start the Aladin viewer. We’re loading a default field of view of 1 degree, with DSS as the background survey. Depending on your screen size, you may need to adjust the height (in pixels) to get the best view.

NOTE: The footprint will not show up right up away!

aladin = Aladin(height=600,fov=1, survey="P/DSS2/color", target=coords_str)

This looks great, but where’s our footprint? Well, we can only add an overlay once Aladin is already up and running.

Let’s add the footprint now:

# Pause for 2 seconds to give Aladin time to load the viewer
# Necessary when using "Run All Cells", or even just hitting 'shift+enter' fast enough

# Add the footprint with a hexcode for the color; you can also enter, e.g. "green"
aladin.add_overlay_from_stcs(combinedSregion, color="#70CBFF")

Done! Err… well, almost done. Aladin will only show the footprint when you mouse over the display or make another change to it.

Let’s change the display size from the command line to force the footprint to appear.


Done! The footprint is now visible in the Aladin window.

About this Notebook#

If you have comments or questions on this notebook, please contact us through the Archive Help Desk e-mail at

Authors: Brian McLean, Thomas Dutkiewicz
Keywords: Footprints
Last Updated: May 2024

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