HASP Data Diagnostic Notebook#

This notebook will walk you through how to examine the input spectra for the HASP coadd code and determine what was and was not included in the co-added data product output.#

Learning Goals#

By the end of this tutorial, you will:

  • Understand the reasons an input spectrum may be rejected from a co-added data product

  • Learn how to examine output logs from coadd and header keywords from COS and STIS data products to determine which datasets were rejected

  • Know how to plot co-added spectra and the constituent datasets

  • Be able to re-run coadd with the default rejection criteria turned off to create custom co-additions

Table of Contents#

0. Introduction

1. Example 1: Two COS datasets rejected for different reasons

- 1.1 Obtaining Data Products

- 1.2 Examining Output Logs

- 1.3 Plotting Constituent Spectra

- 1.4 Running coadd

2. Example 2: A STIS dataset with POSTARG offsets

- 2.1 Obtaining Data Products

- 2.2 Examining Output Logs

- 2.3 Running coadd

3. Example 3: A STIS dataset with rejected flux

- 3.1 Obtaining Data Products

- 3.2 Examining Output Logs

- 3.3 Running coadd

0. Introduction#

The Hubble Advanced Spectral Products (HASP) coadd code is a script that co-adds spectra of the same target within a program. This software is able to co-add data taken with the spectrographs onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST); the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) and the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). The Hubble Spectroscopic Legacy Archive (HSLA) uses this script to co-add these instruments’ data from The Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) to create high-quality spectra with a broad wavelength coverage (whenever possible from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared) that is publicly available for the scientific community. The script first co-adds the observations for each grating for a given visit, then it combines all gratings for the observation set. Finally, it co-adds the spectra of each observation set in the program to produce a fully co-added spectra for each target in a program. Check out the COS 2024-1 ISR for more information about the HASP script and products.

The data fed into the coadd code from each program are selected via a MAST archive search query. This query performs some filtering at the same time and rejects certain bad quality datasets. Then, the coadd script itself performs another series of checks on the input spectra before computing the co-added data products. Lastly, while coadd is running, it will check the flux of the input data in each wavelength bin for a given mode against an initial coadd that includes all input data. If the median flux of an input spectrum is lower than a given threshold against the co-add, it will be removed. coadd will iterate until no more spectra are rejected.

There are several different reasons an exposure could be rejected before the co-addition is running. These fall into three categories. First, the data in a given program may have quality issues that lead to its removal. Second, there are some observation configurations that coadd is not equipped to handle. Last, the target itself may pose an issue, such as for moving targets, or the target flux may be intrinsically variable, making the coadd flux filter reject good spectra. Finer details of these rejection criteria are summarized below:


Modes Effected

Observing Issues

Guide star acquisition failures


Observatory or detector failure events


EXPFLAG (exposure data quality flag) header keyword is anything other than ‘NORMAL’


EXPTIME (exposure time) is zero seconds


Actual exposure time is less than 80% of the planned exposure time


FGSLOCK (fine guidance system lock) is not ‘FINE’, i.e., guide star tracking was not locked


SHUTTER is closed


Observation Parameters

POSTARG1 != 0.0, i.e., there is a pointing offset


POSTARG2 != 0.0 and P1_PURPS != ‘DITHER’, i.e., there is a pointing offset not in the disperson direction


PATTERN1 = STIS-PERP-TO-SLIT and P1_FRAME = POS-TARG, i.e., there is a cross-dispersion direction pointing pattern


P1_PURPS = MOSAIC, i.e., there is a mosaic pointing offset pattern


OPT_ELEM (grating) = PRISM


APERTURE = BOA (Bright Object Aperture)


For the COS/NUV grating G230L, stripe C spectra are rejected due to vignetting


Target Parameters

Moving targets (MTFLAG = True)


Variable targets*


Extended targets*


*These are not rejected by default, but some exposures may be removed by the code’s flux checking routine.

The HSLA team chose to reject these cases after careful analysis, but understand there are always some exceptions to these rules that we do not handle. This custom co-addition notebook will show users how to find out why a dataset was rejected and how to produce their own co-adds in cases where the data are still valuable.

Please note that the format and text in the log file may change slightly as new code builds are released. This notebook was last updated in Fall 2024 to reflect such text changes in the logs.


We will be using multiple libraries to retrieve and analyze data. We will use:

  • astroquery.mast Observations to download COS and STIS data

  • pathlib.Path to create product and data directories

  • matplotlib.pyplot to plot spectra

  • numpy to perform calculations and array manipulation

  • astropy.io fits to work with FITS files

  • astropy.table Table to work with FITS tables

  • glob to work with multiple files in our directories

  • os to interact with the operating system

  • shutil to perform directory and file operations

We recommend creating a HASP-specific conda environment when co-adding spectra. You can checkout our Setup.ipynb notebook to create such an environment. Alternatively, you can also download the required dependencies to run this notebook with the terminal command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will download the dependencies that are necessary to run this current notebook. Let’s import all of our packages that we will use in this notebook and print our conda environment by running the next cell:

from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.table import vstack
from astroquery.mast import Observations

import os
import glob
import shutil
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib widget

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 6

print("Currently active conda environment:", os.environ.get("CONDA_PREFIX"))

Please make sure the environment that contains the HASP script dependencies is activated or you download the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file, otherwise you will NOT be able to run the co-add code.

We will define a function that will be utilized throughout the notebook when downloading MAST data using astroquery:

def consolidate_files(data_path):
    Consolidate all files to single directory; necessary for HASP script run.
    str data_path : ./mastDownload/HST folders paths; files to be moved here
    None. Files moved to data_path and data_path/products.
    The ./mastDownload/HST directory is deleted.
    # The path to all obs_id folders
    mast_path = f"{data_path}/mastDownload/HST/"
        # Check if mastDownload exists
        if not os.path.exists(mast_path):
            print(f"Directory {mast_path} doesn't exist.")
        # Get a list of the obs_id paths in mastDownload
        obs_id_dirs = os.listdir(mast_path)
        # Iterate through each obs_id folder and move the files
        for obs_id in obs_id_dirs:
            obs_id_path = os.path.join(mast_path, obs_id)
            files = glob.glob(obs_id_path + "/*fits")
            for file in files:
                file_path = Path(file)
                new_path = data_path / file_path.name
                shutil.move(file, new_path)
        # Now we can remove the mastDownload directory
        if os.path.exists(mast_path):
        # Now moving all coadd products to /data_path/products
        product_path = Path(f"{data_path}/products/")
        if not os.path.exists(product_path):
            print(f"Directory {product_path} doesn't exist.")
        coadd_files = glob.glob(f"{data_path}/*cspec.fits")
        for file in coadd_files:
            file_path = Path(file)
            new_path = product_path / file_path.name
            shutil.move(file, new_path)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Example 1: Two COS datasets rejected for different reasons#

1.1 Obtaining Data Products#

For this example, we will be looking at Program ID 12715, which observed four flux standard white dwarf stars with COS. We will use astroquery to download the calibrated and coadded datasets for this program. For a more in-depth tutorial on downloading this data, please check out the CoaddTutorial.ipynb notebook in this repository.

We will create a folder for the X1D and X1DSUM products, called ./12715, and a subfolder called products, which will store the coadded data. The log file for this coadd is also available for download on MAST, but a static version has been provided in this repository for convenience. This log file is located in ./logfiles and is called HASP_12715.out. Log files are text files that can be opened and viewed in any text editor.

# Creating directories for our data and coadded products
datadir_ex1 = Path("./12715/")
productsdir_ex1 = Path("./12715/products/")


Let’s download our datasets for this program by running the cell below:

%%capture output

# Querying and downloading calibrated products
query_ex1 = Observations.query_criteria(

prodlist_ex1 = Observations.get_product_list(

prodlist_ex1 = Observations.filter_products(
    productSubGroupDescription=["X1D", "X1DSUM"]

# Querying and downloading coadded products
query_ex1_coadds = Observations.query_criteria(

prodlist_ex1_coadds = Observations.get_product_list(

prodlist_ex1_coadds = Observations.filter_products(

# Combining the two product lists
combined_ex1 = vstack([prodlist_ex1, prodlist_ex1_coadds])

# Downloading the products

# Organizing the files 
with open('output.txt', 'a') as file:

Now we will use glob to make a list of every X1D file available in MAST for this PID. We will print out a table of some table information on the program:

allfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir_ex1, '*_x1d.fits'))
print('rootname  target  visit  grating')

for x1d in sorted(allfiles):
    hdr0 = fits.getheader(x1d, ext=0)
    print(hdr0['rootname'], hdr0['targname'],
          hdr0['obset_id'], hdr0['opt_elem'])

print(f"N files from MAST = {len(allfiles)}")

1.2 Examining Output Logs and Headers#

Now lets open the coadd output log to see which files were used in the coadd.

# Set up path to the coadd log file
logfile = './logfiles/HASP_12715.out'

with open(logfile, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:

As stated in the introduction, files can be removed from the co-added products in three steps. First, some files are excluded via a MAST archive query before they are even fed into coadd. Everything in the log file above the line that states HASP version X.X is output from this query. So, in this example, we can see that all but one of the files from MAST were fed into the coadd script. The rootname of the file (lbui11faq) and the reason for its removal by MAST are shown and we will take a closer look at the reason later. The rest of the log file gives the output from coadd itself. The coadd script output will indicate when a file is removed, giving both the filename and the reason, below the line that states Ullyses version X.X.X. Typically, data with observing issues are removed by the MAST query, while observation or target parameter issues are removed in coadd. Looking through the log file, we can see 9 other files were removed by coadd in this program:

File ...lbui51l6q_x1d.fits removed from products because FGSLOCK = FINE/GYRO 
File ...lbui51lcq_x1d.fits removed from products because FGSLOCK = FINE/GYRO 
File ...lbui51lrq_x1d.fits removed from products because FGSLOCK = FINE/GYRO 
File ...lbui51ltq_x1d.fits removed from products because FGSLOCK = FINE/GYRO 
File ...lbui51lvq_x1d.fits removed from products because FGSLOCK = FINE/GYRO 
File ...lbui51m5q_x1d.fits removed from products because FGSLOCK = FINE/GYRO 
File ...lbui51m7q_x1d.fits removed from products because FGSLOCK = FINE/GYRO 
File ...lbui51mbq_x1d.fits removed from products because FGSLOCK = FINE/GYRO 
File ...lbui51mdq_x1d.fits removed from products because FGSLOCK = FINE/GYR0 

This program does not have any data that is removed by the coadd flux checker. If a dataset is removed, it will be printed with lines such as:

Using a maximum SNR of 20 in flux-based filtering \
Segment #1 from file ...lede16w8q_x1d.fits has scaled median = -54.04932196288165 \
Removing file ...lede16w8q_x1d.fits from product

Next, we will write a function to parse the output logs and return lists of the files that were rejected.

def find_rejects(logpath, pid, listofallfiles):
    This function parses the coadd output log file to make a list of files that
    were input to the coadd script. The function uses the PID to find the lines
    that are listed like so in the log file:
        Creating list of unique modes from these files:
        ...lbui01e7s_x1d.fits WD0947+857 COS FUV G140L PSA 12715 (12715, '01')
        ...lbui50r5q_x1d.fits WD0308-565 COS FUV G140L PSA 12715 (12715, '50')
    Then, it compares that to the list of every file from the program that you
    download from MAST. The difference in the two lists are the rejected files.

    It looks through the log for files that were rejected by the flux checker.
    This searches for lines that are printed like so in the log file:
        Removing file ...lede16w8q_x1d.fits from product
    Because a file can be removed more than once in the creation of different
    level data products, the list returned will only include unique entries.

        logname (string): Path to the coadd output log file
        pid (string): Proposal ID of the program
        listofallfiles (list of strings): list of every path+filename program

        prerejectedfiles (list of str): list of files rejected by MAST query
                                        or coadd before computations began
        fluxrejectedfiles (list of str): list of files rejected by flux checker

    # Open output log and make a list of rootnames that were used in the coadd
    # Also search for rootnames that were rejected by the flux checker
    with open(logpath, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    coaddedfiles = []
    fluxrejectedfiles = []
    for line in lines:
        if ('...' in line.strip()) and ('('+pid+',' in line.strip()):
        if 'Removing file' in line.strip():

    # Compare coadd list against list of all files in PID downloaded from MAST
    prerejectedfiles = []
    for filepath in listofallfiles:
        root = filepath.split('/')[-1]
        if root not in coaddedfiles:

    return prerejectedfiles, np.unique(fluxrejectedfiles)
# Run find_rejects and print the output
listofprerejects, listoffluxrejects = find_rejects(logfile, '12715', allfiles)
print('Files removed before co-addition:')
[print(f"{file}") for file in sorted(listofprerejects)]
print(f'Files removed by flux checker: {sorted(listoffluxrejects)}')
print(f'Number of files removed before co-addition = {len(listofprerejects)}')
print(f'Number of files removed by flux checker = {len(listoffluxrejects)}')

We can see 10 files were removed before the co-addition computations were started, and none were removed during the run by the flux checker. We already knew the files in Visit 51 were removed by coadd (and why) by looking at the output log above. The file from Visit 11 (lbui11faq_x1d.fits) was removed by the MAST query due to “low quality.” We can investigate the rejections from both visits further by inspecting the header keywords of the input spectra.

In the following cell, we make a function to read the file headers for each input spectrum. Most of the reasons for rejection that are listed in the Introduction section can be found either in the primary or first extension headers. This function can be used to inspect both COS and STIS extracted data, both x1d or sx1 files. Note that some keywords, such as those describing the offset patterns, are only included in STIS files.

There are a few other keywords not listed in the Introduction that are useful to assess as well. These include the quality comments (QUALCOM1, QUALCOM2, QUALCOM3), the file date (DATE), and calibration software version (CAL_VER).

The quality comments can hold information about the quality of a dataset. For example, they may have phrases like Guide star acquisition failed. Actual guide mode is gyro or COS internal shutter closed. No counts in exposure. If there is nothing to note for the dataset, the quality comments will be blank, but note that sometimes this can be inaccurate, as it relies on PIs to file problem reports. For STIS, these keys are in the x1d or sx1 file headers. For COS, they are located in the x1dsum files that CalCOS creates, which are the sum of FP-POS exposures for a given observing mode in each visit. While these keywords do exist in COS x1d files, they will only be populated with comments in the x1dsums. To find the x1dsum file for these observations, we can use the ASN_ID keyword from the x1ds.

The date the file was written and the version of the software used for calibration are useful for finding datasets that are archived “statically” in MAST, meaning they are always excluded from re-calibration because doing so will crash the latest versions of the calibration pipeline. There are only a handful of statically archived datasets for COS and STIS. The reasons they need to be designated as such are usually due to detector or spacecraft issues that need very specialized processing, and this is not always captured in the quality comments. Therefore, we do not recommend using these datasets in co-adds.

def readheaders(prerejectedfiles, datadir):
    This function goes through a list of the pre-rejected files and prints the 
    x1d header information about data quality. Some of these quality comments 
    can describe issues that might have occured during the observation. 
        prerejectedfiles (list of strings): list of rejected filenames
        datadir (str): path to x1d/sx1/x1dsum files

    for badfile in sorted(prerejectedfiles):
        badfilepath = os.path.join(datadir, badfile)
        # Open the 0th and 1st ext. headers to get data quality info
        hdr0 = fits.getheader(badfilepath, ext=0)
        hdr1 = fits.getheader(badfilepath, ext=1)

        # Note that header keywords differ between COS and STIS
        ins = hdr0['INSTRUME']

        # print lots of keywords
        print(f"Exposure time = {hdr1['EXPTIME']}")
        # These keywords doesn't exist in STIS data
        if ins == 'COS':
            print(f"Planned exposure time = {hdr1['PLANTIME']}")
            print(f"Shutter = {hdr0['SHUTTER']}")
        print(f"Aperture used = {hdr0['APERTURE']}")
        print(f"Grating used = {hdr0['OPT_ELEM']}")
        print(f"Exposure flag = {hdr1['EXPFLAG']}")
        print(f"Fine guiding lock = {hdr1['FGSLOCK']}")
        print(f"POSTARG1 / POSTARG2 = {hdr0['POSTARG1']} / {hdr0['POSTARG2']}")
        # These keywords are not present in COS x1d data
        if ins == 'STIS':
            print(f"Offset pattern = {hdr0['PATTERN1']}")
            print(f"P1 frame = {hdr0['P1_FRAME']}")
            print(f"P1 purpose = {hdr0['P1_PURPS']}")
            print('Quality comments')
            print(f"    COM1 = {hdr0['QUALCOM1']}")
            print(f"    COM2 = {hdr0['QUALCOM2']}")
            print(f"    COM3 = {hdr0['QUALCOM3']}")
        # Find the x1dsum for the COS data to get the quality comments
        if ins == 'COS':
            asn_id = hdr0['ASN_ID']
            x1dsum = os.path.join(datadir, asn_id.lower() + '_x1dsum.fits')
            if os.path.isfile(x1dsum):
                print(f'Quality comments from {x1dsum}')
                print('    COM1 = ' + fits.getval(x1dsum, 'QUALCOM1', ext=0))
                print('    COM2 = ' + fits.getval(x1dsum, 'QUALCOM2', ext=0))
                print('    COM3 = ' + fits.getval(x1dsum, 'QUALCOM3', ext=0))
                print('Quality comments: No x1dsum available')
        if hdr0['MTFLAG'] != 'T':
            print('Moving target? No')
            print('Moving target? Yes')
        print(f"Date file was written = {hdr0['DATE']}")
        print(f"Version of calibration software = {hdr0['OPUS_VER']}")
readheaders(listofprerejects, datadir_ex1)

Inspecting the output from the header keywords printed above, we see there is no x1dsum to inspect for lbui11faq_x1d.fits. This is unusual for COS data! We can also see that the date the file was written was in 2012, and that the version of the calibration software used to calibrate this data was from 2012. All together, this indicates that this dataset is statically archived in MAST, and so we don’t recommend using it in a co-add. To see the latest versions of the calibration pipeline software, see the HST Data Processing (HSTDP) github page.

We can also see that the quality comments are all blank for the Visit 51 datasets. We know from the output log file that these data were rejected because some of the exposure was observed using gyro guiding, which is less accurate than fine guiding that tracks targets with guide stars. Because there are no quality comments listed to indicate a target acquisition failure, this data may still be useable, and we’ll explore that next. This data is of target WD0308-565, which was also observed in Visit 50 with the same observing setup. We can compare the fluxes of the two visits to see if Visit 51’s data is alright for co-addition.

1.3 Plotting Constituent and Co-added Spectra#

# Define a function to bin the data so it will plot more clearly
def downsample_1d(myarr, factor):
    Downsample a 1D array by averaging over *factor* pixels.
    Crops right side if the shape is not a multiple of factor.
    Got this specific function from "Adam Ginsburg's python codes" on agpy

    myarr : numpy array
    factor : how much you want to rebin the array by
    xs = myarr.shape[0]
    crarr = myarr[:xs-(xs % factor)]
    dsarr = crarr.reshape(-1, factor).mean(axis=1)
    return dsarr
filename = 'hst_12715_cos_wd0308-565_cg140l-g130m-g160m_lbui50_cspec.fits'

# Set up a path to the visit 50 level co-added data product for this target
coaddfile = os.path.join(datadir_ex1, 'products', filename)
coadddata = fits.getdata(coaddfile)

# Proactively set sample factor to 6, which is size of COS resolution element
# For STIS, this is 2
samplefactor = 6

# The visit we want to plot
visit_to_plot = "51"

# Get the wavelength and flux data for the co-added file
wavelength = coadddata['wavelength'][0]
flux = coadddata['flux'][0]

# Set up the plot

# Plot the constiuent spectra
for x1d in sorted(allfiles):
    # First check that the file is for the correct visit
    visit_id = fits.getval(x1d, 'obset_id', ext=0)
    if visit_id == visit_to_plot:
        x1ddata = fits.getdata(x1d)
        subwave = x1ddata['wavelength'][0]
        subflux = x1ddata['flux'][0]
        plt.plot(downsample_1d(subwave, samplefactor),
                 downsample_1d(subflux, samplefactor),
                 label=fits.getval(x1d, 'rootname', ext=0),

# Overplot the co-add
plt.plot(downsample_1d(wavelength, samplefactor),
         downsample_1d(flux, samplefactor),
         label='visit 50 co-add',

# Format the plot by adding titles
targ = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'TARGNAME', ext=0)
pid = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'PROPOSID', ext=0)
ins = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'INSTRUME', ext=0)

plt.title(f'{targ} - {ins} - PID {pid}')
plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]')
plt.ylabel(r'Flux [$erg\ s^{-1}\ cm^{-2}\ \AA^{-1}$]')

# Show the plot below

Use the interactive features in the top left corner to zoom in on a region of continuum in the plot above. The zoom button looks like a square and allows you to select a rectangular region on the plot to enlarge. We see no systematic difference in the data from Visit 51 compared to the co-added data in Visit 50, so let’s add the Visit 51 data into the co-add.

1.4 Re-running coadd#

Now that we know which data we want to use in the custom co-add, we must create a new directory with all the data from Visits 50 and 51. We will feed coadd the data from this new directory from its wrapper script. Running coadd this way essentially skips the filtering that the MAST query applies, but coadd itself still has some internal data quality checks, as mentioned above, so we will need to turn those off. If there is data you still want coadd exclude that was filtered before, be sure to not put those in the data directory!

The following cell is the call to coadd via its wrapper. The -i parameter is the input directory you just made. -o is the directory that will contain the newly created co-added products. The -k turns off the data quality filtering. There is more information about this in our Setup.ipynb notebook.

# Set up the path to your new data directory
finaldatadir = os.path.join(datadir_ex1, 'newcoadddata')
os.makedirs(finaldatadir, exist_ok=True)

# Copy all the data from visits 50 and 51 into it
filestocopy = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir_ex1, '*50*_x1d.fits'))\
            + glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir_ex1, '*51*_x1d.fits'))

[shutil.copy(file, finaldatadir) for file in filestocopy]

# Make an output directory
os.makedirs(os.path.join(datadir_ex1, 'newcoadddata', 'products'), exist_ok=True)

To call coadd, we use the ! to run from the command line. The directories here must be printed out in full - don’t use variable names:

%%capture output

!swrapper -i ./12715/newcoadddata -o ./12715/newcoadddata/products -k
with open('output.txt', 'a') as file:

Replot the co-added data#

# Clear the older plot

coadd_filename = 'hst_12715_cos_wd0308-565_cg140l-g130m-g160m_lbui_cspec.fits'

# Plot the old coadd
oldcoaddfile = os.path.join(datadir_ex1, 'products', coadd_filename)
oldcoadddata = fits.getdata(oldcoaddfile)
oldwavelength = oldcoadddata['wavelength'][0]
oldflux = oldcoadddata['flux'][0]

plt.plot(downsample_1d(oldwavelength, samplefactor),
         downsample_1d(oldflux, samplefactor),
         label='old coadd',

# Plot the new coadd
newcoaddfile = os.path.join(finaldatadir, 'products', coadd_filename)
newcoadddata = fits.getdata(newcoaddfile)
newwavelength = newcoadddata['wavelength'][0]
newflux = newcoadddata['flux'][0]

plt.plot(downsample_1d(newwavelength, samplefactor),
         downsample_1d(newflux, samplefactor),
         label='new coadd',

targ = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'TARGNAME', ext=0)
pid = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'PROPOSID', ext=0)
ins = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'INSTRUME', ext=0)

plt.title(f'{targ} - {ins} - PID {pid}')
plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]')
plt.ylabel(r'Flux [$erg\ s^{-1}\ cm^{-2}\ \AA^{-1}$]')

# Show the plot below

Let’s also plot the signal-to-noise to see the improvement.

# Clear the older plot

# Plot the old coadd SNR
oldsnr = oldcoadddata['snr'][0]
plt.plot(downsample_1d(oldwavelength, samplefactor),
         downsample_1d(oldsnr, samplefactor),
         label='old coadd',

# Plot the new coadd SNR
newsnr = newcoadddata['snr'][0]
plt.plot(downsample_1d(newwavelength, samplefactor),
         downsample_1d(newsnr, samplefactor),
         label='new coadd',

plt.title(f'{targ} - {ins} - PID {pid}')
plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]')

# Show the plot below

We can tell from the plot above that the SNR is much improved by adding the Visit 51 data into the co-add!

Example 2: A STIS dataset with POSTARG offsets#

2.1 Obtaining Data Products#

For the next example, we will look at Program ID 16655, a STIS program that observed the star Betelgeuse with the E230M grating centered on the target and at POSTARGs +/-0.25 mas and +/- 0.5 mas. Each visit in the programs contains the same spatial scan in the pattern +0.5 mas, -0.5 mas, centered, +0.25 mas, -0.25 mas. coadd will co-add the centered datasets in each visit, but will reject the other datasets with POSTARGs.

We will again use astroquery to download the dataproducts for this program. We will create a folder for the X1D products, called ./16655, and a subfolder called products, which will store the downloaded coadded data. The log file for this program is named HASP_16655.out.

# Creating directories for our data and coadded products
datadir_ex2 = Path("./16655/")
productsdir_ex2 = Path("./16655/products/")

%%capture output

# Querying and downloading calibrated products
query_ex2 = Observations.query_criteria(

prodlist_ex2 = Observations.get_product_list(

prodlist_ex2 = Observations.filter_products(

# Querying and downloading coadded products
query_ex2_coadds = Observations.query_criteria(

prodlist_ex2_coadds = Observations.get_product_list(

prodlist_ex2_coadds = Observations.filter_products(

# Combining the two product lists
combined_ex2 = vstack([prodlist_ex2, prodlist_ex2_coadds])

# Downloading the products

# Organizing the files 
with open('output.txt', 'a') as file:

Now let’s print some table information from our datasets:

allfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir_ex2, '*_x1d.fits'))
print('rootname  target  visit  grating')

for x1d in sorted(allfiles):
    hdr0 = fits.getheader(x1d, ext=0)
    print(hdr0['rootname'], hdr0['targname'],
          hdr0['obset_id'], hdr0['opt_elem'])

print(f'N files from MAST = {len(allfiles)}')

2.2 Examining Output Logs and Headers#

Let’s look at the log next.

# Set up path to the coadd log file
logfile = './logfiles/HASP_16655.out'

with open(logfile, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:

We can see that two files were removed by the MAST query and that many other files were removed from the co-add because of POSTARG offsets, as expected. There are also some files that were removed later by the flux checker. Let’s see which files, and how many were rejected next.

# Use the find_rejects function to make list of pre-rejected files
listofprerejects, listoffluxrejects = find_rejects(logfile, '16655', allfiles)
print(f'Files removed before co-addition: {sorted(listofprerejects)}')
print(f'Files removed by flux checker: {sorted(listoffluxrejects)}')
print(f'Number of files removed before co-addition = {len(listofprerejects)}')
print(f'Number of files removed by flux checker = {len(listoffluxrejects)}')

Next, look in the x1d headers to find the exposure information and quality comments.

readheaders(listofprerejects, datadir_ex2)

Looking through this output, we can see there are two datasets from Visit 01 (oen701030_x1d.fits and oen701040_x1d.fits) that had failed target acquisitions and were removed from the co-add. The quality comments tell us the aperture door was closed through the whole exposure, so no useful data was taken. The rest of the datasets were rejected because of the POSTARG offsets, as we already knew, and there are no other quality issues.

This leaves only five datasets that were included in the call to create the default versions of the data products: oen702030_x1d.fits, oen703030_x1d.fits, oen704030_x1d.fits, oen705030_x1d.fits, and oen751030_x1d.fits. However, the data in Visits 2, 3, 4, and 5 were later removed by the flux checker. Since this program was designed to probe Betelgeuse’s recent flux variability, it makes sense that some of the fluxes may indeed be flagged for removal. In the custom co-add runs we perform next, we can set flags to ignore the POSTARG and flux filtering.

2.3 Running coadd#

The structure of the program is such that each visit observed Betelgeuse at many POSTARG positions using the same gratings. The spatial scanning pattern is uniform, and so a user may wish to create co-adds of the spectra observed at each pointing position across all the visits. To co-add these, we can follow the same steps as in Section 1.4, but set up five different directories for each pointing position. We’ll create the directories:


Contains Datasets


oen702010_x1d.fits, oen703010_x1d.fits, oen704010_x1d.fits, oen705010_x1d.fits, oen751010_x1d.fits


oen702040_x1d.fits, oen703040_x1d.fits, oen704040_x1d.fits, oen705040_x1d.fits, oen751040_x1d.fits


oen702030_x1d.fits, oen703030_x1d.fits, oen704030_x1d.fits, oen705030_x1d.fits, oen751030_x1d.fits


oen702050_x1d.fits, oen703050_x1d.fits, oen704050_x1d.fits, oen705050_x1d.fits, oen751050_x1d.fits


oen702020_x1d.fits, oen703020_x1d.fits, oen704020_x1d.fits, oen705020_x1d.fits, oen751020_x1d.fits

Note that we’ll still need to exclude the Visit 01 data that was rejected from the MAST query, as that step is bypassed when we run coadd from a local folder. Like in the first example, we add the flag -k to the call to turn off the POSTARG filtering. This time, we’ll also add -t -99999 to set the flux checking threshold. Setting this to a very large negative number will essentially override the flux filtering that coadd performs.

# Get a list of all files in the directory
allfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir_ex2, '*.fits'))

# Sort through all the files based on POSTARG value
postvals = ['-0.05', '-0.025', '0.0', '0.025', '0.05']
for val in postvals:
    # Make a list of files all with the same POSTARG values
    postarglist = []
    for myfile in allfiles:
        postarg = fits.getval(myfile, 'POSTARG1')
        visitid = fits.getval(myfile, 'OBSET_ID')
        if (str(postarg) == val) and (visitid != '01'):

    # Make new directories for each list
    finaldatadir = os.path.join(datadir_ex2, f'newcoadddata_p{val}')
    os.makedirs(finaldatadir, exist_ok=True)

    # Copy this list into a new directory to coadd from
    for file in postarglist:
        print(f'Copying {file} to {finaldatadir}')
        shutil.copy(file, finaldatadir)

    # Create output directories for the new coadds
    productdir = os.path.join(datadir_ex2, f'newcoadddata_p{val}', 'products')
    os.makedirs(productdir, exist_ok=True)

Run coadd for all the new directories:

%%capture output

!swrapper -i ./16655/newcoadddata_p-0.05 -o ./16655/newcoadddata_p-0.05/products -k -t -999
!swrapper -i ./16655/newcoadddata_p-0.025 -o ./16655/newcoadddata_p-0.025/products -k -t -999
!swrapper -i ./16655/newcoadddata_p0.0 -o ./16655/newcoadddata_p0.0/products -k -t -999
!swrapper -i ./16655/newcoadddata_p0.025 -o ./16655/newcoadddata_p0.025/products -k -t -999
!swrapper -i ./16655/newcoadddata_p0.05 -o ./16655/newcoadddata_p0.05/products -k -t -999
with open('output.txt', 'a') as file:

Now that data products have been made for all the datasets, we can plot the results.

# Clear the older plot

# Set sample factor to 2, which is size of STIS resolution element
samplefactor = 2

# Plot the coadds
for val in postvals:
    coadd_filename = 'hst_16655_stis_hd39801_e230m_oen7_cspec.fits'
    coaddfile = f"{datadir_ex2}/newcoadddata_p{val}/products/{coadd_filename}"
    label = f"{str(float(val) * 10)} mas"

    coadddata = fits.getdata(coaddfile)
    wavelength = coadddata['wavelength'][0]
    flux = coadddata['flux'][0]

    plt.plot(downsample_1d(wavelength, samplefactor),
             downsample_1d(flux, samplefactor),

    targ = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'TARGNAME', ext=0)
    pid = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'PROPOSID', ext=0)
    ins = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'INSTRUME', ext=0)

    plt.title(f'{targ} - {ins} - PID {pid}')
    plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]')
    plt.ylabel(r'Flux [$erg\ s^{-1}\ cm^{-2}\ \AA^{-1}$]')

# Show the plot below
# Also plot the SNR
# Clear the older plot

# Plot the coadds
for val in postvals:
    coadd_filename = 'hst_16655_stis_hd39801_e230m_oen7_cspec.fits'
    coaddfile = f"{datadir_ex2}/newcoadddata_p{val}/products/{coadd_filename}"
    label = f"{str(float(val) * 10)} mas"

    coadddata = fits.getdata(coaddfile)
    wavelength = coadddata['wavelength'][0]
    snr = coadddata['snr'][0]
    plt.plot(downsample_1d(wavelength, samplefactor),
             downsample_1d(snr, samplefactor),

    targ = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'TARGNAME', ext=0)
    pid = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'PROPOSID', ext=0)
    ins = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'INSTRUME', ext=0)

    plt.title(f'Betelgeuse - {ins} - PID {pid}')
    plt.ylim(0, 300)
    plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]')

# Show the plot below

We can see from these plots that the flux and SNR decrease the further away from the center of the star you get.

Example 3: A STIS dataset with flux rejection#

3.1 Obtaining Data Products#

For the next example, we will at Program ID 16196, a COS and STIS program that observed MRK-817.

We will again use astroquery to download the dataproducts for this program. We will create a folder called ./16655 for the 1D extracted COS and STIS spectra (x1ds and sx1s) for all visits in this program, as well as the x1dsums for the COS data. We will also create a subfolder called products, which will store the downloaded coadded data. The log file for this program is named HASP_16196.out.

# Creating directories for our data and coadded products
datadir_ex3 = Path("./16196/")
productsdir_ex3 = Path("./16196/products/")

%%capture output

# Querying and downloading calibrated products
query_ex3 = Observations.query_criteria(
    provenance_name=["CALSTIS", "CALCOS"],

prodlist_ex3 = Observations.get_product_list(

prodlist_ex3 = Observations.filter_products(
    project=["CALSTIS", "CALCOS"],
    productSubGroupDescription=["X1D", "X1DSUM", "SX1"]

# Querying and downloading coadded products
query_ex3_coadds = Observations.query_criteria(

prodlist_ex3_coadds = Observations.get_product_list(

prodlist_ex3_coadds = Observations.filter_products(

# Combining the two product lists
combined_ex3 = vstack([prodlist_ex3, prodlist_ex3_coadds])

# Downloading the products

# Organizing the files 
with open('output.txt', 'a') as file:
# Use `glob` to make a list of every x1d file available in MAST for this PID
# Then print out a table of some table info on the program
# Note that this program has both x1d and sx1 extracted data products!
allfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir_ex3, '*_x1d.fits'))\
         + glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir_ex3, '*_sx1.fits'))
print('rootname  target  visit  grating')
for myfile in sorted(allfiles):
    hdr0 = fits.getheader(myfile, ext=0)
    print(hdr0['rootname'], hdr0['targname'],
          hdr0['obset_id'], hdr0['opt_elem'])
print(f'N files from MAST = {len(allfiles)}')

3.2 Examining Output Logs#

# Set up path to the coadd log file
logfile = './logfiles/HASP_16196.out'

with open(logfile, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
# Use find_rejects function from first example to make a list of rejected files
listofprerejects, listoffluxrejects = find_rejects(logfile, '16196', allfiles)
print('Files removed before co-addition:')
[print(f"{file}") for file in sorted(listofprerejects)]
print(f'Files removed by flux checker: {sorted(listoffluxrejects)}')
print(f'Number of files removed before co-addition = {len(listofprerejects)}')
print(f'Number of files removed by flux checker = {len(listoffluxrejects)}')

As you can see, many files were removed before the co-add began, and many more were removed by the flux checker! If you’re curious, we can also look through the headers for the rejected files too.

# Check out the headers of the files for quality
readheaders(listofprerejects, datadir_ex3)

Taking a glance at the output in the cell above, we can see that many files have data quality issues. We can create a co-add with the data quality filtering left on, but the flux checker turned off. These types of data products can be useful in cases where the science doesn’t depend on the accuracy of the data’s absolute flux.

3.3 Running coadd#

Since we want to co-add everything again, just without the flux filtering, we don’t need to make a new data sub-directory. We should change the output directory name so that the original co-adds are not overwritten. We run coadd similarly to Section 1.4, but this time with just the -t -999 flag.

# Set up the path to your data directory
finaldatadir = os.path.join(datadir_ex3, 'products_nofluxfilter')

# Make on output directory
os.makedirs(finaldatadir, exist_ok=True)

And now we run coadd:

%%capture output

!swrapper -i ./16196/ -o ./16196/products_nofluxfilter -t -999
with open('output.txt', 'a') as file:

Because of the number of datasets, this co-add takes much longer to compute. Once it’s done, we can plot the results.

# Clear the older plot

fn = 'hst_16196_cos-stis_mrk-817_g130m-g160m-sg230l-g430l-g750l_lede_cspec.fits'

# Plot the old coadd
oldcoaddfile = os.path.join(datadir_ex3, 'products', fn)
oldcoadddata = fits.getdata(oldcoaddfile)
oldwavelength = oldcoadddata['wavelength'][0]
oldflux = oldcoadddata['flux'][0]

plt.plot(downsample_1d(oldwavelength, samplefactor),
         downsample_1d(oldflux, samplefactor),
         label='coadd w/ flux filter',

# Plot the new coadd
newcoaddfile = os.path.join(datadir_ex3, 'products_nofluxfilter', fn)
newcoadddata = fits.getdata(newcoaddfile)
newwavelength = newcoadddata['wavelength'][0]
newflux = newcoadddata['flux'][0]

plt.plot(downsample_1d(newwavelength, samplefactor),
         downsample_1d(newflux, samplefactor),
         label='coadd w/o flux filter',

targ = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'TARGNAME', ext=0)
pid = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'PROPOSID', ext=0)
ins = fits.getval(coaddfile, 'INSTRUME', ext=0)

plt.title(f'{targ} - {ins} - PID {pid}')
plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]')
plt.ylabel(r'Flux [$erg\ s^{-1}\ cm^{-2}\ \AA^{-1}$]')

# Show the plot below

The plot above shows that the flux is lower in the dataset made without the flux checker on. This means that the previously-rejected datasets were of lower flux. However, zooming in on some of the absorption features, we can see that the wings of some lines are broader in the dataset with no flux rejection, which can be useful in some science cases where these features are faint.

Happy co-adding!#

There are more tutorial notebooks for custom co-addition cases in this repo, check them out!#

About this Notebook#

Authors: Elaine Frazer (efrazer@stsci.edu), Sierra Gomez (sigomez@stsci.edu), Debopam Som (dsom@stsci.edu), Anna Payne (apayne@stsci.edu)

Updated on: 10/20/2024

This tutorial was generated to be in compliance with the STScI style guides and would like to cite the Jupyter guide in particular.


If you use astropy, astroquery, numpy, or matplotlib, for published research, please cite the authors. Follow these links for more information about citations:

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