WFC3/UVIS Filter Transformations with stsynphot#
Learning Goals#
By the end of this tutorial, you will:
Generate synthetic observations using
.Find color terms between WFC3/UVIS filters and non-HST filters.
Plot bandpasses to investigate various throughputs.
Table of Contents#
1. Imports
2. Select filters for the transformation
3. Define a spectrum
4. Select UVIS chips
5. Select magnitude systems
6. Generate outputs
7. Plot bandpasses
8. Conclusions
Additional Resources
About the Notebook
This notebook computes color terms between selected WFC3/UVIS filters and non-HST filters, such as Johnson-Cousins, for a user-defined reference spectrum. The terms as given are the difference between the magnitude of the spectrum in the selected non-HST filter and the corresponding UVIS filter.
This tool reproduces the methods described in section 4 of WFC3 ISR 2014-16, but will automatically use the latest available spectra and throughput tables.
requires access to data distributed by the Calibration Data Reference System (CRDS) in order to operate. Both packages look for an environment variable called PYSYN_CDBS
to find the directory containing these data.
Users can obtain these data files from the CDRS. Information on how to obtain the most up-to-date reference files (and what they contain) can be found here. An example of how to download the files with curl
and set up this environment variable is presented below.
For detailed instructions on how to install and set up these packages, see the synphot and stsynphot documentation.
1. Imports#
This notebook assumes you have created the virtual environment in WFC3 notebooks’ installation instructions.
We import:
os for setting environment variables
tarfile for extracting a .tar archive
numpy for handling array functions
pandas for managing data
matplotlib.pyplot for plotting data
astropy.units and synphot.units for handling units
synphot and stsynphot for evaluating synthetic photometry
Additionally, we will need to set the PYSYN_CDBS
environment variable before importing stsynphot. We will also create a Vega spectrum using synphot’s inbuilt from_vega()
method, as the latter package will supercede this method’s functionality and require a downloaded copy of the latest Vega spectrum to be provided.
import os
import tarfile
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.units as u
import synphot.units as su
import synphot as syn
from synphot import Observation
%matplotlib inline
vegaspec = syn.SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
This section obtains the WFC3 throughput component tables for use with stsynphot
. This step only needs to be done once. If these reference files have already been downloaded, this section can be skipped.
cmd_input = 'curl -O'
Once the downloaded is complete, extract the file and set the environment variable PYSYN_CDBS
to the path of the trds
subdirectory. The next cell will do this for you, as long as the .tar
file downloaded above has not been moved.
tar_archive = 'hlsp_reference-atlases_hst_multi_everything_multi_v11_sed.tar'
extract_to = 'hlsp_reference-atlases_hst_multi_everything_multi_v11_sed'
with, 'r') as tar:
os.environ['PYSYN_CDBS'] = 'hlsp_reference-atlases_hst_multi_everything_multi_v11_sed/grp/redcat/trds/'
Now, after having set up PYSYN_CDBS
, we import stsynphot. A warning regarding the Vega spectrum is expected here.
import stsynphot as stsyn
2. Select filters for the transformation#
Define the filters to use for computing the transformation. One filter should be a UVIS filter, and the other a non-HST filter such as a Johnson-Cousins filter.
Filter names should be input as a list of tupled strings. Each tuple represents a pair of filters to convert between, and should contain the non-HST filter as the first element, and the UVIS filter as the second.
For non-HST filters, the filter system be included in the string, separated from the filter name by a comma (e.g. 'johnson, v'
or 'sdss, g'
). The available non-HST filters are listed here:
System |
Bands |
cousins |
r, i |
galex |
nuv, fuv |
johnson |
u, b, v, r, i, j, k |
landolt |
u, b, v, r, i |
sdss |
u, g, r, i, z, |
stromgren |
u, v, b, y |
Furthermore, Johnson-Cousins filters with corresponding UVIS filters are listed here:
Johnson-Cousins Filter |
UVIS Filter |
U |
F336W |
B |
F475W |
V |
F555W/F606W |
I |
F814W |
A summary of the UVIS filters, with descriptions, is available in Section 6.5.1 of the WFC3 Instrument Handbook
The notebook is currently set up to return the color terms between the V and I Johnson-Cousins filters, and corresponding UVIS filters.
filter_pairs = [('johnson, v', 'f555w'), ('cousins, i', 'f814w')]
3. Define a spectrum#
Define a spectrum to get color terms for. Some common options are embedded below. A wide array of reference spectra are available for download from spectral atlases located here.
# Blackbody (5000 K)
blackbody_temperature = 5000 * u.K
model = syn.models.BlackBody1D(blackbody_temperature)
source_spectrum = syn.SourceSpectrum(model)
# Power law
pl_index = 0
model = syn.models.PowerLawFlux1D(amplitude=flux_in, x_0=wl_in, alpha=pl_index)
source_spectrum = syn.SourceSpectrum(model)
# Load from a FITS table (e.g. a CALSPEC spectrum)
source_spectrum = syn.SourceSpectrum.from_file('/path/to/your/spectrum.fits')
Currently, the notebook is configured to use a 5000 K blackbody spectrum.
blackbody_temperature = 5000 * u.K
model = syn.models.BlackBody1D(blackbody_temperature)
source_spectrum = syn.SourceSpectrum(model)
4. Select UVIS chips#
Quantum efficiency differences between the two UVIS chips mean that you must specify which chips to use for computing color terms. Simply set the chip you would like to use to True
and the other to False
, or set both to True
if you would like coefficients for both.
use_uvis1 = True
use_uvis2 = True
chips = [use_uvis1, use_uvis2]
5. Select magnitude systems#
Select which magnitude systems you would like color terms to be provided for. Set those you would like to True
and others to False
ABMAG = True
STMAG = True
mags = [('ABMAG', u.ABmag, ABMAG), ('STMAG', u.STmag, STMAG), ('VEGAMAG', su.VEGAMAG, VEGAMAG)]
6. Generate outputs#
Generate a data frame containing the color terms for the inputs you have specified.
First, let’s define the column names for the output table, and a list to fill with table rows.
cols = ['Filter Pair', 'Chip']
rows = []
Then, append the names of magnitude systems being used.
for name, _, toggle in mags:
if toggle:
cols.append(f'{name} Color Term')
Next, iterate over filter pairs. For each filter pair, this loop will:
generate observation mode strings, bandpasses, and observations
calculate the color term and append it
append filters, chip, and color term as a row to
for pair in filter_pairs:
comparison_filter, uvis_filter = pair # Unpack filters
filt_str = comparison_filter + ' - ' + uvis_filter
for i, toggle in enumerate(chips):
if not toggle:
chip_str = 'UVIS' + str(i + 1)
# Generate observation mode strings, bandpasses, observations
comparison_obsmode = comparison_filter
uvis_obsmode = 'wfc3, ' + chip_str + ', ' + uvis_filter
comparison_bp =
uvis_bp =
comparison_observation = Observation(source_spectrum, comparison_bp)
uvis_observation = Observation(source_spectrum, uvis_bp)
row = [filt_str, chip_str] # Append filters and chip to row
for name, unit, toggle in mags:
if not toggle:
comparison_countrate = comparison_observation.effstim(flux_unit=unit, vegaspec=vegaspec)
uvis_countrate = uvis_observation.effstim(flux_unit=unit, vegaspec=vegaspec)
color = comparison_countrate - uvis_countrate # Find color term
row.append(f'{color.value:.3f}') # Append color term
rows.append(row) # Append row to list of rows
Finally, generate and return the output table.
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=cols)
If you wish to save the output table as a .txt file, please uncomment and execute the code block below.
# df.to_csv('your/path/here.txt', sep='\t')
7. Plot bandpasses#
It can be nice to see your selected bandpass pairs plotted with each other. The cell below will generate a figure with subplots for each filter pair specified above, as well as the relevant portion of the spectrum you’ve defined, all normalized to fit on the same axes.
Note: For the purposes of these plots, the non-HST bandpass and spectrum have been scaled to the amplitude of the HST bandpass, which reflects the actual total system throughput as a function of wavelength.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(filter_pairs), sharey=True, figsize=(4*len(filter_pairs), 5)) # Instantiate subplots
for i, pair in enumerate(filter_pairs):
f1, f2 = pair
bp1 =
bp2 ='wfc3, uvis1,' + f2)
# Create wavelength array for subplot based on average bandpass wavelength and width
avgwave = (bp1.avgwave().to(u.nm) + bp2.avgwave().to(u.nm))/2
width = (bp1.rectwidth().to(u.nm) + bp2.rectwidth().to(u.nm))/2
left = max((avgwave - 1.5 * width).value, 1)
right = (avgwave + 1.5 * width).value
wl = np.arange(left, right) * u.nm
# Normalize curves to fit on one set of axes
bp1_norm = bp1(wl) / np.max(bp1(wl)) * np.max(bp2(wl))
spec_norm = source_spectrum(wl) / np.max(source_spectrum(wl)) * np.max(bp2(wl))
# Plot bandpasses and spectrum on subplot
axs[i].plot(wl, bp1_norm, ls='--', label=f1, c='tab:blue')
axs[i].plot(wl, bp2(wl), ls='-.', label=f2, c='tab:red')
axs[i].plot(wl, spec_norm, label='source spectrum', c='tab:purple')
axs[i].set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)')
axs[i].legend(fontsize='x-small', loc='upper right')
8. Conclusions#
Thank you for walking through this notebook. Now using WFC3 data, you should be more familiar with:
Generating synthetic observations using
.Finding color terms between WFC3/UVIS filters and non-HST filters.
Ploting bandpasses to investigate various throughputs.
Congratulations, you have completed the notebook!#
Additional Resources#
Below are some additional resources that may be helpful. Please send any questions through the HST Helpdesk.
see sections 9.5.2 for reference to this notebook
About this Notebook#
Authors: Aidan Pidgeon, Jennifer Mack; WFC3 Instrument Team
Updated on: 2021-09-13
If you use numpy
, astropy
, synphot
, or stsynphot
for published research, please cite the
authors. Follow these links for more information about citing the libraries below: