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STScI HST Notebook Repository HQ
ACS Notebooks
Satellite trail detection in ACS/WFC data using acstools.findsat_mrt
ACS Linearity with Saturated Stars
Pixel-based ACS/WFC CTE Forward Model
ACS Image Reduction for Subarray Data
SBC Dark Analysis
ACS/WFC Image Reduction
Obtaining Pixel Area Maps for ACS Data
Using ACS Polarization Tools
Focus Diverse ePSFs for ACS/WFC
COS Notebooks
Setting up your computer environment for working with COS data
Downloading COS Data
Viewing COS Data
Modifying or Creating an Association File
Running the COS Data Pipeline (
Splitting COS Exposures into sub-exposures with
Filtering out COS Data taken during the Day or Night
Working with the COS Line Spread Function (LSF)
Editing the extraction boxes in a spectral extraction file (
What to do when you get an Exception Report for COS
DrizzlePac Notebooks
Improving Astrometry Using Alternate WCS Solutions
Aligning HST images to an Absolute Reference Catalog
Aligning Deep Exposures of Sparse Fields
Optimizing Image Alignment for Multiple HST Visits
TWEAKREG Tips - Using DS9 Regions for Source Inclusion/Exclusion
Optimizing the Image Sampling
Aligning HST Mosaics
Sky Matching for HST Mosaics
Satellite Trail Masking Techniques
Drizzling new WFPC2 FLT data products with chip-normalization
Installing the Hubble Advanced Spectral Products Script
Inputting User Data using the Hubble Advanced Spectral Products Script
Scaling Flux while using the Hubble Advanced Spectral Products Script
HASP Data Diagnostic Notebook
Wavelength Adjustments for Running the Hubble Advanced Spectral Products (HASP) Script
Programmatic Replacements for NICMOS Units Conversion Form
Correcting for Missing Wavecals with Cross-Correlation
Custom CCD Darks
STIS DrizzlePac Tutorial
STIS Coronagraphy Visualization Tool (v2)
Calstis 2-D CCD Data Reduction
Evaluating STIS Target Acquisitions
Viewing STIS Data
1D Spectra Extraction
Low Count Uncertainties in STIS
STIS Coronagraphic Observation Feasibility
WFC3 Notebooks
General Tools
WFC3 Image Displayer & Analyzer
Exception Report Checklist - WFC3
Processing WFC3/UVIS Data with
Using the v1.0 CTE-Correction
Masking Persistence in WFC3/IR Images
Analyzing WFC3/UVIS G280 Exoplanet Transit Observations
WFC3/IR Time Variable Background (TVB)
WFC3/IR IMA Visualization Tools with An Example of Time Variable Background
Manual Recalibration with calwf3: Turning off the IR Linear Ramp Fit
Correcting for Helium Line Emission Background in IR Exposures using the “Flatten-Ramp” Technique
Correcting for Scattered Light in WFC3/IR Exposures: Using
to Mask Bad Reads
Correcting for Scattered Light in WFC3/IR Exposures: Manually Subtracting Bad Reads
WFC3/UVIS Filter Transformations with stsynphot
Flux Unit Conversions with synphot and stsynphot
Synthetic Photometry Examples for WFC3
WFC3/UVIS Time-dependent Photometry
Calculating WFC3 Zeropoints with STSynphot
WFC3/UVIS Pixel Area Map Corrections for Subarrays
Point Spread Function (PSF)
HST WFC3 Point Spread Function Modeling
Downloading WFC3 and WFPC2 PSF Cutouts from MAST
Open issue